Chapter Chapter Five

“He’s coming!” Lyrah cried as she shot up from the bed. She did the mistake of opening her eyes too early and her entire world rolled over. Nausea built up in her throat and she had to close them once more before slowly slipped back down onto the bed.

She had a dream...but she knew it wasn’t a dream. She was very positive Tyran had pin-pointed her location using Gregor’s power and was now on his way to get her. Lyrah could feel his wrath and it bombarded against her like jackhammers. Lyrah always had a connection with her brother and once she loved it because it always kept them together but at that moment in time, she hated it because it was the only way that Tyran could eventually find her.

She needed to tell Rhol about this...she needed to find a way to get her leaden body out of bed and go to look for Rhol. This was what she got for being careless and using so much energy before she healed. She was lucky she was even conscious! She had once seen Tyran after a battle and his body had completely shut itself down in order to heal for days! For her, it was as if something heavy had been put on her chest and she wasn’t strong enough to remove it.

She didn’t want Rhol and Tyran to fight again. She had seen them on their friendly brawl in the gardens the time she was attacked during her journey back from the Great Hall. She didn’t want to see them actually fight. The rage she felt when Tyran connected with her was enough to move a mountain and Rhol wasn’t the male to back down when he was attacked. He certainly wasn’t going to stand there and watch even if it was her brother.

The room felt cooler than usual and from the side she could here the whistling of the wind and light pattering of rain. The morning was gloomy as if it too knew of the bloodshed that was about to take place in the Black Fortress.

“Oh, Lady Lyrah!” Leah came in and bobbed her head towards her before placing the tray of food on the table. “You are awake?”

Lyrah sighed lightly. She never thought she would be relieved to see her new maid. “Leah, I need you to do me a favor.”

Leah bobbed her head again. “I have been given strict orders by the king not to let you leave your bed, High Lady Lyrah, but you can ask me for anything else.”

Lyrah tried to turn her body but it felt like moving a rock solid wall. “I need to see the king.”

“Lady Lyrah, are you alright?” Leah’s eyes lit up with concern when she saw Lyrah struggling on the bed.

“I’ll be alright but I need to see the king. Please go and get him.”

“But the king is down at the practicing grounds. He will not allow any distraction while he is down there with his warriors.”

“Even if it is an emergency?” Lyrah eyed the young woman lightly. She was wasting time!

“An emergency?” Leah looked puzzled for a moment then her eyes brightened again. “I’ll call for the Second in Command, Zafrina, right away! She will know what to do.” with a hasty bob she dashed out of the room.

Lyrah closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the little energy that she had left. She needed to get better before Tyran came in and carried her home while Rhol was away. She still had a lot to do. She hadn’t even in the slightest convinced Rhol to help her. In fact, she believed she wasn’t even in the favorable side with Rhol at that moment. But putting the mate thing aside and the fact that her body was beginning to recognize her mate’s, without Rhol’s help the Lord Mage together with the Enchanted World were going to suffer. Rhol had a great army and even though people did not trust him so much, a lot of them acknowledged his power.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to stay. Knowing her brother, Lyrah knew she would never get the chance like this ever again...unless the Lord Mage acknowledges King Rhol as her mate.

Her body shivered just by the thought of it. And then there was what happened between them last night. Her lips throbbed as she remembered how Rhol tormented her with his kisses. The warmth of his lips and his hands on her still lingered, like hot brands on her skin. Her body ignited with an internal fire, a fire that had been dormant for a very long time. Did she like what she felt when Rhol seduced her body? She didn’t know but what she definitely knew was that if she wanted to succeed getting on Rhol’s good side, what happened between them should be forgotten.

Rhol was not the male to show emotions. He was hard and ruthless and this could only make him uncomfortable and he might try with all his power to keep her away from him. If she pretended long enough that she wasn’t being affected by him, then maybe she could win him over to help Tyran.

“Are you alright, High Lady Lyrah?” a concerned voice drifted through cutting off her thoughts.

Lyrah turned to the impressively tanned and molded Zafrina who was still coalescing in front of her. . She was a hard female, Lyrah had to admit but there was something about her that almost made Lyrah feel sorry for her.

“Yes. I need to speak to King Rhol immediately.”

Zafrina’s concerned eyes narrowed even more. “Leah tells me there is an emergency?”

Lyrah nodded vigorously. “The Lord Mage is on his way here. I felt his wrath and I have a feeling he will not arrive alone.”

“The Lord Mage?” Zafrina’s stance changed as her hand went to her blade and her tattoos began slithering around her body in excitement.

“Yes!” Lyrah exclaimed then a moment of dizziness swept over her. She rested her head back on the pillow feeling a light sheet of sweat breaking on her forehead. “You need to warn Rhol. He needs...” black spots began to form in front of Lyrah’s vision, blurring everything she saw. “He needs to prepare for a confrontation...” Lyrah’s head lolled as she lost consciousness. In her mind, she screamed for Zafrina to take action immediately and hoped that the Jinn saw just how vital this was.

Metal clanged together as Rhol worked up a sweat with one of his commanders. He only had two commanders. While Seygon was his arms and weaponry commander, Zafrina was strategies and techniques. Rhol followed the light swirl of black smoke lazily twirling around him. Every Jinn had a signature swirl that he recognized very well. Seygon was a dangerous opponent. He was as stealth as a cat at times. He also had speed and agility. Rhol had to open up his senses as far as he possibly could. And then he heard it...the light singing of a blade cutting through the air. He took a step to his right and arched slightly back as the blade came down missing him by a hair breadth. Seygon disappeared again and attacked from a different angle but Rhol already heard him and drew up his jeweled dagger. The connection sent sparks around. Seygon’s tattoos solidified and spider-like claws appeared behind him. They snapped and stabbed towards Rhol. Rhol defended himself against the onslaught precisely in the right moments. He need this. If he was going to keep himself in check, he needed to find a reason...any reason at all not to lose himself, lose his beliefs. He wasn’t going to give in, he wasn’t going to weaken just because she was there. She needed to go--

A scalding pain shot through his thigh and arm as two of Seygon’s spidery claws shot through. Rhol ground his teeth as the poison rushed through his body.

“My king!” Seygon’s alarmed voice rang.

“God-damit!” Rhol growled.

Seygon was right next to him within a split second, helping him up. “I’ll take you to the infirmary.”

Rhol shook the commander away. “I need the fucking infirmary.”

“My King!” Zafrina came rushing in and Rhol rolled his eyes. The only times that Zafrina looked stressed were when there was something that she couldn’t handle. And here he thought that the day couldn’t get any worse.

“What is it?” He sighed in surrender as the Jinn poison wrecked havoc through his body. Muscles spasmed and twitched, fighting off the obscene substance in the body. The pain was enormous but at his mental condition it was the best thing. It was like a high, something to keep his mind in focus.

“It’s High Lady Lyrah.” Zafrina stuttered.

Suddenly the temperature in the room went cold as Rhol’s body went numb. He saw both his commanders shiver and even the rest of the warriors move away from him but he didn’t didn’t even notice it himself that his tattoos had solidified into large violet tentacle slithering and screeching with retaliation in the air nor did he regard the dark gloomy shadows lurking around him.

“What happened?” He asked through his thick throat. For a moment, even the fiery pain that was coursing through his body was forgotten.

“She said that you should prepare yourself for a confrontation from the Lord Mage. He is on his way here.”

So, finally the Lord Mage had pin pointed where his sister was. It was about time! Sometimes Rhol felt his bitter-sweet, friend-foe, Tyran was getting just a little too rusty in his power. Well, he did just recently find his mate.

Rhol grinned maliciously. “Then, let us prepare the welcoming party.”

Zafrina grimly inclined her head to him and walked out.

Rhol stood in front of the window to his chambers facing the rocky landscape surrounding the fortress while the female deemed to be his mate was sprawled on his bed, her slight body intertwined with the blood-red sheets. It wouldn’t have disturbed him since he wasn’t a stranger to waking up to such a sight but when he thought of it more, Lady Lyrah who appeared so fragile and helpless managed to get his rebellious younger brother to his knees and tracked and destroyed the unknown venom creeping around his fortress seeking for a host...that was what disturbed him to his core. She jumped in without even a thought about her own safety. She was unpredictable and it was a stupid trait when it came to survival and that was one reason why he didn’t want her around there anymore. Whatever that black abomination was, it was still lurking in the fortress, he could feel the balmy evil surrounding him. Instinctively the first thing he found himself thinking about was how to protect his mate more than himself. Fuck, her stupidity was rubbing off on him! The faster Tyran got there, the faster he could take her away.

That was what he was thinking...so, why was he making the deep-throat growls of protests at the mere thought of someone taking Lyrah away from him and how did he get from the window to standing next to the bed, watching over her?

Her silky white hair tumbled around her head, her skin had a low glow to it making her look enchanted and forbidden. Her beauty was beyond what his simple male brain could contemplate. Whatever spell the heavens embedded in the females to entice males, Rhol cursed it maliciously. The unity between a male and a female should have been of choice, not embedded inside the very soul!

“My King!” Zafrina suddenly appeared, her eyes wide in alarm. “Lord Mage is here!”

Just like the way Rhol was unable to penetrate the spells that fortified the Mage Fortress, Muriel was able to erect very enchant spells to make that Black Fortress impenetrable to even a seasoned Royal Mage as Tyran without his permission.

“Good.” Rhol flashed himself out the room and follow the foreign aura of the Royal Mage to the private forest behind the fortress.

White energy zinged around the forest as he and his warriors appeared before the enrage Lord Mage and his team of hooligans. Rhol’s eyes quickly swept across the males and he noted the dragon he met the last time he paid his old friend a visit. There was a Lycan and another pure blood breed too, he could smell them from a mile away. He caught a familiar hissing from a merman, something he once heard from his brother’s mate when she got angry. He other hooded male next to him was obvious a Mage. So, Lord Mage decided to come with all his commanders.

“Where is she?” The growl reverberated from the furious male. His eyes were completely engulfed by white energy and veins rippled around his body as he emanated so much energy, enough to make some of the Jinn warriors take a step back.

“It’s about fucking time you showed up!” Rhol growled back. “So, it’s true, you have grown too old for your skin, Lord Mage.”

“We are here to take the High Lady Lyrah back home, nothing more.” The dragon spoke, barely hiding the claws already unsheathing from his reptilian-like hands.

“She’s weak. What have you done to her?” Lord Mage managed to ask through his fury.

Rhol breathed in hard and sighed. “I think the best person to ask that question is your sister.”

Wind began to pick up around them, thrashing leaves and branches all around them.

“It is true then. You have been tainted by the dark energy just like your father!” Lord Mage spat.

That touched a nerve. Rhol hated being compared to his father. His skin tingled as his tattoos turned midnight black and detached from him. They solidified into claws and as he stood there facing the Lord Mage, it looked as if large spider legs were protruding from his back. “Don’t insult me.”

Two of his hooligan commanders stepped in front of him and instinctively Zafrina and Seygon stepped in front of him. A hazy blue smoke danced around Seygon’s body as he readied himself for an attack while Zafrina’s hair braid uncoiled from her neck like an awakening python and slithered around her hand. Her tattoos fortified the braid making the hand an armored smasher.

“What are you boys doing?” an authoritative voice rang behind them.

They all turned around and Rhol felt as if he’s entire body was frozen in place. Muriel’s eyes were dark with anger as she made her way towards them with her mate close behind her.

“Zax, get her out of here!” Rhol roared.

“Zax, don’t you dare!” Muriel turned to her mate. “I will not stand here and see a bunch of adrenaline-pumped, egoistical junkies bicker over something that has already happened.”

With one hand casually rested on her belly, she crossed over until she was in the center of the two groups. She turned to Rhol who thought his head was about to burst with fury. How dare she put herself and her baby in danger like that?

“Why are you always looking for a conflict? Don’t you think with everything that is happening in the Realm is enough? I trust you as my king and my protector so I’m quite disappointed in you right now.”

Rhol found the corners of his lips itching to come up in a smile. Muriel was always motherly and she never really followed his orders. She was always governed by her own ethical codes.

“And you!” She turned to the Lord Mage who stood there as dazed as everyone else. “This is not very strategic for you. I have never seen you this careless before. Did you even take time to ask yourself how High Lady Lyrah got here in the first place?”

“Lyrah would never, in her right mind, come here.”

“At least we agree to a point.” Rhol muttered lightly.

“Lyrah came here with her own two feet. While making her way through the Realm forest, she was attacked by Ghouls. She was fortunate that several warriors were scouting and they saved her. Now, she is resting, recuperating from her ordeal. She is in no condition to travel.” Muriel explained.

Rhol rolled his eyes. Now, why did she ruin the whole confrontation? “That’s enough, Muriel. Please move out of the way. Zax!”

Zax was like a solid wall next to his mate, eying both sides carefully and making sure he was able to carry her out of harms way when push came to shove.

“Who are you?” Lord Mage narrowed his eyes as Muriel.

Muriel smiled lightly. “I am Muriel. I used to serve your father way before you were born, Lord Mage. I’m a Mage of Truth.”

Lord Mage’s eyes widened slightly. “Mage of Truth?”

“Well, I was once...but as you can see I am mated to a Jinn.” She turned to Zax and smiled lovingly then turned to Rhol. “My king, there is no conflict here. Just a misunderstanding.” then turned to Lord Mage. “I will send High Lady Lyrah back home as soon as she recovers...that is if my King permits it.”

“Why does he have a saying on whether my sister returns or not! She’s my sister.”

Rhol felt all the Jinns there including Muriel look at him, expecting him to say something to defend himself. They expected him to tell Lord Mage the truth. He was his sister’s mate. “This is my Realm and it’s under my rule. You need to seek permission for every action. And about Lady Lyrah, I think she should decide this herself.”

“Why is she here in the first place?” The dragon asked. “Why would she would she dare to travel such a distance on her own. What do you have on her?”

Rather, what did she have on him was the best question. “She makes the decision to return, not me, not you Lord Mage.”

Rhol let his tattoos re-attach themselves on his skin before he turned on his heel and marched out of the forest. Both Zafrina and Seygon eyed the convoy then followed Rhol back towards the fortress.

Muriel smile snuggly. “It seems we are having ourselves some guests. It’s been while since we had any.”

“Zach, return to the Realm of Spells with Jax and Ruvin. Make sure my queen is alright. I will conclude this with Storm and Drake as soon as I can.”

Zach inclined his head and took both Jax and Ruvin’s hands before they flashed away.

Zax escorted the three males towards the Black Fortress.

Lyrah’s eyes snapped open to the dimly lit room. She felt a very familiar presence and it was comforting. It was great crawling into this comforting warmth after feeling cold for such a long time. She tried to recollect her thoughts and figure out where she was when suddenly a large palm appeared before her and caressed the silver locks away from her face. The palm bathed her face with warmth and when the owner was about to pull it away, her hands snapped up and held the hand in place.

“Lyrah?” A familiar voice called.

Lyrah’s eyes strayed towards the stranger and her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she saw who it was.

“Lord Mage!” She jerked up.

Tyran’s hands went around her small shoulders as a wave of dizziness swept over her and almost sent her tumbling back onto the pillows. He let her slip back into the sheets softly and touched her forehead.

“You still have a fever.” He sighed tiredly and that was when Lyrah noticed that the pain around her thigh had reduced. Lord Mage must have used his energy to heal her. “Rest some more.”

Lyrah bit her lower lip. “Tyran--”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Lyrah could very well pick the fury that Lord Mage was trying his best to keep in check. “What matters right now is that you get strong enough to get back home.”

“I’m not going back with you.” Lyrah said lightly, avoiding the intense eyes of her brother.

“What?” Tyran turned to her.

“I came here for a reason and I will not leave until I have achieved it.”

There was a moment of silence then Tyran asked in a thick voice. “I was hoping the reason you were here was because you were captured by the dark king.”

Lyrah shook her head lightly. “I came here out of my own free-will.”

“And why would you do such a stupid and careless thing, Lyrah?” Tyran growled.

“Because King Rhol is the last hope the enchanted world has.”

Tyran got up and paced away from his sister. Lyrah could hear the rapid breathing. Yep, he was madder than she expected. “You risked your life to come here because you believe king Rhol can save the enchanted world? Have you taken the time to look around you lately? The male can hardly protect his people from the Ghouls, how can he protect everyone else?”

“You and King Rhol are ancient royal bloods. You are the strongest males in the enchanted world. You can--”

“Don’t delude yourself with such fantasies, Lyrah!” Tyran roared. “You don’t defy me, Lyrah. When I make a command you follow it. This world has become more dangerous than ever and the last thing I need right now is the last royal blood Mage female running around risking her life for beliefs that don’t even make sense!”

Lyrah felt her heart twist painfully in her ribs. The words Tyran said offended her greatly and hurt her deeply. She wasn’t some errant child that everyone took turns in reprimanding. She was a fully grown woman who had a clear head and made decisions for herself. “If you couldn’t control your mate, don’t you dare thinking of ranting your anger at me, Tyran! I’m not your slave or one of you warriors where you can go and command whenever you feel like! I’m the Mage of Life for crying out loud! I can take care of myself and I will stand up for my beliefs. For once, why don’t you look around you? What exactly are you doing for the enchanted world? People are dying in every corner of this heavens-forsaken world. You are the first suspect on everyone’s list. While the Dragon Queen has aligned with you, its the same dragons that are setting villages on fire and hunting down royal convoys. And then there are the Fae and the Sorcerers! What is one male like you doing to do against all these forces?”

“It doesn’t concern you!”

“It does because I happen to be one of the many people living in this world.” Lyrah shot back. “Just accept it, you need the Realm of the Dark on your side.”

Tyran raked his hands through his hair and turned to his sister. “Do you know the reason why the Realm of the Dark is not trusted by other Realms? Have you ever asked Rhol why this is so?”

“I know many stories have been said about this Realm and most of them are not true.”

Tyran chuckled bitterly. “You don’t even have the slightest clue, do you?”

Lyrah frowned lightly. Tyran was ruthless but he was never a liar. “What are you talking about?”

“You are still oblivious to everything around you that you have no idea how much danger you’ve put yourself in at this moment.” Tyran turned to Lyrah.

Lyrah shook her head. “I can never be harmed in this place.”

“You are so sure of yourself, aren’t you? What guarantee to you have?” Tyran quirked his eyebrow at her.

Lyrah gulped hard. Because King Rhol is my mate. Oh, how she wanted to say those words to her brother but she wasn’t ready for the fury that would erupt from him especially when he was already angry. “Because I am still alive until this moment.”

“You were barely alive, Lyrah!” Tyran growled.

“I know I over-used my energy but--”

“When you disregard your own health, you as the Mage of Life, then what am I supposed to do? Do you really expect me to stand aside while you destroy yourself?”

“I didn’t say that....” suddenly the dark balmy feeling crawled up Lyrah’s skin.

Her eyes widened as suddenly, white veins pulsed up and down Tyran’s hands and his eyes glow in white energy.

“You feel it too?” She whispered lightly.

“You need to leave this place immediately!” Tyran turned to the door. There were distinct slow footsteps coming from the other side of the door. As the footsteps came closer to the door, Tyran had already fashioned his signature double energy blades.

Lyrah felt as if the evil was caressing her skin with its crude claws. Her gut tightened to the point she though she was going to retch. A cold sweat broke on her forehead as the footsteps stopped in front of the door. There was silence for a moment and it felt like years. Pure evil pulsed from the other side of the door. Tyran watched in intently, ready to attack at any moment.

Suddenly the evil abruptly disappeared and both Lyrah and Tyran were given but a nano second to react as large black puffs and swirls of smoke engulfed the room.

Lyrah choked and her eyes teared as the entire room was filled with the evil-reeking smoke.

“Tyran!” Lyrah screamed trying to make out where her brother was in all that dark smoke but all she could see was the fast moving energy blades slicing through the unseen enemy. The dark smoke swelled even more, robbing the room of all the oxygen.

Lyrah gagged as she felt the dark smoke enter her throat and down into her lungs, burning its way in while at it! Tears sprang out of her eyes as she tried to fight it off. An eerie and evil chuckle rang through the room.

Lyrah closed her eyes and concentrated on the little energy that she was able to attain from Tyran during the healing session and let it radiate out of her. Beams of yellow energy like sun rays after the storm passed burst out of her. The black smoke screeched and retreated.

Suddenly the door burst open and all Lyrah could see was large spider-like claws hacking into the air. Her eyes widened in fear as they made their way towards her. The fear increased the flow of energy within her. The dark smoke retreated from her with haunting howls of pain and anger.

The swirls began to coalesce into the menace. Suddenly Tyran came into severing the tentacles making their way to him. At every slice, the energy sizzled the dark magic and a nauseating and pungent smell rose.

The Jinn screeched in retaliation and attacked viciously at Tyran. His eyes were crazed and black spittle ran down his mouth. His body twitched as if it was not his own and his skin had taken on a pale sickening color. The black evil had finally found a host! Lyrah jerked up and her movement caught the Jinn’s attention. He turned to her and a cruel smile appeared on his face as he sent tentacles racing towards her. Lyrah’s body was laden yet again because she had used so much of her energy. She watched helplessly as the poisonous blade-like tentacles raced towards her and before they touched her something large appeared in front of her, blocking her from the assault. The slurping sound of the tentacles slicing into flesh made bile boil up into Lyrah’s mouth but she didn’t have time to act as suddenly large arms scooped her from the bed and took her away from the danger.

Lyrah was able to catch a quick glimpse of her brother striking the killing blow of the momentarily-distracted Jinn by beheading him. The Jinn shrieked and dropped on his knees. Black blood oozed from his body as if it were alive.

“Destroy the blood!” Lyrah was able to scream to her brother as her savior dropped to his knees.

Lyrah turned to see Rhol fighting for breath. His face had contorted into that of utter pain. “Rhol!” Lyrah cried helplessly but Rhol was already lost in the world of the unconscious. His heavy body collapsed and Lyrah was surprised that he was still thinking of her well-being as he pushed her away from him to prevent her from being crushed by his body.

More of that poisonous smell rose from the black blood as Tyran let out a burst of white energy on it. The Jinn body disintegrated into ashes right in front of them but Lyrah wasn’t worried about all that. With shaky hands, she touched the male in front of her. So much blood was gushing from his back where he was attacked.

“Get up, Lyrah!” Tyran’s voice rang into the room as he ran to her.

Zafrina and several other Jinns appeared in the room. Zafrina sipped a breath when she saw Rhol on the floor.

“What the fuck happened here?” She demanded.

“We were attacked by one of your own.” Tyran rasped picking up Lyrah as if she weighed nothing.

“That’s impossible!” Zafrina objected as several Jinn males carried Rhol and flashed to the infirmary.

“He wasn’t in his right mind.” Lyrah quickly added.

“A Jinn tried to kill my sister!” Tyran roared then turned to Lyrah. “You still think you are safe here?”

“Zafrina!” Lyrah turned desperately towards the commander. “The dark evil was here again. Remember what happened yesterday? Did happened again.”

“He was possessed?” Zafrina frowned lightly.

Tyran gritted his teeth. “It seems the Jinns have sided with the sorcerers. And you want me to trust them? Are you in your mind?”

“It’s not like that, Tyran. Please listen to me.”

“I think I have listened enough foolishness from you for one day and it almost you your life. I’m not negotiating with you anymore.” Tyran turned to the two commanders standing at the door. “Carry her out if you have to.”

“No!” Lyrah screamed catching everyone’s attention.

They all turned to her, stunned into silence.

“I am not going anywhere because...” she stuttered looking hysterically at Zafrina then her brother. She gulped hard and continued. “Because King Rhol is my mate!”

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