Eternal Kingdom

Chapter Chapter Seven

**Rory's POV**

"Mr. Bennet?" I placed down my fountain pen, dragging my eyes from our quarterly reports to meet the anxious eyes of our receptionist, Janice.

She looked a mess, sweat forming on her wrinkled brow and a frown replacing her normally maternal smile.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" I asked, leaning forward on my elbows, my fists under my chin in morbid curiosity for her new state of mind. What could've been getting her so nervous? "You, um, have a visitor, sir. A very important visitor." She croaked out, her voice breaking midway.

I had a brief flashback of when I used to be called into meetings with the Sire, but he was dead. Besides, I was just a lowly Financial Officer now. What the hell would anyone important want with me? That's when I noticed two black-robed figures appear behind her.


"King Lorec?" I mumbled, mostly to myself.

Shit, was he here to fight me? Kill me? I wasn't prepared to battle him, especially not here. There were too many innocents.

Also, I thought he was in England. Did he fly all the way here to speak to me? Certainly not.

Just as suspected, Janice scurried off, leaving behind two dark angels and one hell of an intimidating King behind.

The man had waist length black hair and silver eyes that glowed. His suit looked like it belonged in 16th century England and his lips were contorted into a knowing and friendly smile atop his towering frame. He didn't look like he wanted to kill me, but I couldn't let down my guard.

I stood in respect, giving him a slight bow as not to provoke him.

"Rory Bennet." He spoke calmly in a thick British accent. Shit. He was the only supernatural I had seen in a while who didn't refer to me as 'King'. Then again, why would he? I wasn't a King to him.

"Yes, King Lorec. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I tried to speak as smoothly as possible, hiding my panic and praying that he didn't have the ability to hear my hammering heartbeat.

I almost offered him some scotch and a cigar on instinct, but then remembered that I wasn't in Vegas. The only refreshments here were water and coffee, both of which I doubted he would want. To my surprise, he nodded towards the blue armchair in front of my desk.

"May I have a seat?" He asked politely.

"Of course, please." I nodded quickly, gesturing to the chair as I sat myself. I glanced at the angels stationed by the door, wondering if they wanted seats as well, but they just kept their heads down.

Even in my brightly lit office, I couldn't make out their faces. It was unsettling, as if they didn't have faces at all. Noticing my discomfort, Lorec let out a deep chuckle.

"They won't hurt you. You haven't done anything wrong." He stated matter-of-factly, a hint of amusement lacing his words.

"Right. Is there something I could help you with, King?" I asked again, eager to get to the point and end our uncomfortable meeting as soon as possible. He crossed one leg over his knee, leaning forward on his hand in a casual posture. This was not how I expected him to conduct himself at all. He seemed too laid back and nonchalant, as if completely unaware of the tension surrounding his visit.

"Actually, there is. I have been meaning to talk to you for quite some time, son." My face twitched at his use of such an intimate title. He acted as if he was a mentor of mine, giving me sage advice, and not my sworn enemy. "I'm listening, sir."

"I would like you to join my court, Rory Bennet."

*What the literal fuck?*

My eyes grew wide, my jaw tensing so tightly that it hurt.

Did he just-?

I was at a loss for words, waiting for him to tell me he was joking and impale me with a weapon of some sort, but he never did. His silver eyes just regarded me with confidence.

"You know I can't do that, right?" I finally whispered. He had to know we were enemies, right? I was Aria's fucking royal! Was he out of his mind?

But he merely smiled, a pleasant and inviting smile, one that I had grown to expect in the business world amongst partners.

"I think you can, Rory. In fact, I think you will. Because I have something invaluable to offer you." I shook my head, trying to wrap my mind around his vague promise.

"What could you possibly offer me that would make me betray my Kingdom?" I asked incredulously.

"Queen Aria, of course."

"I already have her."

"Forgive me, I misspoke. Queen Aria, to yourself. Forever."


"Is this a threat against Bastion?" I asked carefully, unsure how to respond. He shook his head, shrugging.

"Not at all. Bastion's life would not be in danger. She would merely choose you as her sole lover."

No, that was impossible. He had no control over her feelings, right?

"You can't promise me that. And what do you mean by 'forever'?" Why I was even entertaining these foolish thoughts was beyond me, but I would have to confess that his ideal offerings were tempting me. "Oh, but I can. The dark magic's can be very persuasive, Rory. Also, I have a unique gift. I can grant immortality to those whom I wish. You already knew that, though, didn't you?"

The book from Jesse's office. The story of Anica Joan. She betrayed Lord Lysander in order to receive immortality from Lorec. He wasn't lying.

"This is crazy." I muttered, shaking the mere idea of agreeing to his deal from my head. Aria would never go for this. Not willingly. And was I so desperate as to force her?

"It's simple, Rory. Either you join me, get your love and eternal life, or you say no and I'll have no choice but to burn your pathetic little Kingdom to the ground. Nobody has to die, Mr. Bennet. It really is your call."

"You would kill them all?" I uttered in disbelief. This was a huge threat that he was treating like nothing more than a move in a game of chess.

"I would have to. You must understand, my two children have chosen to paint me like some sort of villain in this narrative, when all I'm doing is trying to take back what was rightfully mine. I am the victim in this. My children betrayed me and locked me away so they could have power, and now they have convinced some poor naïve kids that I'm out for blood. Honestly, what crimes have I truly committed?"

"Millions of people have died."

"Most of which were at the hands of other humans and supers. I only killed to protect my Kingdom. You understand that, don't you? You did the same. Twice."

Why was he making sense? It was true that his killings were really no different than ours. I personally killed ten werewolves during our war with the pack all for the sake of what the gods claimed was 'peace.'

And King Lorec hadn't done much to disrupt peace. He urged people to continue their lives in normalcy as much as possible. He promoted general welfare, only asking for obedience in return.

It was nothing unreasonable for a King.

I chewed my thumb nail, mulling over his claims and searching for inconsistencies. I must've been taking too long, because he added more.

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"I'm offering you the life you want. You could live carefree in my palace alongside your Wife and two beautiful children. What more could you want?" *Wife*.

Aria could be my wife, just like I'd always dreamed.

I could feel my resolve slipping away, pulling me into the depths of darkness being presented to me on a silver platter. I wanted to say yes.

I had to say yes.

"What do I have to do?"

A slow and sinister smile crept onto his face. He knew he had me snared.

"Become my assistant. Do what needs to be done when I command it of you."

"And Aria?"

"Get her to accompany you to my castle. Once we get her into the mage quarters, convincing her to only have eyes for you will be easy."

I furrowed my brow, picking up and tapping my pen on the desk.

"How could I possibly convince her to come with me? She'll never agree." I gritted between clenched teeth. She was far too stubborn for that. Lysander had his claws in too deep. His and Luna's lies sounded too believable.

"It might take some time." Lorec confessed with a shrug, leaning back and uncrossing his legs. "But what is a few months compared to eternity, my boy?"

A few months without my royal, without my love. It sounded like hell, but he made a point. If I could ensure that I would wake up next to her beautiful, flawless face forever, I would do just about anything.

"Feel free to try to speak to her today. We will be heading back to London tonight." He announced in finality. I bit my lip, uncapping my pen and pulling out a piece of stationary from my top drawer. "No, I'll leave her a letter. I want her to miss me, first." He stood with a triumphant grin.

"Very good, Rory. Very good, indeed."

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