Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 91 Courting Death

Chapter 91 Courting Death

Later in the day when Luo Mingyu was taking one of her lessons and Wu Long stood by not far, he heard a commotion heading this way.

"Where is that bastard?!?!?"

"G-General Feng, p-p-please calm down… !"

"I want to have a good look at the face of that man! And possibly have a good talk between that face and my fist!!!"

"Father!!! I am not a little girl and can decide-..."

"Silence!!! I will deal with you later! First I'll see the mug of the scoundrel! I haven't raised you with so much care and love for some random rogue to…. Aaaah! Just let me catch that rascal!!!!"

The commotion was getting louder and louder as there were two familiar voices, one of Luo Mingyu's father, and another of Feng Yi seemingly trying to pacify someone in a berserk mood.

Wu Long stood with a calm face as he long expected this outcome as soon as he realized that the bodyguards near Luo Mingyu would see Feng Yi.

Her father was one of the famed heroes who built this country, who had children fairly late in his life. He was also the strongest person in this kingdom, followed by his children and then the hero king who abdicated the throne 30 years ago. Together they comprised the 5 strongest people of the country and its power support.

He was impressively for a cultivator not from a sect a Foundation Building expert. It could be only said that his talent for cultivation was very high, and were he groomed in a sect or in the empire, he could have reached even higher realms.

Wu Long stood in a corridor which was on one side covered by a wall with room doors, and an open space with only pillars to support the roof on the other. On the side of the corridor that was open, there was a peaceful inner courtyard where only a big willow tree grew on the far side, the rest being an open space. The other sides of the inner courtyard were one similar corridor of this "L" shaped building and two simple walls with the same roofing as the building covering them.

Soon, people appeared from the round arc-gate leading to the courtyard, and the commotion startled Luo Mingyu and her teacher out of their lesson as they went out to see what was going on.

There was a middle-aged man who had very early signs of aging on his face and some white mixed into his red hair. He was a head taller than Wu Long and had a bulky muscular build, clad in decorated armor. His olive-green eyes were fuming with rage. As soon as he saw Wu Long his eyes slightly widened with surprise, but then were consumed by even stronger fury than before.

"A pretty face?!?!?! You went for a pretty face?!?!!?"

He shouted in a completely maddened state. There was disbelief and incredulity in his voice.

There were two young-looking well-built men in armor similar to Feng Yi's, with similar facial features and with the same hair color as the middle-aged man behind him who also looked surprised, but at the same time far from happy as well. One was her older brother, and one was the youngest of the siblings.

Feng Yi came with them with a distressed look on her face and was a little unnerved when she saw Wu Long standing there so calmly as if looking at some distant scene. There was also a completely panicked Luo Mingyu's father and a few people of the Luo family around them. The one who led the way was one of the bodyguards who saw them this morning.

"So it is you?!?! So! What do you have to say for yourself?"

The middle-aged man shouted at Wu Long.

"What do I have to say for myself? Why would I have anything to say to you?"

Wu Long said in an indifferent manner as he walked off the slightly elevated corridor to the open area in the courtyard so that both he and the group that came in were now standing opposite each other in front of the old willow tree covered in snow that was to their side.

"Courting death!"

Wu Long nearly stumbled as he walked when he heard this phrase coming from General Feng.

Even in an immortal world of cultivation such as the Seven Boundless Worlds, there was a concept of fashion and times still very slowly but changed. The phrase 'Courting Death' was very much so an archaic expression, generally considered old-fashioned since it is presumed to have been widely used when the cultivation world was in its early infancy. It was still quite popular but Wu Long was always amused when he heard it. And he definitely did not expect to hear it here in this world.

"Well if she was as beautiful as your daughter I might have tried, but what I heard about her looks were not as pleasant so I will pass"

Common depiction of death in the Seven Boundless Worlds was an old hag with withered skin covered in wrinkles like a dry riverbed, scarce white and gray hair, and almost no teeth, coupled with long fingernails and long scrawny fingers, as well as a general feeling of having no meat and only bones.

"...You!!! …."

General Feng's about-to-be-blown-up rage suddenly subsided a bit as the intuition of a veteran warrior who went through countless battles told him that this young man was not so simple. He could not sense any weakness to take advantage of if he attacked at this moment, as it was a habit of him to assess people when he met them in this way. This greatly surprised him. But he was still too incensed to be completely calm.

"I want you to give me an explanation!"

"Father! I told you it is my own affairs! I don't need you to interfere!"

"Yi'er, don't be stubborn and make father even angrier. Besides, you are not completely off the hook either! Just because this is more urgent does not mean we are done with you! What were you even thinking?!"

"Off the hook? Who told you that I have to be reprimanded for my own decisions?"

As General Feng demanded an answer from Wu Long, Feng Yi tried to get the situation under her control, but her older brother sternly reprimanded her while the younger brother stared at Wu Long. Feng Yi looked at her brother with defiance in her expression. She was quite shocked at the whole development as she was generally very free in her movements since she became stronger and any of her affairs were left to her own discretion for quite some time now.

"I said give me an explanation! Have you slept with my daughter?!"

Wu Long's eyes slightly narrowed when he looked at the youngest sibling and a complicated light appeared in his eyes as he seemed to ponder about something, but when General Feng shouted again he brushed those thoughts away and returned his gaze to him.


"You!!! Do you know the repercussions for that?!?!"

Wu Long knew that there was no peaceful way about it so he did not bother trying to build a good rapport with this man. He just stretched his right hand a little to the side and a Guandao spear appeared it, which he then lowered to a comfortable reclining position. contemporary romance

General Feng's eyes widened when he saw this, and a light of appreciation appeared in his eyes. His stance slightly changed.

"Haa~, whatever, what a mess"

Feng Yi looked at that, and knew that this was not something avoidable so she just retreated from there along with her brothers. She knew that there was no meaning in stopping them or being worried about any one of them being hurt as they were both powerful enough to stop at an appropriate moment. Though it did not mean that her talk with her father was over, as she would be sure to have him understand what burying his nose into her business meant.

Her older brother had a slight respect appear on his face while her little brother had a mocking smile on his. The rest also gave way, retreating either to the corridor that was to the side or beyond the gates to the courtyard. Luo Mingyu and her teacher continued to look on from the corridor opposite the gates where they were from the beginning, worry appearing on her face.

No matter how strong Wu Long is, General Feng was the number one warrior of the whole kingdom and the main reason for its stability. It could be said that as long as the Feng family was there the country could weather any storms. It was not so easy to remain unscathed against such a person. And he was 4 whole Major Realms above Wu Long.

General Feng stretched his right hand and a beautiful Mao spear appeared in it, which he skillfully revolved until it was gripped by both hands, one in the middle, one holding the spear butt.

A sharp aura rose and the courtyard filled with a light film of snow that accumulated since morning was now filled with dancing snowflakes as they went up from the ground, moved by a profound wind.

"Hoh, a decent spear wielder is a first for some time now"


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