Down End Road

Chapter 31

After a pacifying shower, I nestled down on my bed, a thick tome from the library balanced in my pyjama clad lap. I remembered Miss Wilson heavily, recommending I read the diary of John Adams. For the past week it had been sat in the corner of my room collecting an excess of dust.

I swiped away the grey particles, and saw the Gold embossed letters. 'Carpe Diem' was on the front, I vaguely recognised it as the latin saying for seize the day.

I cracked open the journal peeking further into the old yellowed pages. The loopy faded black ink letters seemed clearer this time. I dove into the journal and was entranced by the first entry.

1783 5th of June.

My dearly beloved Abigail, has yet again dove into the door. I worry for her. Each time she comes back, she grows more distant and aloof. Her entrancing ocean blue eyes, are becoming a glowing blue more frequently and I fear that the more she goes through the door the worse her ailment will get.

I have contacted A.H and he replied with 'you are a worry wart dear friend'. The arrogant up-start. In my desperation for answers as how to best cure my dear beloved, I have reached out to G.W. Goodness knows he will probably be of no use. But the more she goes through the portal, the more I feel like I'm loosing her.

I skipped forward a few pages.

1783 17th of July.

My hope. My other half. Her ailment has been cured. She has shared with me extraordinary news that has shook my understanding of everything.

We rode the winged beasts today. They were cunning and sly, but compassionate and caring. Their cognitive thought and awareness was incredible. They truly are incredible creatures that have a cognitive development and ability far beyond my original thoughts.

Abby has grown a particular attachment to one of the creatures, I would be lying if I said it did not worry me every time she went anywhere close to it's many sharp teeth or spikes on it's tail. However, the creature made of the night itself proves trust worthy every time, and it seems that the creature reciprocates the same platonic fondness.

It warmed my heart every time she glanced back at me. Her natural strawberry tainted curls were unruly and wild like her spirit. I hated that she died them a dull brown. She said that it was to hide her true parentage, her father had had her hair and she inherited it from him.

By the time she was five years old, her faux biological father was enraged and suspicious of her true biological heritage. her mother began sneakily applying hair dye to her hair and the similarity in hair colour appeased her faux father. Her mother had explained it as an effect of her maturing.

After everything my dear Abby has been through, I feel beyond blessed that she is able to love me.

1783 25th October

She had another episode today. I have been ever so careful as to not over-exert her. I have been sure to keep her in a calm non-threatening environment. But today her eyes glowed like twin portals to Hell.

Abby was sparring with R.L and all of a sudden all hell broke out. She swung her rapier with a poised grace and murderous ferocity. I should have listened to A.H when he said she shouldn't train, but how was I supposed to keep her from her desires, when she's my wife.

Fencing is one of the only activities she can use as a coping mechanism. What with her night-terrors plaguing her sleep and haunting her days, and her mind slowly falling into turmoil. Abby is only truly happy when we ride the winged beasts or when we are alone together.

Any sort of physical contact or nearness seems to pacify her but I fear I am losing my wife for good. I have contacted A.B and have yet to receive a reply. He is probably occupied with his newborn daughter. He has had several offers of marriage for her and the babe is barely four months.

1783 1st of December

We are arranging a ball for the Society members. It will be the first of many... I hope. Our children have been introduced to the portal and John Junior in particular has found an interesting connection with one of the winged beasts. We have taken to calling them Dragons-

I dropped the book. Dragons. So the order of Adams portal did truly contain Dragons. The dragon from my... vision, was exactly what the book described. An eery feeling descended upon me. I felt my skin crawl with the familiar paranoid sensation of being watched.


The creepy and worrisome feeling had not relented. As Alex walked, with an ease that I desired to feel, I made sure to check every shadowed nook and cranny of the town.

We had stopped by a food truck for lunch and were on our way to Madame Celine's. When I had suggested we go there to look for clothes for the ball, Alex had given me the most reluctant look, but after whining like a five year old for the whole car journey there he relented.

Alex had told me everyone was expected to wear a gown or suit to any type of formal gathering. Of course, the Choosing ball was the most ostentatious. However, the ball after the games was less elaborate, but no less extravagant.

"Right so you need a tux and I need a dress." I stated. "Of course, you'll also need shoes and I will need some accessories and shoes as well." I listed. I was so lost in thought of my outfit that I almost crashed into the poll, if not for Alex's vice like grip on my arm preventing me from doing so.

I smiled up at him sheepishly. After that, all sense of impending doom left me when he held onto my arm. I swallowed my sigh of relief and continued to walk through the town.

Madame Celine's, flamboyant sign came into view and I tugged Alex in the direction of the store. The bell chimed when we walked in. Madame Celine's heels clicked on the wood floor as she walked over to us.

"Ah welcome... Wait, I am getting a strong aura of love around you two. Let me guess are you two, young lovebirds?" She asked in a dramatised french accent. I blushed beet red and felt heat rush to the tips of me ears. I focused my attention on everything but her. My eyes wandered to her elaborate appearance.

She wore a dark red paisley flapper cocoon coat, with a string of jewels wrapped around her grey streaked red hair.

Madame's skin was thin, pale and wrinkly, but her eyes were a rare deep shade of safire that held a multitude of mysteries. Her thin lips were quirked into an all knowing smile as she managed to look down on us, even though she was shorter than both of us. I noticed her wide leg pants were also crimson, with jewels lining the hem. All in all she looked like a character straight out of the great gatsby.

I tugged on the sleeve of my leather jacket and answered her with awkward honesty. "No, we're just friends." I fidgeted under her scrutinising gaze. She quirked up a thin eyebrow, her gaze tearing into me. Another small, older asian woman popped out from behind the counter and walked over to us.

Her hair was black as night, as were her eyes. Like Madame Celine, she was dressed up in an old fashioned and eye-catching manner. "This is Jing Li Xiuying. She is my dearest friend and business partner." Madame introduced.

Li was wearing a hanfu cardigan, also red, with cherry blossoms and dragons embroidered onto it. Her hair was done up with a jade green comb placed in her hair.

I smiled politely at them both. Alex removed his arm from mine and the encroaching feeling of danger returned at full force. I looked around the store, willing my unease to dissipate into nothing.

"He needs a tux and I need a dress, for a formal event." I said shakily. Alex gave me a concerned look, but I brushed him off with a weak smile.

"Of course, right this way," Li said, ushering us deeper into the old store.

Two hours later, we were still searching for our outfits. Everything the Madames had shown us was either too over-the-top or too uncomfortable. The rustle of clothes from the other side of the curtain signalled that Alex was trying on his fifteenth tux.

I snapped out of my cautious stupor and pulled on the dress. I strapped on the matching ribbon heels and walked out right as Alex trudged out of his stall. My eyes widened when I took in his outfit.

I hitched up a wry grin. "Well someone cleans up nice." I said. I moved forward and brushed off his suit at the shoulders. Something I had seen my mother do a thousand times with my father.

Alex stood rigidly frozen. He raked his gaze over my attire an approving glint in his eye, mixed with... something else? He gave me an approving smile and my cautiousness disappeared to the back corners of my mind.

A camera flashed and we both whirled around to face the source of the noise. Madame Celine gave us a proud smile. "For my wall of success'." She explained, then sauntered of to pin it up on the cork board.

I looked at Alex then burst out laughing, and soon enough he did too. The feeling of impending doom died away when we went back to the Manor, and I finally felt safe again.


Hello Readers,

Thanx so much for the reads, I hope you like the book. Question: What do you think the dress looks like?

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