Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 201: Madys Obsession

201 Mady's Obsession

[Day 158]

Today I woke up with Ailine over me this time. She was sleeping soundly in her slime form. Because she was too relaxed, she expanded her body too much and seemed to be a blanket made of transparent liquids, however, I could clearly see her Slime Core shining brightly over my face, which was also the thing that made me woke up.

"Ailine, sweetheart… Can you move?"

"Gobe… Guube… Guuboo… Guugueehh…"


I used my hands and stimulated Ailine's Slime Core with a small spark of lighting, harmless but shocking enough to wake her up.


"Gueeehh! M-Mama?"

"Ailine… Let mama move"

"Aah… Don't do that mama! It felt fuzzy…! Fuzzy!"

"Fufufu, I'm sorry, but lazy daughters need to have so kind of small punishment… You need to control how you sleep or you will end up drowning everyone or move your Slime Core so far away that it will detach from your main body!"

"Gueeehh! D-Detach?! I don't want that, mama!"

"Then be a good girl, mommy Rimuru can teach you to better maintain your body while sleeping"

"Really, mama?"

I nodded as I looked at the sleepy Rimuru at my left side, who was still in her flawless humanoid form without any disturbances whatsoever.

"See? Your mommy can maintain her forms masterfully!"

"Ooooh~! Mama can do it very well! Then I need to train!"

Due to our loud conversations, my other wives and children woke up as well, Rimuru quickly stood up as she jumped over both of us, embracing us in a tight hug using her slime arms.

"Good morning, guu!"

"Aah! Mama, mama told me that mama could remain in her form even when shleeping!"

"Guu? Me? I can, it just a natural thing by now, but it took some time on my younger days… It's a thing that you must maintain a certain focus"

"I see… Can mama teach me, guu?"

"Of course, guu! Mama will teach Ailine anything she wants! Because mama loooves Ailine!"

Rimuru quickly enveloped Ailine in a warm hug as she kissed her forehead.

"Hehehe, mama stop hugging me, it tickles!"

"I can't, guu! Ailine is too adorable, mama can't contain herself, guu!"

Rimuru kissed Ailine in her face and cheeks, alongside her shiny blonde hair, and then she poked her nose towards our daughter's, it was very adorable as the two saw each other with a warm smile. I hugged both of them as I kissed Ailine's forehead and Rimuru in her soft lips.

"Aaah! Mama is hugging us too! Hehehe"

"Master! You are very lovely today, guu"

"Thank both of you for being at my side… Rimuru, thanks for being always at my side… You have been always accompanying me…"

"Guuu! Of course, I was born to be at your side, so you could never be alone anymore, Master!"

"Thanks, Rimuru… Anyways, let's go have breakfast!"



They were still sleeping soundly so I decided to take some pieces of fresh Familiar meat as they immediately woke up and jumped over me.

"Aah! Meat! Deliciush!"

"I want some too, Ami!"

"Ah! Mama, we are crushing mama!"

"Oh no, Master!"

"Gueeh… So heavy…"

Valentia and Gaby also have a strong love for meat, as they also jumped over me, asking me for the meat. I was suddenly overwhelmed by three giantesses over my tiny body…

After the three got off me, I gave them some appetizers before breakfast. I noticed that Mady was already awake while reading her Phantasmal Grimoire, it seems that it can work as limitless storage of information that she can glance at any time.

She was doing some type of calculation while commanding tiny floating octopus that flew outside of the window towards different locations.

"Good morning, Master. I was just doing some calculations over the money we spent last week compared to the income of the war. Our Kingdom is flourishing due to the riches and we are in a nice spot. The thing that alleviates most of the necessities are the limitless food in Familiars, without them, we would be in a worse situation"

"Good morning Mady, I see… Is it due to our ever-growing population?"

"Indeed… It's completely unnatural for a Kingdom to grow this fast, we would have starved long ago if it wasn't for the power of your summoning magic... The resources in the Grand Forest are already almost exhausted, the only thing that we can obtain from it is from the mountains and the crops… Since you started making more Summoning Clones, the hunting around the forest became less aggressive and the fauna is slowly growing back, although the damage we have made won't be healed in a while"

"A-Ahh… I didn't know that we impacted the Forest like that, the last time I went around it was still filled with beasts…"

"Yeah, those are just the most dangerous ones, Master. The weakest ones which made the grand majority are all almost extinct… However, we have added most of these monsters in our cattle farms to raise and quickly multiply them…" contemporary romance

"Thanks, Mady, you have helped out the Rin Sisters a lot. Your information gathering and managing abilities are amazing. I'm glad to have at my side, however, you could take some time to relax as well, let's have some food"

"Fufufu… Worried about me, Master? Don't worry, I actually love to do this anyways, it feels exhilarating on my own way… I feel like my evolution just pushed this talent and obsession eve further! I can't wait to take over more Kingdoms economies…!"

"I-I see… I'm excited about the future as well"

I gave Mady a morning kiss in her lips and left her on her own work.

Although Mady has a slightly deviant attitude, I am no one to judge her. I still dearly love her even when she becomes like this sometimes. I can understand her passion more or less, she literally evolved into a species that manage information and deceive others.

I found Adelle, Ismena, and Acelina already walking around the room while trying dresses, because Adelle is also a Princess and was raised in the luxury of the Aquarian Royal Family, she will eventually make friends with the royal pair.

"Oh, there she is, my wife! Look over here, what do you think?"

Adelle revealed a beautiful dress made of a very thin and transparent fabric, which had a clear pink color and flower decorations, it had a lot of "freedom" in movements and seemed like a summer dress. She looked dazzling.

"You look wonderful! That dress goes incredibly well with your hair and eyes alongside your fair skin, Ismena and Acelina did a good job finding that for you"

Over my words, Adelle suddenly blushed as she stayed static for a moment.

"A-Ah… T-Thanks… I'm glad you like it…"

Ismena and Acelina looked at each other as they approached with some dresses towards me.

"Now, now… How about Master change her looks?"

"Indeed… It's about time, such beauty is wasted with those same Azuma Empire dresses all the time, how about trying new things?"

Both girls pressured me to wear the dresses they bought me, and because they worked quite hard yesterday, I accepted.

I quickly changed to these new dresses that didn't have any extra properties or stats, and were only cosmetic… However, in this world, there isn't a cosmetic equipment tab.

The first dress was made of the same fabric as Adelle's, but was of deep purple color, with several roses' decorations in the hips, it also only covered the front of my body as my back was exposed alongside a small line of my butt… I don't think this dress as my size. However, the royal trio loved it and asked me to do several spins, their glares put a lot of emphasis on my back and the revealing line of my butt.

The second dress was a cuter one, made of pale pink fabric, it was very thin and long, covering my back but revealing my shoulders. Alongside a pair of heels of the same color, my wives once again yelled as they praised my looks. Because there wasn't anything to hold them, my breast bounced around as I did a spin.

After they had enough, I took out the last dress and was completely nude for a moment until I used [Greater Equipment Materialization] to summon back my long and comfy Kimono alongside my white stockings and wood sandals.

After going through most of my wives, I reached Nephiana who was attending our children. She was cleaning the eggs with her feathers so they could maintain clean and warm.

"Chuu… Pink one needs more warmness… And the blue one is very warm, needs to cool off a little… Hmm… The red one has a strange aura, is it strong? Chuupi… Ah! Master"

"Good morning Nephi, how are the eggs?"

"Oh! They are doing fine… I can feel that each one is slowly developing their own auras, it's like a different flavor for each one!"

"F-Flavor? What do you mean?"

"Literally a flavor! I don't know… Their auras just smell like flavors… Like this red one is very spicy, but that blue one is quite bitter, while the pink one is incredibly sweet!"

"T-They are not candy…"

"I-I know, chuupi! But it's just like that"

"Do you remember if any of your tribe had developed something like this?"

"Not at all, it's the first time"

"I-I see… Well, whatever this is, they will grow very strong, it may be related to some kind of strong magic or skills"

"Yeah! Because they were born from Master's seed, they are sure to be born very strong! I can't wait! Our children will be strong and reliable warriors! I shall be the proud matriarch of the new tribe of Windy Mountain Harpies…!"

As I patted Nephiana, I gave her a warm kiss on her forehead, however, with some intent, she stole me a small peck on my lips.

"What a playful girl you are, Nephi. You should act more like a mother, fufufu"

"B-But I wanted to kiss you, Master…"

Seeing my adorable wife request, I couldn't help but give her what she wanted as I indulged myself in her soft lips for some seconds, she playfully explored the inside of my mouth with her tiny and slimy tongue. As we separated our lips, Nephi had a very lovely expression.

"Feel better now?"

"C-Chuupii… Y-Yes, that's all I needed to continue my day with energy!"

"Alright, I'll bring some food just like yesterday, wait for me"

"T-Thanks Master!"

When I bought back the Arachne Maids led by Sakura towards our spacious room, a big breakfast feast was unfolded. The delicious preparations varied from sweet cakes to different types of grilled meat.

The ingredients were varied and the meat was not only from Familiars, as there was premium meat from the farm cattle, from monsters and animals raised inside. There was a deliciously tender steak made with the Blood Beasts that I brought months ago to the farm, all those eggs slowly gave birth to hundreds of Blood Beast and because they were raised in a farm, they became tender and nice.

Blood Beasts are already a delicacy, but the ones raised from the egg tasted even better than the ones generated from the Bloody Sacrifice Dungeon. They had an overall rich flavor that came from their delicious fat and tender blood vessels. Even their raw blood was amazingly sweet nectar.

As the day went by, I resumed the training and exercises with my servants and wives. These mostly included Ismena, Acelina, Nanako, and the Twin Centaurs Girls. I also meet with Kaguya, she seemed to want to train her physical abilities.

However, I was conflicted as she seems to be a mage specialist, it's hard for mage specialist demi-humans to raise muscle and physical capabilities unlike humans who can be always allrounders. Nonetheless, she still joined in the workouts and beat all the previously mentioned girls anyways, so perhaps her thin complexion doesn't mean anything.

Ismena and Acelina strength haven't improved much though, so I made them do twice the exercises as yesterday. They were incredibly exhausted all the time, but my constant Stamina healing and [Puppet Master] forced them to go beyond their limits, even if their muscles were so tired that they ripped apart, I only had to heal them back.

It was a similar training than with Evan, but it was way easier and less aggressive. Evan had to break his bones and internal organs all the time to get as strong as he is now. Even more, after he assimilated and fused with my Slime Clones in the brink of death, he gained even more stats! What a cheat.

This also happened with various of my soldiers that were near death, like Celica who I was told received terrible wounds that left her entire body completely devastated, my Slime Clones had to work very hard to reconstruct her, but Celica's natural self-recovery as a Giantess helped, in the end, she was even stronger. I've thought about doing this with my other servants and wives, just to give them another boost in strength, but it could feel "unfair" for some, so I will just consider it.

Nanako was also working quite hard, due to not being a complete Dodomeki and being a Half-Human, she was able to receive both species benefits, but because she is mostly dedicated to long-ranged attacks, she had never trained her body like this.

Nonetheless, she worked hard to please me and accomplish my expectations. Her Human side will kick in someday and she will gain a sudden rise in strength and her physical capabilities. Similar to Lilith, Half-Species have a slow start but when they finally catch up, they just continue to get stronger and stronger without stopping. They could be considered even stronger than Humans.

The Centaur Girls get a harder workout due to being half horses, they can run very fast for a lot of time, so I gave them the same exercise but multiplied by 10 when it came to running, making them run 100 kilometers each day. They were very tired at the end; however, their legs were getting incredibly sturdy and muscular.

Each time I inspected their back area, they would get a little bit embarrassed. Is it because they genitals are on the open? Ah well, I like to inspect my future wives. Theirs are very beautiful as well, a little bit hairy, but that's the charm in them.

When everyone was done, I called over my Summon Clones as they commanded the massive army of EXP towards my servants. I left them on their own with some assistance as they fought for an endless army of Undead and Familiars. I recommended the Centaur Twins to eat what they kill, but they are not too used to it.





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