D.N.A: Does Not Assimilate

Chapter Two

Anya-a-nei. Un-ti-dona.

The odd gibberish mumbling surrounding her awoke Niyota from the deep, dreamless state of sleep that she'd been previously enjoying.

"Five more minutes dada," she mumbled inaudibly in response, hoping that for once he listened to her and gave her the extra time to catch on sleep. She was in no condition to be getting up. Niyota was tired and bone weary, felt like she hadn't slept in days.

When he didn't immediately order her out of bed and dressed for the day, she sighed in relief, knowing that he was going to grant her request. A first for him. He never bent so easily. Thank god. She was too damned tired to be getting up out of bed right now, not even having the strength or will power to lift her head up off the pillow.

Obviously Niyota had stayed out far later than she should've last night, and now she was suffering the consequences for her choice. Well, it served her right for staying out at all hours of the night, when she should've been at home with her dad.

The last thought stopped her dead in her tracks. No, that can't be right. Her father was supposed to have left at five in the morning, to catch his six o'clock flight to Vancouver. It was the reason why Niyota was supposed to have dinner with him last night. He had some kind of business there that needed to be taken cared of by him immediately. Of what she didn't know. Niyota hadn't seen a point in asking him. He would be gone from town for two whole weeks, depending on how things went when he got there.

More gibberish talk came.

Followed by strange clicking and smacking.

Head hurting the longer she was forced to stay lucid and awake, thumping came at the temples, Niyota pushed open heavy lidded eyes. It was difficult, feeling almost like they'd been glued shut. The facial muscles around her eyes hurt, moaning in agony, Niyota stared around her. Niyota couldn't see much of her surroundings, her vision was hazy and blurred, darkness made it difficult for her to see.

Niyota was groggy and disorientated, her head spinning around crazily, feeling out of place inside of her own body. Why? What was wrong? Pushing out at the dark oblivion that threatened to pull her down under again, determined not to fall back asleep. Not until she knew what was wrong.

Blinking her eyes to focus them, a head that felt like a cement brick moved from side to side, looking more closely at her surroundings. Niyota could just barely make out the stone floor and ceiling, the squiggly lines on the screen of what looked an awful lot like a heart monitor machine.

No. This was wrong. All wrong. This wasn't her bedroom, nor any other place that she had ever been to before. What was a heart monitor-if it was one-doing there? It wasn't the only machine either. As her confusion slowly began to clear her vision, Niyota spied various other machines in the room, on either side of her. Machines she'd never seen before, doubted anyone else had either.

Desperately trying not to give into the fear that threatened to take over at the situation she'd woken up in, Niyota pushed up in bed. Screaming out in agony as something pulled at her scalp, she touched the side of her head to feel the blood. The outline of people standing over her, strange instruments held in their hands, immediately snapped to attention at the commotion. More of that non-sense talking came from them. Then one of them put down whatever they'd been holding in their grasp, coming towards Niyota with some kind of cylinder in hand.

As whoever it was stepped around to her side, underneath the blinding bright light that came from above, Niyota repelled backwards as her vision cleared. This was no person before her, it was an ungodly creature from someone's worst nightmare come alive. Although it had the similar outward shape of a human, it's skin was black and would be hard to the touch, metal covering vital body parts. Tentacles for hair moved around with a life of their own and two soulless eyes stared back at her.

Releasing an ear-piercing blood curdling scream at the creature she was now being faced with, she struggled against her constraints with all her might. Finally getting her arms released from whatever was holding them prisoner, hands pushed out at the thing next to her. Not taking the time to see what happened to the creature, Niyota shot straight up on the metal slab examining table and kicked feet out at those crowding around her. Strange clacking and chattering came every time her feet made contact.

Spinning on the table as all of them were thrown back to the floor, aware she didn't have much time to get up and out of there. Slipping over the edge of the table to her feet, Niyota clutched fingers onto the table as legs began to buckle underneath her, too weak to hold her upright.

One of them quickly recovered and climbed back to their feet and bomb rushed the girl, determined that she wouldn't escape. Screaming as the creature barrelled towards her, Niyota lunged out of the way, right onto a table of vials and test tubes and needles. Crying out in pain as one of the needles pierced straight through her, Niyota rolled over the side of the table and onto the floor, watching as the strange glowing white substance was injected into her.

A loud crash came from somewhere on the other side of the room; the creature hadn't been able to stop their forward momentum. Half a second later a loud explosion rent the air, vibrating the walls and floors of the sadistic laboratory she had woken-up to be in. Bright light came as fire came. Niyota screamed-was there an echo-out in agony as a bolt of electricity shot along a cord, straight into the needle implanted at the bottom of her skull. Then darkness came.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

She awoke to the noise.

Slowly regaining consciousness at the thumping echoing off the stone walls of the lab, she lifted her head, trying to make sense of what was going on. The place was cold, dark and dank. Stone was all around her. What was this place? Where was she? Hands grabbing onto the side of her head, agony shooting through her skull, Niyota tried to focus her mind. To remember past events that had landed her here, in this place.

Her mind was a blank. The last thing Niyota remembered was kissing Mark goodbye at the football field and started to walk home to have dinner with her father. There was something, buried just underneath a surface of thoughts, but for the life of her Niyota couldn't remember what. The memory was blocked to her somehow.

The next thing she was...........

Immediately going still as she recalled the terrifying hell she'd woken up to be in, she took a good look around her. It hadn't been a nightmare after all. Those same horrifying creatures she'd confronted were laid out on the floor across from her, not having survived the explosion in the lab. Niyota instinctively knew they were dead. All the medical equipment was tipped over onto the floor, a fire steadily growing on the other side of the room.

Gripping hands onto the edge of the metal table, gritting teeth in determination at the pain slicing through her, Niyota pulled her body to her feet. Crying out in pain as her body screamed in protest at the movement, unused muscles burning as they were stretched. Rapidly blinking back tears that burned the retinas in her eyes, chest heaving laboriously, she panted for breath.

Oh god, it hurt. Every inch of her twitched in agony, felt like her flesh was on fire. Her head splitting open. Why did she hurt so much?

Yanking out the needle protruding from the center of her chest and discarded it off onto the floor. Needing to get out of there, before anyone came to check on all the noises inside, Niyota searched around her. Noticing a faint light that came from a tunnel opening, she slowly started in that direction, knowing that she'd find freedom and safety there.

Legs that didn't seem to be used to the exertion buckled underneath her weight again and Niyota crumpled onto the floor in a heap. She didn't let that stop her. She was getting out of there. One way or another, she would find a way out of this god forsaken place.

Sharp nails bit into her ankle.

Screaming as the fierce grip took a hold of her, immediately realizing that not all of them were dead after all. At least one of them had survived.

Searching around when no amount of kicking and flaying could free her, she saw a strange weapon on one of the dead creatures. A knife, but a bit more high tech. It'd work all the same. Clasping fingers around the thick handle, yanking it free and swung the arm backwards. Giving a strange squealing noise as it hit it's target, it's hold was instantly released and hands came up to the wound across the face.

Scrambling back to her feet as she was instantly let go, Niyota stumbled across the floor, nearly tripping. Moaning as the world spun crazily around her, dizzy and light headed, she felt her way down the dark tunnel. Picking up her speed as the thundering she'd woken up to grew louder and louder, warning her that reinforcements were on their way. No! She would not go back. Not to that hideous torture chamber Niyota had been enclosed inside of, where these things did only god's knew what to her.

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Beginning to move faster as she heard the screeching wails come in the distance, aware that her abductor's had learned of her escape. Swiping the blood from out of her eyes and face, Niyota lurched forward as the ground dipped beneath her feet. Yelping in surprise, Niyota fell through a hole that had gone unnoticed and slid along the rocky rubble deep within the earth's core.

Shooting out of the mouth at the bottom of the tunnel, she was spit up into the air and landed face first into the hard ground. Cursing savagely as a pain ran up her left side, a hand reached for her wounded side and closed around a tube sticking out of her.

A tube? What the hell? Clasping fingers more securely around the tube, gritting her teeth, Niyota screamed as it was pulled out. Slumping forward on the ground as she felt it come out of her skin, she held it up, to see that it was a six inch needle.

Tossing it down onto the ground, a hand patted tentatively around under her shirt, looking for anymore of these painful surprises. She found three more. One was implanted right into her hip, another was found along her spine and the last was at the base of her skull. Aware that leaving them inserted wasn't an option, it hurt too damned much when she moved, Niyota gingerly removed the needles from her flesh. Screaming in terrible agony when she came to the last, the one inserted into her skull, Niyota grew dizzy and blacked out again.

Coming to as water dribbled down on her face, tucking the arch of her nose, Niyota dragged her eyes open. Spying the moist green grass that she laid upon, then the trunks of trees to be seen off in the distance. Moaning in agony as a terrible pain beat at the back of her skull, Niyota looked around at her surroundings.

The forest. She was in the forest. Near the base of the twin mountains, a good three or four hours outside of town. Maybe more. Maybe less.

As it all came rushing back to her, instantly remembering what had happened, Niyota climbed to her feet. Seeing the sparkling blade of the knife she had stolen from the creature, she picked it up, just in case her abductor's were in hot pursuit. One hand gripping onto the strange weapon, the other was used to help pull her off the ground. Once she came to stand on her own two feet again, unsteady and unbalanced though she might be, Niyota slowly made her way through the woods.

Half walking, half stumbling, Niyota moved deeper into the forests towards the north. In the general vicinity of town. She hoped. Feeling dizzy and light headed, a head ache beating the harder she tried to focus her mind and concentrate. She'd been drugged, that she had no doubt of. Whatever sedative those things had given her was strong and flowed through her blood, making it hard for her to focus.


That was the only thought on her mind as she ran deeper and deeper into the trees. The overwhelming desire to get home, to race into the loving arms of her father. For only then would everything be okay. Once those loving arms came around her, Niyota knew that she would be safe and this would become nothing more than a bad memory. And like all bad things, in time it would fade.

Finally reaching their house on West Adams Street, an old colonial house she had loved at first sight, Niyota began to run towards it. But suddenly she stopped, feeling the weight in her hands, she looked down to find fingers still clutching around the handle of the weapon. A metallic knife with strange etchings on it, fueled by a light that couldn't be possible. Needing to put it away for safe keeping, too scared of what it's existence could mean, Niyota carefully hid it underneath the porch. Where she alone would know where to look for it.

Should she need it.

Using the hide-a-key underneath the mat to unlock the front door-having misplaced her own key somewhere the door slowly came open. Replacing the spare key back underneath the flower pot, should the need for it crop up again, the door was pushed open and she raced inside. "Daddy? Maggie? Is anyone home?"

Silence met her.

Fear took hold of her. "Daddy?" she said louder.

"Niyota," the rich baritone of her father's voice came.

Sighing in relief at the sound of her father's voice coming from inside of the house, she raced across the floor as he appeared in the doorway. Niyota immediately flung herself into his arms, throwing her own around him. "Thank god you're here," she breathed into his chest, holding on tight. "I'd never thought to see you again."

Just a heads up: FindNovel.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey!

"Sweetheart, you're shaking," Charles noted in concern, his arms instinctively wrapping themselves around her, in the hopes of soothing her apparent fear. "Talk to me, Niy. Did something happen?"

"It's a long story,” she whispered.

A very long story she was soon to realize.

Allowing the silence of the house to envelope around them, arms growing tighter around her father, she luxuriated in the feeling of his warm embrace. A bittersweet pleasure that Niyota had never thought to experience again when she had woken up in that deep cavern, held captive by monstrous creatures. Shuddering in horror as the scattered memories washed over her then, Niyota quickly banished the memory before it could take root. None of that mattered now. She was home and in her father's arms and nothing could hurt her.

She was wrong.

"Charles," a soft spoken voice came from the direction of the doorway right at that moment, interrupting the solitude of the private father/daughter moment. "What's going on?" "Something's happened to, Niyota."

"No there hadn't," another said. "I'm fine."

Niyota instantly froze in the embrace of her father's strong arms as she recognized the voice that had denied his claims. Her voice. Running on autopilot, she slowly released the tight hold that she had on her father and turned around to face the one that had spoken with that voice. A voice that didn't not belong to them. She couldn't believe her eyes when she did. Stumbling back at the sight that met her, her jaw dropped open and round eyes widened to the size of saucers, shocked to the very core of her being.

Directly across the living room, standing just inside of the front doorway, a girl had stepped into the house. Standing at a height of five nine, a thin, willow reed frame that could stand to use a few extra pounds. The mini skirt and halter top only further empathized an hour glass figure. Hair that had a bluish tint to the black framed a heart shaped face and deep turquoise eyes shined from a tanned complexion. "What the fuck!"

The girl.

It was her.

Charles slowly backed away from the girl before him, looking between the two girls that stood inside of the living room of his house. Eyes widening, he shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "Whoa," he said, continuing to back up. "If you're Niyota, then who is this?"

"I'm Niyota," she tried to tell him.

"I'm calling the cops," the woman said.

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