Enchanting Winter


You believe in that?” Willow scoffs.

“I’m a wolf Willow, that faith is in me. I hope to find my own mate one day.”

“You truly believe there is only one person for you?” Willow seems unconvinced but Luke doesn’t respond instead he just nods his head.

The two eat in silence for a few moments before Luke speaks up.

“Your Magic was even more impressive than I thought.”

“I didn’t think I could channel it like that.”

“Of course you can. The ring helps but you’ll get better and better the more you practice.”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Why would you hurt someone?”

“When I first arrived and my magic surfaced I sent an icicle flying at Anna. I hadn’t meant it. I hate myself for it.”

“Willow, that was an accident. You are still new to this, mistakes happen.”

Willow doesn’t get a chance to respond as Anna and Jonathan enter the room.

“I’m sorry for the interruption m’lady. The Duke is hosting a game of polo on back field and requests that you and Mr Bane be present.” Jonathan explains as Anna heads straight for the wardrobe in a panic.

“Me?” Luke clarifies.

“Yes sir. Most of last night’s guests are still present and his grace is insisting.”

“I don’t think I have proper attire for polo.” Luke furrows his brow.

“We have to play? I have no idea how to-” Willow is cut off as the two men begin to laugh at her. “What?”

“Ladies do not play m’lady.” Jonathan explains.

“This whole realm is insanely sexist.” Willow scowls and Luke playfully shoves her arm.

“Get ready. I’ll come back and collect you and we can walk down together.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

Luke leaves the room with Jonathan carrying the breakfast trays behind him. Anna finally emerges from the closet with an arm full of material.

“I think this will do.” She sighs. “There are so many possible matches for you here Lady Willow. The duchess is very excited by the possibility.”


“Well of course she knows Mr Bane is just your friend but there is Mr Nicholas Black, the Count of Chamberland’s son and Marquess Joshua Mills.”

“Joshua is here?”

“Oh yes, I believe his Lordship arrived just after your disappearance.”

Willow lets Anna dress her before a knock at the door signals Luke is waiting. Willow wraps her hand around Luke’s extended arm and the two begin their decent down the stairs.

“You are not to leave my side.” Willow orders as the pair enters the parlour.

“Excuse me?”

“My grandmother sees to marry me off and I don’t intend for Marquess Mills to be the match she decides.”

“Mills is here?”


As though sensing his name Joshua appears in front of the pair.

“Lady Willow you look magnificent this morning. I do hope you are feeling better. Lord Black informed me that you were unwell yesterday evening.”

Willow clings a little tighter into Luke.

“I’m quite alright.” She says softly.

“Your grandmother insisted I stay, I believe she also agrees with our match.”

Willow hears two growls; one comes from beside her and the other, a familiar voice in her head. Willow finds herself automatically searching the room until her eyes rest on Cassius. He offers her a small smile and it takes all of her self-control not to return it especially with her conversation with Quinn in the forefront of her mind.

“Would you like me to escort you out onto the lawn?” Joshua interrupts Willow’s thoughts pulling her gaze back to him.

“No thank you I have Mr Bane as my escort today.” Willow says quickly and Luke chuckles at the look of disbelief on the young Marquess’s face.

“But your grandmother...” Joshua trails utterly confused by being refused.

“Shouldn’t meddle. It is bad manners.” Willow says in her snootiest voice as she pulls Luke along with her.

“Well played m’lady.” Cassius’s voice almost startles Willow. His tone gruff yet amused.

Stay out of my head. Go back to ignoring me.

“As I said last night love. My silence is your doing.”

Willow pulls Luke to a stop suddenly and he looks at her with his eyebrows raised.

“Can a werewolf kill a vampire?” Willow asks bluntly and Luke lets out a small laugh.

“Trouble in that head of yours Willow?”

“Can a werewolf kill a vampire?”

“Yes.” “No.” Luke and Cassius answer simultaneously. Willow spins on her heel to find Cassius standing behind her his eyes a shimmering purple, proving he is not fully in control.

“I wasn’t asking you.” Willow snaps.

“Do you guys want some privacy?” Luke asks looking between the pair.

“Yes.” “No.” Cassius and Willow reply together.

“Does my grandfather know about the vampires in the Winter Grove forest?” Willow’s steely gaze is fixed on Cassius.

“I don’t believe so.”

“Did you know they were there?”


“Do you know who they are?”

Cassius doesn’t answer right away instead his gaze locks briefly with Luke’s.


“If you don’t tell her I will.” Luke says his voice low and threatening.

Willow looks between the two men with her eyebrows furrowed.

“Tell me what?”

“It is my father’s coven.”

“Your father?”

Cassius’s face remains stoic as Willow processes the information.

“You said you lost your parents.”

“Nicholas and I lost our mother not long after he was born. Our father...he had obligations to his coven. At first he chose us, he chose his family but eventually that choice was taken from him. His own father demanded that he turn our mother so that we could all live as part of the coven. Our mother was turned but refused to go through the transition. She hadn’t wanted that life, for herself or for us.”

“She died.”

“Yes, while Nicholas and I were born as vampires and it takes a little more to kill us.” Cassius throws a pointed look at Lukos. “A turned vampire is actually already ‘dead’ but yes, she let herself die instead of completing the change. Our father left immediately and the Duke and Duchess took us in.”

“And now?”

“My father has returned to Winter Grove.”


“I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Tell her.” Luke growls from beside Willow and Cassius tenses.

“Shut your mouth wolf.”

“She deserves to know.”

“Know what exactly.” Willow narrows her eyes at Cassius.

“My father is vampiric royalty Willow.”

“Does that make you a prince?”

“Technically. Nicholas and I have long abandoned our connection to our father. I am unsure what he wants but if the vampire king is here it can’t be good.”

“You need to tell my grandfather.”

“Willow I-”

“He needs to know. He is responsible for the people of Winter Grove and needs to be able to look after everyone.”

Cassius sighs and the three stand briefly in silence.

“Quinn informed me of your conversation.” Cassius’s breaks the silence in Willow’s head.

Don’t. I refuse to talk about this until you speak with the Duke.

“So I shouldn’t tell you that Quinn is speaking with the Duchess as we speak?”

Cassius eyes twinkle in amusement at Willow’s shocked expression but she is quick to school her features.

“Come on Luke.” Willow pulls Lukos out to where the polo match is taking place.

“What did he say?” Luke asks once they are outside.

“He was being his normal jerk self.”

Luke laughs shaking his head.


“You like him Willow. Why deny it? This frustration it is simply built up lust. You’ll be a whole lot happier when you finally let yourself feel.”

“I can’t.”

“The engagement?” Luke asks and Willow nods. After a few moments of walking in silence Willow and Luke arrive to watch the polo match and Willow steers herself towards her grandfather.


He needs to know Cassius.

“I intend to tell him m’lady but I need to know more first.”

Willow mentally groans.

“Give me until the end of the polo match. Bring you grandparents and the wolf to the Duke’s office at the conclusion of the match.”

Luke studies Willow now knowing the signs for when she is talking to Cassius inside her head.

You are going to the woods?


Is it safe, by yourself?

“Are you worried about me love?”

Don’t be a dick.

Cassius laughs at Willow’s comment.

“Don’t worry about me Willow. Eighty minutes.”


“This whole weekend is a disaster.” The Duchess drops into her chair across from Willow. The Duke, Duchess, Nicholas, Luke, Quinn and Willow wait for Cassius to return.

Eighty minutes passed long ago and no matter how many times Willow calls to him it grows increasingly clear that he is not answering.

“Aunt and Uncle I’m so sor-”

“Quinn. Please. None of this is your fault.” The Duke cuts her and gives her a soft smile before sending his wife a glare for the scoff that leaves her mouth. “Nicholas, please call your brother, it is really Lord Black we need to speak with.”

“Preferably before my guests realise we are missing. After all this is Willow’s opportunity, so many fine gentlemen waiting for their chance.”

Willow squeezes Luke’s hand so tight he groans. “Will, you need to chill.”

“I was hoping Lady Willow might be able to call Cassius my lord.”

“Why on earth would Willow-” the Duchess cuts herself off as Willow moves her collar to reveal Cassius’s mark on the delicate skin of her neck. The Duchess gasps before the woman actually passes out on the floor.

Talk about dramatic.

The Duke waves his hand and the Duchess disappears off the floor.

“Is she?” Willow has no idea what to ask.

“She will be fine dear. Your grandmother hasn’t hosted a party in quite sometime, I believe the stress is getting to her.”

“I’ll go and sit with her.” Quinn suggests and leaves the room quickly.

A deafening silence passed over the room. The Duke does not take his eyes off Willow’s neck and no one dares make a sound.

“How long?” He asks finally.

“I haven’t heard from him since the match started.” Willow says.

“No. How long have your carried his mark?” The Duke clarifies his question, his expression stone cold.

“Just over a month.”

“Do you know his true nature?”


“And what does he think of your relationship with the wolf?” The Duke bods towards Luke who is still groaning as Willow squeezes the blood completely from his hand.

“The scent of wet dog is certainly frustrating.” Cassius’s voice sounds in the room and Willow gasps as he appears suddenly in front of the Duke’s desk. Cassius appears as if from thin air. His clothes are filthy and his skin is caked in dried blood.

“God! What happened to you?” Willow drops Luke’s hand quickly moving to his side.

“I’m fine m’lady. Your Grace, we have a-”

Cassius is cut of as Willow’s fist collided with his cheek. He stares at her in complete shock and she notices the colour of his irises, deep red. Nicholas notices too. Stepping forward he holds his hands up in surrender.

“Brother, you need to control your urges.”

“I’m in control Nicholas it appears the more I embrace, the more control I have over my vampiric state.”

“Something I suggested you try as a teen if you remember.” The Duke grumbles.

“Please, enough distractions, the forest is-”

Willow’s fist hits the same spot on Cassius’s cheek and he groans.

“Willow! Honestly, love.” He turns to face her and Willow lifts a hand to slap him but he catches it. “Enough my love. Enough. What is with the hitting?”

“Eighty minutes! You promised.”

Cassius’s eyes soften, his irises shifting to purple. He takes her face in his hands, cupping her jaw.

“I apologise. I never meant to worry you but please, let me finish and then you can carry on beating me until your heart is content.” Willow looks down sheepishly and Cassius lets go of her face only to wrap an arm around her waist pulling her into his side. “Your Grace, the forest is over run with vampires. The royal coven has returned.”

“Your father?”

“Yes sir.”

Willow gasps as the room suddenly feels hot. Her grandfather’s arms suddenly covered in flames, almost the exact opposite of her powers.

“I warned your father long ago. He dares come back and defy me?” The Duke’s voice is terrifying.

“I don’t believe he wants a fight your grace.” Cassius says.

“Well, he will get one. The other towns won’t stand for this. The royal coven are a monstrosity.”

“What does he want?” The question comes from Luke.

Cassius sighs before turning to his brother. “He wants us. Nicholas and I. He wants us to come home.”

“You are home!” The Duke’s voice booms. “I made a promise to your mother and I intend to keep it. You may be vampires but you are also witches.”

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