Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 106: The One Who Curses Digs Two Graves (2)


This was an incredibly self-evident fact. The other party was in the middle of a major internal strife. What would happen if the Demon Lord army, an army that just emanates the aura of being the enemy of mankind, were to advance upon them during this time?

The third imperial princess would use that opportunity to play her trump card of acting ‘for the sake of mankind!’ and seize even more military authority. All other pretexts would crumble apart before this. Regardless of one’s position, if they don’t cooperate with the Imperial Princess’ Faction, then they would be executed under the name of mankind. If we march towards the capital now, then we would only be doing the imperial princess a favor…….

“On the other hand, if we don’t do anything, then the imperial princess will run herself dry on her own. No matter how much she tries to downplay what she has done, it doesn’t change the fact that she has carried out an unlawful coup. Her legitimacy is incredibly weak. Therefore, she needs some sort of clear cut achievement to gain the support of the people.”

This is the fate of all coups. Those whose authenticities are weak must do whatever they can to gain some sort of clear achievement. Whether it be giving more rights to the people or reforming the economy.

The imperial princess seized control under the pretext of protecting the nation from the threat of the Demon Lord army. Since this is the case, there is only one type of feat she can achieve. A military feat.

“The longer we do nothing, the weaker the imperial princess’ justifications become. She declared she would subjugate the Demon Lord army but we won’t be approaching them at all. Her political opponents will attack her. Before long, a time will come where she will have no other choice but to take action. The imperial princess will have to dispatch troops from her side.”


Barbatos hummed.

“So instead of attacking the enemy, we’re going to lure them to us, huh?”

“Yes. It would also be a good idea to spread some rumors.”

The crown prince fought bravely till his last breath at the frontline. It was a valiant struggle. And yet, what was the imperial princess doing? She didn’t even take part when the imperial army left the palace. The crown prince lost because the imperial princess publicly obstructed him…….contemporary romance

“Well, this much should be enough.”


My idea was immediately accepted.

I smiled wryly as I left Barbatos’ quarters.

I had just now lied to her. Everything I said would only work if you don’t consider Paimon’s 1st legion. The massive army of 30,000 monsters led by Paimon and the Mountain Faction was marching towards us even now.

The imperial princess will call for an armistice as soon as possible. Barbatos will most likely tilt her head and question whether the humans were on drugs, but the 1st legion will appear behind the 6th legion and formally accept the armistice. Barbatos will suddenly appear like a deer in headlights.

Therefore, in the imperial princess’ perspective, it didn’t matter whether we attacked or not. If we attack then she’ll get complete control of the military and fight back, if we don’t attack, then she simply has to wait until Paimon’s 1st legion arrives. What a formidable woman…….

However, I also have several trump cards. It’d be a mistake if you think I’ll quietly let myself get done in by you, Imperial Princess Elizabeth. You too, Paimon. Despite what everyone says, I’m a gentleman. I wouldn’t be able to hold my appearance as a gentleman if I leave everything to the women. I’ll make sure to escort them gracefully.

* * *

As I expected, things proceeded hectically. In only a few days, the Third Imperial Princess Elizabeth abruptly called for a truce.

Barbatos couldn’t hide the baffled expression on her face as she looked at the truce proposal sent by the third imperial princess. Shortly after, even Barbatos couldn’t hide her surprise when a massive army of 30,000 monsters suddenly appeared behind us the next day.

“……Haah? Why are those Mountain Faction bastards here?”

A heated discussion was carried out within the 6th legion. Perhaps they had gone through the path we had opened up in order to cross the Black Mountains without any casualties? Or maybe they’re planning to cooperate with us to take care of the Habsburg Empire first before heading to the Kingdom of Teuton? None of the theories were even close to being correct.

Barbatos got frustrated and sent an envoy to the 1st legion. She demanded to know what they were doing. I’m reiterating this as politely as possible right now since the actual message was filled to the brim with profanities. Nonetheless, Paimon’s response was enough to make the Demon Lords of the Plains Faction go pale.

“No, who does she think she is to accept the armistice?!”

A truce resolution.

The document started with a line saying that the Demon Lord army and the Habsburg Empire acknowledge each other’s authority. It ended with the Habsburg Empire and Paimon’s royal seal properly stamped at the bottom. The funny part was the fact that there was also a section prepared for Barbatos to stamp her seal as well.

This was a bolt out of the blue for Barbatos who had crossed the Black Mountains and went through a lot of effort to get through Austerlitz. She was suddenly being told to reconcile with the enemy even though we’ve been endeavoring on our own all this time. It was unthinkable.

Barbatos shouted that she was going to turn her troops around and attack the 1st legion. However, it wasn’t until Imperial Princess Elizabeth led an army of 40,000 soldiers and marched towards us that Barbatos realized something was wrong. The situation was proceeding precariously.

“Wait. Fuuuck, am I the only one who doesn’t understand our current situation? Huh?”

It rained heavily that day.

Barbatos called upon an emergency meeting. Barbatos wasn’t the only one with a serious look on her face. The faces of the 18 other Demon Lords were also crinkled like a ball of aluminum foil. Their entire bodies were wet because they got hit by the rain, so they looked even more enraged.

“So that imperial bitch spontaneously asks for an armistice and those Mountain Faction bastards came here instead of going to Teuton. Fine. Let’s say they have their reasons. But why is that imperial bitch and the Mountain Faction bastards blocking our front and back? Fuck, aren’t they threatening to attack us on both sides?”

Barbatos stomped. The shape of her right foot appeared visibly on the ground.

“Did that whore Paimon beg the humans to help her take us out!?”

“Those sons of bitches need to be sent to Hell!”

Beleth roared.

The other Plains Faction Demon Lords started to shout in agreement. They yelled about how traitors deserve to die. They were so riled up that if Barbatos gave them the command, they would spring out of this war tent right this instant and get ready for battle.

I spoke up at this moment.

“Everyone. Paimon is aiming to fish in troubled waters.”

The gazes of Demon Lords turned towards me. They were all filled with murderous intent. However, their murderous intent turned into rage and their rage turned into shock as I elaborated. By the time I finished speaking, the tent became so quiet that you couldn’t help but wonder if it was ever filled with shouting to begin with.

“But Dantalian.”

General Zepar managed to speak up.

“I understand that Paimon would profit whether we choose to fight them or not. If we fight, they will use that opportunity to wipe us out, and if we don’t fight, they will gain the achievement of ‘capturing land in the human world’. Nevertheless, would Paimon not be betraying all of demonkind and not only us? Would our allies stay silent and simply allow this to happen?”

I shook my head.

“Brother, it has been 2,000 years. The Crescent Alliance has failed for 2,000 years. A myriad of demons have started to question the existence of the Crescent Alliance. They are tired of this. If this armistice is accepted, then the Demon Lord army will gain the possession of a piece of land that is officially acknowledged by the Habsburg Empire.”


“Rather than a continental conquest that may or may not fail, we would be able to obtain a definite amount of land……. This would seem more appealing to the people in the demon world.”

They would praise Paimon as the great Demon Lord who had managed to accomplish this feat. The first achievement in the Crescent Alliance’s 2,000 years’ worth of history.

General Zepar understood my point and gulped. A curtain of silence fell over the war tent again.

“……So, what?”

Barbatos, who had been sitting quietly the entire time, spoke in a low voice.

“That bitch Paimon will profit whether we choose to fight or agree to the armistice? Furthermore, there’s only a small chance that the people from the demon world will support us? Is that what you’re saying?”


I lowered my head in response.

Barbatos’ face became blank.

“But why……. Aren’t those bastards from the Mountain Faction the traitors? Why are we the ones being disregarded? Huh?”

She looked at every Demon Lord one by one as if she were waiting for them to agree with her.

“Aren’t we the ones who fought the hardest? Didn’t we shed the most blood? For the sake of achieving the dream of demonkind……how many of our men have we lost in these foreign lands……? Why is Paimon the one being supported when all she did was watch quietly from the sideline? Friends, the only crime we have committed is the crime of fighting zealously.”

The other Demon Lords lowered their heads as they avoided Barbatos’ gaze. 

“They got tired because 2,000 years is a long time? Then what about us? Throughout the past 2,000 years, we never rested even when we were tired and we continued to fight as we refused to give up……. What does that make our resolve and blood? We could’ve used our authority and lived comfortable lives. We could’ve messed around instead of raising our armies. We could’ve done all that, but because of our damn duties as Demon Lords, we continued forward for the past 2,000 years without rest……and now you’re telling me to stop? The ones in the wrong aren’t those unsightly traitors, but us?”

She slammed the table. Wood fragments flew in the air from the area her fist had collided.

“Don’t make me laugh! How dare they! How dare they belittle our pride! Our blood and land!”

“……Your Excellency.”

“I lost 6,000 men in the 1st Crescent Alliance! I lost an arm and a leg in the 2nd Crescent Alliance! My army crumbled apart in the 3rd Crescent Alliance because we weren’t given any rations for more than 2 months and we got wiped out in the 4th Crescent Alliance because our allies ignored us! Nothing changed in the 5th, 6th, or the 7th Crescent Alliance!”

She cried out in a pained voice.

“Who were the ones that bled during these seven tragedies? Was it the people sitting quietly in the demon world? Was it those bastards from the Mountain Faction who only think about their own profits? No. Of course not! We―We were at the frontlines! We were the most dedicated and valiant! Is this our reward for 2,000 years of dedication and bravery?!―Don’t make me laugh!”

Barbatos stood up.

“Paimon, that fucking whore……Fine, you want a bloody battle, right? So be it! How dare you treat my, our pride as a doormat……I’ll kill you.”

She left the tent. Barbatos’ steps were so firm and intimidating that the other Demon Lords and I didn’t dare to stop her.

We remained in the tent, but no words were exchanged. Someone would let out a sigh every now and then. A long time passed before General Zepar spoke up in a quiet tone.

“I believe that it would be best to accept the armistice.”

He said only one line. The other Demon Lords seemed like they understood everything after hearing that single line. It was clear that they were thinking the same thing. However, they were remaining silent because they were devastated by the fact that they had to stop fighting because they had fallen for another Demon Lord’s scheme.

Brother Beleth gnashed his teeth. 

“Do you understand what you’re saying?”

“Calm down, you boar. You should also know that we have no other option but to accept the armistice.”

“Yeah. Like you always say, Little Zepar, I’m an idiot. But there’s one thing I do know, and it’s the fact that we’re warriors and we’re being insulted. Warriors do not put up with insults!”

Beleth roared.

Once he did, Zepar didn’t back down as he continued.

“What do you intend to do by not putting up with insults?”

“Is that even a question? We’ll fight!”

“You will fight? Do you have the confidence to win against the 1st legion’s military power of 30,000? The 1st legion will not be the only army you will be facing. We will be pincered by the Habsburg Empire’s army of 40,000 soldiers. 30,000 monsters and 40,000 humans. We will not stand a chance.”

“Fighting and meeting your end after running out of luck is the fate of all warriors! I don’t know how long you’ve only fought battles you can win, but there are things that warriors will not step down for! Destroy and annihilate everything! That’s it!”

General Zepar scowled.

“You war fanatic……do you intend to wipe out the Plains Faction!?”

“A Plains Faction that has lost its pride is no longer the Plains Faction!”

The dispute became heated. The Demon Lords instantly became split into two groups: war advocates and peace advocates. Fools that don’t consider the future and cowards that don’t know when to fight, all sorts of insults were thrown around from both parties. The majority opinion was for peace. Beleth and a portion of the war advocates wanted to fight to the death. Naturally, no one would want to start a battle where their defeat is obvious…….

“B-Bad news!”

At that moment, a beastman officer came running into the war tent. He began to speak despite the tense atmosphere between the Demon Lords. The news was so urgent that it managed to pour cold water over the heated mood.

“Her Highness Barbatos is sortieing by herself!”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter! It’s a new year and I haven’t made any resolutions. I wonder if it’s fine to live life so casually. One thing is certain though, I need to obtain a practical way of making money now. My Patreon isn’t exactly a stable income. This will really determine how my schedule will turn out in the long run. I mentioned it many times before, but I really hope whatever job I get is related to translated and not under the supervision of some egocentric old man. Life contemplations aside, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.


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