Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 107 Dual Polarity Extreme Yin Physique

Chapter 107 Dual Polarity Extreme Yin Physique

Dual Polarity Extreme Yin Physique was a very peculiar one, and Wu Long only read about it and heard of women who possessed it. It was in many texts called the "Hidden Yin Physique" as the possessor of this physique would not have any indications of an Extreme Yin physique in a non-active state.

It was, like the Frozen Soul Extreme Yin Physique he saw earlier, a physique that apart from other things affected one's personality. Its name stemmed from Yin and Yang, as Yin and Yang meant not only feminine and masculine, but also could mean light and dark. Dual Polarity Extreme Yin Physique possessors hid themselves in the Yin using the Yang of their personality, which meant that they were concealed in the dark while hiding behind the light. The Shen Min that Wu Long knew before was a fake persona donned by the real her, as she pushed all the light side of her personality to the outside, and hid her real intentions and consiousness inside, erasing a part of memories in the outer persona.

The reason he could not see through that before was fairly simple. While it technically was a fake personality, it was still authentic. It was not strictly separate from the main one. The decisions she made and the emotions she felt were genuine for her 'light' side, which missed a crucial part of memories and lacked the dark side of her thinking process. It was essentially her if she was without some key memories that made her who she really was. Her real consciousness which had all of its memories intact then went into a state of light slumber, only observing but not interfering with the decisions and actions of the outer shell she left. When she awakens, the two sides of light and dark join in again, forming the complete her.

Her real cultivation base which was a whole realm higher than before at the Revolving Qi Realm was still hidden, but now could not be covered from Wu Long since she already partially shown her real self, which allowed him to see the real her.

He marveled at how good the hiding ability of this physique was since she was even able to hide from him. Even Chaos Origin Eyes only stopped at the outer layer since it was technically authentic and not a different persona. contemporary romance

At this time, though, the other side of the meeting did not have any leeway to notice the change in Shen Min, as they were preoccupied with the revelation about the princess's teacher manipulating her.

"T-teacher! How could you?"

Cai Yin was astonished as she was awake from her subtle slumber for the first time in years. She now clearly remembered the times she almost broke out of it when he managed to keep his control through their lessons.

"Tch, damn brat, you ruined the work of a decade!"

The man knew that he failed and could not mend the damage. Her cultivation progressed too fast despite his efforts to keep it contained, and his control recently started to become less stable. He held on to this point only because he started the subtle process very early on, and made a solid foundation for it, but now he was powerless to place the same control over her.

He was still stronger than her, albeit already not by such a large margin, but the technique he used before required subtle influence over a long period of time and the target not being alert to it, the most he could do now that she was wary of him is to take complete control, but that was prone to mistakes as she would not have any free will at all and he would be exposed in moments by her father since he did not have the confidence to manipulate her that well. He would also first have to go through her now formidable defence.

There were also too many witnesses, part of whom he could not easily erase since they were in her entourage and would cause suspicion if they disappeared.

Hence, he decided to get rid of the culprit responsible for exposing him and get away as fast as possible.

"Die! Remember not to meddle in your nex…"

"Be careful…!"

Imperceptible to anyone but the three of them, but powerful, burst of soul power came from the middle-aged man towards Wu Long as the princess shouted out in alarm. But then, the man stiffened while not finishing the catchphrase he wanted to say.

Inside Wu Long's forehead right between the eyebrows, the man's soul power invaded the Niwan Palace, with the intention of wreaking havoc and turning him into a cripple who could not piece two words together. But as soon as it touched the surface of Wu Long's Soul Power Sea that covered his Soul Sea, he unknowingly let Wu Long use his vast and extremely powerful Soul Power since the man was now in his domain, and not outside.

Wu Long was not a Soul cultivator, but even non-soul cultivators had to cultivate their Niwan Palace to a certain extent when they reached a specific realm that required it, and Wu Long dabbed in every field that had the potential to give him power, so his Soul Power was formidable and he knew a lot of techniques and skills. He was not able to use them currently due to the limitations of his cultivation base, but his soul remained fundamentally the same, so it was as if he was in his prime if he was able to unleash its power. This worse-than-third-rate Soul Cultivator by his standards did not stand a chance against him in his Niwan Palace.

If he chose a simple attack without invading it with his own will and consciousness, he would have gotten off lighter, but now that he made that mistake, there was no going back for him.

Wu Long simply looked at the man with a calm face, as he watched agony in his eyes that his body was not able to express since the soul was locked in. The man spent millions of years tortured and torn into pieces in that split moment, and his soul shattered within his own Niwan Palace. He slumped down and fell to the floor. The body was still alive since all its functions were continuing as usual, but there was no will that kept it going so its functions gradually will fail one by one in the coming hours.

"Protect Her Highness!"

The guards went on full alert, surrounding the princess in a circle with their weapons pointing out and all the exits of the hall were now blocked. Wu Long and Shen Min were now encircled with weapons pointing inward of the circle. The tense but silent atmosphere was like a string tightly stretched, and a single wrong breath could snap it.

Cai Yin looked at the man and Wu Long alternating between them in shock and confusion. She clearly felt her teacher's soul power making a thunderous attack on Wu Long, but then he seemed to have received a backlash and died on the spot. As a Soul Cultivator, she clearly saw that the man was dead while the others thought he was just unconscious or paralyzed.

Shen Min's eyes returned to normal while everyone was looking away, so only Wu Long knew that she was not as simple as he previously thought. The killing intent he saw when she looked at that man told him that her intentions were not in serious conflict with his own, but he was now even more interested in her.

Cai Yin waved her hand, and the guards slowly retracted their weapons, but there was still vigilance in their gazes and they still stood in the protective formation.

"So, how do you feel about my proposal now?"

Wu Long said still as calm.

"... I must thank you for freeing me from his control first… about your proposal, do you really have the means to defeat the Supreme Master Pavilion?"

She was still slightly dazed, but she collected herself with a deep breath.

"Defeat? What I want is complete eradication, simply defeating them will not require your help"

He said confidently, and she could not help but be surprised at his confidence against such a large and powerful sect. She then slowly nodded with understanding.

'Shen Min' was surprised by how quickly she agreed with his confidence, but Cai Yin actually was misunderstanding the intent in Wu Long's words. What Wu Long meant in her understanding, was that he was going to lead a group, or perhaps even an army of powerful people to attack the Supreme Master Pavilion, it did not even cross her mind that he was a madman who would charge in there alone. And Wu Long did not bother with correcting her since it was more convenient than to spend time persuading her that he was fine on his own.

"Hmm, but… I cannot mobilize the troops solely by my own discretion, I will need to persuade my father…"

She finally said.

"I will be truthful, I target all lust cultivators, royal family members not being an exception"

He said, as he looked at her, and a slight distress appeared on her face as she thought of her own family members engaging in this disgusting practice. She looked back at him with a conflicted expression.


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