Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 118: The Longest 15 Minutes (3)


I chuckled lightly.

How should I say it? It felt like I was watching a cornered rabbit desperately trying to bare its front teeth after being cornered. Imperial Princess Elizabeth was definitely panicking. Flatly denying the other party’s words was far from her usual way of speaking. 

“Men of all nations!”

She ignored my chuckle as she continued.

“Do not be fooled by his words. Have you all not lost your parents, friends, and comrades to the vicious teeth of those very monsters? That man is a Demon Lord. The ruler of monsters.”

I waited leisurely. I could cut her off and speak up, but that would be a bad idea.

We’re not having a debate right now. We’re exchanging speeches. The orator’s attitude is more important then the contents of the speech when it comes to drawing in the listeners’ attention. I would only be harming my image if I were to cut her off at every turn. Listening appropriately and obtaining an overwhelming victory afterward……. This was the best measure to take.

“He stated that the Demon Lord army had not killed the people; however, is there any other lie as grand as this? Who were the ones that sacrificed their lives to protect the continent 2,000 years ago? Who were the ones to put their lives on the line to protect mankind 1,800 years ago?”

The imperial princess began to dominate the plains with her natural charisma. Her beautiful and firm voice echoed throughout the sky. Her voice seeped in between each and every soldier like the wind.

“1,500 years ago, who were the ones to stay under the Scarlet Ramparts and swing their swords until only one person remained? 1,400 years ago, who were the ones to charge at 10,000 ogres on the Plains of Ulm? And today, who was it that threw everything aside to fight 100,000 monsters for God and to protect their families and sons?”

Imperial Princess Elizabeth raised her arm and shouted.

“That is right! It is you, the proud sons and daughters of all nations! O heroes, it has always been the people who were slaughtered by those monsters. It was those monsters that invaded whenever you reclaimed your fields and when life was about to become peaceful again. When fathers were about to smile lovingly at their children, it was those monsters that would mercilessly murder our children. Right when we were about to become united and live together in harmony, it is those monsters that stepped all over our lives.”

She clenched her fist.

“Now they are saying to you that they have never threatened the people. Allow me to ask you all this. ―Is this true?”

It became silent. The imperial princess turned her head and looked at a part of the human army.

“O Boeotians, I remember that 500 years ago, on the rocky terrain of Aulis, you faced 20,000 orcs and protected mankind’s line of defense for more than 4 days. I know that the great prince, Peneleos, who had led you, is resting under those hills with your fellow men.”

She turned her gaze to another unit.

“O Nemeans, I remember that 200 years ago, at the land of pigeons, Tisbai, you protected the city against an army of 30,000 goblins with only 500 men. The lord of the city, nobles, commoners, and slaves all came together and united as one to fight off those monsters. Humanity will never forget your struggle.”

The imperial princess turned her gaze once more.

“O Aspledonians! How could we forget the legendary battle you showed us 700 years ago!?”

It was from this moment that the units from the tribes and cities the imperial princess called out to began to cheer.

“O people of Locris! Honorable people that live on the banks of the noble Cephissus River! 1,700 years ago, your people defeated no less than 2 dragons on the sacred land of Euboea. Even the Goddesses up above were moved by your great achievement!”

A unit let out a cheer while the other troops around them gave the people of Locris hurrahs.

“O people of Abantis and Alpheios! Your glorious battle is still engraved on every brick of the fortress that was left behind by the ancient republic. When I was 16-years-old, I made a resolution as I touched the walls of that fortress. I vowed to remember every last one of these valiant names. Adrastos, Menestheus, Elpenor, Stura, Opus, Scarpe, Augeas, Tarpea―.”

She really did say every last name. Her voice gradually became louder. Once she said ten names, a single unit of the human army let out a cheer. Once the number of names she had uttered exceeded twenty, the Habsburg imperial soldiers were all cheering. By the time the number of names she called out went beyond thirty and fifty―the entire human army was cheering.


The imperial princess shouted.

“You, who used to be referred to as by many names, stand here today as Habsburgians, Franks, Bretons, Batavians, Teutons, Castilians, Sardinians, Anatolians, Moscovian, Kalmarians, and Bernicians. However, we know. We know that we used to be united as one!”

She turned her back. 

She didn’t speak towards the Demon Lord army but towards the human army.

“At times, we were divided. At times, we resented and killed one another. Despite this, we have always remained as one. Whenever those monsters stepped onto our beloved land and killed our friends and families, we have always come together as one and fought back! Even the likes of scorn and hate could not stop us. Even the rough teeth of ogres could not stop us! That is right. It is because we are human. We are humans since the day we are born and we will gladly die as humans!”

The imperial princess unsheathed her sword from her waist. A fancy rapier glimmered under the sunlight.

“For the past 2,000 years, those monsters have tried to divide us by using a countless number of tricks. However, we remember that we have always been one!”

A hundred thousand humans raised their swords to the sky and cheered.

“They are trying to divide us again right now. But we know. We know that we are united today! Our descendants will remember us; therefore, even if another two thousand years were to go by, humanity will still exist as one united race!”

The imperial princess pointed the sharp end of her rapier towards her hair. She cut a portion of her beautiful silver hair and held it in her left hand as she cried out.

“I, Elizabeth von Habsburg, vow to always stand at the forefront during today’s battle. When you fall to your knees before the mercilessness of those monsters and look forward, you will see me standing before you. When you begin to doubt the strength of mankind and feel as though you are about to drop your swords, I will be at your side to support you.”

She opened her left hand as she let her silver hair scatter through the air.

“Today, some of you will die and some of you will live. The blood of humans will drench Bruno Plains. Despite this, will you all still go forward? Soldiers of all nations! Descendants of those proud ancestors! Will you―join me in showing those savage monsters that we are human!? Have you made the resolve to be left in this continent’s history once more!?”

The sound of cheering echoed throughout the entire plains. The humans boisterously pounded away at their drums. They didn’t need any rhythm or tempo. The sound coming out from their lungs came together and resonated powerfully.


I take back the thought I had earlier.

The imperial princess wasn’t like a rabbit. Be it the 27-years-old Elizabeth or the 17-years-old Elizabeth……she was a prominent figure that could command the continent.

She was wise. She didn’t try to nip at everything I had said. She recognized that this wasn’t a matter of rationality but emotions, so she brought out the ideal that stimulated human emotions the most, heroism.

By calling out to each individual human army, she brought out the pride they had towards their hometowns. This is an era where humans don’t live alone, but as members of communities. There’s most likely nothing that’s as firm as their pride towards their hometowns. The imperial princess had splendidly made use of that.

She even went as far as to advertise herself. She put on a little performance by cutting her own silver hair. She then asked the people ‘will you go forward with me?’. She wasn’t asking them to go forward with a noble. She was solely asking if they would put their trust in her, Elizabeth von Habsburg. The soldiers responded by cheering…….

Imperial Princess Elizabeth’s political position ascended in an instant. Now no one could deny that she was more than eligible to succeed the throne of the Habsburg Empire.

Even if a struggle of classes were to occur after this Crescent Alliance is over, Imperial Princess Elizabeth will not lose her support from the people. It was clear that she would contrarily become stronger the more danger other nobles are placed in. What an impressive girl.

Figuring out what is important in this speech.

Pinpointing which part of the audience she has to conquer to achieve that important goal.

And finally, what she must do to raise her position.

In only a few minutes, within the short time frame she had after the start of my speech, Elizabeth von Habsburg managed to find a way to achieve all three of these things and she carried it out.

A genius.

She was truly a genius. She was born an empress and raised as a supreme ruler. It wasn’t only because of the hero that the Demon Lord army lost in <Dungeon Attack>. It was because the protagonist had the imperial princess. Imperial Princess Elizabeth was undoubtedly the worst, ultimate, and greatest enemy.

– Clap, clap, clap.

The sound of clapping echoed throughout the plains. It was a sharp and clear sound.

People turned to look at the source of the sound. There was a man who was applauding with an expression that looked as if he were truly moved. Well, there’s no reason for me to hide it.

It was me.

“Amazing. As expected of Elizabeth von Habsburg. So this is the final hero born by the empire.”

“……If you intend to ridicule me, then it is pointless, Demon Lord. Our resolve is firm.”


I truly was awed by Imperial Princess Elizabeth. I’m being honest here.

If I were in her position, then I wouldn’t have been able to give a speech like that. I would either panic and stutter or embarrass myself in front of 200,000 people. The reason why I was able to talk for so long was due to my speech being written on a hologram window in front of me. On the other hand, the imperial princess didn’t need any sort of help as she gave her speech on the spot. She was impressive.

This is unfortunate, Imperial Princess Elizabeth.

If I weren’t the one standing here, then you would have seized all of the glory for yourself.

I smiled.

“That was not my intention, Sister Elize.”


She furrowed her brows.

“How impertinent of you. Do you intend to mock me?”

Oh dear. It seems she doesn’t remember.

But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Her memory is impressive enough to remember the entire history of the continent. She should be able to remember if I give her a little hint.

“There was a boy who used to call you Sister Elize a long time ago. ……Do you still not remember?”


Her eyes opened wide. As I expected, she didn’t betray my expectations. I was delighted, so I proceeded to imitate a young boy’s face and voice.

“Sister Elize, where will we go play today? The Black Hunting Grounds? Wow, I’m so excited! Would I be able to ride a horse as well? No? But I was looking forward to it……. If it’s like that, then I won’t complain. How come big brother Rudolf won’t play with us?”


The imperial princess’ eyes started to tremble. It was like watching an impregnable fortress fall apart slowly. Gradually, her fortified persona was being stripped away. If I were to make a personal remark, the mere fact that a shocked cry didn’t slip out from her pretty lips was something to be praised.

This heroine who looks as if she wouldn’t have even a single weakness. The one and only memory she has that has remained as a trauma―was when she murdered her biological brothers with her own two hands when she was little. Among the two brothers that were murdered, her biological little brother, the 4th imperial prince, was killed due to his political threat despite his young age and innocence.

You are unable to escape from this guilt even when you reach your thirties. You most likely woke up in a cold sweat this very morning because you were being tortured by a nightmare where your little brother appeared. It is on the day you become 29-years-old, when the protagonist sleeps next to you, that you spend your first night ever without nightmares.

In this world, I am the one and only person who knows this weakness of hers.

“Huh, sis? That isn’t the way to the hunting ground. Eh? You found a new hunting ground? Wow! What can you find there? Boars? Don’t tell me there are unicorns! Okay. Let’s hurry up and go! ……How was that? Do you still not remember?”

The imperial princess’ face was evidently pale now.

I could see it. Not with my eyes, but I could clearly see it in my mind. The soldiers of the human army are most likely looking up at the imperial princess with puzzled looks. Not only the soldiers, but the nobles were probably shaken as well.

I deliberately used the word ‘big brother Rudolf’. The only boy who could refer to Imperial Princess Elizabeth as sister and Crown Prince Rudolf as brother met a mysterious death 4 years ago in a forest. The nobles who were aware of this situation should be feeling something from the imperial princess’ behavior.

I smiled gently.

“Oh dear. It seems you still do not remember. Very well, then. I will be merciful. ……Elizabeth. This happened 4 years ago. Do you remember? It was when you were still 13-years-old. It was a warm spring day. You suggested going horseback riding in a forest with a boy.”

The boy trusted his sister more than anyone else. He followed her into the forest without even a sliver of doubt.

“However, your goal was not actually to go hunting. Hm? Is this not so? No, maybe you could call it a type of hunting. Your goal was to hunt something in the end, after all. Also, in terms of prey, nothing could possibly compare to this.”contemporary romance


“It was a beautiful forest of cherry blossoms.”

The imperial princess’ face hardened.

“The boy got off the horse and let out a sound of awe. Sister! It’s so beautiful! You brought me here to show me this, huh? Wow, this is my first time seeing something so beautiful!”

“Stop……I will not stand idly by as you mock me…….”

“Listen to me!”

I let out a shout. The imperial princess flinched.

“The boy turned around slowly. Do you remember? You are obligated to remember. Did you not say so proudly during your speech earlier? That you will remember forever. Ha, is this not something which you must remember forever? It is a sight which only you know, after all!”

“Ah, ah…….”

“That is right, the boy turned around slowly and his eyes became wide. ……Sis? What are you doing? A look of disbelief filled the boy’s eyes. Regardless of this, you strengthened your grip. You gripped tightly with both hands. This was not enough―as you even used your aura! The same blue aura that the boy would always praise as being amazing and beautiful!”

The imperial princess shut her ears and lowered her head. Her shoulders continued to tremble. At that moment, the three-dimensional image that was floating above the plains turned off. I wonder if the mages from the human side canceled their magic on their own.

It didn’t matter. You most likely wish to end it here, but I don’t. This is war. You can’t quit simply because you want to.

“The boy asked you! With a voice that sounded as if he had to strain his words because his throat was shut, he spoke while barely managing to let out a breath! It hurts―sis, it hurts―why―why……. Why?”

I waited 5 seconds before speaking dejectedly.

“That was the boy’s final breath. Why? He did not pour rage or resentment towards the person who killed him……. He simply asked why. The boy truly did not understand why his beloved sister would kill him. The boy had sincerely loved his sister.”

Do you understand, Elizabeth von Habsburg?

“You are a filthy, disgusting, murdering piece of trash.”


The plains became silent once again. There were no longer any humans cheering or giving the imperial princess an ovation. They were only filled with confusion and bewilderment now.

With this, Imperial Princess Elizabeth’s political position should’ve plummeted greatly. In other words, this meant that one of the barriers blocking my survival has become weaker. I went through a lot of strenuous effort until now to weaken the humans, but I contrarily ended up empowering the imperial princess during this process. If the opportunity presents itself, it’s best to stomp down the sprouts even if I have to somewhat force myself. It’s rather unfortunate since I’m one of the people who liked her in <Dungeon Attack>……but, well, let’s just think of this as also fate.

I spoke to the human army with a solemn face.

“O humankind, the people. Do you now realize? That is the bare face of the noble you had cheered for. They force you onto the battlefield and kill their biological brothers in the back.”

My voice settled alone atop of Bruno Plains. 

“An unpardonable atrocity against mankind. Even slaves love their parents and animals cherish their children. How could a brute that slays their own kin speak of mankind……?”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. It’s sort of disappointing to see the Imperial Princess get shaken this badly compared to her stoic demeanor in the LN, but it’s also enjoyable to see Dantalian overwhelm her completely. I guess I’m fine with both styles. 

Uh, nothing more to say, see you guys in the next chapter.


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