Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 153: Age of Tyrants (3)

A curtain of silence fell over the generals.

They were all competent nobles. In other words, they were people who survived by stepping on the competition. It wouldn’t be hard to find someone among them who had also secretly killed their sibling for the sake of safely inheriting their peerage.

However, the peerage that was on the line for Elizabeth was emperor. It was obvious what she would do if you compared the stability of the empire with her little brother’s life. It’s a crime to kill one’s younger sibling; however, nobles don’t fear the act of committing crimes. They only fear having to make excuses for them.

Don’t make excuses and simply rush forward toward authority. This was the ideology of nobles. If you are unable to bear the blame after having committed numerous crimes during your process to acquire authority, then that would be your limit. If you cannot avoid it, then harbor it.

This was the same for Elizabeth von Habsburg.

“Why am I admitting to slaying my kin? You must all be thinking this. I declare here and now that I will continue to commit immoral deeds.”

She looked forward with a dark and placid gaze.

“Our Habsburg imperial army will raze the capital to the ground. However, I will not be the one to give this order. It will be His Majesty the Emperor.”

“The Emperor……? Has Your Highness perhaps suggested this plan to His Majesty the Emperor?”

Baron Wittenmyer furrowed his brows.

The Imperial Princess shook her head.

“Of course not. I am acting on my own. Tonight, I will lead my royal guards to attack the imperial palace. My father has already been confined, so we will simply be picking him up. We will then forge a royal order.”


The Baron gasped. The generals around him reacted in the same way.

“We will also be securing the 2nd Imperial Prince, my brother Ferdinand. The Emperor will make the order for the capital to be burned down while the 2nd Imperial Prince will be the one to carry it out. This will affect their public sentiment. At that time, I will be the only one to argue that we should protect the capital. ……Of course, I am a devoted daughter who cannot go against her father.”

Elizabeth let out a snort.

“I will argue that we must protect the empire’s pride and our people, but it will be pointless. Elizabeth von Habsburg will shed tears of blood as she ultimately follows her father’s orders. However, as a final protest, I will confine myself to my room.”

“……Your Highness intends to turn all of the people’s rage toward the royal family?”

Wittenmyer asked. He couldn’t hide the trembling in his voice; however, no one pointed it out. All of the other generals felt the same way, including Kurz Schleiermacher. 

The Imperial Princess spoke.

“Pillage the rich commoners, the merchant groups, and dig up the graves of previous emperors. ……However, you generals will secretly distribute the money that has been gathered in this way back to the people.”

“Thus……while the utterly clueless nobles and commanders are pillaging the people……we, Your Highness’ subordinates, will be raising our public sentiment…….”

“That is correct.”

A stillness fell over the tent. It was the same silence as before in the fact that no one was opening their mouth; however, different from before, this silence was sweeping through the tent. It was like they were in the eye of the storm.

“But, Your Highness, we would be using His Majesty the Emperor and the His Highness the Imperial Prince as disposable cards.”

Wittenmyer spoke carefully.

“This will harm the dignity of the royal family.”

“Did I not say that I will continue to commit immoral deeds?”

Kurz Schleiermacher thought of the worst as he listened to the conversation. Forging a royal order and also putting all of the blame on the Imperial Prince were already quite the splendid immoral deeds. However, the Imperial Princess declared that she would continue to commit more immoral deeds. What could that possibly be?

“Immediately after we have abandoned the capital and retreated, I will kill the Imperial Prince.”


“The opinion of the people is the will of Heaven. Punishment must naturally befall upon someone who goes against the will of Heaven. I, Elizabeth von Habsburg, will punish my second brother, no, the criminal Ferdinand von Habsburg.”

Kurz Schleiermacher felt his palms get sweaty. He wanted to shout and ask if she was sane. She was already suffering from the guilt of having killed her little brother in the past.

As the Imperial Princess’ secret spy and close aide, Kurz knew that the Imperial Princess had nightmares every night. He would occasionally hear her groans from outside her tent. Robert. I’m sorry, Robert……. She would often say these words in her sleep. And yet, she wants to kill her kin again?

‘You will fall apart, my lord.’

There is a high likelihood that the Imperial Princess’ emotions will die. Her body will be unable to endure it as well. If she weren’t a third rank swordmaster who could use aura, she would have died from overwork a long time ago. She may have resolved herself to become the monster of this age, but she also has emotions. She’ll look fine on the outside, but her insides will slowly crumble until, eventually, she falls apart like a temple that was unable to stand against the test of time and crumbled to dust.

The Imperial Princess had not finished talking.

“Afterward, I will threaten the Emperor and receive the throne.”

“Abdicating the throne by force…….”

Immoral deed after immoral deed.

“Immediately after, I will gather the refugees of the capital to one place and make a loud declaration. Although our Habsburg Empire with 500 years of history has fallen on this day, a new Habsburg Republic will take its place.”

A new Habsburg Republic.

The faces of the generals contorted as they knew how much destructive force these words had. Just now, the supreme commander of the empire declared that she would end the empire herself. She was going to end her gallant and glorious bloodline. 

‘But why a republic? Is there something to gain from that!?’

Kurz shouted in his mind. Even if there was something to gain politically by carrying out a scorched earth policy, abandoning the capital, killing the Imperial Prince, and receiving the throne, was that enough to also abolish the Imperial Throne?

“Your Highness, that is reckless! That would create an excessive amount of burden.”

“A republic? There is no reason for us to turn our back on the empire and establish a republic!”

“Please reconsider!”

The tent became chaotic like a shaken beehive. Please reconsider. I do not understand. It would be better to maintain the empire’s pride and fall valiantly in battle. All of the generals shouted their sincere thoughts.

Kurz desperately churned his brain while amidst all the noise.

This was a plan given by Her Highness the Imperial Princess. Even if it looked reckless at a glance, it was most likely guileful on the inside. He wanted to know its secret intent.

‘Administrative and economic power will decline momentarily once the capital is gone. Even if we are able to maintain our public sentiment, it’ll be pointless if the nation itself falls to the very bottom.’

Furthermore, Her Lordship would personally be taking on a scar that she could never remove……. What could there possibly be to gain by burning the imperial capital……? A reason for taking on this incredible burden in order to establish a republic……. This would only worsen their relations with other nations…….

‘Wait―other nations?’contemporary romance

At that moment, an electric current shot through Kurz’s brain.

“There are……! There are things to gain by abandoning the capital and declaring a republic nation……. There are enormous things to gain……!”

Kurz Schleiermacher couldn’t control his mouth. He blurted out his words due to his shock. The other generals turned to look at Kurz. The blonde medical captain wasn’t in the mental state to notice their gazes as he continued. 

“First, we would be able to cater to both our public sentiment and the sentiment of our military……. The people’s anxiety comes from the scorched earth policy and will be increased by the evacuation of the capital while the anxiety of our soldiers comes from the ideology that was spread by that accursed Demon Lord. By punishing the Imperial Prince and establishing a republic nation……this would make both the people and the military support Her Highness fully.”

“General Schleiermacher, our public sentiment is not the issue.”

Baron Wittenmyer retorted. He had also gotten worked up.

“Our administration and the economy of our nation are the immediate issues as they will be destroyed.”

“Administration……Yes, the administration may be an issue……. However, the misfortunate situation of our administration and the economy may turn out to be a blessing in disguise!”

“A blessing in disguise? What do you mean……?”

“Think about it, Baron Wittenmyer.”

Kurz spoke passionately.

“The reason why the Demon Lord army is currently overwhelming us is due to the fact that they have a greater justification than us. They have destroyed our justification of defending humanity and are claiming to be the true liberators of mankind. However, what would happen if Habsburg announces that they have become a republic nation? The Demon Lord army will no longer be able to invade! If they do, then they would be declaring to the world that their justification was a lie.”

“……It is hard to think that the Demon Lords would cling to something like justification. We will still be at a disadvantage.”

“The Demon Lord army is also running low on provisions like us.”

A smile slowly spread across Kurz’s lips.

“The Demon Lord army had split their army into legions because they cannot maintain themselves in a single group. Despite this, they are currently approaching our capital……. Why are they rushing toward us when they are lacking in provisions? There is only one reason. They intend to resupply by capturing the capital. However, if we abandon the capital……they would no longer be able to resupply……and that would force them to stop pursuing us!”

The desperate scorched earth policy that had been carried out for the past several months was finally going to prove useful. 

“The Demon Lord army will have no other choice but to retreat. If we decide to fight valiantly and fall bravely in battle, then we would simply be benefiting them as we offer them our bodies. We must abandon the capital.”

“General Schleiermacher, you have not answered my question yet. What do you intent to do about the empire’s administration and economy?”

Kurz smiled. There was a tinge of madness lingering on his lips.

“Do you still not understand, Baron? By becoming a republic, Habsburg will be able to stop the Demon Lord army. Therefore, our new Habsburg Republic will once again become a wall that defends against demonkind.”


“Currently, the other kingdoms are trembling in fear because they are unable to stop the Crescent Alliance. If we come in and take away the Demon Lord army’s cause by becoming a republic……then they will be unable to attack……. The other nations will have no other choice but to acknowledge the necessity of our Habsburg Republic.”

Baron Wittenmyer pushed his seat back as he stood up. His eyes were wide open.

“I see! We can receive the aid of other nations!”

Kurz nodded.

“That is right. Habsburg is located at the center of the continent. If we fall, then the other nations will fall as well. If they do not wish to face the Demon Lord army and want to preserve their dynasty, then they must acknowledge our republic nation and send us continuous support.”

“A lawful threat……We would be taking advantage of our unfortunate situation…….”

Baron Wittenmyer let out a grunt. It was around this point that the other generals started to grasp the full picture of the plan. They soon joined in on the excitement. It was as the Imperial Princess had said.

Baron Wittenmyer pointed out 3 negative points. The deterioration of the public’s trust, the destruction of our administration and economy, and finally, the loss of humanity’s cause. However, if they proceed with Imperial Princess Elizabeth’s plan, then they would be able to overcome all 3 of these issues. 

They would regain not only the people’s trust, but the army’s as well. Their administration and economy would recover through the unlimited support from the other nations. And finally, the Habsburg Republic would protect humanity’s cause and become humanity’s shield. They would quite literally become the cause itself.

Normally, the other nations wouldn’t accept the empire changing into a republic, but it was possible now. No, if anything, it was something that the other nations all wanted. They earnestly wanted for the royal family of another nation to sacrifice themselves to stop the advance of the Crescent Alliance.

The people, nobles, and the royal families.

Quite literally, all of humanity would praise the birth of the new Habsburg Republic.

Kurz Schleiermacher turned his head and the other generals also turned their trembling gazes to the Imperial Princess.

‘Since when was it?’

When did she start planning this?

‘Was it when Crowned Prince Rudolf was captured at Austerlitz? Or when you were defeated during the ceremonial speeches on Bruno Plains? Or was it perhaps when the Queen of Brittany visited you? Since when……did you start planning to abandon the capital and establish a new nation?’

Imperial Princess Elizabeth’s sapphire-like eyes glimmered.

“How foolish! Do you think that is it!?”

She shouted at them. The generals all flinched before the 17-year-old girl.

“From now on, you all are no longer simple generals of Habsburg. You are the warriors that will protect humanity at the frontline. If we fall, then all of the other nations will fall. Our defeat means the defeat of humanity. ―Do you all realize the weight of your responsibility?”

The Imperial Princess took a step forward.

“We will no longer be allowed to be divided. From the commoners to the imperial family, and the army to the merchants and farmers, every human must unite to create a single nation. That is what this new Habsburg Republic will be. That is the true color of the nation will we soon become!”

She unsheathed her sword, revealing a blade that shined as radiantly as her silver hair.

“We will also punish the vassals who have been ruining our empire for the past hundreds of years while we are punishing Imperial Prince Ferdinand. There will be no exceptions. We must take disciplinary action against corruption. Show the people that our nation is worth devoting their lives to.”

The gaze of every single general seated at the table was directed to Imperial Princess Elizabeth.

“If the Crowned Prince Faction and the Imperial Prince Faction are dealt with, then you all will take those vacant positions. From this point forth, you will all become essential, leading members of the nation. You have the ability to do so, thus the people will support you according to your abilities. For this sake, we will only observe as the capital is pillaged. We will later return the pillaged supplies back to the people.”

Manipulate everything from behind while acting nobler than anyone else while in front of others. Save humanity through a lie. The devils who were causing this havoc were contrarily going to become the defenders of heaven. ―Kurz Schleiermacher shuddered at the thought of this paradox.

The Imperial Princess made a declaration.

“Today, from this moment on, we will deceive all of humanity and history itself.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I don’t have anything in particular to say about the chapter this time. It’s just a lot of politics. I do feel like I should thank all of you guys who have been reading my translations and have been supportive of me. Even if you aren’t paying for early chapters, just knowing that there are so many people out there who’ve been enjoying my translations is good enough to keep me going. 

Welp, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.


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