Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 66

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Oh, my goddess that was so exhilarating!” I shouted as Dorian and I came out of the water. We had just finished our scuba diving, and we had the best time.

“That was pretty badass, I’m glad we decided to do this,” he replied. We swam back to the boat, and Dorian had to help me get back up.

“Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, even I have to admit, you two did pretty well down there,” Dan the instructor said to us as we got back on board. “Even some of the most experienced divers tend to panic when they see a two-ton whale shark approach them,”

“Whale sharks are just big underwater puppies, like my husband here,” I say to him. Dorian scowled at me and Dan just laughs at us.

“Either way, it has been a great pleasure to guide you two today. Let’s head on back,” Dan said, and we nodded. Dorian and I took off our wet suits, and I put my cover-top back on. We strapped in and headed back to shore.

The ride only took about half an hour, or so. When we disembarked, I made sure to get a group photo with Dan. We wanted to tip him for his amazing guide skills, but he said it wasn’t allowed. We felt bad, but there was nothing we could about that. We said our goodbyes and head back towards the estate. On our way there, we saw the other girls.

“Hey, how was the spa?” I asked them.

“AMAZING!” Sin shouted. They all looked like they were glowing and revitalized.

“How was scuba diving?” Lacie asked.

“Best experience ever!” I shouted.

“Yeah, it was pretty awesome. We will have to do it again,” Dorian replied.

“Where are the guys?” I asked.

“They’re still out fishing. I tried to mind link Brandon, but I guess they’re still too far out,” Leah answered.

“We were actually going to head over to the harbor where the fishing charter is to meet them, want to come?” Sam asked. I looked at my phone and saw that Dorian and I didn’t have enough time.

“Sorry, but we’re going to be late for our dinner reservation. We need to head back, get showered and changed, and then head out,” I tell them.

“We have a dinner reservation?” Dorian asked.

“We do, they don’t,” I replied. He lifted an eyebrow at me. “Don’t ask any questions, come on,” I said and pulled his arm.

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

“Ah, so she hasn’t told him yet,” Sin said. We all just watched as they headed back to the estate.

“Come on, let’s go meet our guys so we can figure what we’re all going to do,” Sam stated, and we all went to the harbor. By the time we were arriving, the guys were just pulling up to the docks.

“Hi boys!” we all shouted.

“Hey!” they shouted back.

“So, how did you guys do?” I asked them

“Not so good, unfortunately,” Aries replied.

“Nothing to keep?” Leah asked them.

“Nah,” Brandon replied.

“We caught a few fish, but none were big enough to keep,” Mikey answered.

“Babe, not even you?” Sam asked Lucas.

“Not even me,” he replied. “I was really hoping for Allie to cook us something if we caught a keeper, but I guess that’s not happening this time around,”

“So, Sam, been in any bar fights lately?” Aries asked her. I looked at her in confusion. What was he talking about?


“I didn’t tell him s**t, babe, Brandon opened his big mouth,” Sam looked at Brandon like she was going to eat him.

“Uhhh…Am I missing something?” I asked


“NO!” Sam shouted alone while everyone else shouted yes.

“I’ll tell you later, precious,” Aries said to me and kissed my cheek.

“Okay, how about we head back to the house, and Gizmo can tell us what’s for dinner,” Brandon said putting his arm around Leah.

“Oh, about that,” Sin said. “We’re on our own tonight,”

“WHAT?!” All of the guys explained.

“What do you mean we’re on our own?” Brandon asked.

“We’re on our own, Brandon,” Leah replied.

“Yeah, Allie has a special dinner date planned for Dorian, so it’s every couple for themselves tonight,” Dani answered.

“But it is Dorian’s birthday,” Andre reminded us.

“Exactly why she has a private date planned for the two them,” Sam replied.

“I thought we were going to have a big party or something for him,” Lucas said.

“Nope, sorry handsome, it’s just you and me tonight,” Sam said wrapping her arms around his waist. Lucas just shrugged his shoulders before saying, “Works for me,” and they left to do their own thing.

“Well, I guess we should all figure what we’re going to do then,” Mikey said.

“Nope, sorry honey, but you and I are going to spend some quality time together,” Sin said and dragged him away.

“Sweetcheeks?” Brandon addressed Leah.

“Come on, babe, we’re going to find something to do for ourselves too,”

“Sounds good to me,” and they left as well.

“Did you guys want to hang out together, or split up?” Aries asked.

“Sorry, but Andre and I need some alone time too,” Dani replied and dragged him away.

“Well, Precious, I guess it’s just you and me,” he said to me. I looked at him and smiled.

“I guess it’s a date then,”

“I guess it is,” we headed out and tried to find something to do last minute. After searching through the website oh my phone, we settled on going to Fuego Grill. Since we were already somewhat decently dressed, we decided to just head there without changing. Because it was only the two of us, we were able to get seated without having a reservation.

“Didn’t Allie say we were coming here for dinner tomorrow night as a group?” Aries asked.

“Yeah, but there’s not a lot of places to choose from on a small island, babe,”


“Besides, looking at the menu, there are plenty of options for us to choose something different tomorrow,”

“Yeah, you’re right,” we were both looking over the menu when the server came up to us. She immediately smiled when she saw Aries and gave him a seductive smile.

“Good evening,” she said to him, completely ignoring the fact that I was also sitting right there. “My name is Tina, I will be your waitress tonight, what can I get for you to drink?”

“Water, for the both of us,” Aries replied. She finally looked over at me and gave me a fake smile. She was standing to my left, so I nonchalantly put my left hand to my chin showing off my engagement ring. I knew for a fact she saw it because her facial expression changed from annoyed to jealous in two seconds flat.

“I will be right back with your water,” she said and walked away.

“Wow, could she be any more f*****g obvious?” I said to Aries. He just smiled and shook his head. “What?”

“Nothing, Precious, I love seeing your jealous and possessive side,” he said and kept looking at the menu. He was right, I actually showed myself to be possessive just now. I shook it off and went back to looking at the menu.

“Did you want any appetizers, babe?” I asked him.

“Whatever you want, Precious, as long as it’s not raw,”

“I’m not Allie, even I can’t do the raw stuff,” I tell him. We both smile and go back to the menu. “You ready to order?” I asked him.

“Yup,” he replied, so we waited for the waitress to come back. A few minutes later, she arrived with our water.

“Are you ready to order?” she asked Aries.

“My fiancée can go first,” he said to her. She became flustered and turned her attention to me.

“Miss, what can I get for you?” she asked with an attitude.

“Yes, we can we get an order of the crispy lemon calamari and iceberg wedges to start, and then I’m going to have the Australian lamb chops with baked potato and grilled vegetables, please,”

“And for you?” she asked Aries sweetly. I just about had it with this b***h.

“Let me get the grilled ribeye, medium rare, with mashed potatoes and mix green salad,”

“You got it, anything else for you?”

“I’m good, Precious, did you need anything else?” when he said my pet name, her face turned beet red with jealousy.

“No, baby, I’m good with that, thank you,” I said, and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and walked off. “We are so leaving her a shitty tip,” I mumbled to Aries. He just chuckled and we waited for our food.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

As we came back to the estate to shower and change, I really wanted to have a round with Allie in the shower, but she said we were on a tight schedule, so I had to force myself to keep my hands off of her. I wasn’t sure exactly what Allie had planned, but I trusted it would be something nice if it were just the two of us. Allie wore a low cut bright blue floral maxi dress, so I figured I’d wear my light blue button-down and some khaki pants.

“Baby, what kind of shoes do I wear?”

“Flips flops,” I scrunched my face and looked at her funny. “Trust me,” I shrugged my shoulders and put on my flip flops. She loosely curled her hair and put on some light makeup before grabbing her wristlet, and her phone. I grabbed my wallet and my phone as well, and we headed out.

I grabbed Allie’s hand and I just let her lead me to wherever it was she was taking me. We walked for a few minutes and ended up at the docks.

“You two must be Allison and Dorian,” the person at the boat said. Allie smiled and nodded. “Perfect, you’re just on time. Hop on board and I will take you to your destination,” I looked down at Allie who just smiled. I didn’t question anything and just followed her lead. We got on the speedboat, and it took us away from the island. We were being whisked away into the sunset, and after about ten minutes, we ended up a secluded sandbank.

“Allie, what is this?”

“This is our dinner reservation. Our own little sandbank in the middle of nowhere,” we got off the boat and headed over, and there were candles in glass containers all around the sandbank, and a table in the center of carved out sand. It was lined with cushions and a blanket so we could sit comfortably. The closer we got, I saw chefs to the left and there was a barbeque pit.

“Wow, this is pretty amazing, baby,” I was honestly quite taken aback by this. Normally it was I doing stuff like this for Allie, but it was the other way around this time.

“Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, welcome,” the server said to us as we got settled at the table. “Mr. Shaw, your wife informed us that you are a whiskey fan,”

“I am, thank you,”

“And Mrs. Shaw, Moscato for you,”

“Thank you,”

“The chefs are preparing your meal as we speak and should only take another ten or fifteen minutes. I will bring out some fresh bread and butter for you shortly,”

“So, what do you think?” She asked me.

“I love it, baby, I really do,”

“Whew! Thank the goddess for that,” she said and pretended to wipe her forehead. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. I put my around her shoulder and brought her close to me. She wrapped her arms my h**s and leaned into my chest. I lifted her chin to look at me and gave her a deep and passionate k**s.

“I love you, Allie,”

“And I love you, Dorian,” she put her hand to my cheek and kissed me.

“Alright, here we go, freshly baked bread and softened butter,” the server said. Allie grabbed a piece and spread some butter on it and fed me. I took a bite, and she took one after me.

“Damn, this bread is good,” Allie said and went for another piece. Allie loved her carbs. We sat there and held each other enjoying the beautiful sunset. There was plenty of light from the candles lit all around us, so it wouldn’t be an issue when it got dark. I figured that I should get a picture of Allie and me together before it got too dark.

“Pst, baby,” I got her attention away from the bread and held up my phone.

“Since when do you want to take a selfie?” she asked. She got closer to me and kissed my cheek while I snapped the photo. The server came back with our meals and put them on the table.

“Would you like me to take a photo for you?” he asked.

“Please,” I said and handed him my phone.

“Alright, on the count of three. One…Two…Three,”

“One more please,” Allie asked and turned my face. She kissed me and sucked on my bottom l*p while I suck on her top l*p.

“There you go,” the server said. We waited two more seconds before pulling apart.

“I appreciate it, thank you,” I tell him as he hands me back my phone.

“No problem, you’re not the first couple do such photos, I’m used to it,”

“So, what’s on our plates?” Allied asked.

“Barbeque baby back ribs with grilled vegetables, and baked potatoes,”

“This is so amazing,” Allie said and rubbed her hands together.

“There is plenty left for seconds which is covered in the payment, so please, do not hesitate to get more,”

“Thank you,” I reply. Allie adjusts herself and puts a napkin over her dress to prevent her clothes from getting stained. We both dig in,

“Oh wow, these ribs are tender,” Allie exclaims.

“Hmm…These may actually put Mrs. Johnson’s ribs to shame,” I reply

“Oh my gosh, babe, don’t say that!” we both laugh. “This stays between us,” she continues. Dinner was amazing. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better dinner date with Allie.

After we ate, Allie and I took a walk along the sandbank, I was a good quarter-mile long, and the sun had fully set by then. We walked hand-in-hand allowing the small waves of the water to touch our feet. We didn’t even say anything to each other. We walked in silence and it was the most amazing experience. I never thought I could love Allie more than I have these last two and a half years, and every day, she just makes me fall even more in love.

We walked back to where the table and the candles were, and we just sat on the edge of the sand and enjoyed the blanket of stars that surrounded the night sky. Because we were basically in the middle of the ocean, there were no city lights to hide the amazing view above.

“Wow, this is so beautiful,” Allie said while staring up at the sky. I honestly wasn’t even looking at the stars, I was looking at her.

“Very beautiful,” I replied while looking at her. “Come here, baby,” I adjusted our position and had her sit between my legs, as I held her from behind. I kissed her neck, and she leaned her head back and rested against me.

“So, how does it feel to be 31?” she asked.

“Not much different than being 30,” I answer, and she just giggled. “Allie, thank you for this, this has honestly been one of the best birthdays,”

“Does that include the spanking the guys gave you this morning?”

“Hahaha, yeah, actually it does. Those guys are my brothers, and Aries is just fitting in so well with all of us,”

“Lacie is too, she’s just so loveable, and all the girls adore her. She’s mature, responsible, spunky, and just all-around a great person,”

“They’re both good people,” I reply and Allie nods. I look down at Allie, and just can’t help but k**s her neck some more. I graze her mark, and she m***s softly. “Too bad we’re not alone this little island, baby, I would love to take you right here on the beach,”

“Dorian,” she squealed and giggled.

“Allie, look at me,” she turned her head upward and looked at me. “I love you, so much,”

“I love you too, Dorian,” she said and looked lovingly into my eyes. “Happy birthday,” she whispered softly. I leaned in and gave her a tender k**s. We sat there and just kissed for a few minutes. This was definitely one of the best birthdays ever.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After our little mini-island date, the boat came back to get us and took us back to our island. We thanked everyone that helped us make the evening special and then headed back to the estate. We were both surprised to see the lights were still on, even though it was almost midnight. When we got back, everyone was still awake.

“Why aren’t you guys sleeping?” I asked them.

“Well, after we did our own personal date nights, we figured you two should be coming back before midnight,” Sam replied.

“Uh-huh…” I replied and lifted my brow at them.

“Dorian’s birthday isn’t over yet,” Brandon said. Dorian and I just looked at everyone suspiciously. “We were able to get a cake ordered,”

“What?” Dorian asked.

“Come on, come sit down,” Sin said dragging both of us to the table. Dani brought over the cake they bought and put it in front of Dorian.

“There are, unfortunately, no candles, but, whatever,” she said, and went back to her seat.

“Alright, one…two…three!” Mikey counted down. Everyone sang happy birthday to Dorian, and we all cheered for him. Dorian sliced up the cake and we each got a small piece.

“Alright man, it’s 12:01, you are officially the oldest fucker at the table, aside from Andre and Lucas,” Brandon said in the douchiest tone ever. Everyone just laughed while Dorian scowled at Brandon. Their friendship always made wonder how Brandon was still alive.

“So, how was the private date?” Lacie asked. I looked at Dorian and waited for his answer.

“It was perfect, absolutely perfect,” he answered. That just made me smile and blush.

“What about you guys? What did you all end up doing?” I asked the table.

“Lucas and I went to the Seabar. It’s basically a small restaurant-bar at the end of a dock over the water. The view was amazing,”

“Brandon and I did a couple’s bike ride around the island, and then came back here for the In-villa dining. That’s actually how we were able to order a cake,”

“Mikey and I went to Café Landaa for dinner, and then walked around the beach for like two hours before coming back here,”

“Andre and I found a restaurant in the middle of the ocean called the SEA, and it’s literally a restaurant under the ocean. We did the seven-course dinner, and it was amazing,”

“Wait, how did you do that without a reservation?” I asked her.

“Well, because it’s a weekday, they weren’t busy, so we were able to get a last-minute reservation,” Dani replied.

“I don’t see that restaurant on the website,” Leah said while looking on her phone.

“Oh, it’s at the neighboring island called, Kihavah Huravalhi? Or however the hell it’s pronounced,”

“It was quite the experience, I must admit, I quite enjoyed it. It also helped that the island folk actually speak French there, so communication was very easy,” Andre added.

“Lacie, what did you and Aries do?” I asked her. Her face kind of darkened. “Lacie?” she looked at Aries and had an apologetic face.

“Well, Precious here got our server fired, but after she punched her,” Aries replied.

“WHAT?!” we all shouted.

“Lacie!!” I shouted.

“It was her own fault! She kept hitting on Aries the entire night, and then when we were getting ready to leave, I stopped by the bathroom. When I came out, the b***h was rubbing herself all over him, and then had the audacity to k**s him!”

“WHAT!?” we all shouted again.

“Besides, it was technically Samara who punched her,” Lacie said under her breath.

“Lacie you let your wolf come out in public!?” I exclaimed.

“Who cares!? I need to know what happened, and in detail,” Sin said excitedly. This girl and her gossip.

“So, this is how it went down…”

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}


After we ordered our food, we clinked our water glasses together and just took a sip. After about ten minutes our wedge salad and calamari appetizers came out,

“Here you go, handsome,” Tina said to Aries. This b***h really didn’t know when to quit.

“Precious, give me your plate,” Aries said. I handed him my plate, and he put some of the salad and calamari on it and handed it over to me.

“Thanks, baby,”

“You’re welcome beautiful,” Tina just scoffed and walked away.

“I swear if she does not stop f*****g flirting with you, I am going to gouge her eyes out!” I say while gritting my teeth.

“Calm down, Precious, don’t let her get to you. That’s why she’s doing it more.”

“Whatever,” I grunted and ate the food. Thank goodness it tasted good. After another ten minutes or so, our main courses arrived, and of course, Tina gave Aries’ to him first all nice and sweet, and just kind of dropped mine on the table. Her service skills were ridiculously unprofessional, and I just about had it with her.

After dinner, Aries got the tab, and he left her a five percent tip for her crappy attitude and unprofessionalism.

“Babe, I need to run to the bathroom really quick,” I tell him.

“Okay, Precious, I will wait over there,” he said and pointed to a clearing by the trees. I nodded my head and gave him a quick k**s before heading off to do my business. Five minutes later, I was coming back out and was walking over to Aries when I saw the waitress Tina walking over to him as well. I walked close enough to hear what they were saying,

“So, is that little bimbo really you’re fiancée?” she asked Aries. Did she just call me a bimbo?

“Why are you following me?” Aries asked her with disgust. That’s my man.

“Well, you’ve been eyeing me all night, so I figured I would come to talk to you while you fiancée wasn’t around,”

“I have not been eyeing you, you have that backward,”

“Oh please, I know you find me attractive,”

“I actually don’t find you attractive. I’m in a happy and committed relationship, and I don’t appreciate you stalking me and talking s**t about my fiancée,”

“Please, she’s just a little girl, what does she know about pleasing a man such as you,” she said and started to rub her finger down Aries bare arm.

Kill her! That skank is touching our mate!

Samara! She’s human, I can’t just kill her!

If you don’t, I will!

Samara, calm down!

“Get your hands off me,” Aries said slapping her away. I couldn’t help but smirk when I saw her offended facial expression.

“Why are you playing so hard to get?”

“I’m not playing anything, you have the wrong idea, and it’s making me uncomfortable. Now leave before my fiancée comes back,”

“And if I don’t?” she replied and stepped closer to him. Obnoxiously close. “I doubt you would ever hit a woman,” she said in the most seductive tone ever. This b***h was really pressing her boundaries. Just when I thought she couldn’t be more bold or stupid, she grabbed Aries’ face and kissed him, and hard. That did it. I lost all control, and Samara took over. We stomped over to them, we grabbed her by the shoulder, turned her around, and gave her a full forced punch into her nose, hearing the crack, I was pretty sure it was broken,

“LACIE!” Aries shouted.

“KEEP YOUR FILTHY SLUTTY HANDS OFF OF MY FIANCEE!!” Samara roared. Samara grabbed her by the hair, and we dragged her back into the restaurant. At that point, she had given me back control. “I want to speak to your manager!” I demanded.

“Miss, what is the matter, why are you assaulting our server?” the host asked.

“Your server has been nothing but unprofessional since the moment my fiancée and I sat down at our table. She deliberately disregarded my presence, she openly flirted with my fiancée in front of me, was rude and disrespectful to me, and to top it off, I caught her kissing my fiancée even though he told her to back off!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. The entire restaurant was in shock. “So, I punched her and dragged her slutty a*s back here! Now bring me your manager!” I demanded again.

“That will not be necessary,” I heard someone say. “I am the owner of the restaurant, and I want personally apologize for the unpleasant experience you had here tonight,”

“Unpleasant doesn’t even begin to describe my experience,” I tell him. Aries isn’t even trying to hold me back. He knows that one wrong move on his part, all hell will break loose.

“Please, release my server,” I realized that I was still holding on to Tina’s hair, and her nose was bloody from my having punched her so hard. I let her go, she started looking up at me with daggers in her eyes.

“I’m going to sue you for assault!” she shouted at me.

“I’d like to see you try!” I shouted back.

“Tina!” the owner shouted. “You will not be suing anybody. This is the third time there has been a complaint about you flirting with male customers and being rude to female customers. I will not have that kind of behavior in my establishment, you are fired!”


“I will also reach out to the other islands and make sure they do not employ someone as unprofessional as you. Our islands cater to tourists year-round, and we cannot have someone like you, someone with horrible work ethic ruining their experience,” he turns to look at me. “Please accept my sincerest apologies. The next time you and your fiancée come to the restaurant, your meals will be on-the-house,”

“Well, now that you mentioned that, we’re actually going to be coming back with our friends tomorrow night, for our last dinner before leaving the island, there’s a total of twelve of us,” I tell him.

“Well, I can’t give free service to twelve, but I am happy to give you all fifty percent off, and a free bottle of wine of your choice,” he replied.

“Thank you, I will let them know,”

—End Flashback—

“Wait, this was at Fuego Grill?” Allie asked.


“I don’t think we are ever going to have a normal vacation,” Dorian said.

“Yeah, first the beach fight with those douche bags in the Bahamas,” Sam said.

“Then your pirate fight on the yacht,” Lucas added.

“Gizmo and Sam get arrested last year in Cozumel,” Brandon replied.

“This year, Lacie gets into a fight at a restaurant,” Sin concluded.

“Well, at least we get fifty percent off on dinner tomorrow night, and free wine,” Allie said with a smile.

“Alright, it is getting late, everyone, go to bed,” Dorian said. We all got up and headed to our respective rooms. “Brandon, you and Leah sleep in the living room tonight,”

“Why?” he asked. Dorian just gave him a look. “Oh, damn,” Dorian didn’t need to say anything else, we all knew what was about to go down. Hopefully with all the doors closed it would be enough to muffle the sound.

Just one more day in paradise.

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