Dr. Grant (Off-Limits)

Dr. Grant: Chapter 6

My desk phone buzzes in a way it’s never done before and I frown at it, confused. I didn’t even realize it could make that sound.

I’m still staring at it when my door opens and a man I’ve only ever seen in photos walks in. I jump out of my seat, shocked.

“Mr. Astor,” I say, extending my hand. What is he doing here? And why is he here unannounced? My mind immediately drifts back to last week, and I silently pray he hasn’t found out how I touched his granddaughter, because that’s who Amara is. She’s his only granddaughter, and if Maddie is to be believed, she’s the apple of his eye.

His grip is tight as he shakes my hand, and I silently take him in. Looks like Amara has her grandfather’s blue eyes. He’s as tall as I am, and the suit he’s wearing probably equals a month’s salary for me.

Mr. Astor looks around my office as though he’s seeing it for the very first time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the case. He strikes me as the type of man that has a medical team on call, which makes it all the more strange to have him standing in my office so unexpectedly. Even throughout my interviews, no one ever mentioned him. I didn’t think I’d ever meet him. This college and the campus clinic it houses are but one of his many assets.

“How is the new job?” he asks. “Everything to your liking?”

I’m quick to nod, surprised he realizes I’m new. “Everything is great,” I tell him. “This office is well-equipped, and the nurses are friendly and helpful.”

He nods and walks around, touching things absentmindedly, and I silently note everything I’ll have to disinfect all over again. “That’s good. And how is the work?”

“It’s great,” I tell him honestly. It’s pretty much the same job I used to do at Dr. Johnson’s clinic, except there are no old people. It’s mostly middle-aged professors and students coming in with routine issues. I enjoy it. I enjoy actually being able to help. During my hospital rotations we usually had cases that left me feeling like my all would never be good enough, but here I make a difference every day.

“I’m glad to hear it,” he says, pausing in front of my desk. “I’m happy to have you here, Noah. You seem to be doing well. You seem happy here. The opportunities I can give you are endless. This clinic,” he says, gesturing around at my office, “can be yours if you want it.”

I freeze. I never even thought that would be an option. My expression must be transparent, because Mr. Astor smiles. “Do a good job, and I’ll let you buy in.” I nod, in shock, and he smirks. “I consider my employees family, Noah. I want you to do well, and I’ll help you grow so long as you work hard. So far, everything I’ve heard about you has impressed me. You put yourself through medical school while taking care of your little sister and putting her through school too. You’ve done extremely well for yourself, and I’m always on the lookout for exceptional men. Men that can help me build my empire.”

I just stare at him dazedly, unsure what to say. When I started working here, I assumed it’d never be more than a salaried job. I assumed I’d do this for a while and then attempt to buy into a clinic elsewhere. Owning anything with the Astor name on it? I didn’t think that’d be possible.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to work for you, Mr. Astor. I assure you I won’t let you down.”

He nods, but his gaze is calculative. “I don’t think you will.” He straightens his suit jacket, and just as I think this weird little visit is over, he looks at me, his gaze sharp. “I understand my granddaughter visited your clinic not too long ago. What was she here for? We have an in-house doctor on call, so there shouldn’t have been any need for her to come here.”

I tense and keep my face carefully blank. “I’m afraid I cannot breach doctor-patient confidentiality,” I tell him, my tone unwavering. I think back to the notes I took about her visit and wonder if he somehow has access to those. It might be a good idea to edit them and make them a little more vague, just in case.

He looks at me, and his expression sends a chill running down my spine. I straighten defensively and hold his gaze. I may want to climb up the ladder, but I’m a doctor first and foremost. I won’t compromise my ethics.

He nods, and my shoulders sag in relief. “I love my granddaughter, Noah. There is nothing I won’t do to ensure her happiness. I will help you achieve your goals, and I’ll check in with you often to ensure you’re on the path you wish to be on. However, you must stay away from my granddaughter. Amara is not for you.”

I push aside the sudden resentment I feel and nod. “I can promise you I won’t seek her out, but I will not deny a patient my care,” I tell him, making my limits clear.

Mr. Astor smiles. “Very well. I suppose that’s as much as I can ask for.”

I nod and shake his hand. He tightens his grip and holds onto my hand. “There’s a charity function next month. Why don’t you attend? I’ll introduce you to some people that you should get to know.”

My heart constricts at the mere thought of what he’s insinuating. I thought he was making empty promises when he said he’d support my career, but it looks like I was mistaken. Attending this event might very well land me connections I could otherwise never have access to.

“I would love to,” I say, tightening my grip on his hand before letting go. He smiles and turns to walk away.

I stare after him as he walks out of my office and collapse into my seat the second the door closes behind him.

I’ve only just about caught my breath when the door opens again. I shoot back out of my seat and then relax when I realize it’s Maddie and Georgia.

Maddie rushes up to me with wide eyes while Georgia closes the door behind her. “What did he say?”

I shake my head and glare at Georgia, the receptionist. “Why the hell didn’t you warn me?”

She looks at me apologetically and shrugs. “No time. He walked in and demanded to see you. All I managed to do was sound the alarm seconds before he walked in.”

I stare at my desk phone. “That screeching noise was meant to be a warning? How the fuck was I supposed to know that?”

Maddie shrugs. “Tell us what he told you. Why did he come here? He hasn’t been here in years.”

I sit down and lean back as I fill them in, hoping they might have an explanation for his erratic behavior, but they don’t. They’re just as clueless as I am.

I’m guessing that it’s Amara’s visit that led him here. As my patient, she was already off-limits. But now, with her grandfather’s warning fresh on my mind? Now she’s forever out of reach.

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