Elegi Of Rose

Chapter 20

Ayu literally jumped out of her bed, pillows and all. "Dammit!" she snapped her head at the direction of the door which was banging just a few seconds ago. "What?!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Open the door," Roy's authoritative voice said from the other side. Ayu's eyes narrowed. She knew he was always bossy, but that side of him was quite forgotten when they were in their honeymoon and now that they were back-and at his territory-he was worse.

"I'm still having a hangover from my dream!" she shouted as she swung the door open.

"What dream are you talking about?" He seemed surprised that she was still in her sleeping outfit which was an oversized shirt and a pair of boxers.

"The one where I was burying you in the woods after cutting your throat," she said, pursing her lips, her eyes unwavering.

"You were sleeping?" he ignored her last statement and stared at her incredulously.

She stared at him sarcastically. "No, I was just messing with you... of course I was sleeping!"

"It's already ten in the morning and you haven't fixed breakfast yet."

His statement made her freeze. "It's ten?"

Roy looked at her intensely; his freshly-shaved face was showing signs of impending outburst. "Yes, and there are still the dishes you promised to wash yesterday but chose to forget. And then there's the lawn-" "Okay! I get it!" she slammed the door at his face.

"I'm not done talking!" his shout was muffled by the heavy door.

"I heard enough! And I'm getting ready!" She hurriedly changed her clothes. She better get breakfast ready so he'd shut up. Then she'd do the dishes before she left. The lawn would have to wait for tomorrow. Ah, yes, tomorrow will be Tuesday so he'll end up with the lawn.

Once properly dressed, she stormed out of her room and bumped against her husband who must have caught the morning glory all for himself because he smelled just wonderful and looked-well, angry, obviously-stunningly fresh and handsome. "What?" She immediately stepped away before she could think of having him for breakfast instead of her planned ham and eggs.

He looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a black shirt and a pair of dark pants. "Are you going out? I thought I said you can't get out today?"

"Am I prisoner here?" she arched her eyebrow.

"No, but the chores are in the contract and you should follow them."

"Who fool would ever think of including stupid things like household chores in a contract?" she asked incredulously, "Oh, yeah, it's you."

"I need a wife..." he said coldly, stepping closer so their chests were only inches apart, "and I need order inside my house. It's only fair that while you stay here, we divide the work."

"Whatever," she circled around him.

"Ayu," he called behind her.

"Don't worry, babe, I won't get out of that blasted front door!" she shouted. He was unbelievable and despicable! He was not going out of this house because he worked here and he expected her to do the same? She stomped down the stairs to the kitchen.

"You can go out only during your free days," he said behind her rather gently. "Or after you do all of your work."

"Yeah, whatever..." she opened the freezer to get some eggs. She could now feel what Sarah from that movie Little Princess must have felt. "I understand your urge to control everything around you and it includes me, right? Because for you I'm just a thing you want to run around your palm."

"That's not what I'm trying to do," his voice was etched with irritation once again.

She whirled around to face him. "Then what was the contract all about? Was it just generosity? And when you decided to help my dad, you thought at the last minute, 'Oh, I would like to have a wife to do my bidding!"?"" She slammed the door of the refrigerator and finished, "Well, news flash: You got the wrong wife."

"This is just for six more months and with your stay here, I want you to respect my decisions-if not as a wife, as my companion here."

"Ugh!" Ayu cried out. "Just... leave me alone, okay? I still have to process the thought that I will be a full-fledged housewife M-W-F and S." He stared at her for a longer time before walking out of the kitchen and into his study. She fixed some eggs and ham. She didn't care if he would complain. After all, she'd have a delicious lunch later with Herland.

Thinking of Herland, a lot of thoughts came to her mind and one of them was how she'd tell him everything.

But again, that was not the problem she had to worry at the moment because she had to get out of the house first without Roy noticing. Of course she could just walk out the door, but her husband's office was overlooking the front lawn, so it was out of the question. And knowing her husband, he would never let her out with all the work she had to do first. And she had seen the chart he gave her. It was worse than any homework she ever did in high school. When she was done cooking, she mustered a smile as she made her way to his office and knocked. She had to be nice for even just a few minutes.

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"Come in," her husband's cool voice called from inside the room.

Ayu opened the door a crack but did not go in. She felt uncomfortable getting inside his office. She didn't know why, but his office was like his most personal space and she didn't feel like invading it. You don't have to wonder as well-it was just Ayu and her weird thinking. "Breakfast is up."

Roy was bewildered at her smiling look and the fact that she did not enter the office was even more startling for him and it was obviously painted over his seriously handsome face. "I'll be right there."

Ayu forced a tiny smile and said, "Okay!" and closed the door.

After a few seconds, Roy caught up with her in the hallway. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, of course." She answered without turning around to look at him.

When they reached the kitchen, her husband frowned. "Ham and eggs. I shouldn't be surprised."

"Just eat," she sat on her chair and attacked her food.

Roy did the same, but with a suspicious look on his face as he continued to stare at her.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, why won't I be?"

His face turned incredulous. "Just a few minutes ago, you were talking about murdering me and burying my body in the woods."

"I don't stay mad that long," she waved off. Well, it was really true. Ayu was easily pissed off most of the time with him, but she was not the type to hold on to anger for too long. It was not in her vocabulary after all. But don't get it wrong because she was not that nice either-especially when it came to her husband.

She even had to make an extra effort to be nice at the moment because she badly needed to get away from the house. Of course she could have called Herland that she couldn't make it, but to do it because her husband told her so was another matter entirely. She was manipulated enough by the man and her dad. She couldn't let him totally control her. And for Ayu, freedom was golden.

After their breakfast, Roy said, "Mom's coming over with grandma and grandpa for dinner." He looked at her doubtfully. "Is it possible that you can fix something meatier?"

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on 05s.org for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading! Without thinking much about it, she said, "Yes, of course."

"Okay..." Roy's voice was etched with so much doubt now. "They're arriving by seven."

"No problem." She got up and started clearing the table.

He stared at her for a moment, his face curiously suspicious. He got up and walked back to his office.

Ayu blew out the breath she had been holding and hastily washed all the dishes. When she was done, she ran back to her room, locked the door, and checked her phone.

"Shit," she muttered when she read Herland's text: I'm on my way.

She grabbed her boots and bag and walked inside the bathroom. Her heart hammering wildly now, she stood there looking at the big glass window beside the tub.

"This is it," she murmured as she opened the window and looked down. It was the only window in her room that had the safest landing below. It was quite a jump, but it was safer than the window outside.

Ayu carefully maneuvered herself into a sitting position, her legs dangling out the window. Next, she hunched lower to let her head and upper body out and she held her breath before she closed her eyes and made the leap.


Ayu ran, her left leg limping. She did not land perfectly, but at least her limbs were still intact. She glanced over her shoulder at Roy's now distant house and prayed that he wouldn't notice she was gone just yet. When it was out of site, she finally stopped and bent with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. She needed to exercise more often if she was going to stay with Roy for the next six months.

Once her breathing was back to normal, she took her phone and dialed Herland. As the call connected, she saw a white SUV appear from the bend on the road ahead of her.

"Hey! I see you!" Herland's voice said when he answered. "Hang on," he disconnected just as the white SUV stopped in front of her and the window of the passenger seat opened. Ayu smiled at the blonde boyish guy who was already beaming at her from ear to ear.

"Climb on!" Herland's deep happy voice said. She walked to the back door and climbed in.

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