Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 43: Walpurgis Night (8)


Marbas seemed tired as he cleaned his monocle with a handkerchief. Barbatos let out a chuckle after she used a fork to take a bite of a cake that had been prepared at the side of the ballroom. The other Demon Lords were still in silent awe due to the uncommon scene which the old goblin had just played out. It was like the moment of silence that would occur as the audience hold their breath after an amazing concert performance.


Paimon was,

Paimon fell to her knees next to the corpse.

“Ah……a, ah…….”

She would let out a sound every now and then like static from a broken speaker.

The event which she couldn’t have possibly imagined an hour ago had happened. I didn’t feel sympathy or pity. Fortune has always been something that left quickly and misfortune was something that always arrived quickly.

I was simply thinking about how I was going to handle this situation since it had become complicated because Torkel killed himself after taking all of the responsibility.

Torkel, he used a clever choice of words.

‘His Highness Dantalian and I have a small connection.’

He first opened with something that had actually happened. The fact that we met due to the matter regarding the Black Death. That there was a slight battle of spirit in regard to Lapis. These were all things that had genuinely happened. Like this, by not uttering a single lie in the beginning, he was able to obtain the trust of the Demon Lords.

He advanced rapidly after he obtained their trust.

‘His Highness Dantalian’s refusal greatly injured my pride as a merchant. Therefore, I did the unthinkable and decided to get revenge on His Highness Dantalian……In any case, I judged that a certain type of retaliation was required.’

After talking about events that had actually occurred, he began to talk about his mentality. His pride being injured and his resolve, these were all psychological things. Sure, Torkel’s pride was probably actually harmed, but why did something like that matter?

He was a merchant that had lived for hundreds of years. He should be able to act rationally regardless of his emotions. What he felt and what he did were two separate matters. Despite this, instead of disclosing the Keuncuska Firm’s position on the matter, he only elaborated about his own feelings which made it seem like that was the cause behind this incident.

The highlight was ‘a certain type of retaliation’. What was ‘a certain type’ supposed to mean? He snaked around the issue by covering a concrete word with an incredibly ambiguous word.

‘This was all a scheme that this humble one had enacted alone. Since this one had a personal grudge against His Highness Dantalian, I thus also acted for the sake of doing harm to His Highness Dantalian. I was also the one who had sold His Highness Dantalian’s information, despite also being a client of the Keuncuska Firm, to Her Highness Paimon.’

Adding to this, he cunningly included that he had ‘enacted’ this alone. Not that he had ‘planned’ this alone. Naturally, a single person can act when carrying out a plan. Even if a lot of people were involved when devising the plan, a single person is enough to enact it!

Torkel’s rhetoric went like this:

First, by speaking the truth, he made it seem like he was being sincere.

Second, by doing so, he made the other party believe that he was still speaking the truth even after he began to talk about his mentality.

Third, he finished by uttering an ambiguous word over the factual grounds.

“……It’s perfect.”

I found myself uttering these words to myself. The sly merchant managed to perfectly deceive dozens of Demon Lords within a short period of time.

His suicide was the finishing touch. Since there was a chance that his ambiguously covered truth could be revealed if he were to be questioned, he made further inquiries impossible by dying. I couldn’t help but be in awe.

It is only natural for one to become shocked after a completely unpredicted course of events. Could anyone have imagined that a Rank 9 Demon Lord could be done in by a Rank 71 Demon Lord? Nonetheless, not only did Torkel calmly figure out what he had to do to minimize the losses, but he carried it out as well⎯⎯⎯by making the mistake of the Keuncuska Firm as a whole into his own and Paimon’s blunder into a scheme that was devised by a mere merchant.

Did he calculate that his life was a fair price if it meant that this trickery could succeed?

‘So this is one of the greatest merchants of the demon world.’

If the person I had to face first was Torkel and not Paimon, then……my victory would have definitely been more difficult to achieve.

‘All right.’

Putting Paimon aside, I give this goblin my respect.

Although it’s unfortunate that I couldn’t obtain a perfect victory, I certain part of me wanted to overlook it because of the goblin’s desperate ploy. The Keuncuska Firm and Paimon are factions that are overwhelmingly more powerful than my own. I reasoned with myself under the logic that my future would become more worrisome if I were to corner them excessively here.

“I shall now give a verdict.”

Marbas spoke in a completely casual tone.

“As Rank 9, Demon Lord of Destruction, Paimon had requested this, during this hearing which has been approved under my, Rank 5, Demon Lord of Control, Marbas’ name, two matters were discussed.”

His flat voice reverberated all the way to the far corners of the ballroom. I could hear each of Marbas’ words clearly even though he was speaking in a low tone. Paimon was still sitting next to the corpse as he continued.

“The first matter was about Rank 72, Demon Lord of Fear, Andromalius. Under the crime of murdering Andromalius, Paimon asked for Rank 71, Demon Lord of Many Faces, Dantalian to be imprisoned for 300 years. As per tradition, we shall determine which party is right through a vote.”

Marbas glanced around the room.

“To those of you who believe Dantalian is guilty, raise your right hand.”

I didn’t bother to look around to see the result since I’d probably look weak if I acted that anxiously. I waited quietly and with conviction.

Marbas waited approximately 10 seconds before nodding his head.

“0 votes. For the first matter, I announce that Dantalian is innocent.”

I didn’t feel even slightly overjoyed. This was a natural outcome.

The important thing wasn’t winning or losing. It was how overwhelming my win was going to be.

The voting results have an implicit connection to my approval rating. It didn’t matter whether the Demon Lords here personally liked me or not. The ones who may one day be hostile towards me will undoubtedly be affected by the results of this hearing since they will remember me as a Demon Lord who has an overwhelming amount of support from the other Demon Lords.

Marbas continued.

“The second matter was about the Black Death. Paimon claimed that the culprit behind the cause and spread of the Black Death was Dantalian. To those of you who believe this to be true, raise your right hand.”

Another 10 seconds passed.

Marbas moved his lips.

“0 votes.”

The corners of my lips raised slightly.

This is great! I managed to obtain the best results.

At the very least, I don’t have to worry about being hated by the Demon Lords for the time being. Whether it be the Demon Lords that are present here or the ones that are currently absent.

What will they think once they hear that a Rank 71 had triumphed over a Rank 9? Would they think that the Rank 71 was so amazing that the Rank 9 could do nothing but tremble?

I highly doubt it.

The higher the rank, the more pride Demon Lords have towards their abilities. Therefore, the Demon Lords with higher ranks than Paimon will most likely connect her loss to some other reason. For example, help from another Demon Lord.

I’m fairly certain that they’ll interpret this incident as a political battle of wits between two high-ranking Demon Lords. Especially if they learn that Barbatos had approached me during the brief recess to have a chat with me!

Barbatos only came to me so that she could voice her intent to protect me in the slim chance of retaliation from the other party. However, there was no certainty that it would appear like that to the other Demon Lords as well. They’ll recall the fact that Paimon and Barbatos are old rivals and assume that all of this might have possibly been a scheme that Barbatos had planned in secret…….

Nonetheless, I can take advantage of this by using this doubt and taking things as they come.

While the Demon Lords are paying attention to my nonexistent backing faction, I can safely develop my dungeon.

I unexpectedly managed to obtain a nice shield when I only came to Niflheim to rest. Considering that this was all thanks to Paimon’s needless meddling, I think I’m starting to like her. Just kidding.


Paimon was looking at Torkel’s face with unfocused eyes. It seems she no longer had the strength to even make a sound.

Beside her, Marbas concluded the verdict in a somewhat cold but befitting attitude.

“For the second matter, I declare that Dantalian is innocent.”

Someone applauded. When I turned to look, I saw that Barbatos was clapping with her small, pale hands. The other Demon Lords began to applaud in twos and threes. It wasn’t long before more than half of the Demon Lords were applauding.

I expressed my gratitude by giving a bow to all four corners of the room. There was something bizarre about this composition: a group of people applauding, a corpse lying in the center of the ballroom with a maiden sitting next to it, and a man that’s bowing. Was this how the gladiators in ancient Rome felt whenever they came out victorious in the Coliseum?

“Let us now discuss the punitive measure which shall be enacted upon Paimon.”

“Your Highness Marbas, may I say something in regard to that?”

I took a step forward.

“I shall allow it.”

“Thank you very much. Although this humble one has been unjustly slandered, as you all had witnessed, Her Highness Paimon was deceived by that Keuncuska merchant. Her Highness Paimon has done nothing wrong.”

Oh ho, Marbas voiced his interest.

“In other words, what you are trying to say is…….”

“Yes. As a party directly involved in this hearing, I do not wish for Her Highness Paimon to be punished. In the first case, is tonight not our sacred Walpurgis Night? Would a punishment in this situation not ruin our festive mood?”

I displayed a pleasant smile.

The Demon Lords began to stir around me. They looked surprised; and yet, none of them seemed to be against this idea. Outsiders couldn’t possibly voice their discontent when the person who was directly accused was coming out like this. It worried me slightly since Miss Barbatos, who was all the way in a corner, seemed displeased with this as she was frowning, but since I didn’t receive any notification telling me that her affection had fallen, this much was probably fine.

「Demon Lord Marbas’ affection has risen by 12.」


I cheered in my head. This was what I was aiming for. I haven’t known him for long, but I could more than easily tell that this old man is someone who extremely values traditions. No matter how hard he tried to act calm and composed on the outside, there’s no way he would be happy about this event, which he was personally leading, being ruined by an abrupt hearing. He gave off this impression every now and then during the hearing.

He couldn’t just disregard the request of a Rank 9 and he had to hold this event as well……. And yet, despite being the one who was wrongly accused, I suggested that we should forget about the hearing and focus on the occasion. It was like I had watered his dry garden.

“Very well, then. I will take Dantalian’s suggestion and not enact any punishment. I personally thank you, Dantalian, for your magnanimity.”

Sure enough, he took the bait.

In the eyes of others, Dantalian won’t appear like some Rank 71 small fry, but as an individual who has the protection of both Barbatos and Marbas, two high-ranking Demon Lords. I could vividly hear my chances of survival rising.

“Nevertheless, Paimon may not be at fault, but she cannot completely rid herself of responsibility.”

Marbas spoke in a more refreshed tone.

“Paimon, use this opportunity to apologize to Dantalian.”

At that moment, Paimon, who had been still like a doll this entire time, twitched.


“That is correct.”


Paimon braced herself with her hands.

She tried to raise her body but failed.

“Impossible……there’s no way Torkel would have…….”

“You must have clearly read that goblin’s emotions as well. It is beyond a reasonable doubt that he had deceived you.”

“……He had……betrayed this lady?”


Paimon turned to look at me.

It seems that was the most she could do in her current state.

“……Inno, cent?”

“Yes, Your Highness Paimon.”

I answered.

“I did not create the Black Death nor did I intentionally spread it.”


Paimon paused.contemporary romance

After a moment of time that felt both brief and long, she moved her lips.

“……I am……sor…….”

An incredibly soft tone. I could make out what she was trying to say simply by looking at her face. Regardless, she must have thought that that wasn’t enough as she kept saying it over and over again.

“I am……sorry…….”


“I am sorry……I am sorry…….”

Droplets of water fell on the marble floor. Paimon continued to say the same words repeatedly. She then managed to push herself up before weakly walking out of the ballroom. The wolf person who quickly ran over to support her was most likely Paimon’s ball partner.

A queer silence pressed down on the room.

Marbas clapped once.

“There were various complications, but that does not change that Walpurgis Night is tonight’s main purpose.”

In that instant, the ballroom which had been enveloped by a veil of darkness was filled with light. The numerous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling began to emit a bright light. Multiple instruments flew in from somewhere before they began to perform on their own.

The Demon Lords chuckled due to the sudden shift in mood. They must have immediately forgotten that they were silent a moment ago as a couple of them started to talk about how poor Paimon’s apology was. The shameful conduct displayed by a high-ranking Demon Lord was effective in livening the mood.

I naturally relaxed as well.

Threatening Ivar with a bluff, punishing the Keuncuska Firm for their mistake, trying to raise Marbas and Barbatos’ affection towards me even further, etc. I still have a lot that I have to do, but⎯⎯⎯.

The first thing I chose to do was approach Lapis who had been standing next to a pillar in the ballroom and looking at me worriedly.

I jokingly waved at Lapis.



“I’m sorry for leaving you here next to a wall even though I brought you here as my partner. Will you forgive me?”

Lapis looked as if she was thinking about how she should respond. There were no emotions on her face, but that was something I could tell even with my eyes close. She was happy for a moment before getting angry and then she contemplated for a bit. In any case, after she went through various emotions within the span of a few seconds, she finally came to a conclusion.

Lapis bowed to me courteously and,

“Thank you for your effort.”

said those words.

There were no exaggerations, but it was beautiful because there were no exaggerations whatsoever. This light feeling of being moved was most likely my emotion. I ruffled Lapis’ hair with one hand before patting it.

Like this, the hearing came to an end.


TL note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I’m surprised I managed to finish this before my flight back to Korea. I’ll probably rest for a day or two once I get back to Korea and then I’ll get back to work. This is the end of the Walpurgis Night section so I’ll most likely work on another chapter of Handholding next.

I have a flight to catch now, so I’ll see you guys in the next release. Hopefully, I don’t get infected with the coronavirus on the plane.


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