D.N.A: Does Not Assimilate

Chapter Fourteen

Nine days.

Arms wrapped securely around the pipe in the ceiling of her cell, doing two sets of curl-ups, Niyota spewed in outrage at her current situation. It had been nine freaking days since she had been thrown downstairs in isolation, but was no closer to being released than she had been on the first day. For some reason Dr. Wenchell kept her locked away in her cell in isolation, only permitted to leave for meals.

And yard time, she reminded herself. Every day following meals Niyota was allowed to go outside for an hour. To give her the opportunity to get some fresh air, sun on her face and stretch her legs. Usually spent walking around the area she was permitted to use.

This had become to new normal for reasons that she couldn't begin to understand. She hadn't done anything wrong to deserve this punishment from them. Okay, so maybe she had reacted poorly in the laboratory room and should've found a better way to express her feelings, but that had been days ago. One week and two days to be exact.

Since then Niyota had been on her utmost best behavior, in the hopes that Dr. Wenchell would release her from her captivity. She hadn't yelled or fought back, took all her meds, went to all of her appointments, treated everybody as civilly as possible. In all fairness, she had behaved as close to a perfect little angel, as could be expected for one in her situation. Had he released her? No. Wenchell continued to keep her caged up in isolation like a wild animal too dangerous to be let free, not even bothering to take the time to explain why he wouldn't let her out.

Her grip instantly tightened around the pipe, flexing muscles down her arms and across her shoulders. The only good thing that had come of her continued captivity was she had been able to build up her upper and lower body strength. Spending her time in the cell working out, using all the exercises she remembered from her life previous to her abduction, to work on every part of her body.

During her time in the yard, Niyota would spend the first half at the weight bench, the second half was used jogging around the perimeter of the left side of the courtyard. Thanks to that muscles disused had strengthened, beginning to give her the athletic build she'd once had. It would be a while yet before Niyota returned to her old self again, but was getting there.

Tapping came at the door.

Snapped out of her pondering at the rattling of the glass, pushing them to the back of her mind, she looked up to find a guard standing before her door. Immediately releasing the pipe she was holding onto, Niyota dropped to the ground and slowly stalked to the glass door. "What?"

"Doctor wishes to see you," he barked.

Go figure. He's the only one that did.

Holding her hands up high in the air to where he could clearly see them, she slowly backed away until her back was almost touching the wall. Again slowly moving, she turned around to face the concrete wall and placed hands on either side of her head, her back presented to him. It was a stance she had become quite used to this past week. A routine Niyota went through any time that a guard fetched her from her cell, as had become customary after her first trip from Nurse Smiley. Why no one else did, she didn't know.

"Don't move," he warned her.

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Rolling her eyes heavenward at the demands coming from the man, Niyota maintained her position as the guard entered her cell. Then just as had become common practice he tucked away his nightstick and hands began to pat down the prisoner. Touching every inch of the teenage girl's body, every nook and cranny to be found, ensuring she didn't have any weapons.

She rolled her eyes. Oh brother. As if she had a weapon. As she hadn't had in the dozen of other times the guards had retrieved her from the cell and endured these pat-downs. Niyota was attempting to get through the humiliating process, when those large hands got a little too familiar with her body. She stiffened at the feel of the hand on her breast, that was followed by the ass groping. "Do you like what you're touching?" "Shut up," he growled.

She snickered. "Get off on touching little girls don't ya? What kind of sick fucking pervert are you, to find pleasure in groping the body of a child? Does your boss know about this?"

She must've hit a nerve or something. He was a lot more aggressive than he'd been when he first approached the cell. Good. That made both of them. Niyota was no more pleased than him that day after day she was forced to endure the pawing of men's hands, because of the thoughts of other people. She was the innocent victim here, accused and charged for a crime that she had never committed. And even if she had done so, that didn't mean that he or anyone else for that matter, had the right to touch her to their heart's content.

She was a child.

A minor.

None of that mattered to them.

Jerking out of the hold that the guard had on her shirt, though she maintained the smile on her face, at least appearing to be compliant to their wishes. Straightening out her clothes when the man let go of her, brushing hair out of her eyes, Niyota stepped around the bodybuilder guard.

Then stalking out of the cell, head held high, she came to an abrupt stop as she came to stand before the secondary guard out in the main corridor. Grinning in satisfaction when she didn't immediately try to make a run for it, believing he had her cowed down, he followed her out of the cell. As the automatic glass door slammed closed once both of them were out, the guard at the control room seeing no reason to keep it open, he pushed her forward. "Move," he ordered.

She bristled. "You don't need to push me."

He did again. "Go!"

Aware that any protests on her part would only have him keep up, which would be placed in her file as resistance, she bit her lip in a retort. It'd do no good. Hoping one day that someone put this man in his place, giving him a taste of his own medicine, Niyota started walking down the isolation hall. The guards were right behind her. When they reached the caged door on the far end of the hall, the man in the control room immediately brought it open for them and they stepped through the door. It locked behind them.

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