Chapter Chapter Twenty (FINAL)

Rhol stood in front of Seygon as he dressed up for the occasion. He wore a blood-red royal attire which comprised of lynak pants held on his waist by a band of black silk with gold embroidery and the royal robe. His chest was bare and oiled, his tattoos slithering quietly against his skin while the gold ones glowed with life. The robe was thrown over his back, held around the shoulder with a golden and black chain. The scarlet robe had a large gold and black emblem of the Realm of the Dark; crossing royal daggers with a crown above them. His thick black hair was pulled back in a braid and it was jeweled and coiled around his neck like a sleeping snake.

“Here you go, my king.” Seygon handed Rhol the royal dagger.

Rhol slipped it on his waist and sighed. In his clan, it was traditional that the Union was done before sunrise because it marked the beginning of a new life with his mate, just like a new day. Excitement was buzzing in the hallways of the Mekkon Fortress. Everyone was dressed in their traditional attire depending on which clan they came from. “Is the Temple ready for us?”

Seygon nodded, something close to pride glittering in his eyes. “Yes, my king. Both the Priestess and the Seer are already there.”

Rhol bet even the whole of Mekkon was there to witness the event. Though no one except those of blood relations or those of brotherhood were allowed to participate in the Union, everyone else was allowed to wait outside before the celebrations.

“Let’s go.” King Rhol turned towards the door. He was a nervous wreck he was almost disgusted with himself. He had never experienced such a thing before. Seygon walked softly next to him. Yosurn was standing outside his door with Selma right next to him looking as radiant as ever with her jet black hair braided and tied up in a stylish bun on her head and her smoldering bright blue eyes flashing with excitement. When she saw him, she smiled nervously as she hooked her hand on Yosurn’s crook. Rhol gave her a small nod of which she bobbed to then he turned to his brother. Yosurn looked immaculate in his royal attire though he went for his signature designer blood-red shirt and silk black tie. His coat reached his knees and it had the gold embroidery on the jacket lapels and the emblem on his back. Looking at him was like looking at his younger, more charming and happy version of himself. He still didn’t understand how this male wasn’t his blood brother. He was his witness and even if he wasn’t of the same blood, he was of brotherhood. Zafrina appeared behind them with Darius and Cleo. Rhol’s heart stuttered when he saw Cleo alive and well. Although she was still recovering, she was trying to stand up tall with her shoulders square and her back straight. Her dark, haunted eyes had a secret smile as she looked up at him. They all inclined their heads to him, Darius and Zafrina looking impeccable in their commander uniforms.

“Are you well, Cleo?” Rhol asked her.

She gave a little nod squaring her shoulders but Rhol knew she still had a long way to fully recover both physically and emotionally. Old wounds must have opened up during her time as a captive in Rowan’s hands. Just thinking about that dreadful male made Rhol’s blood boil but that was not the day to think of such things.

“We better get going,” Yosurn cut in. “We don’t want the queen to arrive at the temple before us.”

It was true. It was considered bad luck for her to arrive before he mate. Without another second lost, they all flashed themselves to the steps of the Temple. The moment his people saw him, they burst into cheers and well-wishes. Even though his people had gone through a lot the past few weeks, they were ready to put all that grieving aside for a moment and enjoy a celebration.

Rhol turned to them and managed a smile before he lifted his hand and waved. They all waved back throwing small flower wreaths that were a sign of good health and prosperity. Other threw interlocking rings woven from reeds as a symbol of eternity and fertility. They all looked up at him, happy and hopeful for the future. He had no other choice but to make sure that, that hopeful future was going to happen.

“Give me one good reason why I should not carry my sister off the moment she arrives here.” A dark voice asked from behind.

Rhol turned to the glowering Mage dressed in his royal leathers with his second in command dragon right beside him. “Just accept it, Lord Mage, you can’t wait to have me as your brother-in-low.”

The Lord Mage snorted. “I am not worried about her being with you, I am worried about you.”

Rhol couldn’t help but grin. “And so I have been warned.”

Several days ago, when the Lord and Queen Mage arrived, Rhol found himself telling him about the possible threat to his unborn child. Rhol had heard about how the male’s rage could change the temperature suddenly but he never thought he would experience it until suddenly the entire office went cold to the point they were both exhaling puffs of fog. Tyran’s eyes kept on alternating from silver to white as he contemplated on the latest information. Rhol didn’t blame the male because he knew that he too would have had an even worse reaction.

“Rowan has no idea that the queen Mage is pregnant and the best thing is that we keep it under wraps. Your ranks were infiltrated by a spy one time, there could be others that might endanger the lives of your mate and your unborn child.” Rhol tried to reason with the enraged male.

“If he--” Tyran breathed in hard trying to control his anger but not even the words could make it out his throat. “If he so much as touch a hair on her head, I am going to destroy him and make sure that not even his spirit survives in the afterlife!”

Rhol’s eyebrows disappeared in his hairline. “I don’t doubt that for a moment.”

Now, although the Lord Mage was teasing, Rhol saw the resolve in his eyes. Tyran was deadly just like him. Now that he looked at the male, he couldn’t help but see himself in him. “Oh, don’t be a sourpuss at my Union! I’ll kick your ass!”

Tyran bared his teeth at Rhol though amusement glittered in his eyes. “We still have a score to settle, you rusty old bag of bones.”

“Any time, brother-in-law.” Rhol accepted the challenge.

“There will be no such thing!” a soft voice snapped at them and they both turned to the Queen Mage making her way up towards them then stood in front of her mate, a small female as compared to the Lord Mage and poked his chest. “I leave you for but a second and you go around causing trouble.” Her coppery hair was like fire in the air. Her royal black dress of leather and lace had a long train behind her and it curved around her body like a second skin. She was a temptress and had a temper rivaling with Tyran’s. It made Rhol smile. Yosurn chuckled beside him and Rhol caught Selma elbowing him and glowering.

“Princess…” Tyran started but the Queen Mage placed her finger on his lips as she turned to him. “And you, take your position. Lyrah is on her way here.”

Rhol straightened up with his brother as his commanders fell away behind him. Selma placed a kiss on Yosurn’s lips and she too went to seat where the commanders were.

“Behave.” Noelle turned to her mate but the temper was long gone.

Tyran looped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into a kiss before she went to sit next to Selma with Drake right behind her.

Suddenly there was a sharp intake as the entire mass at the temple turned to one side. Rhol saw Tyran stiffen and his eyes glow and turned towards his line of sight. Right in front of them was the most beautiful female Rhol had ever seen in his entire existence; his mate. His mouth went dry and his throat constricted as he took her in. She stood down the steps looking as nervous as he was but she managed to smile and with that smile came a feeling deep in his heart that almost undid him.

No one could compare to the brave, daring, loving and considerate female in front of him. She was beyond perfect. Her silvery hair came in curls around her face with jewels and pearls glittering inside it. Her royal gown was made perfectly for her, hanging softly on her shoulders and hugging her body until on her thighs where if flowed like a fiery waterfall to the ground. Gold embroidery appeared on the neckline and hem with patterns from his clan. She glowed as she looked up at him. Rhol felt his chest puff out in pride. He was finally going to make that enticing Mage of Life his mate through and through. After the Union, there was no separating them and that was why it was only done to real mates. For those who were married to other people after they could not find their real mates, it was just like a normal human wedding.

Rhol let his feet carry him down the steps until he stood before her.

“You like?” She asked nervously, her hands trembling as she held her flower bouquet.

Rhol took her trembling hand and brushed his lips lightly against her knuckles. “I love.”

She sighed in relief. “Phew! I thought it was too much.”

“It’s perfect.” Rhol helped her up the steps until to where Yosurn and Tyran were standing.

Tyran took his sister’s hand from Rhol’s and said. “Wait until after the Union.”

Rhol was ready to behead the Lord Mage for his sister’s hand.

“Lyrah, this--” Lord Mage looked at Rhol with fake distaste. “--manner-less, socially awkward, grumpy, temperamental male is your mate and there is nothing I can do about--but believe me when I tell you I wish I could.”

Lyrah giggled softly and turned to Rhol with love and mirth glowing in her eyes. Rhol’s heart stuttered with uncertainty as the Lord Mage continued talking.

“I can’t talk you out of this can I?” He asked her.

Lyrah framed her brother’s face with her palms. “Tyran, I am happy and no, you can’t talk me out of Uniting with Rhol.”

Lord Mage shrugged. “You are really going through this, with him?”

“I love him so yes, I am going through this.” Lyrah grinned.

Lord Mage turned to Rhol and Rhol couldn’t help but smirk.

“Can we get on with this, this millennium?” Yosurn asked impatiently.

Both Rhol and Tyran moved away from each other and they turned to entrance. Rhol took Lyrah’s hand and tangled her fingers with his. “Are you ready, dirani peeta maiyan?”

Lyrah unexpectedly stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his lips sending the crowd in cheers and applause. “More than you could ever imagine.”

Rhol rubbed his nose against hers and they walked into the temple.

Lyrah entered the Temple with Tyran on one side and Rhol and Yosurn on the other. The temple was dimly lit with fragrant candles and right in front on an elevated area was the priestess and Scarlett. When Scarlett saw her she waved excitedly at her but the priestess turned to her and she had to stop and pull her veil down on her face.

There were two cushions in front of the priestess where they sat while Tyran and Yosurn settled behind them.

As the ceremony proceeded, Lyrah couldn’t help but stare at her mate’s face. So many things were going through the both of them. Lyrah recalled meeting him the first time at the Aryan residence in Shalarian. He was like a menace in the dark yet he held her so softly in his arms and even cooed her when her emotions of being returned back home overwhelmed her and she ended up crying.

Rejection from him was like a cold blade cutting through her insides and he had not done it once. Who would have thought they would have found themselves here in front of the Priestess? Had she ever thought she was going to be happy with her mate—whoever he was? Yes, she believed it was going to be love at first sight, whether it was another Mage, a dragon, a fae, a phoenix or whatever…until she recognized him at the gardens that faithful evening and her optimism changed . She didn’t know much about him before other than the fact he was the male angered by her brother because Tyran had sent a team of warriors to spy on him.

Lyrah was uncertain of her future but right then and there she saw the only other honorable male in the enchanted world with the power to help her brother. She thought she was ready for his temper and his refusal but she wasn’t prepared of how much it affected her when he actually turned her away.

Now, the same male was sitting next to her ready to spend the rest of his life with her and the Priestess, the seer, their brothers and the Heavens were witnesses to their love.

They repeated the ritual words to each other, words different in each Realm but holding the same meaning.

“Rhol, son of Uzrel and Jinn King, please pick up the blade.” The priestess told Rhol and Lyrah’s eyes widened when she saw it.

This was definitely something different!

Rhol picked up the blade and took Lyrah’s hand. “Trust me.” He said as he placed the sharp end on the center of her right palm.

Lyrah felt the sharp pinch and saw blood pooling on her palm. She swallowed back the moan of pain and watched as Rhol did the same to his right palm. He clasped his hand over hers, letting their blood mingle and the priestess reached for a white silk ribbon and bound their hands together. Thank then heavens they didn’t have blood-related infections or that wouldn’t have been possible.

“May the heavens also witness this as a true Union between true mates and smile upon you throughout your life together. Now, you sit before me and the heavens as of one body, one mind and one soul.” She smiled up at them then took the two matching rings. “These are rings made from the Thyest Crystal, the royal material. The shyest crystal has the prosperities of enchanting the emotions you feel and if they are of purely good intention then these rings will lead you to the right place.

Rhol slipped the small blue-black crystal on Lyrah’s finger and she did the same before the Priestess nodded to them with a smile and said, “You may kiss your mate, Rhol; son of Uzrel and Jinn Mage.”

Rhol didn’t waste a moment as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly until Lyrah felt color creep up her cheeks. Soon, the prickling pain on her palm was forgotten as he helped her up from the cushion and started leading her out but before they could leave, Scarlett leaped up from her low seat and touched their arms where they were still bound by the silk.

“Trying times are ahead of you, King and Queen of the Realm of the Dark but you have to be strong. Darkness still surrounds you both and it is waiting for an opportunity to take over again. If it does, this time--both of you will not survive it.”

Lyrah felt her heart leap into her throat as she looked up at Rhol. Could she bear it if something terrible had happened to him?

“This light…” Scarlett touched Lyrah’s chest lightly. “…that you have in here, it is the guide in your life. It is also the Jinn King’s guide to you. Don’t ever forget to shine it for him to find you or you will lose him for good.” Then she traced her hand on Rhol’s tattoo and smiled sadly. “These are not just any tattoos, Jinn King. They are the weapons you will need in order to survive the upcoming battle. Cherish them as the way you cherish the female who was generous enough to give them to you.”

Scarlett talked as if she were in trance and before Lyrah asked her to elaborate on her riddles, she snapped out of it and grinned dreamily. “Ah, a Royal Union! We haven’t had one in such a long time!”

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Rhol took Lyrah’s hand and led her out.

But Lyrah didn’t forget Scarlett’s warning nor did she forget the look of encouragement in the Priestess’s eyes.

Once they stepped out, everyone went crazy with cheers. Horns were blown and drums thudded as they escorted them back to the Fortress for the celebration. Because the Fortress hall was not going to be able to accommodate everyone, Lyrah made sure that all the terraces and the large open space before the gardens were laid with extra tables and chairs for everyone else. The sun was just peeking from the horizon, bathing everything in its wake with its virgin light and warmth. Lyrah closed her eyes and tilted her head to the sky feeling the warmth penetrate deep inside her and settled cosily in her bones. She felt a light kiss being placed on her lips and when she opened her eyes, Rhol was shading her from the strong rays.

“I love you.” He whispered against her lips.

“I love you too.” Lyrah whispered back, her happiness bubbling deep inside her and almost making her jump up and down with it.

The commanders joined them as they made their way to towards the Fortress. Lyrah got a glimpse of Yosurn’s mate as she snuggled to his side once they got to where they were seated together with the Court members.

Suddenly someone shrieked and Lyrah was almost knocked down as Eva jumped into her arms.

“Oh, I am so happy for you, my queen!” She grinned as tears of happiness danced in her eyes.

“Thank you, Eva.”

Queen Noelle also came forward and hugged her. Lyrah still couldn’t believe that her best friend was pregnant and she didn’t even tell her before! “Welcome to the club.” She whispered to her.

Lyrah hugged the female back.

Yosurn cleared his throat and both females turned to him. “I’d like to introduce you to my mate Selma, my queen. She didn’t believe it when I told her my brother was mated to a Mage of Life.”

Selma rolled her beautiful eyes and giggled. “It’s not that I didn’t believe him but just that one time he told me his brother might get mated to a Ghoul because he couldn’t see him accepting anyone else.”

Rhol growled at his brother and Yosurn took a step back warily.

“Congratulations, my queen.” Selma bobbed into a perfectly executed curtsy.

“It is nice to meet you, Selma.” Lyrah nodded to her.

“Now that High Lady Oriel is getting crowned as the new Queen of the Realm of Water, Selma’s brother Noble Irwin will be taking her place in the Great Hall.” Yosurn explained.

“And speaking of the Great Hall, I am in need of a new High Lord or Lady.” Tyran turned to Drake. “Want to take up the challenge?”

“Not in this lifetime.” Drake shook his head.

A smile played on Tyran’s lips knowing fully well that Drake belonged with his army and not at a table discussing foreign affairs! Ha!

“Congratulations my king, my queen.” Zafrina came forward and inclined her head with Seygon two other warriors she didn’t know. She guessed the male with the cunning eyes full of secrets was Darius but she didn’t know who the female next to him was.

“Thank you all.” Lyrah answered.

“I think we can take this off now.” Yosurn tugged at the silk ribbon still binding their hands together. The bleeding had stopped and the small wound was already stitching itself closed but her palm was bloody and so was Rhol.

“We should go and clean up before meeting everyone else in the hall.” Rhol suggested.

Lyrah nodded as she struggled with her dress. “And I need to change into something more comfortable. I can barely step forward with this.”

Rhol grinned as he watched Seygon hand Zafrina what looked like a bill note and Lyrah frowned.

“Did you two bet on me?” She asked them.

Zafrina took her position beside her and looked up ahead while a small smile curled up on her lips. “I don’t know what you are talking about, my queen.”

“Come with me.” Rhol said once they reached the back entrance leading to the Fortress. The entire place was buzzing with excitement as soft music was played by a live band and breakfast was already being served. Furis and his little gang together with other children found their way to Tatiana and they were really shocked and surprised when they met her mate, Steel, who stood protectively beside her.

Lyrah linked her hands around Rhol and they both flashed to their quarters. When they got there, Lyrah heard the whisper of her zip and the gown suddenly pooled around her ankles. She glared up at him.

“We need to consummate the Union.” He said mischievously as he claimed her lips.

Lyrah couldn’t help but wonder about the hundreds of people waiting for them downstairs. “We can’t. Everyone is waiting downstairs for us!” She managed to escape from his hands and made her way to the wardrobe while he went into the bathroom. She heard the running of water as she got herself a lighter and a more flexible royal dress and adorned it. She would have settled for a pair of skinnies but then again, it was her Union Day, she didn’t want to embarrass her mate. Rhol returned a few seconds later with a wet cloth in his hands. He reached for her hand and wiped away the dried blood. There was a small red mark in the middle of her palm. Rhol raised her palm to his lips and kissed the little mark. Lyrah’s entire body quaked with the feeling of his lips on her skin. She reached up and flicked a lock away from her mate’s handsome face then her palm cupped his cheek as a smile appeared on her face.

“Who would have guessed that I can bind the Dark King of the Enchanted World beside me?” She asked in wonder.

Rhol’s eyes turned to into molten amethyst. “I’m no longer the dark king. I’m just the Jinn King and your mate”

Lyrah shrugged her small shoulders. “You will always remain the dark king to me.”

Rhol placed his arms around her waist and lifted her up. Lyrah’s legs automatically went around his waist, anchoring themselves on his hips. The slits on the sides of her dress gave way, giving Rhol a hint of the creamy colored skin all the way up to her thighs. Rhol let out a sound soft between a growl and a purr as his warm lips settled on hers. She felt him move until she felt the cool wall on her back. No matter how much she tried to be sensible, she couldn’t get Rhol out her system at that moment. Her fingers found their way to the buckle of his robe and the heavy blood-red, gold and black material pooled on the floor around him. She came in contact with his hot skin, scotching with his desire for her. Lyrah kissed him harder, tangling her tongue with his, their teeth brazing against each other in the heat of their passion.

Lyrah was delirious by the time she felt Rhol push into her while his teeth tantalized her nipple. Her body bucked from the wall as he thrust deep into her. She looked down at him; this was the male the heavens chose for her because he completed her, he was the other half that made her whole. It was true because in his presence she felt it the completion of her heart and soul. Just thinking about what the future held for them and him not being there with her made her heart ache and mourn. She could not forget what Scarlett told her about him returning into the darkness. She was going to make sure he never again tread through it again.

Rhol welcomed the warmth of Lyrah with open arms. Thanks to her he never had the nightmares nor see his father again. The voices were completely gone, never darkening his doorway again. The temptation of evil and power was gone. Lyrah was not the weakness he once thought she would be. She was his strength, the one person that made him his own male and not a slave to his demons. He didn’t even know where to start repaying her for her selfless gifts to him. Even if it took him his entire life and the after life to pay it, he could never repay what she gave him.

Lyrah writhed against him as he took her body and it only maddened him with wanting her. His tattoos glowed and entangled themselves around her arms and body as they both raced towards their release. Rhol felt it all the way to his body when Lyrah’s body tightened with her climax. She clenched around him, holding him tightly inside him until he too couldn’t hold himself back and spilled inside her. A terrible thought flashed in his mind thinking about the danger to the royal baby and he quickly withdrew almost sending both of them on their asses.

“Wha--” Lyrah yelped in surprise as her arms tightened around him.

“Forgive me.” Rhol held her up brushing away the locks sticking on her damp face and placed a kiss on her brow. “I—I was just a little distracted.”

The concern on Lyrah’s face brought all the walls around his heart down. “Talk to me, Rhol. Tell me what has you distracted.”

Rhol didn’t want to chase away the little happiness that they had with such news but neither did he want to begin the rest of his life with his mate with a lie. “I don’t want to get you pregnant, Lyrah. Not even all this is happening around us.”

There was a little disappointment that entered Lyrah’s eyes but she quickly replaced it with a smile. “I understand. I remember talking to Muriel about her having a child at such an age and she told me her mate didn’t want to bring a child into a world full of bloodshed and death. You have other responsibilities to your people and the enchanted world.”

Rhol felt his throat clogged with what felt like tears. It was a new feeling because for a man who was able to slaughter his own father, Rhol didn’t know sorrow, remorse or regret. He began knowing those feelings when Lyrah entered his life. He cleared his throat and blinked softly then turned his face to Lyrah. “You are amazing.” he whispered.

Lyrah grinned and brushed her nose against his. “I know.”

That earned a grin from Rhol. “Come on, my little arrogantly proud Mage.” He let her slip down from him and lead her to the bathroom where he cleaned her before they made their back downstairs.

Lyrah’s eyes were pleasure-glazed, her cheeks were overly pinks and her lips were slightly plump from his kissing. It didn’t take a genius to figure out just what happened upstairs and when he turned to the males standing around a table of food, their eyes danced with wickedness and amusement. Lyrah slipped her hand out of his grasp and giggled as she quickly made her way to where Queen Noelle, Selma and Eva were seated. Rhol watched as she went and hid her face on Queen Noelle’s shoulders and all the females threw their heads back and laughed.

“You reek, Jinn King.” Drake’s nostril flared as his violet eyes twirled with amusement.

Rhol tilted his head to the side. “I’m a mated male, reeking is a part of it.”

“I don’t!” Yosurn, Dante and the Lord Mage exclaimed in unison.

Drake turned to them with the oh-please look. “Believe me, you all do.”

They all cleared their throats and turned away.

“I know this is the last thing I should be talking about now, but where do you stand with the Realm of Water?” Rhol turned to the Lord Mage.

He flashed his teeth at him. “They want my head decorating a stake in front of the Glass Fortress.”

“Cozy.” Yosurn muttered then added. “Everyone that has aligned with the Lord Mage had declared themselves the enemy of the mer-rebels. That means the Realm of the Dark and the Realm of Fire are enemies to the rebels.”

“And if we attend Queen Alana’s coronation?” Drake asked circumspectly.

“Then the entire enchanted world is the enemy to the Realm of water.” Rhol answered darkly. “And what is Queen Oriel doing about this?”

Yosurn snorted. “The female is as timid as a mouse. She can barely keep everything in order. If she fails, the entire Realm will be brought to its knees.”

A dark feeling curled in Rhol’s gut. The falling of a Great Kingdom. It was one of the events that might bring about the rise of Aidan. “Queen Oriel needs to put her act together or we will seize her throne.”

Lord Mage turned to him. “You don’t get to make that call.”

“But neither will I stand here and let one Realm see the end of the entire enchanted world.” Rhol gritted his teeth.

Lord Mage sighed and said. “I will hold court with her and see if she needs assistance. In the meantime, none of you are to interfere until we sort this out.”

“Wow, you are ready to serve your head to the rebels yourself.” Rhol said sarcastically.

“I’m not handing anything to anyone--” The Lord Mage frowned. “Why do I feel you really enjoying seeing me out of my elements.”

“Now why would you say that?” Rhol didn’t hide the depraved wickedness as he watched the Lord Mage’s energy veins glow slightly in his skin. “You are my brother-in-law after all.”

“That’s it! Union or not, I’m kicking your ass right now.” Tyran growled fashioning his double swords.

Rhol rolled his eyes as he unbuckled his robe and let it fall behind him. “You have been begging to get bitch slapped from the beginning and out of respect of your sister, I let you get away with a lot of shit but not anymore. I’ll give you what you deserve.” He unsheathed his royal dagger and everyone around them gasped.

Rhol turned to the females and their eyes were wide with horror while their faces were as white as ghost skins. Rhol snared his mate’s eyes with his just as Tyran did the same with the Queen Mage and both males winked at their significant other before they flashed out.

Not even both males had fully materialized in the courtyard before the clanging of their swords was carried across the lands. The ground shook as everyone ran out to watch the spectacular battle between the two most powerful males in the enchanted world. Their queens didn’t know how they managed it but they found themselves on the front row, watching in both admiration and terror while their hands clutched tightly around each other.

However, not everyone saw that with every strike and every slash, a bond was being forged. With the future of the enchanted world bleak, loyalty was the most sought-after asset...much more rare and precious than any gemstone in their mines. No matter how horned a warrior was, if he or she was standing alone, his or her chance of survival was non-existent. Alliance was the only key to surviving whatever they were up against in the future and both kings had seen that before-hand.

The two males danced to the deadly rhythm of their weapons, mesmerizing the watchers with their agility, their speed and their accuracy but behind it all, an alliance had been forged and oaths had been said before signatures of blood had been signed.

Upon this dawning day of blood,

A skin on your back,

Sight in your eyes and shield on your hand,

As you would me until the end,

I shall protect you

To the fires of hell,

Until the sun refuses to rise,

And the lands are flat and barren,

I shall walk with you

Until the rivers flow with blood,

Our weapons turn to dust

And our bodies turn to ashes,

I shall stand with you

I am your brother,

As you are mine,

Until the end and in the after-life

(Jinn Warrior Oath before joining the Royal Army)

The End

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