Chapter Chapter Eleven

Rhol settled in his conference room, a week later, with the members of his Court and couldn’t help but notice the new representatives. Upon the attack at the city hall, he lost three members. This was an emergency meeting to try and figure out a way forward now that the enemy had emerged. He turned to his side and his mate sat quietly waiting, like everyone else, for him to start the meeting. She looked more enchanting than ever with that ivory skin of hers glowing a little more everyday.

Now that he thought of it, she was always glowing in front of him. Her dark eyes always twinkled when she was close to him. He thought it was her mischief but maybe there was something else—something that he wasn’t ready to admit to himself. She was still as stubborn as ever and she still treaded where he wanted to protect her from but with Muriel’s new baby, Nolan, she was a little preoccupied with that for the time being.

Nolan had a difficult birth because the umbilical cord was wrung around his small neck. He was pronounced stillborn and both Muriel and Zax were devastated. If Lyrah wasn’t there, the child wouldn’t have had a chance but Lyrah was able to detect the child’s determination through his fading spirit. Using her energy, she encouraged him to live because his parents had been waiting for the past nine months for him.

Nolan wasn’t about to leave his parents in grief and he lived. After that, Rhol discovered just how powerful the Mage of Life meant. She could detect decay as well as life. It was an almost godly power, encouraging the dying to live on and vitalizing the decayed.

“I’m indebted to you, my queen.” Rhol recalled Zax going down on his knee and bow his head to her. “My life is yours to do what you wish.”

Lyrah giggled and rolled her eyes then lifted the large male. “What are you talking about? The only debt you have to me is that make sure that boy grows up and becomes as strong and as honorable as you are.”

Zax nodded. “You have my word.”

Now, Lyrah was sitting next to him without a thought in the world on how her selfless action had affected Muriel, Zax and everyone else in the Fortress. Everyone started seeing her less of a trouble maker and more of the queen who was supposed to help her people in every way she could. More helpers started associating with her, making her feel like she belonged there...but did she belong there with him?

Every time Rhol thought about her future in that cursed place, dread settled in the pits of his stomach. She was not safe next to him. Even though he would not have her any other place other than somewhere where he could keep his eye on her, he couldn’t help but remember the words of Rowan. His time was closely approaching. He didn’t know what the cursed male meant but somehow the dread surrounding the Realm was getting too thick to ignore.

Suddenly four people interrupted the court meeting. Rhol’s eyes turned to the two Nosferatu males who had recovered since their ordeal with Rowan, one Jinn-Mage who had just found his mate and the prettiest Nosferatu female Rhol had ever seen. He had always pondered on how he would react when the female got a mate that would take her away from him because to him she was almost a daughter but now everything was in place because she was mated to the male who was soon going to take over his aunt’s duties as his advisor. That meant Eva had to also have a position in his Fortress, to keep her where he could always see her.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet Eva, daughter of Aryan and our newest member of the Court. She will be replacing Dorian, the Noble of Shalarian.”

Eva’s eyes widened while the surrounding males’ mouths dropped.

“But my king--” She stuttered but Rhol held up his hand.

“No need to doubt yourself. You will learn all there is to learn about your duties in due time. For the time being, you should come and take your seat and your brothers and mate--” Rhol’s eyes tensed as he turned them to Dante. He hoped the warning gleaming inside them was well heeded by the male. “--can wait for me in my office.”

The three males inclined their heads and went out while Eva silently shuffled her legs towards the chair of the previous dead Shalarian Noble. Usually, upon the Noble’s death, a member of his or her family would take over the position but Dorian was a lone Mage with no known past. Rhol never asked much from the male other than the fact he was very good at representing the people of Shalarian. It was a great loss that both he and his people had suffered but dwelling on the past was not going to bring any of the fallen heroes back.

“As everyone knows, we face an ancient enemy. We face the last standing Bachu’ane Priest, a very powerful priest that has taken to the dark arts.” Rhol announced gravely eying all his Nobles cautiously. “We have lost friends and family on the day Rowan attacked the City Hall...but I feel we could have lost more if he attacked during the meeting.”

“It is strange that he didn’t attack when everyone was there.” one of the nobles stated curiously.

“It seems there were people he was targeting, not everyone.”

“Most of the people who got hurt were the Mage because they were sensitive to the energies. Could it be that he is targeting the Mage?” another asked lightly.

“He wants to attack the queen.” the first Noble’s eyes widened.

Rhol’s heart went cold in his ribs. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The queen of our Realm is in the safest place of this Realm. Rowan can not enter this place without any of us knowing.”

He turned to Lyrah beside him and he could see the ticking of her blood vessel on her neck. She was afraid that maybe it was true, that maybe Rowan was after her. Rhol found himself touching her fingers and squeezing her hand in assurance. Her dark eyes turned to his and for a moment he didn’t know what to say to make her realize that he was ready to guard her with his life.

“If we are to get this right, we need the help of the Lord Mage.” Someone suggested.

Rhol turned back to the Nobles. “I will not risk yet another Mage’s life.”

“Only the Mage can detect when this foul abomination is close by.” Suddenly Lyrah quickly commented. Rhol groaned inwardly. This was what his mate had been after since the beginning. The last thing Rhol needed was having a bunch of Mage running around his Realm, not to mention Lord Mage breathing down his neck. “Since it is in a form of energy. If we really want to get rid of it, we need all the help my brother can give.”

The Nobles agreed in unison and turned to Rhol who felt like he was backed into a corner. What if something goes horribly wrong and more Mage died in his soil? He didn’t want the same thing that happened to Queen Seranis in the Realm of Spells to happen in his Realm. “This needs more discussion. For now, we need to know who Rowan is associating with, where he is located and what he is planning. Be alert at all times because if he pulled a surprise attack once, he could do it again.”

Everyone nodded their heads lightly.

Lyrah approached Rhol after the meeting was over an hour or so later. She could see that the king was uneasy but she couldn’t understand why. Right after the ambush in the city hall, something about Rhol had changed. He was more fierce and stubborn than ever. At the moment the only places Lyrah was allowed to go were within the bounds of the Fortress and she had to take guards with her. Rhol spent more time going into the city and meeting up with his warriors. If not that then he was having conferences with team leaders from different part of the Realm reporting on what was happening. Rowan had once again disappeared without and trace.

“Are you alright?” She asked him softly.

Rhol turned to her and his eyes glowed violet—like his tattoos. He gave her a curt nod and stepped around her. “It’s been a while since I talked to Darius and he has made contact. I need to go and hear him out.”

“Has he found the Thyest Bow?” Lyrah followed him behind.

“He has not confirmed it yet--” He turned to her and frowned. “Where are you going?”

Lyrah frowned back. “I’m going with you. I want to know what happened too.”

Rhol shook his head. “No, you are not. You’ve done enough already.”

“Wait. What did I do now?” Lyrah stopped Rhol as he was about to walk away again.

Rhol sighed in frustration and turned to her. “I told you the first time, I am not ready to align with anyone, especially your brother—so, why did you have to say anything about it at the Court meeting?”

Lyrah’s mouth fell open with surprise. And here she thought she was actually helping him. “Try and accept that you can’t do this alone.”

“I have done my best to take care of my Realm for centuries.” He growled, his eyes turning black. “I have done it on my own until now. I don’t need anyone’s help.”

“This time it’s different and you know it.” Lyrah assured him. “I know you feel it too—the dread that is surrounding us. It is as if the Realm itself is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. I don’t think you are ready for whatever is about to come. I think it’s about time to strengthen your army and get whatever help you can to fortify your defense or there would be a lot more blood in your hands than you already have.” Lyrah didn’t wait for Rhol to answer. She turned on her heels and stormed away.

Rhol was maddeningly stubborn. This was nothing but pride driving him to act the way that he was. He wasn’t going to lose anything by aligning with someone to help him. Lyrah knew by aligning with the Lord Mage, Rhol would also have Queen Malenna behind him not to mention Queen Alana of the Realm of Light. Though the Fae were not entirely certain as to where they stood, they were proud creatures and hence if the big bad Jinn King came to ask for help, they would aid only to gloat about it for centuries to come but those were mere words and stories when it came to the lives of the citizens of the Realm of the Dark.

“My queen!” A female squeaked behind her.

Lyrah stopped and turned to the racing female. She wondered if there was ever a time when Eva walked instead of scurrying everywhere. The thought brought a smile on her face. “Eva.”

Eva stopped abruptly in front of Lyrah and bobbed lightly. “Is it true the Lord Mage is coming to the Realm? Oh how exciting. I have never seen him in real life.”

Lyrah grinned as she resumed walked with Eva close beside her. “I hope the king would allow the aid from the Mage. If he does then I will personally introduce you to him myself.”

Eva’s eyes widened as she bit her lower lip nervously. “Oh, I think I might faint.”

“Dante will definitely be there to keep you from kissing the floor.” Lyrah teased eying the female knowingly.

Eva’s cheeks turned pink as her eyes darted to the floor.

“How did you know he was your mate?” Lyrah asked.

Eva shrugged her small shoulders. “I didn’t but I knew there was something different. And his scent was intoxicating and so was his blood. It was as if I was drinking the finest of wine.” Her small tongue darted out from her lips instinctively. “I have never had that experience before...I was thoroughly sate by his blood.”

“I’m glad you found your mate, Eva. You deserve a happy ending with everything that is going on in the world.”

“You deserve one too.” Eva quickly clapped her hands together. “You and the king are a match made in heaven.”

Lyrah doubted that very much. One moment she thought she was actually getting through to him the next they were back to square one. All she did was smile as the two females made their way upstairs where Muriel was taking care of Nolan.

Muriel smiled up at them as they entered. “Your abilities are getting stronger my queen. Even Nolan knew you were coming before you even reached the floor. I can’t wait to see what you can do.”

That was true. Lyrah also felt it deep in her gut. She was getting stronger but she never tried to find out just how strong she had become. “I can’t wait to see what I can do. That is if the King will allow me back the the training grounds. These days it seems he knows what I am thinking before I know it myself!”

Muriel chuckled lightly and nodded. “That is what mates do; they become one in body and soul. We should start preparing for The Union.”

Lyrah’s cheeks pinked as she turned to the Nosferatu beside her. Eva’s cheeks too were red with blush. “Let’s not rush into that first.” Lyrah stuttered.

Muriel hummed lightly and turned to Eva. “It’s been a while since I saw you, Eva.”

Eva bobbed lightly. “Indeed it has. Congratulations on having your baby. He is very handsome.”

As if one cue, Nolan let out and squeal and giggled softly as he eyed the two females in front of him. He had his father’s dark hair but his mother’s bright eyes.

Lyrah saw intelligence in the child and because she had connected with his spirit when he was fading away, she would always have a small psychic connection with him as he grows up. “He is going to grow up into a very strong and intelligent young man.”

Muriel ran her hand on the dark curls on his head. “Thanks to you--” Muriel turned to Eva again and sighed. “--I never imagined that, that stubborn, know-it-all nephew of mine would end up having such a pure mate as you, Eva. He is not a bad person but he can be a little childish and stubborn at times.”

The redness tinting Eva’s cheeks spread to her entire face as she looked down to her hands. “He is awfully nice, Muriel.”

“He is nice to everyone. Try and take his mind off his books every once in a while. See, before you, his entire world was based on books and the knowledge from it.” Muriel assured her. “His social skills are a little rusty but I have a feeling so are yours.”

“My brothers hardly let me have friends due to my nature. I think it is rather great that he is the way he is. We will get along just fine.” Eva’s eyes sparkled.

Lyrah envied the female. She had just met her mate a week ago and already she was very optimistic about her future with him whereas she knew the Jinn King for a while and there was never a day that passed without a conflict here and an argument there. Her stomach churned when she remembered the angered that radiated from him when he confronted her about the meeting with the Court Members. She thought she was helping by bringing the people who could actually sense the bloody abomination but no—Rhol was too proud to accept any sort of help from anyone--

“Lady Lyrah, are you alright?” Muriel’s voice filtered through the raging thoughts.

“I’m fine.” Lyrah ran her hand through her hand and realized what had everyone’s eyes, including Nolan’s, bulging from their sockets. She was shining as brought as the sun. Panic took over as she wondered why this new sensation was taking over her. “What is happening to me, Muriel?”

Muriel quickly handed Nolan to Eva and stood in front of Lyrah. “I don’t know. I have never seen this before...but I have noticed it happens every time you are close to the Jinn King—were you thinking about him right now?”

Lyrah nodded her head and pouted. “He scolded me when I told him that he should get help from my brother.”

Muriel’s eyes narrowed a little. “It is connected to your mate but I am not sure how. What were you feeling before this happened?”

“I was angry!” Lyrah exclaimed. “How can we belittle me and my Realm so much? I mean only the Mage can sense the tainted energy so why wouldn’t he want us to help?”

Muriel watched as the glow brightened again.

“He is so maddening, I fee like I want to bite off his head!” Lyrah rasped and a wave of yellow energy pulsed out of her knocking off some of the picture frames and rustling the curtains on the windows. “Whoa!” Lyrah’s eyes widened as she looked down at her hands. “What was that?”

A crazy smile appeared on Muriel’s face. “Your ability, I guess. I knew you could become stronger than your brother. This is very exciting—we need, we need to find Dante!” she chuckled with excitement. “This is it, my Queen. Finally, you have found your center!”

“What does that mean?” Eva eyed both Muriel and Lyrah with confusion while the baby in her arms squealed happily.

“It means she has found the origin of her energy and so she can do almost anything with it. It’s not about forging double swords like your brother, yours comes from here.” Muriel patted Lyrah’s heart.

Lyrah’s mouth fell open but she couldn’t deny it. She had seen her brother emanate a lot of energy when he was distressed or very angry but he was able to control it. She, on the other hand, was afraid of trying it. What if the energy pulse she released was so strong that she harmed everyone in that room. “Muriel, this is dangerous. I can’t do it again.”

“You can’t control it. We need Dante to tell us if he has read anything on the Mage of Life and the abilities. We need to get you in control before you do some serious damage!” Muriel grabbed Lyrah’s hand and they rushed out of the room with Eva close behind.

“Talk to me, Darius.” Rhol had put Darius on speaker on and in the room he had Leon, Stefan, Dante, Saigon and Zafrina. The two Nosferatu were as good as his commanders so he didn’t want to hide anything. They had helped him more than he could ever imagine and there were times when he wanted them to go out there and live their lives but he knew better. They were stronger together because each one had a unique ability that complimented the others’.

“Half of my men are dead, my king.” Darius’ voice droned in. “This is not about the fucking Sheina Inaroam! We have landed ourselves in the hornet’s nest and we can’t get out.”

Rhol’s blood turned cold in his veins as he looked at the grim faces of the warriors in front of him. “What are you talking about? How are you getting through if you are still at the Legin caves?”

“They are preparing for an ambush. There are hundreds of them!” Darius was panicking and the signal was beginning to jerk.

“Who are they?”

“Sorcerers and some sort of dead army. Fuck!” Darius cursed and breathed in hard. “I was able to still an analogue transmitter. Cleo has been captured. Most of the males have been slaughtered. I have Meric, Alesi and ten other males. I overheard the sorcerers planing on ambushing city of Karah but first they had to render the only ones who can sense them useless—the Mage. They have a leader and he was getting ready for a test run.”

Rhol settled back on his chair. So, that was what it was. Rowan went to the city hall to test his attack on the Mage and anyone who was able to sense the energy. “Have you secured the Thyest Bow?”

“Their leader has the Thyest Bow! He had been hiding it here all along. This was his lair for the many centuries the bow was missing. I am running out of time! We need an army to get rid of these sorcerers before they are able to escape to Karah! We need the fucking Lord Mage--”

Suddenly the phone died and silence weighed upon everyone’s shoulders as they all looked down at the phone as if it were about to jump up and bite them.

Rhol rubbed his hands against his face and ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorcerers and a dead army?”

“What dead army?” Zafrina eyed him suspiciously.

The only dead army Rhol saw was the one in his dreams. The one his father kept on telling him to lead.

A life for a life....he remembered that was the principle for resurrection. Could it be all those Ghouls they found were killed so that an army could be resurrected? It made sense now...but who did the army possess since the Ghoul bodies were destroyed?

“We need to get down there as soon as possible.” Rhol finally said.

“But what about what Darius said? We need the Lord Mage.” Zafrina asked.

Rhol could almost see the Lord Mage’s gloating face. He turned to Zafrina and sighed in defeat. “He had battled sorcerers before, he might know the best way to defeat them.”

“But we are risking their lives.” Leon objected.

“And we can’t sense anything.” At that moment in time, he loathed his nature and the fact that he couldn’t protect his people something he didn’t know.

The room fell quite again before Rhol got up and sighed. “I’ll go and get him myself.”

“I’ll come with you.” Zafrina stepped forward.

“No.” Rhol objected. “Keep her safe. Watch her until I return. Don’t let her find out what I am up to.”

Zafrina pursed her lips and nodded then inclined her head to him. “Yes, my king.”

“In the mean time, gather the best warriors and get them ready to move out as soon as possible. Saigon prepare the best weaponry we have. Leon and Stefan are to join the army moving out and Dante—get me all the information you can about the sorcerers and the dead army. I need to know what we are dealing with.”

They all inclined their heads and turned towards the door to go and accomplish their tasks. As Rhol was about to go up and prepare himself, he noticed the swirling smoke and rolled his eyes. What was Yosurn up to now? Rhol didn’t need anymore bad news.

“Hello, brother.” Yosurn adjusted the cuff-links on his shirt and smirked at his brother.

“What do you want, Yosurn?” Rhol turned to his brother.

Suddenly Yosurn’s face turned serious as he tucked his hands in his pockets. “Trouble in paradise. The rebel group in the Realm of the water is expanding and they are angry. They are going after anyone associating with the Lord Mage; Queen Malenna, Queen Alana—are you aligning with the Lord Mage?”

“Darius has found the sorcerers’ headquarters. Rowan is the mastermind behind all this and he has a dead army ready to attack Karah at any moment. I will not sit here and let the people of Karah die just because a lousy group of spineless fish-fuckers have a meaningless grudge on the Lord Mage!” Rhol raged.

Yosurn’s eyebrow snapped up. “So, the High Lady Lyrah has actually convinced you to bring on the big bad brother.”

“It has nothing to do with her.” Rhol rasped between his grinding teeth.

“You’ve become soft—just like the rest of us mated males. Accept it.”

Rhol snarled at his brother. “One more word from you and I will have you play bait in that fucking Legin Glacier!”

Yosurn raised his hands up in surrender. “I have a pregnant mate to take care of.”

Rhol’s eyes widened. “Selma is pregnant?”

Yosurn nodded and grinned nervously. “With everything that is happening here I wonder if I can handle her being pregnant.”

Rhol understood his brother’s concern because even though Lyrah wasn’t even close to being pregnant, just the mere thought of having her in the Realm with a war just around the corner froze the blood in his veins. Was there any place he could take her where she could be safe? “You need to be with her.”

“She has her overbearing brothers suffocating her at the moment.” Yosurn chuckled lightly. “I had to get away to give you the information. I hope you are ready for what is about to come. The Mer-people make the worst enemies.”

Rhol grinned maliciously. “I never shy away from a good challenge. They can try their best with me and I will make sure their graves will not be found even after this whole world is flattened with the war.”

“Now, that’s the male I have always known. I better take my leave—good luck.” Yosurn saluted his brother and vanished.

Rhol breathed in hard feeling the demons waking up in his head. The whispers started out like a loud buzz but as he walked through the hallways, they became louder and louder, coaxing him to embrace the darkness within him, to take his place among the fallen and to become the strongest leader the enchanted world had ever seen. It was tempting; the sensual taste of endless power was almost carnal. His body throbbed with it, wanting to embrace it and become what everyone would fear but right after his mind sought out the temptation, deathly fear gripped him as he remembered what Aidan looked like and how his own father’s features began to change. That was not him and he didn’t want to fall like his father.

As Rhol passed the library, he felt her in there. He stopped short and approached the doubled doors with bulky guards standing outside. They changed their stance when they saw him and bowed. Rhol opened the doors and inside was Muriel, Eva carrying baby Nolan, his glowing mate and Dante. Rhol felt a whirlpool of fury and possessiveness unwind deep within him when he saw that Dante was holding Lyrah’s hands and talking to her with a big stupid grin on his face. The glow around Lyrah brightened.

Rhol let his presence known by letting out a short growl of warning to the other male. Everyone turned to him and Lyrah gasp out loudly as Dante dropped her hands.

“My King!” everyone exclaimed but he was not in the mood of a thousand explanations. He only wanted his mate with him—to calm down the slithering voices in his head.

Rhol stalked to the people gathered in front of him, eying only his mate. Even baby Nolan’s head snapped up in alert.

“Come with me.” Rhol extended his hand out to her. His voice was thick and it even shocked him.

Lyrah didn’t ask why for she knew what this was about. She quickly excused herself and took Rhol’s hand.

Rhol’s arms went softly around her slight body and he lifted his head once more, warning off Dante. Dante took a step back but a silly grin was pasted on his face. It irritated Rhol greatly that the male could smile so easily and take things so lightly while he could barely contemplate on how to even being to form a smile.

Nolan squeal and held his hands up towards him. Rhol found himself touching the baby’s little hand in assurance before he flashed himself and his mate to their quarters. Just being this close to her had already sent the voice cowering away into that dark corner of his mind. Was this going to be part of him for the rest of his life? Would he be always running to Lyrah in order for her to calm them down. The bright glow around her bathed him in her purity and goodness. It felt warm and homey, a place that he didn’t want to get away from. She smelled so sweet and divine that all he wanted to do was just crawl into her and remain there forever. A moan, like that of a canine who was being soothed, escaped his lips when he felt her small hands on his back burrowing underneath his shirt.

“I’m sorry about today.” He muttered in her hair.

“I know. I understand now, your ego would not let you align with anyone.”

Rhol’s head moved back and he eyed his mate. “It has nothing to do with my ego.”

Lyrah’s eyebrow arched up to show that she was not convinced.

“It had nothing to do with my ego.” he said it again, trying to convince himself too but who was he kidding?

“If you say so.” Lyrah sighed and stepped back. “So, what are you going to do about Rowan? He is preparing something big, I can feel it.”

Rhol wondered if Lyrah could also feel when he was lying. “There is always a way to deal with the likes of Rowan.”

“Remember, you have a whole lot more to carry on your shoulders than you think.” Lyrah assured him.

“I know.” Rhol said. “Come here.”

Lyrah looked down at his outstretched hand then up at his face. “How can we keep doing this without tangling ourselves into something more.”

Now, it was Rhol’s turn to arch an eyebrow at his mate. “Do you want something more from me, Dirani peeta?”

Lyrah’s eyes quickly darted away. “No, that’s not what I am saying. I just think this—what we have here will lead to a lot of complications in the future.”

“You are my mate, what complications can this have in the future?”

“Have you—have you thought about the Union?” she stuttered softly and cringed her face waiting to hear his reply.

Rhol wondered where all this was coming from. Was that what she was talking about with Muriel, Eva and Dante in the library? “The Union will happen when there is a need for it. At the moment, I don’t feel the need for it.”

“Oh.” Lyrah’s glow faded a bit and Rhol narrowed his eyes. “Did you find out what this new glow around you means?”

Lyrah’s cheeks reddened as she avoided his eyes again. “My abilities are growing and Muriel thinks I could be much stronger than even my own brother.”

“Stronger abilities come with great responsibilities. I don’t want you to find yourself burdened because of them.” Rhol touched her cheek lightly and the glow returned with a full force. “It seems the closer I am to you, the stronger you glow.”

Lyrah pursed her lips and pointed to his tattoos. “My energy also affects you. See.”

Rhol looked down at his tattoos and they too were glowing but they took on their normal violet color when his mate was close by. They were behaving, just slithering silently around his body. “What does it mean?”

“We are the centres of each other.” Lyrah stated. “Well, at least that’s what Dante told me.”

At the mentioning of Dante’s name and the tattoos tingled against his body, turning back to black. “Why did he have his hands on you?”

Lyrah rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh, come on. Don’t tell me I have to explain everything to you. I mean, Dante has a mate!”

“He is still a male.” Rhol assured his mate. “And I don’t entertain other males touching what is mine.”

Lyrah scoffed. “Just a moment ago you told me you didn’t need a Union with me, now you are saying I belong to you?”

“You are my mate! That does not change whether we are in a Union or not. And since you are my mate and the future Queen of this Realm, I would like it very much if you act as seen fit.” Rhol commented.

“You are a terrible mate, Rhol.” Lyrah cried, her lower lip trembling slightly as the glow around her began to pulse. “I can’t stand living like this with you. One moment you are the perfect mate, the next, you are driving me up the walls! When will you stop being such a coward and paranoid and see that there are people out there who truly want to help you, including me?”


“I’m not done yet!” She exclaimed taking a step towards him as a wave of energy pulsed from her and rattled the vases and the curtains around them. “I have endured so much from you macho behavior but I can’t endure it anymore.”

“Lyrah--” Rhol took a step back as he began to feel the heat on her energy licking against his skin.

“Don’t Lyrah me!” She screamed.

Rhol grabbed her hands and crushed his lips hard against hers. Lyrah’s eyes were wide with surprise and her body was stiff against him. Rhol didn’t let go until he felt Lyrah’s body lose its stiffness. Her hands, which were curled into tight little fists were now holding on to him for dear life. Finally, Rhol was able to break the kiss and look down at her in astonishment. “What was that?”

“What was what?” She asked him.

“The energy waves that you sent in the room.” Rhol caressed a lock that was caught on the corner of her mouth away.

Lyrah gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth. “It happened again?”

“Wait, it has happened before?” Rhol frowned.

Lyrah bit her lower lip and Rhol’s erection kicked inside his pants. All the was to be inside his mate, pounding and grinding in her until there was nothing else she could feel, breath and hear other than him but first he needed to find out what the fuck happened to her!

“It’s what I have been trying to tell you. Dante is trying to figure out what this is.”

“How many times has it happened?” Rhol was suddenly concerned. He didn’t want Lyrah combusting right in front of him.

“Today was the strongest when I went to see Muriel—and right now.” She sighed. “But I know I will be able to control it soon. I just need to know what is causing it in the first place.”

Rhol pulled Lyrah close to him. “Don’t scare me like that again.”

“Well, don’t get me angry then.” Lyrah added.

Lyrah felt her womb clench deep inside her when Rhol grinned wickedly at her.

“Do I always get you angry?” He asked, drawing forward and nipping her pouting lips.

“You have been these past few days; locking me up in the fortress grounds, refusing to listen to my reasons why I want my brother here.” Lyrah sighed when Rhol pulled her into his embrace, his strong arms going around her small waist and her tight nipples came into contact with his chest.

“It’s for your own protection.” Rhol muttered against her lips.

“I’m stronger than you think. I can take care of myself. I mean you just saw proof of how strong I can get.”

“Until we find out what is happening to you, I don’t want you to try anything. I don’t want you to become a danger to yourself too.” Rhol unzipped her gown and let it slip around her, leaving her stand in his presence in nothing but her panties and heels.

He sipped his breath as he looked down at her. “You have the perfect body, Lyrah.” he moaned against her collar bone.

His tongue darted out and lapped against her skin sending sensual ripples of desire all over her body. She swallowed back a moan and arched her head back, exposing most of her neck to her lover. “You say the sweetest things when you need me.”

“I always need you, Lyrah. Only you can keep me from losing my sanity.” Rhol assured her.

“I think it is about time you see the Priest about these voices in your head.” Lyrah said softly holding Rhol as close as she could, trying to shield him away from the terrible dangers of the world.

“Later—now, I only need to be with you.” Rhol claimed Lyrah’s lips into a mind-numbing kiss again while he ripped away at his clothes.

Soon he was a naked as she was with only his tattoos slithering around him. Rhol guided Lyrah until she found herself against one of the meticulously articulated bed post. He lifted her hands above her and suddenly his braid whipped out and curled itself around her wrists, its silky strands caressing her skin and making it ripple more.

“I should have you like this more.” Rhol growled as his eyes glowed violet towards her. His palms ran over her body, touching and massaging her while she helplessly watched and experienced what was being done to her.

Rhol cupped her breasts and his thumbs flicked her nipples. Lyrah bit hard onto her lower lip as Rhol tormented her with his wicked ways. She watched him behind her hooded eyes we his head went down and his tongue curled on one of her nipples.

“This way, I get to do whatever I want with you and there is nothing you can do about it.” He looked up at her, his eyes gleaming with mysteries and wickedness.

“Rhol...” Lyrah gasped as Rhol took her nipple into his hot mouth and sucked hard. Her womb clenched painfully inside her as he aroused her more. “Please...”

“Please?” He looked up at her again. “Please what? What do you want from me, Lyrah.”

“Just stop tormenting me and let me free.” she whispered.

“No. Today I get to do what I have always wanted to do with you—and there is something that I have been very curios about.”

Lyrah eyed Rhol warily as the male went down on his knees and grasped on of her calves. “What is it?”

Rhol just grinned as he lifted her leg and perched it over his shoulder. Lyrah’s face turned red when she felt very exposed to Rhol.

Rhol touched the swollen folds of her sex and sighed in anticipation. To her surprise, he licked the finger and looked up at him, his tattoos slithering over her legs and tingling against her skin. “I can’t wait to taste you.

Before Lyrah could protest, Rhol was already flickering his tongue against the folds. Lyrah threw her head back and groaned as pleasure hit her hard inside her core. A whimper escaped her as Rhol’s tongue explored more of her, the velvety texture of it driving her to the brim of her end.

“Heavens you taste good!” Rhol rasped against her, lapping harder against her.

“Rhol! Please...I’m going to shatter if you continue.”

“I want you to shatter, Lyrah. I want you to splinter in my arms.” he told her as he continued assaulting her with his tongue and teeth.

“Rhol!” The cry tore through as yet another wave of pleasure went through her. She felt herself rushing towards her climax and struggled against the braid around her wrists. She wanted to touch Rhol, to feel his hair against her finger, to feel his heating skin.

Rhol didn’t stop until finally the tight not around Lyrah’s core exploded sending her to a myriad of sensations that she didn’t even know were possible. She had barely survived the first climax went she felt Rhol pushing hard into her. Her core greedily clasped around him causing him to groan softly. When she opened her eyes, she found his face looming over hers.

Rhol kissed her as he slowly ground into her. It was erotic that she could taste herself on his lips. His tongue mimicked his movements as he thrust harder and harder into her until her mind went dumb. Rhol’s kisses were sweet and thoroughly engaging. Whether she liked it or not, she always found herself responding to them.

With her leg anchored against her his hip, Rhol ground deep into her, rushing her to yet another mind-blowing orgasm.

“Rhol!” Lyrah cried out as she milked the male in front to of him clenching tightly inside her.

Rhol climaxed soon after her, his braid falling away from her wrists allowing her to hold on to him.

Their breaths mingled and their bodies glistened with sweat as they came down from their pleasure. A dense cloud of love-making hovered above them as Rhol brushed away the wet silvery locks from Lyrah’s face and framed her face with his palms. It looked as if he were about to say something but he suddenly shook his head and stepped away, withdrawing from her. He bent down and scooped her from the floor knowing she was still quivering from the aftershocks and the back-to-back orgasms that had her mind reeling out of control.

Instead of taking her to the bathroom as he usually did, he took onto the bed.

“Rhol?” Lyrah turned to him in confusion.

“I’m not quite done yet.” He didn’t let her protest as he took her lips into yet another sweet kiss.

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