
Chapter Arrest

In the morning we ate breakfast and went our separate ways. Dominic and Eric went in the direction of the Training Hall while Ash and I went in the opposite direction. Once we told the Commanders there could be an attack they rushed off to tell their people. After that Ash and I decided to walk around for a while. I watched as everyone ran around getting ready. “It’s like a bee hive,” Ash said.

I nodded but said nothing because I just spotted someone who shouldn’t have been here in Endania. Two people actually. My mom and her husband. Panic shot through me and all the tortures I’ve gone through flooded my mind. With an effort, I shoved them back and calmed myself. Ash was scanning around us to find out what had distressed me. I frowned. Why hadn’t he seen them yet? Were they blocking themselves somehow? I walked over to them. “You aren’t supposed to be here,” I said.

Mom glared. “I can go wherever I want.”

“No,” I said with forced calm. “I banished you from Endania and you no longer have an ID. So you shouldn’t be here.” I looked at her husband. “And you never had any of those things so you are here illegally.”

“How did you even get in?” Ash growled.

Jack Don, her husband, smirked. “We have our ways.”

“Why are you helping her?” I demanded. “She cheated on you!”

His eyes narrowed. “I got over that a long time ago. She said she was sorry and I believe her.”

“Then you’re stupid,” Ash said.,

“You don’t actually forgive her because you took your anger at her out on me,” I said.

“Well, that was a week ago, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, you’re well past due for another one,” Mom added.

I swallowed. “I’m not going back.”

Mom smirked and shot something at Ash. It hit and he screamed. “You’re coming,” she said.

I knelt beside Ash. “Ash!” I said. I grabbed the dart and gasped. It was Fangro! How did they get that plant? It’s rare and extremely hard to find!

“Run,” Ash forced out between his teeth.

“I-I can’t leave you!”

“You can’t let them have you. Go!”

I stood but then froze. What am I doing? I’m not defenseless! I summoned my fire and green flames erupted around me. I made them form a circle around Ash and me. Mom shot another dart but it melted as soon as it touched the flames. I shifted and launched myself at Jack while keeping the flames around Ash. They were far enough away that they wouldn’t hurt him. My jaws clamped onto Jack’s shoulder tightly and he screamed. He hit me, trying to make me let go. I did but only to go for his throat. Mom was busy being in shock so she didn’t do anything.

I didn’t rip out his throat like my instincts were telling me to. Instead, I just squeezed enough to cut off his airway. He passed out and I let go. I began circling my mo…Kita. For now on I’ll be calling her Kita. I growled at her warningly. “You killed him!” She screamed and shot a dart at me. I dodged and snarled. Get the hint, I silently begged. I hate her but I still can’t bring myself to attack her.

Suddenly a wolf launched itself over me and clamped its jaws on her throat. It took me a minute but I realized it was Dominic. ~Don’t kill her.~ I ordered. ~Just make her pass out.~


~Dominic.~ I growled.

~Fine.~ Kita went limp and he let her go. Then he shifted.

I made the flames around Ash disappear and then shifted too. “Ash,” I said kneeling beside him.

“I’m fine,” he growled. I could see the pain he was going through in his eyes. “Just waiting for the pain to pass.”

I nodded and stood. “It shouldn’t take much longer.” I should know because I’ve gotten hit with Wolfsbane a lot and Donna said that Fangro is a vampire wolfsbane. So it will wear off soon even if it’s very painful. I actually felt bad for him. I watched him for a minute.

“Why!?!” Dominic suddenly shouted.

I looked at him evenly. “Because we need to find out how they got in. We can’t do that if they’re dead.”

“They were going to kill you,” he snarled. His eyes were green which told me he was mad and his wolf was close to the surface.

“No, they weren’t,” I said carefully. “They were going to torture me again.”

“Same thing.”

I looked at him for a minute. He was really pissed. “Dominic, we need to question them. They shouldn’t have been able to get in but they did. Even while being pissed you should see that we can’t kill them.”

“She’s right, Dom,” Ash said and winced as he stood up.

Dominic growled. “Fine. But if we bring them to the prison they stay there.”

“Deal,” I said and motioned to two guards. “Please put these two in two different cells.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” they said and picked them up then walked away.

I looked at Ash. “See? I can take care of myself.” Even if Dominic had to butt in.

He snorted. “Not when it comes to your mom.”

I sighed. “I know. I hate her but I can’t bring myself to hurt her. Stupid, right?”

“A little.”

I scowled. “You were supposed to say ‘no’.”

“Ah, but that would be a lie, wouldn’t it?”

“I hate you.”

He laughed. “I know you do.”

“Oh, so you know I hate you but you don’t try to do anything to change that.”

He grinned. “Where’s the fun in that?”

I rolled my eyes and turned to Dominic. “Did you leave Eric in the Training Hall?”

“No,” he said. He was a little calmer now. “He’s at home. He’s a good fighter and I got everyone to carry a weapon too.”

“Good.” I turned to Ash. “Can you go get get him? He should be there when we question Kita and Jack.”

Ash glanced at Dominic and then back to me. “Are you sure?”

I smiled. “Dominic is my guard just like you. He won’t hurt me.”

“And he’s standing right here,” Dominic grumbled. “Ash, I won’t hurt her. My job’s to protect her and that’s what I’ll do until I die.”

Ash nodded. “Alright. I’ll meet you two at the prison.” He walked away.

Dominic and I started walking to the prison. “Have you had a chance to ask Ash when he plans to tell me how he feels?” I asked. I hope he did because I need to know when my answer is expected.

“He doesn’t know when he’s going to tell you. It could be today, tomorrow, or next week.” He looked at me. “Which means you better figure out how you feel soon.”

I bit my lip. “I know. I might have to wait until he tells me and see what reaction I’ll have.”

He shook his head. “Not a good idea.” He paused outside the prison. “You like joking with him and you protected him.”

“Yeah, but I’d do that stuff to a friend too,” I pointed out.


Ash and Eric showed up then and we went inside. “Hello, we’re here to talk to Jack and Kita Don,” I told the receptionist.

She nodded. “Follow me please.” We did.

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