
Chapter Info

I was awoken by the smell of bacon. I got up and looked around trying to figure out where I was. Then I remembered. I was at the Duchess’s house beginning my new life. I went to the closet and changed into jeans, a blue long-sleeve shirt, a red sweater, and boots. That way my scars will be hidden. I was brushing my hair when Ashero came in. “Good morning, Ashero,” I said as I began braiding my hair.

“Good morning, Miss Griffin,” he replied.

“Um, do you have to call me ‘Miss Griffin’?”

He blinked. “No. Is there something else you wish me to call you?”


He nodded. “I’ll call you Sylvia if you call me Ash.”

“Deal.” My stomach growled.

He smiled a little. “Hungry?”

I nodded and stood. “My last meal had been a mouse four days ago.” I figure I should tell him things like that since he’s supposed to guard me.

“Four days?”

“Yes. No food was part of the torture I’ve gone through. The only reason I even got the mouse is because it made the mistake of wandering into my cell and was too slow to get away.” Though wolves don’t usually eat mice, I was desperate and hungry.

“How long did they torture you for?”

“They’ve tortured me since they found out what I am.”

“Which was?”

I looked at him. “You have to promise not to tell anyone.”

He was silent for a minute then nodded. “Okay.”

“I was one when they found out I was a wolf,” I said quietly. “My mom was pissed and the torture was the result.”

“They tortured you for seventeen years?” Ash said shocked.

“Yes.” I left the room and went to the dining room which I only found because I followed my nose.

The Duchess smiled when she saw me. “Good morning. I bet you’re eager to explore Endania.”

“I am but I’ll eat before I do, Your…Mom,” I hastily corrected myself. She said I could call her mom so I will. It will just be a while before I’m used to it.

“That’s a good idea.” She looked at Ash. “Ashero, is there something wrong? Your eyes are a little silver.”

“I’m fine. Just mad at the people who hurt Sylvia,” he said through gritted teeth.

She nodded. “I am too. How dare they beat her! They will pay.” She turned to me. “How many times did they beat you?”

“Too many to count,” I muttered.

“She hasn’t eaten in four days,” Ash said suddenly.

“What!?! Then we’ll have to make sure you eat enough.” She piled food onto my plate as I glared at Ash.

He smirked. ~You made me promise not to tell her they tortured you for seventeen years. You didn’t say not to tell her you haven’t eaten in a while.~

I blinked. That’s an odd feeling to have someone talk in your mind.

After Ash and Her…Mom made me eat three plates of food, Ash and I left. “How do you speak to someone in their head?” I asked after the house was out of sight.

He frowned. “You don’t know how?”

I scowled. “Uh, hello? I was in a cell for seventeen years and never came into contact with other people like me.”

“Right, sorry. You just think of you you want to speak to and then think of what you want to say.”

“Oh.” I concentrated. ~Ash?~

He smiled. ~Yes?~

“I did it!” I paused. “Oops.”

He laughed. “Good job.”

“Hey, Ash!” A voice called.

We both turned and I saw it was Dominic talking. I guess I can’t recognize his voice yet. “Hey, Dom. What’s up?” Ash said.

“I heard you passed and got a charge.”

Ash looked at me. “Yes, and she’s literally standing right beside me.”

Dominic’s eyes landed on me. “You got the new girl? Why does she need to be protected? She just got here and hasn’t had a chance to make any enemies.”

“She’s the Duke’s daughter and her mother wants to hurt her. And her name is Sylvia.”

“Do you have an ID?” Dominic asked me coldly.

I bared my teeth at him in a smile which just made his eyes narrow. “Yes, Monica gave it to me yesterday.”

“Good,” he growled and walked away.

“He doesn’t like me,” I muttered.

Ash snorted. “He doesn’t like anyone. The only person he’s nice to is Her Grace.”

“He didn’t speak coldly to you,” I pointed out.

“He taught me for a couple of years before I was passed onto someone else.”

“Hey, Sylvia!” Monica said as she came over to us.

I smiled. “Hey, Monica.”

“You can call me Mon. All my friends do.”

~And her siblings.~ Ash said.

Mon scowled. “I heard that.”

He smirked. “I meant you to.”

I blinked. “You can speak into multiple people’s minds?”

“Yes.” He turned to Mon. “She’s exploring the town.”

Mon smiled. “That’s great. Are you going to introduce her to Commander Alton?”

He sighed. “Thinking about it.”

“Who’s that?” I asked.”

“Vampire leader,” Ash muttered. He didn’t sound happy about that. I frowned at him but he just shrugged.

“There are leaders for each of us. The Duchess is just the leader of those leaders,” Mon said.

“So who’s the leader of the wolves?” I asked.

“Right now it’s Dominic. But once you’re trained it will be you.”


“Yes, because you’re the Duke’s daughter. He was the leader of all wolves when he was alive.”

“You’ll also take the Duchess’s place if she dies,” Ash added.

“I already knew that,” I told him. “I didn’t know I was expected to lead all wolves.” I paused. “Who’s the leader of all dragons?”

“Commander Nature. She just told me to leave out the ‘Commander’ part when I introduced her yesterday,” Mon said.


“Commander Gillian.”


“The Duchess.”

“All leaders are called Commanders,” Ash said.

“Oh.” Then a thought accord to me. “Dominic has to train me, doesn’t he?”

Ash winced. “Yes, and he’s a tough teacher.”

“So I have to be trained by someone who hates me,” I stated unhappily.”

Mon sighed. “Yeah, sorry.”

“But he’ll never hurt you,” Ash said then paused. “Physically.”

“He won’t hurt her mentally either,” Mon said. “He’s going to make it so she’s she’s stronger physically and mentally.” She looked at me. “I can already tell you’ll be an amazing leader.”

“You two just met me and you already trust me?” I asked.

“Do you trust us?” Ash asked.


“Then it shouldn’t surprise you that we trust you,” Mon said. “Now that that’s settled. “Let’s go visit Commander Alton.” We headed off.

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