Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 5: Drowning

“Go now, get down, and swim away but don’t you forget to return on a sunny day. Come on, come on, Loch Ness is where you belong. So come on, oh Nessie come on, Loch Ness is where you belong.“-- the real McKenzie

Aly’s feet felt as though they were ten times their average size as she trudged through the dirt away from today’s training. Every part of her screamed in lethargic agony. It was not enough that she ran several miles yesterday, but today she used muscles she had forgotten existed. Every sinew, every tendon, was screaming as she moved. Her legs shook with the mere effort it took to stand, but she refused to rest now. She needed time. She just needed a chance to absorb everything and most of all she had an overwhelming urge to explore.

It was all so overwhelming. Just yesterday Aly had hit Paul in the head with a frying pan in a haphazard escape attempt. Today she was battling elves and talking with dragons, in her mind! It was all too much to take in. She corrected herself. Too much was the wrong emotion. This world was a gift; she knew that. Entering this world was more like stumbling upon Santa’s workshop, as an adult.

It did not take long for Aly to find the lake Baellnar had mentioned. Just imagining the refreshing feeling of diving into that lake and icing her swollen muscles was invigorating. However, she found herself lacking a bathing suit. Glancing around to ensure her privacy she wandered a bit away from the main path so she could strip down to her bra and underwear. Decidedly the closest she could get to a bathing suit in her current circumstance.

She took one last look at the shore and dove into the crystal clear water. It was icy but deliciously refreshing; she rejoiced submerged below the surfaces. She luxuriated in the feeling of the crisp cold water as it soaked away both her physical and emotional aches and pains. Aly swam for deeper waters and allowed to envelop her. She dove again enjoying the feel of her hair floating around her like the mermaids in the movies.

While she was lost in aquatic bliss a very large serpentine looking creature came up to her. It tilted its shovel-faced head and looked at her, eye to eye.

Aly gasped in shock, forgetting momentarily she was under water. A deadly mistake. She began to choke her lungs burning in pain to the unexpected substance invading them. Aly panicked, her tired arms and legs paddling around in the water. She kicked as hard as she could desperate to reach the surface, but she went the wrong way. She let out a precious stream of air, watching the bubbles to gain a sense of direction.

Aly tried to follow their path, but she failed, she had too little air and strength left. Her left leg cramped painfully. She lost all control of it. She screamed into the water as she felt her body failing her. The icy refreshment of the lake transformed into thousands of agonizing icicle needle pricks.

She still refused to accept her fate. She was a natural swimmer how could her body fail her so? Pain coursed through her veins. A feeling of absolute helplessness washed over her.

Again she weakly kicked to the surface with her remaining leg. Her weary arms could drag her no further. She had Expended every last bit of energy she had. She was running out of time; panic and desperation clouded her mind and forced her to suck water into her lungs.

She began to lose consciousness a feeling of terror and eerie peace took over her awareness. Icy black mist spread around her vision. Her eyes begrudgingly shut in defeat. Allowing the last thing she saw in the world by the beauty of the sun through this underwater world.

The next thing she knew she was on dry land coughing and spluttering. She caught a glimpse of a dark aquamarine colored head with swirling rainbow eyes pulling away from her. Then it slipped deep into the lake. Barely a ripple in its wake.

She lay prone on the ground gasping for air. She gasped deeply for the precious air now in plentiful supply. Aly took in deep slow breaths; she allowed her heart to settle. The thunderous pounding in her mind amplified her relief and terror.

“Some hero I am. I am supposed to defeat the ultimate evil queen, and I was nearly defeated by the water, of all the stupid things that could kill her.” She heaved an frustrated sigh, as she agonized over her weakness and sheer stupidity.

A little too late she remembered that Baellnar mentioned that he would send someone to get her. She sat up and looked around. Standing just a couple of feet away was a young man no more than 18 with startling green eyes. Aly suddenly became hyper-aware of her lack of clothing.

A worried look on his face he asked: “are you okay?”

“I know this is cliché,” she said, ” but how long have you been there, and how much did you see?”

He handed her her clothes. “Enough to be worried and impressed.” He winked at her trying to lighten the mood.

Alyenna giggled nervously and felt her entire body turn red. “What was that thing?”

“Oh that’s Nessie, you are quite lucky to have met her. I have been here for nearly two decades, and she has never made an appearance.” He eyed her up and down. “You may want to get dressed. You’re lucky it was me who got to see two rare beauties today.”

“I don’t believe I caught your name, smooth talker.” She teased.

“Oh how rude of me . . . I apologize.” He bent to pick a lovely pink and white flower and handed it to her. “I guess only a beautiful woman such as yourself could drive me to disgrace myself. My name is Damien.”

She giggled to herself and smiled sweetly at him, “That was by far the strangest compliment I think I have ever received, but thank you ...?”

They wound around the fortress through incredible marble hallways, vast rooms, and jeweled terraces. Finally, they arrived in an enormous furnace lit room. It smelled of molten fire, and the air was thick with suffocating black smoke. The white marble walls of the room now stained black with years of abuse. The machines were made of black iron but inside their hearts, was a powerful hot orange glow.

Hundreds of dwarves swarmed over the floor, deftly avoiding the dangerous points of weapons and shrapnel scattered all over the floor. All of them were sweating heavily and coughing. Her companion Damien was straining to breathe; his sweat-sodden shirt was plastered to his chest. His once light and wavy brown hair looked drenched with his perspiration. His wave face was turning an alarming shade of red.

Alyenna felt no discomfort; she stood happily absorbing the heat from the room around her. Convincing herself, it was evaporating the remaining chills from the icy lake.

Aly had always done well in the heat. The cold to her was an insufferable concept, but feeling like she was standing in an oven always felt relaxing. It was so frustrating how of all the places Paul could have moved her to he chose the sunless frigid state of Oregon. Oh, How many dismal and grey winter days had she longed for the tropical feel of living in the south.

Finally, she caught sight of Aagvardak; He was lovingly sharpening a weapon. It had intricate runes inscribed on the shining blade and an elaborately engraved hilt. Unaware of Alyenna’s entranced gaze upon the weapon Aagi swiftly raised the blade and sliced right through a nine-inch thick log as if it was butter. After that, he lovingly polished it then cradled it like a mother to a child.

Alyenna’s jaw fell without her realization, and she forgot to breathe for a minute. In that time Damien began to cough as if he was dying from the smoke in the room.

“Aagi!” She yelled across the room gesturing toward Damien. The dwarf looked up coolly from his work and absentmindedly pulled a lever and went back to his task.

A sharp sound, like nails on a chalkboard, roared through the hall. The ceiling above them opened, and the smoke fled through the opening. Refreshing icy mountain air poured into the room blasting Aly and Damien. All of the dwarves sighed deeply in relief.

Agvardak chuckled, “Ah forgot ‘bout the delicate nature o’ you human folk.” Then he eyed Alyenna curiously, “’cept you; you don’t seem bothered at all pookey. Dat is very strange.” he mused to himself.

Damien, however, was in the center of the blast of cold air. He was now shivering uncontrollably. His sweat soaked shirt was quickly becoming a frosted mess.

Aly was also shivering. The cold wind like icy daggers against her skin. She put an arm around Damien trying to share what little warmth they huddled together desperate for any shred of retaining heat.

Damien and Aly huddled like this for several minutes as a pleasant warmth slowly trickled to her bones. She assumed it was from the furnaces around her. Damien however, looked directly at her in awe.

Once her comfort had been restored Aly shifted her attention to the rest of the room. The beautiful weaponry ignited a level of excitement in herself that had lain dormant for several years.

“Gorgeous” She whispered eyeing a particularly magnificent nearly completed sword. A fire ruby at its pommel and dragon wings for the hilt.

Agvardak grinned broadly at the compliment. “Everyone is a sucker for flattery and oi’m no exception, but be careful little miss. This room ain’t kind to ’umans.”

“Well enjoy your lesson!” Damien said and hastily left the cavern.

Agi and Alyenna labored together for hours in the smoke-filled cavern, both unfeigned by the blistering heat of the massive forges. After their session, Alyenna walked out of fire filled cavern and sighed as she felt the room temperature air creep across her sweat dampened shirt. In her hand was the hilt of a newly finished sword.

The sword she had admired from earlier was complete and was now hers. Aagi had been delicately showing her how to finish its creation. Guiding her through the importance of each step in sword making, and finally the importance of the sword’s name, and that the finishing touches should always be done by its owner. A sword is the extension of one’s self in its creation and battle.

She let the blade delicately bridge the gap between her hands. She could not look away. The sword was beautiful it had fire etched on the blade, with golden dragon wings on the quillions of the hilt and a fire garnet embedded pommel. She kept its name a mystery under the strict tutoring of Aagi a swords name controlled the power of the sword. The name of the sword in the hands of your enemy was the surest way to defeat.

“Well isn’t that an impressive blade Aly” The delicious sweetness of Damien’s voice almost weekend Alyenna’s knees. Then his voice changed mid-thought. It became double layered with his and a much deeper voice speaking in unison. “There was a slight change in plans Aly, turns out you’re not going to be having your lesson with Arienne.”

Alyenna blinked rapidly trying to see him. When the smog finally cleared from her eyes, she saw something horrifying in Damien’s usually aloof and calm physique.

It was his eyes, they were white, and his face was etched with fear. His words were smooth and calm they were almost robotic.

“Whats going on.” Alyenna’s voice had lost all of its excitement, but she tried to keep it warm and cajoling. She was trying to soothe him and her nerves at the same time. The undertone though was all business. He did not answer her.

He suddenly gasped. His body became limp and slammed to the floor. Aly ran to him. She grasped shoulders tightly, cradling his head in her lap. She shook him gently, in a vain attempt to bring him back. His head tilted toward her his face ashen. His milky white eyes were terrifying to behold.

“What’s wrong Damien” she cooed and rocked him trying to calm him down. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

His eyes cleared for just a moment long enough for a simple sentence to escape his shaking body.

"She’s coming.”

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