
Chapter Alpha

We got there a little later. All the Commanders were already there. When Commander Alton saw us he said, “Ashero, Your Grace, I’m glad you could make it. Now we can begin.”

“What’s this about?” Ash asked.

“One of our people has told us Her Grace’s mother has returned from her trip,” Commander Nature said.

I went still. ~Has she found out I’m not there?~ I asked.

“Not yet. But it’s only a matter of time before she does.”

~Yes.~ I agreed.

“Alora has also informed us that you know how to use your fire, You Grace,” Commander Dominic said.

Ash and I both looked at her. “Sorry,” she muttered. “It slipped out.”

I sat. Here comes the part where I become Alpha. I had been hoping for more time but I guess that flew out the window. ~Yes. The knowledge I needed came to me when I agreed to be your Duchess.~

“Are you aware of what this means?” Commander Gillian asked.

~I am.~

Dominic stepped forward and rested his hand on my head. “I transfer all leadership of the werewolves to you,” he said in a voice filled with power.

I felt the leadership settle around my shoulder. ~I accept.~

“We now name you the Alpha,” all the Commanders said at the same time.

I felt power race through my veins. I also felt my wolf form grow bigger. I looked each of them in the eye then tilted my head back and howled. Dominic shifted and howled too. Then more howls joined ours. I stopped howling and listened as the howls died down. Dominic shifted back into his human form. “Alpha, will you allow me to be your second guard?” He asked.

I looked at him for a few minutes. Then came to a decision. ~You may. But I know there is something you need to say to make that final.~

He nodded and knelt. “I, Dominic, pledge to protect the Alpha for as long as I may live.”

~I accept your pledge and you may guard me.~ I responded.

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

Ash sighed. “Now that that’s done, what’s next?”

Everyone looked at me. ~I want to see how long it takes for Lord Flame to notice that his killing the Duchess did nothing.~

“That’s what Alora told us. So we’re going to wait for him to make the first move and train our people in the meantime?” Alton asked.


“And what do you want us to do about your mother?” Nature asked.

~We’ll wait for her to find me. If she does I want you to leave her to me.~ I paused. ~I also want to be the one who kills Lord Flame.~

“That makes sense but are you sure about your mother?” Ash asked. “Will you be able to kill her?”

I looked at him. ~No, I won’t be able to kill her. However, I don’t want her dead either. If she doesn’t leave me alone or attacks me after I’ve spoken to her, you or Dominic can take care of her.~

“And her husband?” Dominic asked.

~If we end up killing her, I will deliver the news to him.~

“Or we can leave her on his doorstep,” Ash suggested.

I growled. ~No! He’ll call the police and they’ll swarm Endania. I don’t want that. I will tell him myself.~

“Fine,” Ash grumbled.

~Is there anything else, Commanders?~

“Yes,” Gillian said. There was guilt in his eyes. “I’m afraid some of my demons have left us and joined Lord Flame.”

~Was this before or after the Duchess’s death?~


~Were they aware that I had taken her place?~

He shook his head. “No, Ma’am. Lord Flame killed the Duchess, talked to you, and then convinced some of my people to join him. I am very sorry. I should have known he’d try to do that.”

~I see. I don’t believe anyone could stop him from doing that.~ I said reassuringly. ~Besides, it won’t affect any of our plans. Just make sure that the guards at the gate are on the lookout for them so they don’t let those demons in.~


Then a question I’ve been meaning to ask came to the front of my mind. ~Can werewolves teleport?~

“Only the powerful ones,” Dominic said. “So you and Lord Flame both can.”

I searched my mind and found out how to do it. ~Okay. Is there anything else you need to tell me?~

They all thought for a minute. “Do you think I should have Wind come here?” Nature asked. “And Water?”

I blinked at her in confusion. So Ash stepped in. “Definitely Water,” Ash said. “She’ll help put out the fires that are sure to break out.” That’s when I realized they were talking about the other Element Dragons.

“What about Wind?” She asked.

“No, but Nado should come,” Alton said.

Now I was confused again. ~Nado?~

“It’s short for Tornado. He just rather be called Nado,” Ash explained.


“How about Fire?” Gillian asked. “Is he still busy?”

“No,” Nature said. “So Water, Nado, and Fire. Anyone else?”

“Earth?” Ash suggested. “She could help bury any casualties we might have.”

“Yes, and I think that’s everyone,” Alora said.

Nature nodded. “I’ll contact them.”

I kind of felt left out since I didn’t know all her siblings. I searched my mind and found the long list and their abilities. Then I found a list of everyone that is in Endania. I mentally growled. Why hadn’t I looked before? ~Is there anything else?~ I asked.

“One other thing. Werewolves can see and speak to ghosts,” Alton said. “Everyone forgot to tell you.”

~Alright. Nature, is the house finished?~

She nodded. “Yes. Mon and I finished just before this meeting was called.”

I nodded. ~Then if we’re finished here, I’d like to go and get some sleep.~

“We’re done,” Alton said.

Ash Dominic and I left. ~Did you actually forget to tell me that werewolves can see ghosts, Ash?~ I said.

Ash shook his head. “No, I hadn’t even known you could, I swear.”

I looked at Dominic. ~And you?~

“I did forget. But only because we don’t really have ghosts here,” he replied frowning at the ground. He didn’t look like he enjoyed the fact that he forgot. I was actually surprised he offered to be my guard.

We don’t have ghosts here yet, I thought. As soon as people start dying we might. ~Okay. I don’t want either of you to hide anything from me. Even if you think it will hurt me. Okay?~

They both nodded. “I had only been doing what I was told,” Ash grumbled. “I didn’t do it on purpose. So can you please stop holding it over my head?”

~Oh, so someone told you not to tell me I am the first female Alpha?~

He scowled. “That’s not fair. I had actually forgotten to tell you. It was an accident.”


“It was!”

“You forgot to tell her that?” Dominic said in disbelief.

Ash groaned. “It was an accident!”

~Ash, chill. You’re allowed to make mistakes. That’s part of life.~

“Yeah, I know. At least you didn’t fire me for it,” he muttered.

I sneezed. ~That’s the stupidest reason to fire someone ever.~ We were silent the rest of the way home. Ash checked my room before going through the connecting door to his room. I jumped up onto my bed and laid down. Dominic, in wolf form, laid down by the door. Then I rested my head on my paws and fell asleep.

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