Chapter Chapter Seventeen

Fucking hell...Drake thought as they stalked out of the dungeons while some of the guards entered and carried Ron’s body and head out of his cell. When the rogues saw of what happened, a hissing of retaliation rang throughout the dingy space under the Mage Fortress. Drake couldn’t see any of that happening. Their lives were going to end pretty soon.

Drake wondered why the rogues were still alive while ones in Tacinia were killed by the sorcerer the moment they started begging for a trade? Were these ones a lost case too?

Tyran stalked to the office and Drake was right behind him. He had so much fury churning in his gut and he needed an outlet. “What the fuck, Tyran!”

The Lord Mage paced across the Silan carpet, his movements agitated and heavy. “Don’t say anything, Drake.” He warned, his voice tight and barely audible.

“Ron was talking!” Drake exclaimed. “It was only a matter of time before I got the information. Why the hell did you kill him?”

Tyran’s stopped and turned to Drake. “Because he needed to die! I will not explain my actions to my second in command. As it is you have crossed the line, Drake, and for your own safety I suggest that you don’t go any further in pushing me.” He said then returned to pacing.

Drake felt scales rippling against his skin. Red wanted a piece of Tyran as well. The male didn’t know how important it was for Drake to find out more information. He needed to do this if he was ever going to have some measure of peace. It was vital for the elimination of the rogues in order for the future generations to have safety.

This was no longer about the Mage Queen because she was safe. Drake thought of the innocents back in the Realm of Fire. Were the rogues preparing to attack the city again? Was time running out. Was the Dragon Queen in danger? Was Ron telling the truth or taking him on a joy ride?

“You need to call Queen Malenna and tell of the possible attack to her and the Dragon city of Evron.” Drake said, trying to calm down. It served as useless when both males were raging. What was done was done and they had to look for a way forward. “A warning should go to the Phoenix city of Arkal as well.”

“Drake, this is getting too personal for you. I don’t want you to involve yourself in it. I want you to concentrate of The Northern Sector.” Tyran regarded him intensely.

“From the beginning, you knew of this day to come. It was the reason why I joined your ranks, Lord Mage. I saw you cutting down the numbers of rogues down like mere insects and I joined you because I knew I could learn such techniques from you. You knew my sole purpose for becoming a warrior was so that I prevented all that happened years ago from happening again and I told you I was all in when the rogues returned. Now, I don’t understand when you tell me to stand back right now...when we are so close.”

“Drake, when it is personal, you get careless.”

“Like the way you killed Ron? And what was with the names he mentioned? What did you have to do that was so evil in order to lock away the Dark Energy? And what did Ron say to you to make you so mad?” Drake narrowed his eyes at Tyran.

Ghosts danced in his eyes as Tyran stared at him. He was full of regret, self-loathing and resolve. Drake imagined there was no other choice for whatever the kings and queens had to do in order to seal away the Dark Energy. “Call Feror and ask him what he has discovered lately.” Tyran dismissed him.

Drake felt his fists curl up beside him. Tyran was proving difficult. Because of the danger he was told his mate and unborn baby could face, he became careless and unbelievably hard to reason with. “Sooner or later, the truth would come out so I suggest to begin to align yourself with the people who will have your back no matter the situation. It’s about time you start trusting someone else other than yourself.” Drake said between his teeth before he turned on his heels and stalked out, missing the remorse in Lord Mate’s face.

Drake felt like punching something as he walked through the corridor. He found that his feet carried him to the training grounds where there were a few warriors still loitering around. Only the older recruits had the motivation of being around the training grounds while everyone else went about their businesses. They had been long enough in the army to understand exactly what it took to be the best.

Drake shed his jacket and his tshirt then pulled a pair of cropped leather gloves and turned his fury to the punching bag before him. Everything in that gym and training grounds had to be enhanced somehow because the ones who used them had super-human strength.

The punching bag was covered in terp, a silky-like threads coming from one of the deadliest arachnids in the Enchanted World; the red flier spider. The material was as light as silk but as tough as corbat--the toughest mineral known.

Drake assaulted the punching bag several times and with each punch, his anger seared to extreme levels. He was angry with the Lord Mage but he was infuriated with himself. He was weak because he always looked at the bigger picture and that was what made him miss the smaller details. While everyone else was impulsive, striking first and asking questions later, he did it the other way round and not only did it cost him but it also but cost the people around him.

He was reckless, always missing the important pieces to the whole story. Ron was positive that he knew who the new rogue leader was. Drake scraped every single memory of his past life to try and figure out anyone who had shown resistance towards Queen Malenna’s rule but he couldn’t come up with name and that pissed him off!

Drake punched the bag again and again oblivious to the curious crowd he was attracting.

He was the second in command for a reason. He was good at what he did but lately he had become sloppy and it was in the worst of times because now his responsibilities had increased. He had a helpless mate who needed his protection.

No one seemed to care how much everything was affecting him because they all believed he was able to deal with whatever that was thrown to him but he wasn’t so sure about his abilities anymore. He felt he lacked a lot.

Drake joined the Lord Mage’s army to learn from the best and he did. No one spared him from the brutal reality because he saw at first sight what a bitch reality could be. He worked his way to the top because the black determination to prove a point errupted in the pits of his gut. He wanted to prove to everyone that he wasn’t weak and he wasn’t a disappointment to his father. He deserved a place among the elite Glaeder warriors because he had proved himself in front of thousands, survived a hundred battles and save a thousand lives!

Drake punched the heavy bag and felt the ligaments holding his knuckles together sing in pain. The metal hook holding the bag up groaned at the force.

Drake continued assaulting the bag until the metal couldn’t stand any it longer and gave way. Drake’s final blow sent the bag sailing across the gym catching one of the warriors from behind and tumbling him to his back.

“The fuck!” The warrior groaned rolling the ton of sand from him.

Drake passed the back of his palm over his sweaty forehead and turned to the male. “Sorry, mate.”

The warrior grunted and as he got up, he realised who it was, he stiffened and gave a short bow. “Commander.”

As Drake turned to leave, his phone trilled in his pockets. He fished it out and answered it making his way towards the showers and lockers.

“She’s gone.” Feror’s voice came through. “Orisidia has not been seen by her family members as well the her workers for several days. She has disappeared without a trace.”

“Has she been kidnapped?” Drake wondered if somehow Orisidia was able to get herself in a sticky situation.

“Her family doesn’t think so because until now, they have not heard of any demand for ransom. They said the last time she was seen was when she was heading into the city for a meeting with some investors for a new water project coming up.” Feror explained.

It didn’t make sense to Drake. Orisidia didn’t look like the person who would shed her duties and just disappear. From the way she treated them on that first day they met, she made sure he recognised that she was the one in charge. “Get the boys to check out her place. Maybe there might be some information about where she has gone to. What about Marco, did he tell you anything?”

There was a pause before Feror continued. “He didn’t have to. We found him dead. Midnight Wycker struck again. I think whoever it was knew we were onto him.”

“Do you think we have a spy at the residence? How did they know we were planning to talk to Marco?”

“Byron believes it is Serensa. He can still feel the residue of darkness on her. He says the words that the rogue dragon had uttered opened a passage to Serensa’s mind enabling the sorcerer to use her whenever he feels like.”

“Serensa needs to leave the residence as soon as possible.” Drake gritted out. “Shancy needs to take her to the Realm of Fire by tomorrow. The two remaining Fire warriors have to go with her.”

Feror sighed and answered. “I will get to that once I have had at least a lead on Orisidia’s whereabouts.”

“Fine. Get on with it.”

“What about Ron?” Feror asked, his voice cool because he understood the sensitivity of the situation. “What did you find out?”

“Nothing new. The Lord Mage killed him before he could tell us anything more.”

“Ain’t that a bitch.” Feror grunted lightly.

Drake sighed. “Check me later when you have any information on Orisidia.”

“Will do. Later.” Feror hung up.

Drake hung up and placed his phone on the bench before he took a clean towel from the towel rack and made his way to the showers.

Breakfast was a silent affair with Drake that morning, Maya decided after she had eventually found her way around the house to the terrace that overlooked the garden. The garden was very pretty with all sorts of flowers that she didn’t even know about. It was perfectly manicured...well, nothing was too extravagant for the king, she thought as she leaned on the balustrade and inhaled deeply. She was already missing Drake. She wondered how he was doing because she was very sure that something was wrong. She had seen it in his eyes, felt it last night when he made love to her and heard it in his voice when he talked. It was amazing at how attuned she was to his moods and she couldn’t believe she had confessed her love to him.

She understood that he had a lot of responsibilities but she felt that he was carrying on a burden that he could share with others. Did he have something to prove? Being the second in command to the king told Maya just how hardworking and determined he was. So what was eating him, making him loving one moment and distant the next?

“So, you are the human that has everyone whispering in the Fortress about?” A voice from behind startled Maya and brought her back to reality.

When she turned she was surprised in seeing a enchantingly beautiful woman dressed in flowy cream dress that was trailing behind her. She leaned her hip against the balistrade and stared shamelessly at Maya, making her feel a little awkward.

“I can see why the Dragon can’t concentrate on anything other than you. You are very appealing.” a smile bloomed on her face as her eyes sparkled with mirth. “I am Piper, or the High Priestess to you.”

Maya didn’t expect the High Priestess to look so young. She expected an elderly woman hunching forward because she could barely walk nor see.

“Wont that be a sight?” She chuckled lightly.

Maya’s eyes widened even more. “You can read minds?”

She shook her head softly. “I can’t but I am actually very good at guessing what people are thinking.” She smirked smugly, an action that made Maya giggle.

Wasn’t she a holy person, then why was she acting so....normal? “Drake told me about you. He said maybe you could help me with my nightmare problems.”

“They are not nightmares, sweetheart.” She cupped Maya’s cheeks like the way a loving mother would to her child. The glittering gossamer white sleeves of her dress whispered down to her elbows. “They are visions of things past or things to happen. In this world, dreams mean more than you can imagine. Come and sit down with me.”

Maya followed the priestess towards one of the white and gold marbled bench down into the gardens. The scents mingling with the delicious air was heady and made Maya want to stick her nose into every flower as they passed through it.

“Here, a lot of things have properties that one way or the other affect people’s senses. Each plant you see here was chosen for a purpose. Pompus...” She pointed to a bloom which looked like an overly swollen tomato with a yellow outlet at its peak. “It is also known as a night bloom and it calms down nocturnals. Shermy....” She pointed to a purple flower with red and white trimming on its irregular petals that looked like a bird about to fly into the sky. “They use it for tea especially for someone who is always anxious...I think you need that.” She smiled softly at Maya and patted her hand lightly. “And that--” she pointed to the white and gold bloom that looked almost like a rose. “That is my favourite. It’s called the Highland White Queen, Marianda.”

Maya’s eyes widened at the beautiful and delicate flower. “It’s beautiful.”

“It has two purposes, to heal or to kill depending on how it is administered. It is a remedy for most of the poisons but its own poison has no antidote. Very few people know where the poison is located though.” She smirked again and the intelligence that sparkled in her eyes told Maya she knew where it was.

Finally they settled down on a bench underneath an ornamental pear tree. The priestess folded her dress about her and turned to Maya tentatively. “Tell me about the human world.”

Maya shrugged. “There isn’t much to talk about. It isn’t as exciting as this...maybe it is because I have been living there all my life.”

“I know you miss your family and friends. I can feel your sorrow but you are already getting quite attached to this Realm, aren’t you?” Piper winked coyly making Maya blush furiously. “Drake is quite a handful of you ask me and has several skeletons in his closet but he is a male of worth and honor.”

Maya felt the love for him swell in the small confinements of her chest. Hearing someone say good things about Drake was heartwarming. “I love him.”

“I know and believe me when I say you will not have to worry about him having a wandering eye. Here only true mates can feel emotions solely for each other....” suddenly a frown appeared on Piper’s face. “Trying times are coming for you and him. The heavens are watching, waiting.” Sadness shrouded her eyes. “These trials need a heart of stone. You have to be strong, Maya.”

Maya turned her entire attention to the woman speaking in riddles. “Is it about the pendant? Or the dreams I keep on getting?”

Piper took Maya’s hand and squeezed it softly in hers. “Tell me about your dreams, Maya.”

Maya swallowed softly. She didn’t want to re-live her nightmares but if the High Priestess was going to be able to help her then she was going to have to try. “I have had several that had me waking up wailing. The very first one I had was about my grandmother in her house. I felt warm and loved but then a Dragon tore down her house and attacked me. After that I kept on having dreams of burning alive and being chased by an entity that I couldn’t see.”

Piper frowned lightly. “Here, we are closer to what the humans call heaven and hell than you can imagine. The ones that have passed to the afterlife can still communicate with us through our dreams. Sometimes we see of events bound to happen, sometimes we see our destinies and other times we can predict....our deaths.”

That made Maya very uncomfortable. She doubted there was a person in the world that wanted to predict their own deaths. It was a scary thing to become something not even science had an explanation for and to not have someone return and tell you about it. It was unnerving.

“Tell me more.” Piper coaxed.

“I also had one where I was in a barren land with red soils and skies and there was this orbs of liquid fire circling me. It told me it was protecting me and true enough, it healed my wounds after I was attacked by leprechauns.”

“Leprechauns?” Piper echoed. “How did that happen?”

Maya shrugged softly. “I don’t know. One minute I was a watching a pixie trying to steal coins from their stash, the next moment I am being thrown against a tree by a very angry red-eyed Leprechaun.”

“Pyrius Possession.” Piper murmured softly to herself.

“Sorry?” Maya didn’t hear what she said.

Piper dismissed it with the wave of her hand. “Never mind.”

Maya nodded and touched where her pendant once dangled around her neck. “But the last one I had before coming here was the worst of all. That thing in there...It feel so real and thoroughly evil.”

“What did it want?” Piper asked.

“It wanted my grandmother’s pendant....her ruby, red teardrop on the fiery terrain, she called it.” She smiled fondly when she remembered her grandmother.

“What did you say?” Piper’s face leached of colour.

Maya repeated. “The Ruby Red Teardrop on the Fiery Terrain. That is what my grandmother called her pendant. She told me it protected her and that it chose me after her and it will protect me too.”

“Do you have the pedant?” Piper asked seemingly her usual calm-self but Maya could not let the surprise dancing in her eyes pass. “Can I see it?”

“I lost it when I landed in this world after my ordeal in the human world. Drake and I have been looking for it but we can’t find it.” Maya explain.

A small smile spread on Piper’s lips as she teased the wisps of hair on Maya’s face. “There is something very special about you, Maya, I can feel it deep in my gut. You mean a lot to Drake as well as the Enchanted World even more than you can imagine. You carry a purity energy around you that has the sole purpose to protect. Drake is one lucky dragon because I can feel that the force inside of you will not let anything happen to him....even at the expense of yourself.”

Maya felt a little exposed. Piper was right on point. The need to protect Drake was getting stronger by the day to the point she wasn’t even thinking about herself and her welbeing. “I am human, Piper, nothing else.”

“You are human....yet you are not. The Heavens keep secrets too, you know, so I don’t have all the answers for you but what I do know is be very careful when that energy trapped in you is unleashed. A lot would want to take it from you and possess it for themselves.”

Maya felt fear streak down her spine. “But what if I don’t want it?”

“You can’t run away from destiny, Maya. It chose you for a purpose and you will have to fulfil your purpose sooner or later. Great sorrow would unleash it--sorrow that would bring about dire need to protect your loved one. Be on the look out.” Piper said.

“But--but--” Maya stuttered. She didnt even know what to ask and before she had the chance to come up with a good question, Queen Lyrah came out and called to her.

Both Maya and Piper got up as Lyrah came towards them with a big grin on her face. Her silvery pale hair looked like silk in the sun. She looked very pretty in her pair of jeans and the crimson blouse she was wearing.

“There you are!” She exclaimed. “Noelle and I have been searching everywhere for you. We are going into town.”

Maya turned to Piper. She didn’t want to leave yet because she still a lot to ask the High Priestess but the look on her face told Maya the woman had done more than was necessary.

“I need to get back to my disciples before I find my temple a total wreck.” Piper sighed slipping her hands back into her long sleeves. She inclined her head towards Lyrah. “Queen Lyrah.” Then turned to Maya and smiled lightly. “Don’t forget to come and see me up in the temple whenever you come to Agore.”

Maya nodded but she couldn’t ignore the sorrow that was still clouding Piper’s eyes. “I will.”

“Have a great time in the city.” She turned around and lightly padded on the pavement heading away from them.

“I am surprised you managed to meet the High Priestess.” Lyrah said as she suddenly linked her hand on Maya’s crook and led her back up the terrace towards the Fortress.

“I accidently stumbled upon her.” Maya assured the woman.

Lyrah rolled her eyes. “You don’t accidentally stumble upon a High Priestess. She knows a lot more than she let’s people believe--but you should meet a Seer instead.” She gasped. “They might sound a little crazy sometimes but they are just....interesting characters.”

“Drake told me this Realm has no Seer.” Maya remembered.

Lyrah nodded. “There hasn’t been a Seer for a while now. But the Realm of the Dark has one called Scarlett and apparently the Realm of Water has three!”

“That is interesting.” Maya murmured.

Lyrah pursed her lips then asked. “Did you go and talk to her because of the nightmares?”

“How did you know about that?” Maya frowned wondering if Drake was going around telling everyone about her nightmares.

“This morning...” She muttered with concern in her eyes.

Was Maya that loud, she wondered as her face paled. “Oh....yeah, I talked to Piper about the nightmares but she answered everything with riddles that had me back to square one.”

“High Priestess can’t talk in any other way but don’t worry, all will be okay in due time.” Lyrah said softly as they approached Queen Noelle.

She was talking to Zach and there was anxiety written all over her face. It looked as if she was being told something very disturbing. Zach suddenly rubbed her hand as a shiver went down her body and she hugged herself.

“Did something happen?” Maya turned to Lyrah.

Lyrah nodded softly, her eyes darkening further. “My brother did something that has his queen worried. The males of this Realm was very impulsive and tend to think after they act.”

“There was nothing more we could do for him. Your uncle was already gone.” Maya heard Zach mutter to Queen Noelle who had her eyes cast down but Maya could see the tears swimming in her eyes.

Maya felt her heart heave in her ribs. There was nothing more painful than losing a family member. Maya could relate to what Noelle must have been feeling because she still remembered the pain she endured when her grandmother died.

Lyrah moved forward and placed a hand on Noelle’s shoulder. “You will be alright, Noe.”

Noelle blinked several times then looked up and tried to smile. “He got what he deserved. He had it coming.” She said.

That took Maya aback. Was Noelle’s uncle a bad man?

Noelle tilted her head towards Maya and gave her a wavering grin. “Let’s get out of here. I need the fresh air.”

Maya nodded like a doll because she had no idea what was unfolding right in front of her. She turned to Zach and though he appeared serious, he winked at her. Maya quickly snapped her head away as Noelle and Lyrah dragged her towards the exit.

Just before they made it to the door a large male puffed right in front of them. Maya yelped and took a step back only to bump into a large warm body. She turned around and shrunk unto herself. The Lord Mage crossed his arms against his chest eyeing the three females like a bunch of errant children who were caught in action.

“And where do you three think you are going?” Rhol asked.

Maya was momentarily entranced by the slithering tattoos peaking under the folded sleeves of his blood-red tshirt. She once thought the Lord Mage was intimidating until she laid her eyes on the Jinn King.

“Shopping?” Lyrah answered sweetly looking up at her mate.

Rhol growled and snapped his teeth at her and she whimpered and moved away. Maya was thankful because Drake was always very considerate to her, unlike those two brutes!

“We are going with you.” Tyran answered.

“Oh come on!” Noelle exclaimed. “It’s no fun when you two are there and you both know it! Apart from catching everyone’s attention, you keep us in a cage!”

“I am not asking to tag along, princess, I am telling you that I am. I’d have some peace of mind if I am there with you.”

“Send Zach with us--Constantine if you have to but not you.” Lyrah whined.

“It’s a done deal.” Rhol opened the door and walked out before holding it for them and smirking. “You too, dragon’s female.”

Maya’s mouth went dry. What a nickname, she thought as she followed the two women out. The men were quiet possessive and protective but Maya could understand because they were queens of the Enchanted World. She had seen Drake like that one time when she asked him about being in heat and having males come after her. Lyrah and Noelle had been with their Kings for a while and Maya remembered being told that the longer they stayed together the stronger the pull between them became. She wondered if Drake would become like those two men with time.

The thought excited her. She didn’t mind seeing Drake getting possessive and protective over her. Three cars were waiting for them outside and the moment the men standing around waiting saw them, four of them occupied the first car.

“Lyrah and I are taking the last car.” Rhol nudged Lyrah lightly towards the car but Lyrah went around him and stood by Noelle.

“Why don’t you and Tyran take the last car and the three of us will take the middle car?” She asked.

Both males’ frowned. None of them wanted to be parted with their wives.

“Fine.” Finally Tyran grunted but he wasn’t happy with the decision.

The three women entered the middle car and Lyrah sighed. “These guys can be so overbearing sometimes.”

“Try being pregnant and you’ll how much more they become unbearable.” Noelle rubbed her flat stomach lightly and Maya’s eyes threatened to fall off from their sockets.

“You’re pregnant!” she asked.

Noelle’s cheeks pinkened as she nodded meekly.

“Congratulations.” Maya didn’t know what else to say.

“Thank you.”

“Rhol doesn’t want to hear the word baby at the moment. He gets this look in his eyes that warns me not to try it with him.” Lyrah sighed and Maya recognised the wistful ringing in her words.

“Tyran is forever terrified with everything that I do and everyone that I meet. If I so much as trip, he is already up and picking me from the ground.”

“It sounds romantic.” Maya blurted out then smacked her hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

Both women grinned.

“They are romantic, great lovers and mates but they need to learn to trust us.”

Just then there was a knock on their window before the car was able to pull out. The driver pressed a button and the window in front of Maya went down.

A dark familiar head came to view with deadly violet eyes. “Where are you going?” he growled.

“The city?” Maya squeaked not trusting her voice. Her body clenched at the sight of him. He looked so mouthwatering.

“I am coming with you.” Drake said.

“But both kings are also coming--” She started but the look Drake gave her told her not to even bother arguing.

“Get in back car, Drake. There is plenty of space and you will have ample time to catch up with Tyran and Rhol.” Noelle grinned at him.

A slow warning growl escaped his lips but he pushed away before he stalked to the back car.

Maya sighed and settled back on her seat. “Men.”

Both Lyrah and Noelle laughed as they cars started for the gate.


Twiska walked beside Shancy in secluded house Serensa was being kept. The entire place smelled of periwinkles and the moment she buzzed her way inside, she came tumbling into a mess of limbs as her abilities failed her. Now, she knew that the culprit behind the periwinkles wasn’t Mr. Jerk-of-a-commander.

Herman had warned her to stay away from the house because Serensa could be dangerous to her and everyone else but Twiska was curious about her. She only got a few glimpses of her and it looked like she was forever sad.

That afternoon, right after the acting commander had gone out with several of his warriors and Herman, Twiska followed Shancy to go and give Serensa food.

“Twiska, go and do something else, okay.” Shancy answered irritatedly. “I don’t have the time to deal with you and her.”

“But she must be awfully lonely in there alone.” Twiska hummed around Shancy. “I could sit up by the window where she won’t be able to reach me.”

Shancy groaned in frustration. “I can’t make you stay away, can I?”

Twiska grinned and shook her head but the moment she entered the house, her body stretched into her human form and she found herself landing on the hard wooden floor with a humph sound. She gritted her teeth and pushed herself off from the floor.

“Periwinkles,” She seethed turning to Shancy who stared at her in surprise.

“What happened?” Shancy asked as she led the way through the small corridor.

Twiska padded angrily behind her, her small hands curled into tight fists. “I can’t function in the presence of periwinkles.”

Shancy smirked. “Well, too bad for you because Serensa’s dragon Sonia can only be calmed down by the periwinkles. She has to keep her under control or Sonia would burst out and go hunting.”

“Why don’t you allow her to at least have some fresh air, huh?” Twiska could relate to what Serensa was going through because before Herman had found her, Twiska spent some time in a cage in the cellar of a mad sorceress. Twiska shivered when she remembered the ordeal.

“Serensa is allowed to go out to the terrace outside the house. It is for her own safety together with the safety of everyone in the residence. If she gets possessed again--not to mention if she goes into heat, every male dragon here will go into a mating frenzy and that would prove harzardous to the females here.” Shancy explained knocking softly at the room Serensa was using as her quarters.

Shancy didn’t wait to be told to enter because she knew Serensa would not say anything. Twiska peeped into the room and it was covered with heavy drapery.

“Serensa?” Shancy called softly placing the tray on one of the tables. “I brought some lunch for you. Serensa?”

But the room was awfully quiet....right before they heard something cracking behind them. A feeling a dread crawled up Twiska’s spine as she turned around and was greeted by a pair of red eyes. A scream bubbled up into her throat as Serensa snarled at her, her skin undulating with gold scales.

Shancy threw the tray down and held up two basketball-sized orbs of energy trying to fend off Serensa but Serensa moved forward in super speed and smacked Shancy across her face, spending her crushing into the wall behind her.

Shancy groaned and tried to get up but Serensa was ontop of her punching and kicking viciously until Shancy stopped moving. Serensa pulled her hand up and scales began to form around it while her nails elongated.

She shrieked loudly before she sank the nails deep into Shancy’s stomach. A piercing scream escaped Twiska’s mouth as she stumbled towards the door. She was powerless in the presence of periwinkles. She was just like a human.

Serensa’s head jerked up as she turned to her. Twiska crawled towards the door but she heard a whooshing sound behind her before Serensa landed right in front of her in a terrible sound of cracking wood under the weight of her. Iridescence gold wings folded behind her as her red eyes bore into hers. Twiska whimpered and fell back on her butt.

“Serensa, I don’t mean you any harm, you have to believe me.” This was like a terrible nightmare for Twiska because not long ago, she was attacked by a Leprechaun.

Serensa threw her head back and roared then seized Twiska by her shoulders, the long nails digging deep into Twiska’s flesh and making her cry out in pain. She was pulled up and dangled her in the air before Serensa threw her across the room.

Twiska felt pain burst into her back as she came into contact with the wall. She fell beside Shancy who was out cold with blood pooling around her stomach. She had four deep grooves in her stomach and Twiska knew the longer she stayed without help, she was going to die. Blood ran down Twiska’s shoulders as she tried to get up but Serensa was right in her face. She back-handed her and Twiska saw black spots blinking in front of her. Her cheek seared in pain, pain that had her entire gut quivering and her toes curling.

Serensa slashed her hand against Twiska’s cheek again and the blackness consumed her again. Serensa bent down and grabbed Twiska’s hair, painfully pulling it back so that she would look up at her.

Twiska held her hands up trying to keep Serensa away from her face, feeling her energy draining out of her body as quickly as the blood oozing out of her wounds.

“Get this message to the Dragon Commander; I’ll be waiting for him in his homeland.” She snarled the slashed her long, razor sharp nails across Twiska’s cheek.

That was the last straw because Twiska couldn’t blink the spots away as they merged together and trapped her in a web of darkness. Twiska couldn’t move becasue every part of her burned with pain. All she could think of was Herman coming to her rescue but he was so far.

She didn’t want to die like that. She didn’t want to die without telling Herman just how much she loved him. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she drifted into the torturous and bleak darkness....

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