
Chapter Torture

I looked out my cell window and tried not to wonder what was outside those walls around the mansion. I grew up in this cell and have no idea what’s out there. Wait! I haven’t told you who or what I am. Or who put me in here.

I’m Sylvia Griffin. I’m an eighteen-year-old werewolf who, in her human form, has raven-black hair and lavender eyes. I have black fur and green eyes when I’m in wolf form. As for who put me in this cell, that would be my human mom and her human husband.

See, my mom had cheated on her husband once and that guy had been a werewolf. A werewolf’s genes are more dominant than a human’s so when I was born, I was a werewolf. Not that my mom and her husband found out until I was one. Then they put me in this cell and don’t let me out until they want to torture me. Which I heal from an hour after they’ve finished with me. In my human form, I have my wolf senses.

When I get mad my eyes start to turn green which means my wolf is close to the surface. I don’t really get mad often and when I do I hold it in. Wolves can talk mind-to-mind with each other whether we’re in human form or wolf form. I only know that because my mom likes to talk about stuff she hates about wolves and she only knows because she looked it up. She got the information from a site that a werewolf made. Which I think is cheating a little bit. Don’t you?

The door of the basement opened. Speak of the devils, I thought as my mom appeared with her husband in front of my cell. They opened it and handcuffed me. Great. Another torture session. “I don’t get why you’re torturing me,” I said.“You’re the one who slept with a werewolf.” I regretted it the moment I said it. I hate it when my anger speaks for me.

Mom whirled and slapped me across the face. Twice. “Don’t you dare speak to me, mutant,” she hissed. They brought me to the torture room and chained me to the bed with the silver chain. I winced at the burning. Oh, I forgot to say I’m immune to every sickness, immune to drugs and alcohol, immune to every type of poison, and I’m immortal. My weaknesses are silver and wolfsbane which these two have plenty of.

Mom’s husband grabbed the liquified wolfsbane and poured it onto my left leg. I jerked against the chains (which didn’t help) but didn’t make a sound even though it hurt like hell. Mom grabbed her silver dagger and stabbed my right shoulder. I bit my tongue to hold in my cry of pain which came out as a whimper. I wish it hadn’t come out as anything. I hated giving them the satisfaction that they were hurting me because that’s giving them what they want. She twisted it and I screamed. Dammit! You’d think I’d be able to hold it in by now. She laughed. Then she punched me in my solar plexus and all the air whooshed out of me. While I was still trying to get air back into my lungs she yanked out her dagger from my shoulder and sliced my stomach.

I didn’t scream. Mostly because I didn’t have enough air in my lungs to scream but it still angered her that I didn’t make a sound. She grabbed the wolfsbane and poured it on my stomach wound. I screamed and tried to break the chains holding me but, since they were silver chains, I hurt myself more by yanking on them. I’d be able to break them if I wasn’t half-starved.

Mom smirked. “You’re weak, you know that, right?” She punched me in the chest and I felt a rib break. Her husband poured oil on my right leg and set it on fire. I screamed again. He put the fire out and brought a hammer down on my left shin. The bone broke. I hated it when they broke my bones because as soon as they broke it started to heal and I had to rebreak them so they could heal properly.

Mom pulled out a jar holding silver powder. She grabbed a handful of it and sprinkled it on my torso. I shrieked and tears started streaming down my cheeks. He husband sliced my left shoulder off and I screamed. Regrowing a limb fucing hurts and now I had to do it. Again. The first time it had just been a hand. Now it was a whole freaking arm. Son of a bitch! My throat started hurting from all the screaming I’d been doing. I yanked on the chain that was holding my right arm. It helped center me. A little. I wanted this to stop. I was done being tortured for someone else’s mistake. It was her fault so she should be the one being tortured! Or her husband for being lousy. He should have tortured her for cheating on him but no. He had to forgive her for it.

Mom tsked. “I bet that hurt.” She broke my left shin again and I groaned in pain. Then she pressed the tip of her dagger into my collarbone and sliced it down to my stomach. Her husband poured wolfsbane on the wound and I yanked against my restraints again. They pulled me off the bed and rolled me over which gave me more pain. I heard them rummage around in their torture trunk. I heard a whistle of wind and felt the sting of a whip. When had they gotten a whip?

Whoever was whipping me brought it down again and again. I felt it bite into my skin but I refused to make a sound and since I didn’t make a sound they poured wolfsbane on the wounds. I screamed. I wish I would lose consciousness already but I didn’t. I felt them bring the hammer down on my left ankle and I cried out.

They did it again and I just jerked my left away which pissed them off so they stabbed my right leg. Then they sliced my back up with the silver dagger. Imagine all this happening while my left side felt like it was on fire. Yeah, it fucking hurts. I wanted it to stop but I knew it wouldn’t. I’ll heal slower today because of all the stupid silver they’re using. Oh, and let’s not forget about the wolfsbane. They will also slow it down a bit. You know what? I’m sorry. I’m just taking out my anger and stuff on you and that’s not fair or nice. So I hope you can forgive me. They then sprinkled silver powder on my legs, bag, and arm which made me scream again. They cut off my left leg and everything finally went dark.

When I came to I was back in my cell. I peeked at my left arm and saw that it had grown all the way to my elbow. My left leg had grown all the way to the thigh. Well, at least I don’t have to rebreak any bones. My other wounds were slowly healing like I knew they would. Stupid silver and wolfsbane. My nose hurt too and I touched it carefully. Crap, they broke it ad it healed wrong. I sucked in a lung full of air and rebroke it. I yelped but quickly set it so it could heal correctly.

I lay there panting for a minute then I looked at my water bucket and saw they had refilled it while I was passed out. The problem is, I couldn’t move and I was thirsty. I thought for a minute and figured out what I needed to do. I started to drag myself toward the water bucket. Inch by tortuous inch until I was finally there. I plucked up my plastic cup and filled it. Then drank it greedily. The cool liquid felt good going down my throat.

It took three full cups before I was satisfied. I filled the cup again and poured it on the burn on my right leg. I dunked my right wrist into the Then I started to shift into my wolf form since I healed faster while I was a wolf. It hurt because of all my injuries but luckily changing only takes thirty seconds even when I’m injured. When I was in my wolf form I stayed where I was panting. Well, my left foreleg (left arm) is healed but I still didn’t have my left hind leg (left leg). I forced myself to stand up and shook out my fur. Then sneezed. Ugh, the smell of dust is a lot worse while I’m in this form.

I drank some water again then went and laid down in the back right corner of my cell. After laying there for ten minutes, I fell asleep hoping that everything would be healed when I woke up.

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