Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 379 The Fate Of The Feng House

Wu Long and Feng Yi returned to the capital, leaving her second-in-command in charge of the subjugation that has been going stale for the past week with no demonic beasts in sight.

"But still, if you're going to take our families with us after all, what was all that resolve to leave everything behind for? If that was going to be the case I should have just traveled with you in the first place"

She lamented on their way. The experience of being the only one left out of the journey they all took was not a pleasant one. And even if she knew that Sui Luxiao and Bi Rui were also in the capital during that time, she also knew that they were not exactly part of the Dao Family until recently.

More than that, no matter how she behaved outwardly, it did not change the fact that time apart from him was bleak. And she caught herself missing the way he looked at her or the feeling of waking in his embrace. They did not spend enough time with each other when they met, but even that was enough to leave him in her heart as the only man she would ever want to be with.

And as some time passed she began feeling an encroaching feeling of insecurity. The doubt that started from a small question she asked herself one night, then rose into belief that he might not want her anymore as time passed and there was no sight of him returning.

She did not blame him for that doubt, since she believed that if he did not blame her for staying she could not blame him for leaving, which was the reason she agreed with this reasoning without missing a beat when they met again.

"Haha, that is called hindsight bias. It may look like it was the obvious thing to do now because of how the situation turned out but at the time this decision was not so apparent. Don't forget that back then I had no intention of taking on more responsibility than just for a small number of my women"

Wu Long chuckled at this logic. It was always easier to look back and think how obvious a decision was. It did not matter that it really was at the time.

"As I told you before, your decision was normal as you needed time to prepare both emotionally and mentally before you could follow me on a journey after which you did not know whether you would ever see your family again. So it is not really a good idea to get so hung up on that.

Besides, it was me who told you that you had time, since if I made you choose right then and there it would have been cruel. And in the end, you did not reject, accepting to take time to make your decision, which is why I am back. I would not have returned if at that time you outward rejected to follow me"

He then said a little more seriously. In the end, he only gave her time to make her choice, same as with Sui Luxiao, which was only fair since following him meant placing their fate into his hands. He would not pursue either one if the choice was to reject him, no matter how disappointing that choice would have been for him.

"Besides, it is not like I am taking your families now for no reason either, as your family are skilled fighters with bright future if raised properly from now on while Mingyu's household are Dao Cultivators who could create the foundation of the School of Thought that she spearheads"

"Hah! As I thought, you're shameless"

Wu Long added with a grin to which she snorted with a giggle.

"Hahaha, guilty as charged"

As they passed the gates, Wu Long noted how the eyes of the soldiers widened at seeing him when they confirmed his identity. As for Feng Yi, she often visited the capital to give reports, and has been generally allowed more leeway ever since Luo Mingyu came back with guests so she was let through without any problems. The official reason being of course consideration to her and her friends.

What was also peculiar was that with her identity, as someone being accompanied by Feng Yi he would normally not have to provide his identity at all. Yet the soldiers did not show any discomfort when requesting him to identify himself, showing that it was already routine to in a way ignore her status of a Commander.

The first place they visited was of course the Luo Household. The four beauties came out to greet them, with Luo Mingyu and Shen Min running into his embrace immediately with no pause. Ye Ling gently smiled, more reserved as the oldest one but still eager for her turn while Hua Ziyan as always was considerate of others, and eagerly jumping into his arms as soon as he opened his embrace and beckoned her.


Ye Ling nodded as she saw Feng Yi's expression, as well as the atmosphere between her and Wu Long, giving her a gentle smile for the first time since she arrived in the kingdom.

And as she finally came into the embrace that she practically melted into, she whispered "Don't make me be mean to youngsters again please" into his ear to which he smiled. She obviously meant to not place her into a position she was in, and properly define relationships with his future women.

General Feng's household was the next place he visited, where he was greeted by the bowing man who seemed a little older than usual. The accumulated stress and fatigue leaving their signs on his face.

"Greetings, Master Wu. This little one is honored by your visit"

"Haa~ as I said, you can just call me Wu Long. At this point I am somewhat of a son in law as well..."

Wu Long's eyebrow slightly twitched at the speech manner of the man, the only thing he found difficult about him.

"How could I? I should be grateful that you have found this foolish daughter of mine worthy"

"Hah! If someone heard you they would think he's your son while I'm the outsider who came to take him away"

Feng Yi rolled her eyes at this conversation as well, mainly astonished at her father's attitude. It seemed like a distant dream that he once barged into the Luo Household, ready to punch Wu Long in the face for touching her.

"You dare? You must have been eating tiger guts! How can you proclaim this little one to be the father of Master Wu, it is like..."

"Haa~, General Fent, if I may..."

Wu Long interjected the tirade that made him want to cover his face with his hand, raising that hand in a pacifying motion instead.

"Ah, of course, Master Wu. You were saying?"

The red-haired man instantly switched while Feng Yi sighed, folding her arms and looking to the side with a resigned look. At the same time Wu Long made sure to activate a formation to isolate the room from which the General understood the seriousness of their upcoming discussion.

"There is a certain force lurking on this continent, which I am sure you are vaguely aware of, but do not know the extent of.contemporary romance

The simple fact of the matter is that this force is not something you can oppose no matter how much you struggle, and this Kingdom is unfortunately already mostly in its grasp. The way they move has been subtle and discreet, but quite effective.

What I am proposing is for you to join my side as I am preparing to oppose that entity. They have a different target in sight, and have been diligently preparing to confront it, all the different achievements being only a small part of their true motives.

And while they are already aware of my presence and are somewhat conscious of it, they do not know the full extent to achievements being only a small part of their true motives.

And while they are already aware of my presence and are which I can pose a threat to their ambitions, which is what I can use to my advantage..."

Wu Long diligently explained the overall situation without diving much into the details and names, but giving General Feng a basic narration of the preparation Gu Zhen's henchmen and pawns have made throughout the continent, as well as the advantages each side has.


A little time after Wu Long finished speaking, General Feng sat silently with a dark expression as Feng Yi furrowed her brows and revealed a complicated look as well. Then, General Feng finally opened his mouth as Wu Long prepared for his answer.

"...The mantis stalks the cicada..."

As his voice fell Wu Long finally could not hold on and covered his face with the palm of his hand.

"... unaware! That the Oriole is behind it!!!"

The red-haired man triumphantly exclaimed.


Wu Long slightly groaned as General Feng started heartily laughing.

"Hahaha! As expected of Master Wu! You not only brought news that turn Heaven and Earth, but have a plan to deal with it as well! Indeed there are men beyond men, and heavens beyond heavens!!! Even if the foe is formidable, and we are like fish at the bottom of the pot for them, if we have Master Wu on our side we will be victorious!

I am honored you decided to use this little one. The Feng Household will stand with Master Wu and follow you to the ends of the earth"

As General Feng unleashed a barrage of mental damage on Wu Long, he then lowered his head, shocking Feng Yi who expected him to hesitate or argue. The fact he so easily and eagerly placed the fate of the Feng House in Wu Long's hands showed his deep respect and trust.

'It must have been that time'

She then thought as she recalled their spears crossing, since there were not that much interactions between the two, so it was the only possibility she could think of.

She was not someone proficient with weaponry like her Father was. She used the army standard-issue ox-tailed sword in case of battle, but mostly was versed in tactics and command as well as commanding troops, something her Father, who lead the troops at the forefront and won his battles with valor and ability to inspire and motivate his troops rather than mind, was not as strong in.

But she knew that masters of Matial Arts had a special connection, and if the level of both opponents was high enough, did not need words to understand each other.


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