Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 298 Overcoming a Challenge

Chapter 298 Overcoming a Challenge

Wu Long chuckled as he left the office of the Sect Leader and descended the Peak of Unity.

While walking toward Ye Ling's lodging, he noticed many stares in his direction, mostly ones filled with jealousy, but some with simple respect. He also felt watchful gazes that were scrutinizing and on guard against him, mainly from the elders but from senior disciples as well. Even many Sect Protectors were watching him with close attention, trying to be as discreet as possible, but failing in front of his senses.

'Hmm, it seems that the ones who sent those stingy guys were preparing to make their move prior to our arrival'

He chuckled as he remembered that there was someone in the Sect's upper echelon whose name he did not really bother memorizing that was quite conspicuously amassing influence in the past few years based on what Ye Ling once told him. Since it did not really bother him he did not have any interest in the man or what he was up to. As long as his interests were not touched that is. Overall, since he did not annoy him Wu Long basically ignored the incident before.

The arrival of the group full of Foundation Building Realm experts as well as his own return while being close to reaching the Revolving Qi Realm was an event the schemers likely did not consider. And thus were caught off guard at the moment.

He arrived at Ye Ling's house not long after.

"How did it go?"

"Smoothly, everyone I brought is accepted in the sect"

He smiled and everyone looked at him with surprised looks. It was a rather simple entry into a sect, as if they were accepted just by walking in here.

"Although I expect her to call both of you shor-...haha"

He then chuckled, as he was speaking Ye Ling's and Hua Ziyan's communication jades started to flash.

"What did you do?"

"Just told her the truth"

He innocently shrugged and his expression stayed the same innocent smiling one under the scrutinizing gaze of Ye Ling.

"Haa~ we will be back soon"

Ye Ling sighed being sure she would not get any other answer from him, and went off with Hua Ziyan to their Master.

"Young Master, there is a young man here searching for you"

At this moment, Butler Bang came to inform Wu Long about a visitor.

"Did he state his purpose?"

"No, but he told me that you once saved him and his lover"

"Oh, that fellow, sure I'll meet him"

Wu Long recalled the couple he saved on a rainy day almost a year ago, though not remembering either of their names since they faded into background later. He went to a guest room where the young man arrived not long after.

"Greetings, benefactor. I am Xia Jung, you once..."

The young man started and Wu Long raised his hand to stop him from a long explanation. Though he did learn his name again from the first part.

"First off, I already told you to call me Wu Long. And I remember the circumstances of our meeting"

"T-Thank you"

"I can see that you are in distress again, is it related to your loved one?"

"Y-yes and no. You see, we were diligent in our cultivation, not missing a day. And the techniques you gave us caused us to rise exponentially in our cultivation..."

"Yes, I can see that you indeed were very diligent, if not overzealous in your cultivation"

Wu Long nodded with a chuckle as the young man made a slight smile. Xia Jung was already a Revolving Qi Realm cultivator, and wore Sect Elder robes. It would be safe to assume that his lover was at the same cultivation realm as him.

"But... it seems our rapid rise in cultivation was too conspicuous... and Grand Elder Zheng's group soon took notice of us. They approached us once we became Elders, demanding we join them as well as share the secret of our rapid progress.

Despite being relatively reclusive in our... khm, closed door seclusion, we do know of the dispute between you and Zheng Huang..."


Wu Long asked, genuinely puzzled that he had a dispute with someone he did not even know.

"Um... Grand Elder Zheng's son..."

Xia Jung made a confused expression as he said, which intensified when Wu Long's face told him that this explanation did not clear anything for him.

"Um... the man you were on the trip with when you met us... who pursued Prime Disciple Hua"

"Oh! That fellow. Yeah, now we're on the same page"

"...Well, yes, so we refused to join their group, partly because we were not interested in joining any groups at all, only interested in... in cultivating, and partly because we knew they would likely stand in opposition with you eventually"

"I see, so they are pressuring you into both giving the techniques and joining them with more forceful methods now that you have resisted"

"Yes, the last time, they even threatened me with taking away Ding'er, saying that in the sect no one would even notice, since they control most of it. We moved our cultivation to a cave on the Peak of Unity, and she never leaves it now, to avoid..."

"I get it. Let's hear what you came here to say"

Wu Long nodded as he cut in with a calm voice.

If Xia Jung came here to ask for his help he intended to decline. He had once given a helping hand. But he did not agree to take responsibility for the couple's entire life's safety and comfort.

It was true that the couple's relationship was heartwarming, and his general attitude toward them was positive. But he did not intend to save them every time they got into trouble for no reason other than

"Do you perhaps intend to create your own faction in the Sect? If so, I am willing to work hard and improve my skills to join it. I would not be a burden, and earn my keep myself.

I didn't come here to trouble you with this situation, I... I came here to ask if I could do anything to become stronger. The techniques you gave us are great for raising our cultivation, but I do not have any fighting techniques or expertise. If I have a chance to prove that I can be of use..."

There was a slight shift in Xia Jung's expression, as a spark lit in his eyes, to which Wu Long smiled in satisfaction.

'Hmm, not bad'

Wu Long thought as he did not expect Xia Jung to actually seek guidance instead of help.

'It is good that he has the right mindset, but there may be not enough time for a proper training... hmm, I suppose leaving Butler Bang in the sect as an insurance will suffice, though I do hope he manages to beat the odds himself'

Wu Long thought as he looked at Xia Jung with a little interest in the future development of this young man. If he did manage to turn this massively unfavorable situation around it would be an immensely valuable experience that would turn him from a troubled man who could only beg for help into a capable subordinate who can solve the tasks given to him.

Wu Long was a patient man when it came to fruit of his effort, and, what mattered in the long term to him as he decided whether to accept a subordinate was not current capabilities but character and potential.

"Which weapon?"

"... double butterfly swords*"

As Wu Long asked, Xia Jung gulped and replied after a moment of hesitation. Wu Long saw a slight nervousness on the young man's face as he did pick a weapon of very close range that required considerable skill in wielding.

Wu Long nodded and took out a scroll with a brush and some ink, promptly writing down a manual. After using a technique to dry out the ink, he rolled it up and handed it over.

Xia Jung received the manual with both hands, profusely thanking Wu Long as the latter simply smiled.

"I don't know about making a faction in the sect but I do in fact have a few subordinates. However, whether you can join them depends entirely on you and how you deal with this situation. If you manage to overcome it without any assistance from me, you can consider that you have passed the requirements.

Also, remember that Dual Cultivators are generally stronger as a pair, and weaker on their own. If you use the same fighting techniques and weapons in addition to that, you may become a menacing force together" contemporary romance

After expressing his gratitude, the young man hurriedly left to learn and train together with Lei Ding, his lover, while Butler Bang approached Wu Long.

"Would Young Master like for me to help them?"

"Haha, was I that obvious?"

"One only needs to know what kind of person you are to know that you would not really throw that boy to deal with the situation completely on his own"

"I do want you to not interfere if possible though, and if even you absolutely have to..."

Wu Long's words trailed off as he looked at the old man.

"...Give him as much illusion of no support so that he does not relax. Understood"

Butler Bang nodded, understanding his orders and Wu Long smiled, glad to have such a capable butler.

He was not worried about the old man, since not long before he reached the Foundation Building Realm using the techniques Wu Long gave him despite being stranded at the Revolving Qi Realm for hundreds of years before that.

Old Yen feared this man even when he was a Major Realm lower and did not have the wire techniques and skills Wu Long gave him. Now, the level of threat this man posed in conflict was on a completely different scale.


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