Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 55: You Have Misunderstood

Chapter 55: You Have Misunderstood

Sui Luxiao looked at Wu Long for some time, but she gradually returned back on track, deciding to ask him later on and deal with the situation at hand first.

"I am divorcing you" she repeated to her now almost former husband, taking back his attention.

"But dear…"

"Do not call me that. Starting today we are no longer a married couple"

Sui Luxiao said in a cold tone and took out a piece of paper. It was their marriage contract, which she then took with both hands and tore right in the middle.

"B-But we have to receive the approval…"

"I have just yesterday received the approval of His Majesty the Emperor"

Sui Luxiao did not let him finish and informed him, confirming that it was not a spontaneous decision but a calculated move, as she received approval from the imperial family which should at least take days. Normally divorce is only approved by the City Manors who operate on behalf of the imperial family throughout the empire and does not involve the Imperial Family itself, but as this is a matter of one of the bigger trading firms in the empire and in the entire continent it was only natural that the imperial family was closely involved.

"You cannot do this! My family's business has had a stake in the Peacock Feather Trading Company since the time of our marriage! You cannot take the company with you, and I will not relinquish my rights over it! You better think damn well before you take this any further! I might not be able to take away the company, but I sure as hell can bring it down with the authority I wield! If you kneel and apologize right now I might consider this never happened, otherwise, bid farewell to this place you love so much!!!"

Her former husband finally tore off any pretense of timidity and spoke up with a vicious expression and in a low tone of voice. With his look and way of speaking one had an illusion that he was about to spit venom. contemporary romance

Sui Luxiao had an expression of surprise on her face, as she had never seen this man be so daring and courageous in front of her, he even expressed fury. And most surprising of all, he threatened her and told her to kneel.

"I have already prepared the company, and the business of your family will be separated back into the Exquisite Peacock Trading Company which has been reformed and separated into its own entity. The size of the company has been expanded compared to its original entry into the unified company based on the mutual company expansion during the period of unification. The Peacock Feather Trading Company will cease operation in two weeks with my Soaring Feather Trading Company being reformed as well"

She calmly explained the situation to him as a look of panic started to appear on the man's face. The three brothers behind him were frozen in place, looking on with disbelief and horror.

"I-Impossible! To separate the firms that have been unified for decades! T-That is not something that can be done so easily!!! Besides, you will not hurt the company just to divorce me! Do you think I am an idiot?! It will take you at least a decade of progress back! And the damage will not only stop there as such a severe hit will prompt a cascade effect!" he still did not want to give up, and hysterically called a bluff.

He was not wrong, if the business was unified for decades there was bound to be hardship in calculating how much exactly the contribution of each component to the success of the business is.

Besides, taking away a chunk of business did not only mean losing that part, but it also meant that the trust in the company will fall and the partners may have doubts, it also meant that the competition could swoop in and try and take advantage. The employees will also feel less safe and there would be a general panic that would make consumers lose trust as well.

"It took some effort to do all the calculations and dig up all the necessary information, but the separation plan was made and was also already approved by the Imperial Family. My Soaring Feather Trading Company may take a major hit, but with effort, I will be able to stabilize it, and, who knows, maybe even take it to higher places eventually"

She said, not only dumbfounding her former husband but also amazing Wu Long. He knew she was a capable woman, but to make this unimaginably complex and ridiculously hard work in a matter of around a week, she could only be called a miracle. A light of fascination and appreciation in Wu Long's eyes intensified when he looked at her, as there was something very alluring in a confident, competent, and powerful woman.

He knew that she could probably just throw out her husband onto the streets with nothing to his name with her ability and connections, the Imperial Family would probably also prefer that to a dissolution of a big company that brought a lot of wealth to the Empire. But her integrity did not let her do that as she wanted to be clean of any of the wealth and power she gained from him, however minimal it was, before she could tell him to scram. Thus she gave a large chunk of the company away as she calculated what she achieved with the power the unification gave her, and what she could not do without that unification at that time.

She was also prepared to face the consequences, and almost even eager. Her business will have to go through a period of intense struggle, but that was what made her blood boil.

"The…the ancestors!!!"

A flash of enlightenment appeared on her former husband's face as he shouted out.

"Sui Family ancestors and elders will not allow it!!! Sui Luxiao! You might be the current Sui Family matriarch, but you are not the only decision-maker in the family! You cannot solely decide this!"

His expression lost some of its panic and he triumphantly declared, and a dark expression appeared on Sui Luxiao's face.

"I will deal with the Sui Family myself, that does not concern you"

She curtly replied in a cold tone.

He finally managed to get to a point she was not completely unbeatable at, though it wasn't that she did not expect it. It was just that it was almost impossible to deal with that aspect before the actual divorce, as that would immediately complicate and muddle everything, turning it into a protracted battle instead of a thunderous strike. So she could only opt to strike first and deal with the consequences from the Sui Family later.

There was a smug look of triumph on the man's face as he was certain that the divorce will be reverted, there was no way the Sui Family would tolerate her antics, and lose so much of the family business. He may have married into the family, but he was pretty good at sucking up and had good relations with them.

"M-Mother! What about us? We…"

"You will all live in the mountain villas I have prepared for you, there you will not have any worries about your safety, food, or roof above your heads. Your father will be able to freely visit you from time to time, and your concubines will be going with you. Your secluded lifestyle will continue until it is deemed that you are ready to be part of this society again, or the Sui family needs you"

Her expression became slightly complicated when she heard her oldest son's panicked voice but she steeled her resolve, she knew that she could not go easy on them as that would be the weakness her husband will take advantage of. She also has realized how futile it was to try and change someone who did not want to be changed. They were hanging on her like weights that were bringing her down. She also stopped feeling any semblance of love from them a long time ago, which she only admitted to herself recently. Although there was a part of her that still felt affection for them, it was useless to cling to it as they did not have any affection for her.

And as she finished her words, naked hate appeared in the eyes of all three of them. There was a feeling of bewilderment and panic, but also the intense hatred for being denied what they were entitled to, her undying loyalty to them.

As he was watching this family drama unfold, Wu Long was still calmly sipping tea, and taking in the insights he gained from their conversations. The feelings that permeated this space were somewhat unfamiliar to him. Although he interacted with dysfunctional families before, the scenery before him was fleeting back then and he never really stopped to look at it properly, unlike now when he was partially forced to and partially interested himself.

"Heh! We'll see how you talk after the Sui Family hears of this!"

Her former husband completely regained confidence by now, and only sneered, turning around and storming out of the office.

Her sons tried to persuade her for some time, but the more they talked the more apparent it was that what they were devastated at was losing the power and authority she gave them as their mother, as well all the privileges being her children entailed, not actually her. This gradually only solidified her resolve as she dismissed them shortly after.


She sat down in an armchair not far from Wu Long, with a somewhat exhausted look, massaging her temple and closing her eyes.

"Congratulations on starting your new life", he said after some time.

She opened her eyes again to look at him, and a slight smile appeared on her lips as she saw his tranquil appearance. There was something unfathomable about him, his demeanor and how he talked did not match his young appearance. There was also his confidence and insight. The fact that he awakened her from her deep slumber that was slowly killing her was something she was still trying to get used to, but greatly appreciated.

Then, she seemed to remember something and a puzzled look appeared on her face.

"You really surprised me with that slap… what was that?"

"Ah, I was trying to test something, though it ended up wrong"

He replied somewhat disappointed. He was somewhat moved by the theory that there was something hereditary in the way the men in the family flew when slapped that stemmed from their father, but he was disappointed to see that the middle son failed the test and ruined the theory.

She looked at him, not knowing what was on his mind, and only shook her head as she got the feeling that she would only regret it if she knew what he meant.

"So, now that you are a free woman with a new life, what are your plans?"

He then asked, turning his gaze to her again.

"Haa… though he is hateful, he does have a point, and I will have to deal with the family now, I will also be busy mitigating the damage that is bound to come to the trading company… but it will be alright"

She replied, as her gaze looked a bit to the distance, foreseeing how busy she would be in the coming months if not years.

"I think you will do great, but you have also misunderstood"

He said, prompting her to look back at him with an obvious question in her eyes.

"While I indeed am invested in the fact that your affairs will proceed smoothly and your life will be improving, I have no doubts about it. So I was not asking about it. What I was asking was, now that you are a free woman, what is stopping you from receiving treatment from me?"

He explained with a charming smile and her heart skipped a beat at his last words.

"I… I have yet to make a decision on your proposal, you said you will give me time to deal with my affairs…"

She said somewhat lost, her words trailing off in indecision.

"I am not rushing you with your decision, as you can decide slowly. And I am not telling you to become my woman now. I am asking about treatment, the one we did before and had to stop because you felt that continuing would compromise your integrity. Now that your integrity will not be compromised by the treatment, there should be nothing to stop you"

He replied in a calm tone, as realization started to appear on her face and she gulped nervously.

"But… wouldn't that be cheating on your part? You said you will give me time and freedom to make your decision. If we continue the treatments that made my heart waver in the first place… it is too unfair!"

She said, trying to look for a flaw in his reasoning.

"Heh, while I did say that I will not pressure you and will give you time and freedom to make your decision, did I not also tell you that I am a greedy and persistent man? I will make all the effort to steer your decision. Besides, you can refuse the treatment and I will also not pressure you with it"

He replied with a light chuckle and a light of anticipation in his eyes.


She looked at him for some time in silence.

After seemingly a long time, she slowly stood up, came to her office desk and instructed her attendants in the reception room that she should not be disturbed, and waved her hand over the array, which locked the door and activated the formations in the room.

He smiled and went into her bathroom, washing his hands and taking off his spatial ring, placing it on the sink.


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