
Chapter Mother

Dominic and I were up before Ash. I was eating breakfast when he came down. “You’re awake,” I said after I finished chewing a mouthful of eggs.

“And you’re human,” he replied.

I nodded. “We have a meeting in an hour.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“I found out some stuff.”

He grabbed a blood bag from the fridge. “What stuff?”

“She won’t say,” Dominic said.

“You’ll both find out at the meeting,” I stated firmly.

“That’s what you said last night,” Dominic grumbled.

Ash blinked. “She had woken up last night?” He asked after he finished his breakfast.

Dominic nodded. “She woke up, found a necklace her father left for her, told me we needed to have another meeting, and went back to sleep.”

That was sort of true. I finished my food and put the plate in the sink. “Let’s go,” I said. We left and went to Alton’s house. Tom opened the door before we got there and led the way to the Conference Room where all the Commanders were waiting. They all looked tired. “Hello, everyone,” I said.

“Is there something wrong, Your Grace?” Nature asked. “Dominic just said you found something out and called a meeting.”


“No, nothing’s wrong. I did find some things out and knew you all needed to know about it. First, Lord Flame’s real name is Roland Hatch. He is now a weredemon,” I told them.

Shock slid across all their faces. “He is?” Alton said.


“Wow,” Alora said.

“Another thing is I have a few more powers than we thought I did.”

“Realy? What are they?” Ash asked.

“We know I have fire and teleportation but I also have ice, prediction, and single sight. Which is everything my father had.”

“How do you know this stuff?” Nature asked.

“Last night my father and the late Duchess spoke to me in a dream. It was a one-time deal and they used that to tell me all of this. It’s how I found this necklace too.” I touched it then dropped my hand. I looked at Dominic and Ash. “Oh, the Duchess said she leaves me in your care.”

Ash snorted. “Like you would let us.”

I smiled. “I will. I just will be fighting with you instead of cowering behind you. Mostly because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.” I looked at the others. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if any of you got hurt.” I paused. “My father had me promise to keep Endania safe and I will but I’ll need your help. So my question is, are you guys willing to help me take out Lord Flame and protect Endania?”

“I’m in,” Ash said. Dominic nodded in agreement.

“I’m in too,” Alora said.

“Count me in,” Nature said.

“Agreed,” Alton said.

Gillian nodded. “I’m in too, Your Grace.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Nature, have you contacted your siblings yet?”

“Yes. They’re on their way here,” she answered.


The door burst open and Mon came in quickly. “Syl…Your Grace!” She said.

I mentally scowled. I hate being called that. “Yes?” I said calmly.

“Your mother is here.”

Dominic and Ash tensed. “Where is she?” I asked giving my guards a look.

“She’s at the park waiting for you.”

“Then Dominic, Ash, and I will go meet her.” I turned to the others. “Before we leave, is there anything you need to tell me?” They shook their heads. “Okay. Let’s go.” I walked out of the house with Ash and Dominic behind me. When we got to the park we saw her sitting on a bench. My heart started beating faster.

Ash and Dominic heard it. Ash gently touched my arm. “Are you sure about this, Sylvia?” He asked quietly. “Dom and I can take care of this.”

I swallowed hard. “Yes. I need to do this. I need to get over my fear of her. Otherwise, I’m going to be a terrible leader.”

“Okay. Dom and I are right behind you.”

“Right.” I sucked in a lung full of air and let it out slowly. I can do this. I walked over to her. “Hello, Mom,” I said calmly. I have decided that the best way to approach this situation is to be polite.

She looked at me and I saw anger in her eyes. It took all my willpower not to flinch away. “How did you get out?” She asked coldly.

“I picked the lock. I had plenty of time to practice after all.”

“You will come back with me.”

“No, I won’t,” I said gently. “I am the leader of Endania. I can’t leave. But thanks for the offer.” Okay, I didn’t really mean that but since I’m being polite, I had to say it.

“I am your mother and you will listen to what I say,” she said fiercely.

“You never treated me like a daughter. You treated me like dirt.”

“I did not!”

“You tortured me for seventeen years.” I held up my right arm to show her the scars. “I have proof. I might heal quickly, Mom, but I can still scar.” I dropped my arm. My left arm has scars too. Like where they cut it off and burned it but I decided just showing my right arm would do the trick. Thought from the look in her eyes, she didn’t care.

“I did that because you’re a monster. Monsters don’t deserve to live in peace. They deserve to live in pieces.”

“The only monster here,” I said carefully. “Is you. No one would ever do what you did. I’m not your daughter and I never will be. Now please leave. It’s for your own safety.” Dominic and Ash looked like they were ready to kill her, that’s why I said that last part.

“Why do you care?” She snarled. “I bet you’d love to see me dead.”

I sighed. “No, I wouldn’t. They would,” I said motioning to Ash and Dominic. “But I don’t want you dead. Actually, I’m the only reason you aren’t dead right now.”

“Aw, do you want me to kneel and thank you?” She snorted. “Like I’d ever get on my knees for someone like you.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I get enough of that as is.” I looked her in the eye and let my single sight unroll. I made it focus on her past and I saw everything that happened that night. My eyebrow went up. “Huh. From what I’ve heard, you begged my dad to sleep with you. Are you saying you didn’t kneel during that?”

Her eyes widened. “How did you…?” She shook her head. “I never begged,” she spat. “I was drunk.”

“Yes, you were,” I acknowledged. “But you went up to my dad and begged him to sleep with you.” I saw a lot of stuff to use against her and it seems to be working.

“No,” she snapped.

“You were mad at your husband (and I don’t blame you. He’s a terrible person.) and you wanted to hurt him. So you came to Endania and went to a bar. Then you got yourself drunk and begged the first guy you saw to sleep with you. That guy just happened to be my father.” I smirked. Now I was being a little mean and I didn’t care. “It could happen to anyone, right? Get drunk, sleep with a guy, and get pregnant with a werewolf kid. Not shocking at all.” I was never going to get these images out of my head. Oh, well.

She slapped me. Hard. Dominic had her on the ground before she could do it again. Ash came to me. “Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.

I nodded. “I’m fine. I pushed a little too far.” I looked at my mom. “Kita Don, I hereby banish you from Endania.” I turned to go. “Dominic, please escort her out and take her ID. I don’t want to risk her doing anything. Then meet us at the house.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” He said. Ash and I walked away.

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