Down End Road

Chapter 26

A week had passed. A full week of me studying relentlessly, training like crazy, constantly being hungry from using my gifts so much.

A week of Alex barely looking at me. A week without Alex and I’s banter. A week of purely feeling Alex's absence.

When the third Monday morning came and tutoring with Alex, along with it, I had planned to confront him. I had planned to tell him he hurt me, tell him that his mood swings are warping my brain, maybe even yell at him a little bit.

However, as we dragged the Blocking sleds out into the woods, I found myself mute. He had decided to make me drag a blocking sled from the manner to the woods, by myself, and time me.

I lugged the blocking sled into the forest and dropped it on an even patch of land. Alex strapped weights to the back of the dummy. First 50 Kgs then another, then another, then another. I gaped and glared at him. I groaned but got into place when he lifted a brow at me and jutted his chin out, gesturing for me to start.

I had seen my football team at school use them, and was fairly certain I knew how to use one too. I got into a lunge position then when Alex surprisingly spoke, and startled me out of my skin, I ran toward the dummy and almost in a hug like manor lifted it and pushed. The weights weighed the dummy down and made the sled heavier and harder to push.

I grunted as I pushed the sled harder and pumped my legs faster. My biceps and triceps were on fire and my quads felt like acid was trickling down the muscles. I moved my head to the side and glared at Alex again.

I propelledall my frustration into pushing the sled forward. I closed my eyes and grunted with the effort. A rush of hair washed over meand my body jolted when the sled collided with a giant oak tree, that had previously been one hundred meters away.

I gaped at the tree, my eyes moved from the tree to the drag marks and then back again. My mouth was still open, when Alex moved to stand beside me. He stared approvingly at the drag marks and then looked over to me.

“Good, you’re going to be one tough opponent at the games Myra Remington.” Alex said quietly, I stared at him in confusion.

“What ’games’?” I asked, worry edged my words. I had not been told about any games. I tried to recall all the things Ally had told me about the order.

“Haven’t you heard?” He quizzed in disbelief. I shook my head. “I thought you would have been informed.” He murmured to himself more than to me. “Every year we have a sort of competition amongst the schools. We compete with our gifts like for speed we might have a relay race or sprint, strength may be aweight lifting course, and usually for smarts they have some sort of challenge like a puzzle or something.” Alex described.

My brows furrowed in recognition. I faintly recalled reading something about something called ‘The Society of the Civil junior games is in the book my parents gave me. In the book it had said that the games had ceased in 1984 due to lack of funding. I gave Alex an incredulous look. “Didn’t those stop in 1984?” He smiled almost unnoticeably. It was the tiniest twitch of his lips.

“I see you learned your history. But yes they did, but we got extra funding and could start them up again in 93', I believe. Also to make it more affordable everyone contributes like twenty pounds.” He explained, I raised an eyebrow.

“Pounds, this is America not England... English. Here we say bucks or dollars.” I saw a flicker of annoyance fan across his features.

“Don’t call me that,” he mumbled under his breath. I quirked up my eyebrow. I mentally argued with myself but the words tumbled out in a teasing tone.

“What English, don’t call you what?” I asked, a sarcastically innocent smile plastered onto my face. He shook his head and tugged on his tight curly hair.

“Just remember you gave me no choice.” He said in a dangerously quiet tone. I narrowed my eyes and studied him. I shrugged and mumbled a ‘whatever’, my irritancy creeping back in to my mind. I huffed and before I could finish my long puff of air, was swept off my feet and hoisted into the air.

I felt two large hands spread wide over my back and thighs. I squealed in terror, and gasped for breath as panic crept in. I was over six feet in the air and my heart pounded rhythmically against my ribcage. “Don't call me English!” Alex commanded. I scowled down at him and flicked his head, he clucked his tongue and shifted his hands, almost dropping me in the process.

I squealed again and started to ramble. “Fine, fine English I won’t call you English anymore, so if you could let me down! Like now!” I pleaded. He shook his head and shifted his hands again. I let out another ear-piercing scream. “Okay, okay, I get it lesson learned Alex, I will only call you Alex from now on, I will never call you E-” he cut me off with a shift of his hands. “-Said nickname ever again, pinky promise.” I reasoned.

He smiled in victory before he tossed me up in the air and I dropped into his awaiting outstretched arms. I shrieked when he caught me and buried my face in his chest out of fear. Alex stiffened at the contact but I refused to move. I then came to my senses and started yelling. I jabbed my finger at his chest many times all while he still held me in his arms.

With a huge breath, I concluded my reprimand before I noticed our position. I looked up at him sheepishly, his brown eyes completely entranced with mine. I didn’t want to move but, I still had things to yell at him for and I knew I couldn’t do that with his arms securely placed around me.

“Uh, you can let me go now.” I stated quietly. He didn’t move for a moment but the words seemed to sink in and he slowly put me back on the ground. “I still have things to yell at you for.” I affirmed, he nodded his head in understanding, his curls bobbed in time. “And I still have things I’m mad at you for.” I declared, the surety now leaked from my voice.

“I understand.” Alex promised. A sad look flashed in his eyes. I pursed my lips in frustration. I moved back to the where the blocking sled stood deserted.

“You've been ignoring me for the past week.” I pointed out. “I actually think this is the most you’ve talked to me since we were in the library on Saturday.” I informed quietly, the disappointment I had felt earlier seeped into my tone and I dropped my head low.

“And I think I deserve an explanation for your little mood swings, because honestly Alex, they are exhausting. I don’t even need to have the full story or anything I just want to know if we're friends or not.” I exclaimed with a new irritancy. My anger toward him had returned and I decided to go for the direct approach.

“We can’t be friends.” He whispered with sorrow. I felt my nose crinkle in confusion. “Your a Remington and I’m not good at making friends.” Alex justified. I felt my heart sink and my annoyance, at the Society of the Civil, triple. So many things had happened just because I was a Remington. I was sick of it.

“What is the problem with my last name. I have no idea why people think that just because they know my name they know my entire personality, life story and future actions. Honestly, at this point I might as well change my name to smith.” I began to ramble. “Or maybe they won’t like smith maybe they would prefer James or Daniels.” I ranted.

Large hands placed themselves on my shoulders. The immediate butterflies I felt indicated exactly who the hands belonged to. I couldn’t face Alex yet. Instead, I leaned my forehead on his chest and groaned in annoyance. I righted my stance and cut off all contact with him. “Why can’t we be friends?” I mumbled. My cheeks were heated to a bright hue of crimson. I could feel the heaviness of my tongue when I tried to swallow back the thickness in my throat.

Alex sighed and dragged his hand down his face. He rubbed his eyes and waited a beat before he answered. “I already told you why. You’re a Remington and I am not good at the whole friends thing.” He reaffirmed. I shook my head in denial, refusing to believe that those were the only things holding us back.

“I am keeping it together with duct tape right now!” I yelled. “You cannot tell me that you aren’t good at friends because you. Are. Friends. With Maverick freakin’ Landon. The polar opposite of you.” I pointed out. “So you are capable of making friends. That’s reason number two debunked. Lets move onto number one shall we.” I retorted.

“Remingtons. Sure my mom and Dad’s past is pretty shady. Sure I don’t know anyone in my extended family. I don’t know who they are or where they live or what. Okay, I get it, okay. Lots of secrets there. I know that that probably isn’t the healthiest thing but they aren’t nefarious villains. They didn’t even do anything wrong, really. All they did was talk to some people they weren’t supposed to or something, right?” I said, too on a roll to acknowledge whether or not he wanted to respond.

“And another thing-”

“Myra, we can’t be friends okay it would never work out!” He screamed. I heard the distinct flap of wings and screech of birds as they began to flee from all the noise. Great, just great, not even the birds wanted to be around us, I thought. “Our families have issues. I’m not one to hold a grudge or anything like that but, my mum, she’s all I have left... I don’t want to open any old wounds, okay.” Was his answer.

My eyes burned and blurred, and I felt like my lungs were about to collapse, but with a thick throat I choked back my tears. I felt the wind shift and the sudden unmistakable growl of a Whiztail.

Shaggy coated creatures surrounded me. However, they face Alex and began to menacingly snarl at him. One smaller beast broke off from the rest of the pack and trotted nearer to me. I flinched when its soulless, depthless eyes, turned into a burnt orange. I came closer when it whined and whimpered, sniffing around me.

I allowed it to trot closer to me and soon it’s tail was wagging in the air it licked my hand. Like before my ring warmed to the point where it burned my finger. I winced, but kept my face straight, when the small Whiztail began to growl at my pain.

Alex was shocked and stood as still as a marble statue. I smiled at the creature before me. It cocked it’s head to the side and studied my expression. A larger matted Whiztail pranced over to the smaller beast. I recognised it as the wolf who had attacked me on the night of the party.

It was strange how I didn’t feel an oppressive fear like I had then. I felt almost calmer, like somehow, someway, things would work out. I cautiously outstretched my arm despite Alex’s hissed warnings. The beasts just patiently sat, awaiting my actions like it was a great honour instead of a small gesture of trust and gratitude.

My hand reached behind the smaller ones ears and began to scratch. The Whiztail yipped and barked in delight as I continue to scratch behind its ears. I smiled at the small ragged Whiztail. I wondered what path they had come from to avoid the sunlight, but then remembered the narrow patch of trees that acted as a crude, shaded, pathway to their small patch of woodland.

I knelt in front of it and began to move my hand to pet the top of its head. I almost laughed at how strange it was. I was petting the most feared creature at End Road manor.

They backed away from me though, when Alex moved to grab me. The creatures growled and snarled at him. At that point, the hot metal on my finger wasn’t even noticeable because of how psychedelic the situation was. I had a strange inkling that the Whiztails were defending me. From Alex. I felt my chest tighten as his words replayed on loop in my head. His voice drowned out every reasonable felt and the familiar blur and burn of my watery eyes. My chest started to heave as I tried to fight off the suffocation that I felt.

Alex noticed and gave me a regretful look. The idea of being without him crushed me. As if he read my thoughts, he neared me with less caution and weariness.Almost wholly ignoring the giant beasts that were chomping on an invisible bit and tugging on an invisible leash.

Alex walked straight through the circle of vicious beasts and straight toward me. Without hesitation he took me into a hug. On instinct I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his chest and took the comfort he offered.

The persistent growls eventually faded, but one higher pitched less mature snarl remained. I craned my neck toward the sound and saw the same smaller burnt-gold eyed Whiztail. I gave it a reassuring smile and with a caring reluctance it ran after the others.

I swiveled back around to face Alex, my eyes slowly dried and I felt my breath pace back to normal. I backed away a step and turned my head up to face him. He had a grim regretful expression set on his face, and a sad glint in his eyes. I almost sniffled. I straightened up my spine and positioned myself in a determined stance.

“Do you, want to be friends with me. Regardless of your... reasons, for not being friends with me currently.” I asked, “more like excuses if you ask me.” I grumbled under my breath. Alex’s lips twitched, indicating he had heard what I mumbled. I shared his small smile before I turned solemn again. He noticed my change in expression and breathed out a heavy sigh.

“Yes, yes I would. I will always want to be friends with you Myra Remington.” Alex confirmed and promised in a low voice. I bit my lip and searched his chocolate eyes for a trace of deceit but found only sorrow and honesty.

I smiled up at him, my usual light grin gone. “Then what’s stopping you?” I asked, his lips parted to speak but I cut him off. “We both know that the real reason you don’t want to be friends with me is because your scared of something.” I convicted.

His eyes flashed with fear at my revelation. I immediately saw his face morph into a mask of neutrality and how he tried to hide his emotions from my analyzing gaze. I tried so hard to give him space but my arms were itching to reach out to him. And so, after a while of tense staring, I did. I snaked my arms around his torso and hugged him tightly.

“I promise to not hurt you.” I whispered to him. He visibly tensed and I felt his waist tighten. I still hugged him though. I hugged him until he hugged me back and leaned his head on the top of mine.

I felt his breathing tickle my neck and shuffled as I suppressed a giggle. A small laugh escaped me before Alex reacted began moving far away from me. The laughter died in my throat as the distance between us seemed to grow. I frowned.

“Why are you laughing.” He asked, with a glare. “Is that what you do with all guys who bare their souls to you.” He accused. I glared at him and raised a brow.

“Do I really seem like the person who does that. No! I was laughing because you were breathing on my neck.” I assured. I shook my head at his unreasonable conclusion. He smirked at me, his usual closed lip smile -as enchanting as it always was.

“You, are tickilish.” He said. I felt the small smile drop from my face. He stalked towards me his hands stretched towards my neck as I began to back away.

“Alex, don’t you dare.” I said the seriousness in my voice gone. His smirk fell and he returned to his usual stiffness. I sensed the change in moods and walked back to the Blocking sled. I dragged it back to the start and began the exercise again. The familiar fire burned my muscles and my breathing became more laboured.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, but ignored Alex’s silent plea to stop and talk to him. He then moved to the side and tugged my arms off of the dummy. I glowered at him, the extent of my ups being masked by anger. “You don’t want to be friends because you’re scared. Fine, your problem, but if you don’t want to be friends with me then you can’t do that whole opening up thing to me. You can’t be my friend if you don’t act like it all the time.” I said, my voice cracked at the end.

He remained silent. I nodded my head in conformation of his assumed choice. “Wait no... that’s not what I meant. I want to be friends with you.” He assured me. It wasn’t enough though. Alex needed to do it, not just want it. “And I will try to be... a good friend. Even if it does completely scare me.” Alex said.

I smiled up at him, proud that he made a choice. Happy that I agreed with his choice. I stuck out my hand for him to shake and he ended up engulfing my hand with his. “Friends then.” I stated.

“Friends.” He agreed

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