Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 3: Prophecy

“We must take adventures to know where we truly belong.“--James Joyce

Alyenna was lost in a strange world, that seemed to have been created by her own imagination. Every detail of this magical place seemed eery and familiar.

Logic could not save her now. Alyenna was resound in the fact that she was ‘not in Kansas anymore.’ Despite that all that mattered to her, Kansas or no, was that for now she was safe from Paul. The thought of him sent an ominous shiver down her spine.

While the trio ambled through the intricate hallways of the keep Aagi, who she established as a very chatty fellow, was telling her all about how many years it took to build it. How it was one of the last strongholds for those of a magical persuasion. The one thing that stood out was that it was a sanctuary for all. It did not matter if they were dwarven, elven, or drake. Creatures from all walks of life and persuasions were welcome to the safety of Kaellen’s keep. Those that sought sanctuary was assigned tasks. Everyone had to help. Women or men of an able body were trained in the art of war. Children tended to the gardens and cleaned. Those with more the more technical skills of bookkeeping, culinary, leadership, or cartography were assigned to their respective stations. No man, woman, or child was without purpose. Sanctuary was not free; it was a team effort.

Alyenna kept her eyes on those around her. Despite being forced to contribute not one citizen of Kaellen’s objected to their work. In fact, from what Alyenna could see many of them enjoyed it. Eventually, she focused back on Aagi’s and his descriptions of the Keep itself. Buildings were never her forte, she preferred the outdoors, but everything was critical in this world, so she willed herself to listen.

Aagi enjoyed pointing out the intricate carvings and telling her their stories. The part that struck her the most was how many of these creatures had red eyes. In each sculpture, there was always at least one human or animal that hid in the shadows with ruby eyes. The composition varied in height and even gender; but, the eyes were invariably the same.

Her curiosity got the best of her. She pointed to one particular battle scene that featured many of the red-eyed figures. “What does this mean?”

“dat dere is Scelestra’s work” He spat. “dat crazy daughter of phoebetor destroyed everything!” He silenced his banter into sullen resentment. The tension caused by her question lasted for several agonizing minutes. She rubbed her arm defensively afraid to break the tension herself in this strange land with people she did not know or understand. Aagi assessed her discomfort. His hazel eyes penetrated her soul and then softened. In her efforts to avert her eyes from the tension her attention was grabbed by a golden sculpture. Her hand drifted over the delicate craftsmanship. The statue featured a dazzling image crafted entirely from intricately spun gold. It was a golden dragon mid-flight, fire poured from its jaws, and a heavily armored woman rode on top of it her sword lifted high over her head.

“That is Eleanor. She was a queen about one hundred and fifty years ago.” Baellnar paused, a wave of sadness captured his expression. His hand gently stroked the face of the woman in the sculpture. “The man she loved betrayed her and, to no fault of his own, became one of Scelestra’s minions.” He stared at it for a long time and then continued. “He struck her from Skendiiri, her dragoness, and partner.” After biting his lip, he spoke again this time in a whisper. “Kaelen’s keep was built on the very spot she fell.

“We neveh foun’ ’er body,” Aagi voice tinged with echoes of old pain.

Alyenna gazed at the statue in disbelief. That name, she thought with trepidation. Then scolded herself for the irrationality of the thought, It has to be a coincidence. She continued to logic herself out of it. That name is reasonably common. It could mean anything or be anyone.

The group continued forward, and she lost the thought in the wonder of the cavern. She could not help it. She was in a wonderland of sorts. Logic meant nothing here. Her dark and tortured world no longer mattered here. She prayed with every step she took that it was not a dream, and if it were, she would prefer never to wake up. In her bewilderment and wonder, she completely missed that they had entered another room and everyone had stopped but her.

When she finally caught herself, she realized that this was much grander than any she had seen before. At the far end of the room was an opalescent pearl toned statue. If the world around her did not hold enough magic, she began to question her own eyes. As she watched, the sculpture itself seemed to move which was a possibility she was starting to accept. It took a while; but, she eventually realized her jaw happened to be stuck in an open position.

She caught Baellnar staring at her. “What?” she demanded.

“I was wondering if you had another face. You know other than that of a slight minded child seeing a lollipop for the first time?”

Agvardak groaned. “Miss don’ mind this enormous piece o’ straw over ’ere. ’e’s just bummed ’cause you ain’t looking at ’im dat way.” He sauntered behind Baellnar and whacked him on the shoulder.

“Oh,” She said smiling and stopped to turn around looking directly at Baellnar. “It is because you aren’t my type.” She pointedly looked him up and down. “I prefer my men to have a face that doesn’t look like it’s going to break by simply having an expression.”

Aagi howled with laughter at Baellnar’s expression went blank with shock.

She wheeled around immediately trying to hide the victorious expression on her face. Aagi continued to laugh hysterically at Baellnar.

Aagi slapped his knee with humor. “Oi miss we are keepin’ ya! Serves ’im right to ’ave a lady put ’im in ’is place!”

The trio walked towards the end of the room., their playful banter echoed throughout the hall. Alyenna was suddenly stunned into silence. Her feet froze on the ground when an unfamiliar feminine voice slipped into her mind. Hello hatchling, we have been waiting for you for over a century. Welcome to Kaelen’s Keep.

“Who said that?” Aagi and Baellnar watched her with their eyebrows cocked. Aly blushed. She heard the sound of footsteps and realized someone was descending the grand staircase. She watched him cautiously. He wore what resembled leather armor; but, it was a vibrant cream color with royal blue trim. On his back was a sword well over 5 feet long. She also knew that the voice in his head was not his. She surreptitiously searched the room for a woman, any woman. Her eyes found their way back to the pearl statue. Which slowly began to move.

It’s long neck craned up and over to look directly at Aly. She was several feet from the dragon, but she could still feel her warm breath on her face.

Conflicting fear and awe ran rampant like wildfire through Aly’s veins. Her body was torn between an overwhelming desire to run away and to pet the dragon. She was not entirely sure what kind of dragon this was and she had a fifty-fifty shot. Logic kept her still. She gauged the reaction of the men around her. If they were not afraid then neither was she. Aly stood her ground and stared directly into the dragons swirling jeweled rainbow eyes.

The familiar feminine voice lightly chuckled into Alyenna’s thoughts again. Be careful little one be brave when it counts but always know when to run. You made the right choice this time. I am Ruth, and that man is my companion. We have been waiting for over a century for this day. The dragon bowed her head. It is an honor to meet you cousin.

“How is that possible” Alyenna said spoke aloud. Baellnar looked at her quizzically.

Child, you don’t have to use your voice to speak with me, in fact, you probably should not. As it is you and you alone who can hear me.

Why is that? Alyenna asked back in the silence of her own mind.

You’ll find out in good time hatchling.

“Greetings Alyenna, I am Allabandar. I am sure you are very confused as to why you’re here.” Alyenna blinked herself out of her reverie and looked toward the source of the voice. It came from the smiling man who had been descending the staircase.

“Oh no it’s very common to be smacked on the head, kidnapped, and then wake up in a magic land filled with dragons, moving carvings, dwarves, and elves” she paused dramatically “yup all part of the basic everyday life.” Annoyed sarcasm dripping from each word. Baellnar and Agi chuckled knowingly.

“Really?” Inquired Allabandar lightly smirking. “What a wild life you lead back on Earth!”

“Well No not really.” She said sheepishly. She held her tongue wanting to comment on how much kinder her world was now. Confused, she wondered why these men made her feel so at ease.

The man with auburn hair smiled slightly “Well Alyenna you’re handling the change quite well I must say.” He said smiling.

There was a brief silence interrupted a light airy chuckle and a booming laugh. Alyenna glared at the two men behind her. When Aagi caught her eye he feigned fear and started whistling. Baellnar kept laughing.

Allabandar continued unaffected. “Much of this will be explained in time; but, for now, I will give you a light overview. You were chosen because a prophecy lead us to you. Them,” he nodded towards Aagi and Baellnar “more than a hundred years to hunt down and retrieve you from the other world. Granted, their way of acquiring you needed a bit more finesse; but, we were in a rush to get you. Before Scelestra did.”

“What would Scelestra want with me?” Aly asked confused. How can I already have enemies? I just got here.

“Yes, rumor has it she is part goddess and part demon. She has a nasty habit of exploiting people’s weaknesses. No one knows what she actually looks like. Scelestra is a shapeshifter. She takes on the shape of her victim’s hearts’ desire. Once she controls their heart she controls their mind. The curse only ends when she forces them to murder the thing they love most.“Allabandar balled up his fists. “She can turn anyone into a spy. She sees through their eyes. She knows their mind. She hears what they hear. She has killed thousands of innocent people with her spells and her trickery. Our kingdom lives in fear of her.” He paused watching a servant girl working at the far end of the room. “For our own safety and the safety of our people public displays of affection among the nobility is forbidden.”

" She has magic and shapeshifter abilities and you think I am meant to defeat her?” Suddenly this world did not seem like the better option.

“One day an oracle told a prophecy that everyone believed to be about Eleanor our beloved queen of the resistance.” He stared for a long while at a memorial painting of Queen Eleanor. “Unfortunately Eleanor was not the hero of the prophecy. That is the danger of all prophecies. You never know what they really mean until it is too late.”

“Through a great amount of research Aagvardak and Baellnar figured out how to find you and get you back. Their only option was a portal that opens once every hundred and fifty years.

“Oi luckily she was right there when it opened! fates were on our side!“-Aagi said exuberantly.

“Ok, if these two were so good at solving the riddle of the prophecy, and crossing planets to find me, why can’t they beat her?”

“Because we need you.” He said walking over to the pearl dragon.

Alyenna was completely silent for a moment. “What was the prophecy?”

Then the strangest thing happened both Allabandar and the dragon’s voice sang together; but, her voice was in Aly’s mind.

In a time where light is at its end

And naught is what it seems

When red encompasses the land

and our greatest hero is no longer seen

A new will rise born of love and flame.

For this hero to rise another will be lost

a hero felled by the touch of frost

“How does any of that lead you to me?” Alyenna asked in awe. Still recovering from the effect of the dragon’s song.

“It is far too complicated to explain right now,” Allabandar answered gently. “You will understand in time.”

“Sir,” Baellnar spoke up. “Perhaps we should give Aly a chance to recover?”

“I would prefer answers.” Alyenna replied stubbornly, “and to be able to speak for myself.”

Baellnar sighed and threw his hands up in the air. Aagi popped up next to her. “its a bunch o’ magical mumbo jumbo and elven nonsense. Allabandar actually should take the most credit!”

Allabandar nodded to Aly. “Aly, it took me centuries to figure it out myself. It will take me hours to explain it to you. How about you rest up tonight and we will work on your cultural knowledge more tomorrow.

As if in answer Aly felt her body agree. A gentle blanket of exhaustion crept over her. She gently nodded and followed Aagi and Baellnar back to her room. Her mind reeling with images of talking dragons, strange creatures, and a beast with red eyes.

Aly awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of her own screams. Drenched in a cold sweat. Her sheets were strewn all over the floor. She sat wide awake.

In her dream, she was falling. She was surrounded by smoke and bursts of rainbow flame. She plummeted past mountains, past demons, orcs, and past screaming dragons. Yet, It was not the falling that forced her to wake up in a pile of sweat and terror. It was the seeing her heart ripped from her chest.

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