Dimensional Descent

Chapter 2704 Forgotten

The story of the God Beasts seemed to be one written by just two Races alone, but the reality was that it was much deeper. It could be said that for much of history, the humanoid Races were beneath the beasts, and there were many more God Beasts than just the Infinity and Void Beasts.

After the fall of the God Beasts of Creation and Destruction, there were still other God Beasts remaining, and it could be said that it wasn't just the Minerva Race who tried to replace them.

Ultimately, though, the closest creature to success were the Borne Banes... a Race of white tigers who were steeped in so much murderous intention that they seemed to embody a new form of Destruction.

The rise of the Plutos was actually built off the backs of the eradication of the Borne Banes, and was proceeded by the fall of the remaining God Beasts.

In addition, the so-called Fallen God Beasts were the work of the Plutos. Rather than outright killing what remained of the Beast Empire, they instead chose to suppress and banish them.

At the time, this was an incredibly unpopular move, especially by the other humanoid God Races who felt that much of the burden on Existence could be lightened the less of them there were.

But by this stage, the Plutos had already come to feel that a stance on neutrality was the best.

The overindulgence of the Void Beasts had led to the overcorrection of the Infinity Beasts, and in the end it had all resulted in a vicious cycle that seemed impossible to stop... until they both ultimately destroyed one another.

However, one could imagine that while this was an acceptable answer, it didn't mean that everyone believed it wholeheartedly.

There were many to this day who thought that the Fallen God Beasts were simply pawns of Plutos, a convenient side bet in case others tried to snap at their heels and retake their position.

While there might be some resentment amongst the Fallen God Beasts, they were ultimately alive because the Plutos had shown mercy. Who didn't know that it was well within the power of the Plutos to wipe them out to the last beast? The Borne Banes were the perfect examples of this...

Now, of the Borne Bane lineage, none remained. Instead, they had been slowly replaced by another, separate lineage of white tiger that focused instead on wielding space as a weapon.

This was why among the Fallen God Beasts... only the White Spectral Tigers did not share the Celestial moniker because they were the only ones that never had to change their names.

And now... it seemed that all these seeds of pasts long gone had come to bear fruit.

"Execute our war initiatives. We don't have much time."

Drae'Von was more stunned than angry, at least initially. If anything, Minerva's sudden action caused him to second guess things.

Could the Owlans really be innocent? By his deductions, there was a better than 70% likelihood that they were.

And the mention of the human boy? Who else could it be if not Leonel? Drae'Von certainly had a bone to pick with Leonel after what happened during the Challenge Sequence, and there was only one human that Drae'Von would ever bother to remember, and that wasn't because he was impressed by him.

According to what he knew about the Life Tablet, it should be possible for it to return to the one who owned it. The problem was that someone of the Celestial Ember's caliber should have been able to stop and trap it with ease.

The other thing to consider is that there had been enough witnesses to what happened back then to try to use this as a tactic to make him second guess things.

The fact that Nova only brought it up casually too was another point in favor of this line of thought. She likely didn't expect to convince him.

In a game of Dream Force experts, manipulation and "outsmarting" one another never worked. You had to play on people's emotions and circumstances, and this was clearly a play at his own.

"Rio'Shin, come."

In a blur of black and streaking silvers, a young male Void Race member appeared.

"Send this report to the Ancestors."


Soon, Drae'Von got his response.

As expected, the path of caution was chosen. It was hard to tell what the Plutos might be planning, and the Fallen God Beasts couldn't be underestimated either.

At any moment, they could unshackle themselves and return to Godhood. At that point, they wouldn't just be a middling God Race, but among the top echelon along with the Pluto and Void.

The problem was... they wouldn't do that. And why would they?

There was a reason worlds were ranked as they were. Much like entering an Incomplete World had brought the ire of a Regulator, so too would doing so when entering a world beneath yourself.

The difference was that there were different restrictions.

In the Dimensional Verse, the restriction was just solely of the Ninth Dimension.

In a Complete World, it was multi-variable and difficult to access with ease. It was a function of both your Race, your Race level, and your actual Dimension.

For example, no matter how powerful a Human, a Human Bubble would never reject him or her. However, a Human that was fine in a Human Bubble, might find themselves rejected by the same level of Cloud Bubble.contemporary romance

Of course, if you were strong enough, many of these restrictions could be ignored... but only up to a certain point.

Even the most powerful would be restricted in some way. Even Shan'Rae's Ancestor could only stave off the Regulator for a period of time before he, too, was forced to leave.

And that was the Regulator of an Incomplete World. The standards here were even sharper.

For now, until the former Beast Empire decided to unshackle their worlds and promote to the next tier, the members of the Void Race's faction would have to send those powerful enough to do damage, but weak enough that the Regulators wouldn't lash out against them.

Even so, Drae'Von wasn't worried in the slightest.

A near spread across his lips, a set of pearly white teeth trembling with Star Force appearing in the depths of black.

"It seems the world has forgotten the terror of the Gods. It's time to remind them."


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