Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 377 Open Hearts

Feng Yi opened her eyes, feeling exhausted but satisfied. She froze for a moment, feeling the warmth she missed so much enveloping her from behind and then relaxed into this comforting feeling. A strong, sturdy and hot body pressing against her soft smooth skin, warming her up and shielding from the biting winter morning cold.

This feeling of dependable and sturdy support and tender care was something she could never imagine being away from again. That made her dilemma even worse as she was torn in between him and her family.

Feng Yi knew that he would be traveling away, he told her that much. And even though she did not know when that would be happening, or where he would be going, she vaguely felt that the time she would really need to decide was drawing closer. Not to mention even if he did not leave that far he still was not going to settle in this country and had to move around like he did so far.

She also knew that there was a time when a child left their family to stand with the one they chose to spend their life with. In fact, her decision was already made. However the fact that she used this time to prepare herself mentally and emotionally, as well as to prepare her parents and brother for eventual separation did not mean that it was not weighing down on her as she was close with them.

The one thing that worried her in the time she did not see him was also almost certainly resolved with what happened before. So she was ready to leave with him this time.

She felt his hand caressing her shoulder, and a smile touched her lips.

"What is it that bothers you so much"

His voice resounded in her ear as she closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensation.

"You were gone for so long I..."

"Thought I didn't want you anymore?"

She nodded as her eyes turned slightly red. She could act tough outside and to others, but here in his embrace she was free to show her weakness and seek refuge in his warmth as she turned and snuggled into his chest.

The competitive 'struggle' during their lovemaking has already turned to a game they played rather than a serious challenge. She knew that he enjoyed her attempts to endure the sweet agony of the euphoric pleasure he gave her, and tried to hold on as much as she could. She also enjoyed their banter as much as he did.

But there was one more emotion that hid behind her thorns as they met yesterday, something he saw right through from the beginning. And even if he reassured her that he still desired her and wanted her to be his woman, there was a tiny bit of insecurity left.

"I thought I showed you my intentions and feelings, was I not thorough enough?"

"No, you were, but... I'm not..."

Her words halted but he could tell just from her eyes that looked up at him.

"Silly girl, would I cast you aside for something I got attracted to in the first place? If I wanted obedience and no will would I choose a woman with a fiery gaze who commands thousands of troops?"

"But I didn't agree to leave with you right away..."

"Which is natural. If anything it is Mingyu's decision to leave her former life behind immediately after meeting me that is unusual. Not that I am not pleased with it, I just don't think it would have been right for you.

Though in Mingyu's case she was a sheltered young lady who did not know much of the world and was always dreaming of seeing the outside. For you, whose life was full of this kingdom's lifestyle and tied to everything here, to leave everything behind on such short notice would be frankly an insane choice, and I doubt it would not have caused some regrets down the line if you left back then"

He sighed as he explained his thinking. It did not occur to him that his women were required to cut off their life before meeting him even if that meant cutting ties with family and friends of a lifetime.

There is something to say about unconditional intense love, that was able to cast all obstacles away, but Wu Long never wanted misery for those he cared for, since treating one's life as an obstacle was not a sign of a healthy relationship.

"Besides, if you think Mingyu is obedient and only follows me and comparing yourself because of that you don't know how strong that girl is. She may in a way be even stronger than you as the path she chose is a thorny one.

In fact, none of the women who decided to follow me right away had to give up anything like you did, as that is not something I wish"

He chuckled as he wrapped his hands around her figure, that seemed delicate and fragile at this moment.

"But you have so many beautiful, amazing women..."

She muttered into his chest bringing a smile to his face.

"Haha, I do. But don't you think I am too greedy to stop wanting you just because I have other women?"

Feng Yi has always been confident in her looks and figure, and that did not change even with Luo Mingyu around. But as she saw Shen Min and Hua Ziyan come together with Ye Ling who she already seen once, and then through a Long-Distance Communication Formation saw Wu Mengqi and Sui Luxiao her confidence finally started to falter.

She did not lose out in terms of looks but the abundance of beauties around Wu Long made her realize that her looks were not as effective on him as she initially thought.

"But Sister Ye Ling..."

"Haha, it seems Ling'er bullied you a little. Don't worry, she can be stubborn about some things, even though she tries to look like the very embodiment of peace and tranquility.

Haha, in that sense Mengqi saw through her quite well"

Wu Long chuckled, still surprised at how quickly Wu Mengqi saw through the calm, tranquil and always gently smiling Ye Ling.

"No, she didn't bully me. She just seemed colder and more distant than the last time. But... about your words, is she not?"

Feng Yi shook her head as she did not blame Ye Ling who didn't show any outright hostility to her. But his words about her demeanor intrigued her.

"Haha, no, she is. But not at all times like she leads everyone around to believe. There's no one in the world that always maintains the same mood, there are just people better at hiding it"

Wu Long chuckled.

"Ye Ling is much wiser than me in many aspects, and I respect her opinion, as well as rely on her advice a lot, but that does not mean that she is never wrong. She herself would be the first to tell you that.

And that goes for me as well. None of us are perfect, as if there was such thing as perfection in this world, it would mean death"

He then continued with a little more serious voice. His gaze turning distant.

She looked at him in wonder, thinking of the time Ye Ling spoke to them not long after the four beauties arrived to the Luo household.

"Wu Long is tough. And can endure a lot, in fact much more than you can imagine. But it does not mean that he does not need rest at all. No matter how strong a person is, if there is no refuge for them at all, they will break.contemporary romance

When he becomes comfortable enough to show you his vulnerable side, even if he just says "I am tired" instead of "I am fine", and when you comfort and soothe him, that is when you have done your major duty as his woman in my view. What counts is your willingness to be his strength and support.

If you do that, are loyal, care for and love him, you are my Sister and I don't care how much trouble you bring him as that is something he himself is eager to take on. He never shied away from trouble and does not like when his women withhold from relying on him in consideration.

He never demands much, and yet accepts all of the demands from his women, which is his weakness as far as I am concerned, so we have to be the ones to give him that what he needs, since you will never hear him ask for it if you just wait"

As these words reverberated in her head she thought how accurately she described his eagerness to accept their demands and accommodate them while seemingly seeking nothing in return. This seemingly endless understanding and broad heart is what made her concerns seem tiny things that she did not need to even worry about.

She then also thanked Hua Ziyan and Ye Ling for a piece of advise she followed, hoping to be able to give him that support he gave her in return.

Back then, it was Hua Ziyan who asked what they had to do in order for him to show them his vulnerable side, the answer to which was difficult for Feng Yi to follow, as it was "you have to become vulnerable to him first".


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