Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 80: Watchdog of Humanity (6)ΟΟΟΟ

Chapter 080 – Watchdog of Humanity(6)ΟΟΟΟ

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ΟΟΟΟcontemporary romance

I loathe politics! I loathe nobles even more.

This was Kurz Schleiermacher’s sincere opinion. He was currently listening to the complaints of his superior. His superior was both a noble and a soldier. If you excluded the beauty of their blonde hair, there wasn’t a single good thing about them.

“Look. In military tactics, you have to first take over the fortress before you fight your opposition.”

The young noble blabbered.

‘I wonder if this person has ever starved a day in their life.’

There was a time when Kurz and his unit was surrounded by the enemy and didn’t have the leisure to even feel hunger. That’s what it means to be a soldier. Military tactics and reality are two different things. Is this young master aware of this……? Kurz let out a deep mental sigh.

“Those monsters are desperately struggling to capture the fortresses. But,”

Bang, the noble slammed his fist on the table.

“Our imperial army still has 3 fortresses! Gateways that were built a thousand years ago. In other words, our forces have been winning since a thousand years ago. Her Excellency the Third Imperial Princess once praised this as the peak of all tactics.”

“I see. I can only be moved by Your Excellency’s insight.”

Kurz commented in spite of his genuine emotions. There was nothing to gain even if he voiced his complaints. However, Kurz felt like his insides would get twisted up at this rate if he didn’t let his frustrations out.

That’s why he said he was moved by his superior’s insight. If the reason for this battle’s victory was predetermined since a thousand years ago, then that would naturally mean that it had nothing to do with the superior before him. His comment was a taunt under the guise of flattery.

“Haha. I am also a proud soldier of the empire. It would be embarrassing if I couldn’t do this much.”

His superior laughed. As expected, Kurz thought as he held back a snicker.

It seems His Excellency had failed to notice that he was mocked just now. He was born into a wealthy family, received a good education, and was made to command an elite squad. This was probably the entirety of this noble’s life. His superior is living a life that’s a complete contrast to Kurz’s life as a commoner.

Kurz wasn’t jealous, but he did feel envy. He envied that there could be a race of people who could live without a brain. This surprised him.

Kurz thought to himself. If people could actually add and remove their brains at will, then this would be the exact moment he would remove his. As a rational human being, going along with this rookie noble’s talk about military tactics was far too tasking.

“An urgent message, Your Excellency!”

At that moment, an envoy ran into the barracks. Kurz was so happy that he wanted to let out a cheer. However, his decades of experience as an elite soldier naturally made him act in a more dignified manner. Additionally, he frowned as if to make it seem like an interesting conversation had just been interrupted. He was gifted in being able to almost instinctively make himself look good in front of his superiors.

“Do not make a ruckus. This is the commander’s office. What is the matter?”

“Y-Yes. The blue fortress has lit signal fires. There are three signal fires! This is a stage three invasion!”

So it has begun! Kurz’s heart pounded.

Originating from the Habsburg Empire, various kingdoms used the following signal fire system.

Stage one – When less than 10 foreign enemies have appeared on the frontier.

Stage two – When 100 to 500 foreign enemies have appeared on the frontier.

Stage three – When 500 to 1000 foreign enemies have either appeared or entered the frontier.

Stage four – When more than 1000 foreign enemies have attacked.

The envoy reported that three signal fires had been lit. This meant that approximately 500 enemy troops have been spotted. This was just as Kurz and the other fortress commander-substitutes had predicted.

The Demon Lord army this time around has roughly 1000 soldiers. They’re going as far as to pull off a diversion tactic for the sake of trying to capture the green and blue fortresses……. Their tactic was definitely effective. The green fortress was unable to put up a fight as it got captured with ease, after all.

‘There must be someone among the Demon Lord army who is able to use their head quite well. However, things won’t turn out how they want it to from now on.’

Kurz wore a content smile on his face. The Demon Lords must be underestimating the connection between the fortresses.

Normally, the green, blue, gold, and red fortresses act separately. This is because, rather than trying to completely defeat the Demon Lord armies, their goal is to slow their advance. Since their goal is to only slow the demons down, it’s better to have several obstacles instead of putting all their troops into a single place.

‘However, since we know that their goal isn’t to invade the continent, there’s no reason for us to obsess over our fortresses.’

The Demon Lord army only has a thousand troops this time. It’s difficult to think that they would be aiming to invade into the continent with this number of troops. Furthermore, they’re advancing way too slow. It has been 4 days since they captured the green fortress.

If the Demon Lords intended to invade into the continent, then they would be trying to blitz through us. Capturing the fortresses before the margraves could send their reinforcements was the strategy that the Demon Lords have used for the past thousand years. However, they weren’t doing that this time……. What could this mean? Kurz came to a conclusion after mulling over this for a moment.

Their objective is to occupy the green and blue fortresses.

If this is the case, Kurz thought. We must wipe them out before they can occupy the blue fortress. It just so happens that the enemy has split their army into two units again. This is an opportunity for them to divide and conquer. While the blue fortress is blocking one of the units, the gold and red fortresses will work together to attack the remaining unit.

“Your Excellency, it is about time for us to go.”

“Mm. Order the rest of our soldiers to sortie.”

“Understood. My troops from the red fortress will continue our advance.”

His superior was a rookie who had never experienced war before, but he wasn’t an utter fool. He managed to comprehend the vital points of the strategy he had been earnestly explaining.

“But lieutenant.”

The noble sounded somewhat anxious.

“Would it not be better to meet the enemy in battle at a fortress? There is no need for us to go out of our way to leave our fortress to come into contact with the monsters. I cannot help but feel uncertain.”

“……Your Excellency.”

This again? Kurz was already tired of this. This rookie superior of his kept saying things like this even though their plan had already been decided. What a fool! Kurz felt like shouting.

“I understand that an army of monsters is terrifying; nonetheless, what do you think will happen if we let those monsters do whatever they want?”


“They will capture the blue fortress and sit on it. 2 fortresses of the Black Mountains will have been captured. The imperial army cannot reclaim them after they have done so.”

We’d be the ones who’d have to carry out a siege against the demons……. Normally, you need an army three times the size of the defending army when performing a siege, but if the defending army consists of monsters, then you’d need an army that’s 5 times their size. It’s hard to imagine how many people we’d lose during this process.

Something like this happened 20 years ago. At that time, the green fortress had been captured and was left that way. In the end, the soldiers of the remaining fortresses had to team up with the margraves to reclaim the fortress. They succeeded in eliminating the monsters, but that was only because the margraves had assisted them.

“But is that not fine? The margraves are supposed to support us. Allies help allies. I do not understand what about this is disagreeable.”

Kurz furrowed his brows. His superior was exceedingly stupid. Allies help allies, although this seems right on the surface, militias are not that simple.

The mere act of rallying your troops costs money. How many provisions and supplies would be required to prepare for a siege? The defenders of the fortresses are not given a territory of their own. They are poor. In the end, the ones who supply them are the margraves.

What would happen if they made the margraves spend money? The soldiers will incur a debt. They would have to hand the leadership over to the margraves in every battle. In other words, their authority as militia commanders will be severely threatened. Is this brat aware of this……? Kurz felt a headache coming as he spoke.

“If we lose a fortress, then that would be our blunder. On the other hand, reclaiming a fortress would be an exploit for the margraves. Your Excellency, I am afraid to know how the higher-ups of the imperial army would think of us.”


His superior exclaimed. Kurz snickered on the inside. Now he understands.

“Pardon me, but if I may be allowed to be frank, this will prevent the commanders stationed at the fortresses from being promoted. In truth, the commanders who had lost the green fortress 20 years ago ended up retiring without ever receiving a promotion.”

“Is that so? It cannot be helped, then. We must settle this as soon as possible. We cannot let those margraves steal our glory……. Those guys are in the Imperial Prince’s faction, after all.

The nobleman nodded his head several times.

Kurz was certain that he had managed to convince his superior. The noble felt even more pathetic to him now. He kept opposing the idea from a strategic standpoint, but once Kurz mentioned the political aspect, he was persuaded instantly. He rattled on about military tactics earlier, but he’s still a typical noble who’s blinded by greed.

Kurz was used to these sorts of people. The Habsburg Empire would dispatch talented and high-ranking soldiers to the fortresses here on the Black Mountains. Fierce battles against monsters happen almost every year here, so it’s possible to naturally gain achievements over time. If you distinguish yourself enough, then you can get promoted…….

In other words, the fortresses on the Black Mountains are being used as tools to let elite noble soldiers make a name for themselves. When did it become like this? Kurz pondered to himself.

It wasn’t like this a decade ago. Only the most promising individuals used to be assigned as commanders here. They protected the front line of humanity; thus, individuals who had that sense of duty were chosen. But it all changed. After the imperial prince and princess started struggling for power, they began to do whatever they could to put their faction members into positions of authority in the military.

‘The imperial army is still powerful. Recently, they have been way too political. Tsk tsk.’

Kurz decided to stop thinking about that. Nothing good comes from a soldier being well versed in politics. Soldiers are supposed to protect His Majesty the Emperor, the people of the empire, and wipe out the evil known as Demon Lords. That’s our only mission. Kurz was a proud soldier of the empire and was loyal to the duty he had been given.

‘I have to coax this brat first.’

Kurz smiled bitterly before speaking.

“Do not worry, Your Excellency. The demons may have 1000 soldiers, but we have 2,500. Furthermore, they have split their troops up. There is no way we could possibly lose.”

“Mm. I believe that as well. I simply cannot help but feel strangely uneasy about this.”

Are you serious? Kurz snickered on the inside. His voice was trembling.

It seems that the rookie’s mentality as a soldier wasn’t strong enough to find assurance in military tactics. In times like this, he has to throw in another bait besides tactics.

“We will turn the situation around and divide and conquer the monsters. An army of a thousand monsters will be wiped out. Your Excellency’s name will spread throughout the empire.”

“You are right.”

The noble’s face lit up. Kurz was certain that the thought of having the rookie’s name spread throughout the empire had managed to light a fire under his heart. The noble was 19-years-old. Most soldiers his age would obviously be starved for fame and glory.

Kurz shook his head.

‘To think I’d have to support a brat at my age……. Sheesh.’

Incompetent aristocrats are bothersome. The only good thing about this situation was the fact that the rookie noble knew his place, so he knew to rely on Kurz’s abilities. In truth, Kurz was the one who was actually leading the troops of the red and gold fortresses.

Kurz gave his sympathy to the enemy advisor whom he didn’t know the name of. Their diversion tactic was quite splendid; however, the fact that they fell into the stereotype of believing that the soldiers of the fortress can only defend was their fatal mistake. 

‘At the very least, I’m not that foolish. ⎯⎯Obediently fall under the might of 2500 elite soldiers, you Demon Lord bastards.’

Kurz ordered all of the soldiers to advance.


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“Your Excellency, we have received a report that the imperial army is moving.”

I informed Zepar. He returned a nod.

“So they have taken the bait. Dantalian, light the signal fire.”

“Understood. I will order the troops in the back to advance.”

I conveyed the order to Laura and she gave a salute before moving with haste.

I turned my head to look at the blue fortress. We were in the middle of a siege. The humans looked as if they were successfully defending against our attack…… from an outside perspective, that is. The truth is different. We’re simply attacking them halfheartedly.

The true assault is going to happen once our troops in the back join up with us. The humans are probably feeling at ease right now since they think we don’t have any more ogres. They most likely think we only have 5 ogres and that we had sent them all out with the troops at the front. How pitiful.

We have 10 ogres. The remaining 5 ogres are with the unit in the back. The blue fortress will be captured just as easily as the green fortress was.

This operation’s deciding factor relied heavily on whether our unit in the rear got discovered prematurely or not. I succeeded in preventing them from being discovered early. The humans did their utmost to defend against us as they had stationed as many troops as they could at the blue fortress. Therefore, even the sentries were rallied. 

They most likely did their all in order to win……but how sad. Our enemy has completely misread our intentions.

“You are also quite the cruel man.”

“This humble one has no idea what you may possibly mean by that.”


Zepar chuckled lightly. Although he’s a gentleman who rarely showed emotions on his face, he started to laugh more frequently since the last meeting. It seems he’s been laughing more often especially in front of me. His affection points also went above 20. After reading his mental thoughts, I confirmed that he likes me a lot.

“I initially thought it would be bothersome when Commander Barbatos told me to take care of you. I am a warrior by nature. Mentoring a schemer about military tactics is a rather tiresome task……. However, the man whom I thought was a schemer turned out to be this sort of individual. It would be more appropriate to call you a scheming general than a simple schemer.”

“I am undeserving of such praise.”

Zepar shook his head.

“Nonsense. I understand why the commander favors you. The humans will not know what they did wrong even as they fall to their deaths. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of battles you will leave behind in history from now on.”

I didn’t know how to respond, so I simply smiled awkwardly. Zepar didn’t say anything more after this. He proceeded to give out military commands calmly and quickly. Thanks to him being the commanding officer, we didn’t suffer many losses in the siege. He made sound commands. I had a lot to learn from him.

More importantly, I was surprised when we received intel that Kurz Schleiermacher was one of the humans managing the fortresses. We discovered this after we tortured one of the humans we had captured as prisoners. Kurz Schleiermacher, this is a name that players of <Dungeon Attack> are fairly familiar with.

He was a seasoned general who had a friendly relationship with the hero and his party. He was a soldier who started as a commoner and succeeded in becoming a general. Kurz liked the hero since the hero used to also be a commoner.

A person who was going to play an active role 10 years from now. He was currently working as a deputy commander-in-chief for the red fortress. Should I call this a twist of fate? I’m going to end up facing him with the vanguard I was assigned to.

Kurz Schleiermacher must be killed. He plays a part in weakening the class struggle that happens in the Empire of Habsburg in the future. His image of becoming a general despite being a commoner will be used. Imperial Princess Elizabeth raises her approval rating with the commoners by bringing Kurz to her side.

Like I’d let this happen.

Imperial Princess Elizabeth is a severe threat. She possessed the greatest allied army in <Dungeon Attack>. The hero was the one who killed the Demon Lords, but it was the Imperial Princess who supported the hero from behind. If the Imperial Princess didn’t exist, then the hero would have gotten swept up by political strife early on in his journey and been executed. From the perspective of the Demon Lords, the Imperial Princess was their worst enemy……. I have to reduce the Imperial Princess’ faction as much as I possibly can. Killing Kurz Schleiermacher will be the first task.

I suddenly felt sympathy for him. What horrible luck for him to be stationed at the red fortress now of all times. 

‘It is unfortunate, but you must die, Kurz.’

The soldier who’s supposed to become a renowned general in the future will die here. I have no personal grudge against him. If anything, I liked Kurz when I played the game. He was an amazing character, after all.

Nonetheless, I’m not the hero now. I’m a Demon Lord who has resolved himself to walk the path of Hell. Laura had helped me resolve myself…….

General Kurz Schleiermacher, be sacrificed for the sake of my survival and prosperity. You would often say in the game that you’re a proud soldier of Habsburg.

You will fall in battle against the Demon Lord army. There is no honor as glorious as this. I will bestow upon you a glorious death.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I can’t tell if I finished this chapter fast or not. I sort of lost my sense of time because of my online classes being spread throughout the week. Usually professors upload their classes on Sunday, but I have like 3 professors who upload their classes randomly throughout the week. Big confusing.

In any case, I mentioned this early on, but I’ma finish a Handholding chapter after this since we’re so close to the end of the volume. 

I’ll see you guys when I finish that.


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