Discovery of a Queen: Resurrection of Queens Book 1

Discovery of a Queen: Chapter 30

“I’ve…” Kelly looks mildly confused. “I’ve never heard that Lilith was the original witch.” I can practically hear the gears in her mind whirling. “None of my research has ever indicated that. I don’t think my nan or my mom ever mentioned it either.”

“I shouldn’t be surprised.” Darcy shrugs. “Witches are creations of the gods and goddesses. Vampires are Morningstar’s attempt at emulating that.”

Well, I’ve never heard that beforeOlivia and Kelly are just as shocked as I am, their expressions clearly showing their emotions. While the origins of shifters are murky, from what we understand, we were the gods and goddesses’ first attempt at what are now humans. They took the essence of the animals around them and tried to create a form that was more like their own, not realizing until later that they’d created a being that had two souls and two bodies. Then came witches. They didn’t have the ability to shift, but the gods and goddesses decided to give a small amount of their powers to the original witches, wanting to see how they would evolve over time. I had no idea that vampires had been made by Lucifer Morningstar.

“Lucifer figured he’d try to improve on the witches, and so he found little ole me and just had himself a grand time. It’s not something I want to relive. I then changed the originals,” Darcy explains vaguely, and my attention snaps back to her. We all know there’s far more to the story than she’s letting on, but we don’t want to push her into discussing things about her past she isn’t ready for. I’d be one hell of a hypocrite if I tried to force her into talking.

“Don’t you think it’s weird that we know a lot about how witches and vampires started, but we don’t have an ‘original’ shifter?” Olivia’s question gets me thinking. We have an origin story of sorts, but she’s right, we have no idea who the original shifters were. “You didn’t happen to know them, did you?” She asks Darcy.

“No. Shifters had been around for quite a while before the gods and goddesses made me. Although I do find it interesting that your panther has changed so much. You’re the first of your kind.” Darcy looks over at me. “Dragons are rare, but I wonder if the goddesses plan to change that. If they can change Olivia’s panther and make us all queens, it’s possible they may try to create more shifters. The shifter population, as a whole, has been declining for a while, at least compared to witches and vampires, and you guys were the original guardians of this realm. It’s possible the decline in shifters has tipped the scales a little too much, and the gods and goddesses are trying to fix that.”

“That does make sense,” Kelly responds. “But why now? And why not create new shifters all at once?”

None of us has the answer, except… “The prophecy.” All three of them turn to look at me. “I don’t know if it’s something they created or not, but the prophecy is why now. That has to be it. If what’s happening now is the triggering event, or what happened with the death of the old queens, that’s why they’re stepping in now. They probably hoped they wouldn’t have to.”

“That’s a valid point.” Kelly taps her chin as she thinks. “Creating more shifters in the blink of an eye would most likely cause humans to notice. We were meant to guard this realm and ultimately humans once they were created. The gods and goddesses clearly saw what happened the last time humans knew of our existence. They helped the demons mass murder queens. They wouldn’t want that to happen again while they were trying to create a new generation of queens.”

“We could spend countless hours on the what-ifs,” Olivia interjects. “And we all know we won’t get answers unless they want us to have them. Frankly, I’m not sure that’s a key to this particular puzzle.”

“At this point, I don’t think we should rule anything out.” Kelly, always the scholar, wouldn’t want to give up on the pursuit of knowledge, especially information like this. “We do have bigger issues to worry about, but it wouldn’t hurt for me to do a little research.” Research, Kelly’s favorite pastime. “All information is good information. The more we know, the better we can prepare for the fight ahead of us.” She does have a valid argument.

Kelly and Darcy leave to go check on the others, while Olivia and I stay in the gym. There’s only so much work I can do with them since they haven’t transitioned yet.

“Are you sure I should be coming with you to Ireland?” Olivia asks. “I don’t have a lot of control over my magic. I could be a liability.”

“I know getting the hang of this is hard, and I can’t even imagine what it’s like spending your whole life without magic to just suddenly get it without warning. But you need to trust yourself more. Your magic will start responding to you as you become more comfortable with it. And we need to work together as often as possible until you get there. Besides, I’m leaving the other two here. I need at least one bestie there for emotional support while I dig through the ruins of my old home.” I keep my tone light, but there’s a heavy truth to that last statement and we both know it.

“Okay,” Olivia concedes. “But the second, the instant, I become a liability, you portal my ass back here. I am not negotiating on that.” There’s a hard glint to her eyes and a stubborn set to her jaw.

I love this selfless woman so much. But I also just want to shake her right now. She needs to stop thinking like that or her magic will always react in unpredictable ways. She’s smarter and stronger than she gives herself credit for. I highly doubt there will be much of an issue while we’re in Ireland. I think she knows, deep down, that when push comes to shove and shit hits the fan, I’m not sending her ass anywhere.

“I make no promises.”

“Sometimes I want to throat punch you. If I’m a danger, I’ll just make Malcolm send me home.”

“How did you know he’s coming with us? And what makes you think he’s going to listen to you?”

“His bitch-ass had better listen to me.” Oh? What development is this? The tone of her voice suggests there’s something going on. “We’ve been talking while we’re training, and he mentioned that he’s coming with us.”

“Uh-huh.” A sly grin starts to spread across my face.

“Shut up!” She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

“I didn’t say anything.” My grin grows as I raise my hands defensively. Something is definitely going on.

“You made a face very loudly,” Olivia grumbles.

“Did I? What face was that?” I have to bite back a chuckle.

“You know damn well what face you made. There is nothing to discuss.” Olivia huffs before getting up and walking out of the room. Oh yeah, definitely something there.

Since training, meetings, and planning are finished for the day, I’m soaking in a bubble bath with the lights off, softly flickering candles, and a glass of witch wine on the edge of the tub with the bottle on the floor. The glow from the moon and star streams through the skylights, adding to the calming illumination given off by the candles. The only thing that would make this bath better is a book. I haven’t been able to pick up even so much as a solid smutty romance since I became alpha. That’s got to change, I vow to myself. Self-care is important, and I haven’t really done any of that lately.

Sighing, I grab my wine glass and take a big sip, letting the potent liquid swirl in my mouth for a minute before it warms its way down to my stomach. I hadn’t really planned on getting drunk tonight, but if it happens, it happens. I’m not normally one to use alcohol as a coping mechanism, but damn, I’ve been through hell. The very least I deserve is to get properly white girl wasted.

The soft sound of bare feet padding on the bathroom tile causes me to open my eyes and tilt my head back. I don’t need to see who it is, Caleb’s scent hit me the moment he walked into my bedroom. I just like looking at him. He is a damn fine piece of man meat.

“Man meat, huh?” Caleb chuckles as he kneels down next to the tub. Oops. The wine must have lowered my barriers. Oh well. I’m his mate, I can objectify him once I’ve had a few drinks, can’t I? “Sure you can, just as long as you know I’m probably going to do the same at some point. Fair is fair, after all.” A wicked grin curves his lips.

I wanna bite those lips. Suck on ‘em. Then have them do all sorts of dirty things to my body. I take another large sip of wine, starting to feel damn good and relaxed. And horny. Really, really horny. Which leads to me thinking about Caleb’s dick.

I told you it’s a nice penis. My dragon laughs.

I admitted you were right. It’s a damn fine penis. I like his penis.

Caleb chuckles louder. “I’m damn glad you like my penis. It would be awkward as hell if you didn’t.” He gently tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “As for all those things you want my lips to do to you, I’m game once you’re a little more sober.”

“You’re such a party pooper.” I stick my tongue out at him, adjusting myself in the water so I can reach for the wine bottle near his knees. “Your pants are telling a different story, O’Dwyer.”

“That thing has a mind of his own. Ignore him.” I don’t want to ignore him. In fact, I want him to come out and play. So once I’ve poured myself another glass of wine, I reach for Caleb’s pants. “Whoa there. What are you doing?”

“Getting you naked.” Why won’t his damn pants come off? Oh! I can use magic! I snap my fingers and he’s blissfully bare. “Get in this tub right now.”

“I will get in this tub, but we are not doing the nasty while you’re wasted.” Caleb climbs in behind me and settles me against his chest, holding my hips to prevent me from doing anything untoward.

“Party pooper.” I settle contentedly against him, sighing as the heat of his body causes me to relax even further.

“I know you’ve had a lot going on, and I know that us leaving in a few weeks stresses you the hell out, but it’s going to be okay.” Caleb brushes a kiss against the back of my head. “We’ll work our asses off so we’re ready the next time that bastard makes an appearance.”

“He has help, Caleb. Powerful help.” I place my wine glass back on the edge of the tub, suddenly no longer in the mood to drink. “And we have no idea who we’re really up against. How can we really be prepared if we have no idea what the hell we’re facing?”

“Ayla,” Caleb murmurs, “you are the most powerful woman I’ve ever met. You are a formidable queen. The gods and goddesses made you to kick ass and take names. With everything you’ve been through over the last few months, I’m not surprised you feel a little beat down.” He adjusts me so I’m facing him, my eyes glued to his. “But, love, you are the most unique creature on this damn planet. I have complete and utter faith that you will do what is right and you’ll win every single time. You’re incredible.”

Tears sting the back of my eyes as he leans in to give me a light kiss. Goddess, I love this man.

Four Weeks Later.

I’m staring at the portal that will bring me back to Ireland, fear and excitement warring for dominance inside me. I know this is what I need to do, but everything I’ve learned about my mother is still so fresh and raw that I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to see our cottage in ruins and not completely lose it. My memories from before my mother’s death have been locked away and buried for so long, I’m terrified of having to face them again. Of having to relive those moments in front of people I love, my new family.

Caleb’s arm wraps around my waist, hugging me to his side. I lean my head against his shoulder, soaking in his strength. “You can do this, love.” He gives me a gentle squeeze.

“You certainly can.” Olivia steps up on my other side, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “And you won’t be going through any of this on your own. I know we all keep saying it, but you’ve been alone for a long time, so you need to be reminded often that you aren’t like that anymore.” She gently squeezes my shoulder. “I’ve got your back no matter what. And even with the super cool new demon ass-kicking powers, you’re still my alpha. Where you lead, I will always follow.”

I take a deep breath, then another, before straightening away from Caleb’s side. His hand falls away.

Let’s do this, my dragon excitedly rumbles.

Okay. Let’s do this. And we step through the portal.

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