Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 366 Three Times A Pattern

"Ye'er, we have to go finish the job and report this all to the Elders"

Hong Yue looked at the departing figures, and then turned to her twin with a serious look.

"But Sister Yue..."

Hong Ye looked in Wu Long's direction with a little reluctance, and the white-haired beauty sighed.

"I know, but this is not something we can avoid"

She showed a rare sign of emotion, as the tips of her eyebrows that faced inward very slightly rose while her eyes subtly narrowed, and her usual cold, callous expression became more human-like for a brief moment.

"Haa~ I understand"

Hong Ye sighed with a melancholic look while Wu Long smiled at the sisters.

"It is a pity we have to part so soon again, but I hope and believe we would meet again, as they say, three time's a pattern"

He spoke up and Hong Ye's eyes brightened up with elation, while Hong Yue had a slightly confused look.

'Huh? Isn't that saying about ominous patterns and not good ones?'

But she did not have the heart to tell this to the twin who almost started jumping on the spot.

"We always only get a brief moment"

Hong Ye grumbled like a child who had their favorite candy taken away after giving it to them and they did not have enough while her twin sister rolled her eyes since now she was not that sad anymore and was just craving for more soothing words and attention.

"I know, that saddens me as well"

Wu Long's smile made the black-haired beauty dazed, which Hong Yue used as an opening to grab her by the forearm and drag her off into the cloud of black smoke, much resembling their last parting.

"I'll see you soon, Da~rling~!!!"

She promised in a cheerful voice before completely disappearing as Wu Long chuckled, repeating his motion of waving his hand to the disappearing figure.

'Heh, really what charming young ladies'

He thought to himself before turning to leave as well.


"Haa~ Madam Liang, to be honest I need some information from you"

The old man asked with his voice shaking again, signs of fatigue showing on his face.

"We should first move to a more convenient location, plus you need to look after your wounds and take medicine, Senior"

"I don't have much time left anyway, what does it matter if I go a little sooner. More importantly, I have unfinished business..."

"Of course, Senior, whatever you need"

Liang Yuhan sighed with a saddened expression to the harsh words of the old man but could not argue with his will.

"Hmm, I am looking for a fellow, and was wondering if you could help me find him"

"Of course, when had my Thousand Eyes Information Bureau ever failed you?"

"Hehehe khe-khu-khu. Right, right, right. You are always dependable. Ehm... What was his name...?"

As Liang Yuhan watched with a corner of her eye the twin assassins step into the cloud of black smoke, a signature Bahshi Assassins moving technique, the old man raised his eyes to the night sky to try and remember.

"Ah! Yes, do you happen to know where I could find a fellow named Wu Long?"contemporary romance

The old man finally had an enlightened expression and turned to Madam Liang who froze at the same moment the figure that was about to leave on the ground froze as well when the name was mentioned.

"W-what was the name?"

She asked with a slightly higher voice, thinking her mind just was too focused on the young man on the ground below and she misheard.

"Wu Long... hm? Did I pronounce it wrong? Wo Lung? Wi Leng? No, I am certain it was Wu Long, I remembered because he had the same name as that God of Pleasure. Ehkhum-kheuk khu-


He should be from this continent, although he traveled to the Wood Spirit Continent just a while ago, but when I asked there they said he was already gone"

The old man struggled to remember correctly but gradually the information came to him from the depths of a slightly muddled from fatigue mind.

"Eeeh... may I know why Senior is seeking for this man named Wu Long?"

Liang Yuhan asked, feeling a little awkward.

"Hm? This is a first. Khu-khum, khu-khu... Madam Liang usually doesn't ask such questions"

"That might be because she rarely has been asked to find someone who was right there when it happened"

"That is..."

A voice resounded from the side just as the beauty was struggling for words and both the old man and Liang Yuhan widened their eyes as they saw Wu Long not far from them in mid-air.

"How did-...?"

"The Spiritual Qi Beast Wing Flying Technique..."

As Liang Yuhan muttered her disbelief at the sight, the old man beside her seemed to recognize the answer to her question, astonishment seeping into his voice. He saw that the airbehind Wu Long's back moved in unusual way, which gave away the trick.

"I never thought I would see someone use this technique in this life"

"Well, it is quite complex for a limited effect, and the prolonged combat use is extremely bad. Plus it loses meaning after reaching Mortal Transcendence Realm so people rarely bother learning it, especially since the requirements for its use are quite high to begin with"

Wu Long wryly smiled as he did not think he would need it again. He used to catch people off guard quite a lot with this technique before reaching Mortal Transcendence Realm.

"Might I suggest we change locations to somewhere more discreet? This technique is quite taxing on the Spiritual Qi to use, especially when the Spiritual Qi in the surrounding air is so thin and low-quality.

Besides, even though there's no one around to look now, this is still a bit too conspicuous"

Wu Long chuckled, and the two woke up from the dazed state, nodding to his suggestion and the three figures moved to a nearby town to the south of their location, concealed by Madam Liang's illusion technique.


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