Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 32: The Bitter Truth

“Maybe it won’t work out but seeing if it does, may be the best adventure ever.“--Anonymous

Alyenna was oblivious to everything around her, but the egg. Like a mother hen, she cradled it and held it close to her chest. Barely conscious of the movements of Sadie underneath her. For leagues, she was oblivious to the idle chatter of her companions. Baellnar would wordlessly check on her every once in a while. Concern was deeply embedded on his face. She knew her behavior was weird. She did not care. How could she? In her hands was a dragonling. Nothing else mattered.

Despite her entranced reverie instinctual adrenaline started to trickle through her veins. Her ears twitched itching to hear the call of birds or the rustle of trees. Only silence echoed throughout the forest around them. Her eyes caught hold of Baellnar’s. His own pupils were whirling with anticipation. Something was indeed wrong. She slipped the egg into sadies’ satchel for safe keeping as she watched his ears twitch and the wind dance aggressively around him. Suddenly, as if lightning had struck him, he leaned forward and yelled for his horse to launch into a gallop.

Alyenna and Aagi barely had a chance to react before he disappeared through the trees. Roxanne and Sadie, driven by herd mentality, followed. Alyenna felt the reins torn from her hands and she held onto Sadie’s mane frantically. Her legs clutched tightly to the horse she could feel her grip slipping. In one more desperate attempt, she grabbed the reins and readjusted her riding stance. Allowing the rhythm of Sadie’s stride to guide her.

Sweat trickled down her brow as trees blurred past her. Smoke began to fill her lungs and permeate the forest around her. Then there was screaming. So much screaming. A sound that tore at her very soul. It was the sound of hundreds of people dying. Fear clutched at her soul. How could three people save a town of hundreds?

A thought that quickly diminished when she saw who was at the heart of the destruction. ”Paul.” She hissed. No one heard her over the commotion. The three riders barrelled into town. No plan, no angle, just very angry.

Alyenna felt the ferocity in her blood begin to boil and take shape. Her eyes were whirling in anger. Energy rippled through her as she felt a ferocious roar tear apart her chest. She launched herself into the air and landed heavily on the ground in the form of Lion. The only essence of humanity left in her appearance was the dancing rainbow eyes buried in the tan ferocity of a lioness. Again, she roared and shook her tail. She could taste his scent in the air.

Baellnar lept from his horse and landed in front of her. His mount and Sadie disappeared through the smoke and chaos both mounts knew that this was beyond their expertise. Alyenna knew they would be back and was glad they were safe. She could feel the predatory instincts taking over her and could not guarantee their safety if she lost control of her form.

She snarled at Baellnar who stood between her and her prey. He admonished her with one easy stare. “Aly do you never learn you cannot do this alone?” Then he looked back at Paul. “This bastard is mine.”

“Oy! You don’ get ta call dibs on dat Arsehole. There’s a line!”

“Easy children there is plenty of me to go around defeating you one by one or as a group. What is this that challenges me a girl playing as a kitty, a dwarf, and a windbag? Please, I have an Army on my side.” A chorus of snarling and growling answered him. Alyenna growled.

He growled back at her but there was lust interlaid in the sound. Alyenna instinctively backed away. His power over her had not dissipated.

“Stay strong Aly,” Aagi said resting a single hand on his shoulder bouncing his Axe in the other. “See we took on your army before. I see no reason why we cannot do it again.”

Almost as if to answer him a desperate cry echoed through the smoke. Instinctively Baellnar pushed it away. In the center of the town was a grouping of wounded hostages. Each one with desperate eyes. Each one critically

“What do you want?” Baellnar asked through gritted teeth. His eyes never left the hostages.

“Aly and her egg,” Paul smiled viciously. “Surely you can part with a kitty and her toy.”

Paul easily dodged a large scythe that was aimed directly at his throat. Aagi’s hands were already wrapped around his battleax almost as if he had never thrown the sword in the first place. “How ‘bout you take that demon nose o’ yurs and stick it up yur own arse!”

His black eyes snapped to Aagi. The fire-haired dwarf took a step forward unphased by the nonverbal threat. Within an instant, Paul was a hairs breath away from Aagi. “Try me shorty.” An arrow whizzed past his head, and he turned his eyes to Baellnar. “Why do you people not learn. I have you beat.”

The distraction was working. As Aagi and Paul ping-ponged Paul’s attention back and forth between them. Aly had utilized the natural camouflage of the smoke and dirt road to disappear long enough to take out each of the guards one by one. Her lioness instincts pushed her to aim for a silent death. Each time she went for their throat. Cutting off their air before they could scream and slowly drain each demon spawn guard of their vile blackened blood. She was methodical and silent. She was also not alone. Whenever Paul focused on Aagi Baellnar sent a flurry of silent arrows to each of the guards as well. His own instincts for air and wind working in his favor as he pushed smoke and fog into the areas he needed to be disguised. Roxanne was also delicately sized with a pair of katana sharp nails that sliced through the bonds of the hostages and the throats of the guards

Their distraction could only last for so long. Twenty guards were silently cradled in the pools of their own dark blood before Paul realized what had happened. In his fury, he grabbed one of the hostages, a small boy, and sliced through his throat. He let the body fall to the ground limp and wild-eyed, as if it had been a piece of litter not outright murder.

Aly launched herself at him aiming for his throat, but he was too fast. He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Her body was helpless and paralyzed. She cursed herself for the weakness imposed on her by nature. She still had her mind. A flurry of arrows flew past her. Despite holding a lioness Paul was still able to dodge each one and hold her in the air. Alyenna’s mind was in a whirl. She was desperate for a solution. More monsters erupted from the smoke. Replacing each one of the guards they had felled. They were attacking Baellnar, Aagi, and Roxanne as a hoard. Aly was uselessly held aloft with Paul retreating clutching her in his demonically strong hands.

Think Aly, there has to be a way out! then she smiled. He may be strong, but strength always has its limits. Her next move was risky but if she could change again it would work. She needed to be heavy. Too heavy. Her nose started to lengthen, her legs and arms became trunks. Her skin morphed into a textured and hard grey. Her body was more than four times the size of Paul’s and her teeth erupted from her mouth forming two intimitdating ivory tusks. Suddenly it was Paul who’s feet were uselessly dangling in the air. She turned a rainbowed eye towards his and trumpeted.

He froze. Her transformation was fast and before he could react. She fell on him. She delighted in the snap crackle pop that answered her as his body buckled under her weight. The battle froze. The smoke cleared, and Aagi started laughing.

“Dat’s muh girl!”

Alyenna worked hard to adjust her voice. She wanted to speak needed to speak but she could not release him. She was rewarded with a prime pair of vocal cords. She had no idea of the sound they would make but she was delighted to know she could slightly alter her form. “How does it feel to be the victim?” Her voice was deep and nasal.

He did not answer. In fact, she did not feel him anymore. She lifted herself off the ground. Only an empty space was beneath her. She looked around the town and there was no sign of him. “No!” She screamed through her manufactured throat. Even his army had vanished. The cheers of the villagers did not assuage her anger. He had disappeared again. Every time she came close to conquering her tormentor he disappeared or destroyed her.

Baellnar came to her side. His eyes empathetic and calm. “Come on Aly, ” reluctantly she followed. He led her out of town into the shaded comfort of the forest. She hid behind a tree and shifted into her own natural form. He spoke to her with his back turned. “I should have given you this before we left. They are from Cameron.” He held intricately woven leather armor. Elven runes scrolled each piece lacing it intricate and magical patterns. “It is laced with magic specifically for those of dyrklow heritage. It adapts to you when you change form. So when you come back you can do so without fear of human vulnerability.”

“So in regular people terms, it makes it so when I change back I am not naked?” She said from behind the tree.

He chuckled, “In regular people terms yes; but, you are not regular people.”

She smiled and grabbed the leather armor from him. Her hands gently grazed his and she swore she could see his ears turn pink almost as if he was blushing. She could feel the familiar flush in her own cheeks as well. Adrenaline was still coursing through her veins. It was pushing her to be bold.

“Why me?” She asked, not feeling bold enough to be specific.

“What?” He asked his voice had a gentle tremble.

She was having trouble answering. Nearly losing him so many times had made it painfully clear to her how she felt. Even the kiss with Cameron, all she could think about was someone else. Yet when it came to a critical point. It was just them alone in the woods. She could not get the words out. She knew, he echoed her feelings but she could not push forward.

Then it was almost as if he read her mind. “Because the fates are cruel Aly, because this world cannot let people feel as they want to feel or do as they want to do.”

He left her there in peace to change. His words floating heavily in the air. She understood it, on too many levels. In this world love was dangerous. Love was forbidden.

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