Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 64

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

After we got cleaned up, everyone decided to take a nap before dinner, but Aries and I opted for a walk on the beach.

“You know, Precious, you surprised me today,”

“I did?”

“You did. You’re becoming quite naughty,”

“Is that bad?” I asked with a teasing tone.

“Not at all, I’m loving this side of you; however,…” He pauses and pulls me into a hug, “I would like for you keep some of that sweet innocence you had when we first met,”

“I was innocent because I was a virgin, but now, I’m addicted to s*x, and it’s your fault,”

“My fault?!”

“Well, you took my innocence with this magical d**k of yours, and then my heat came the same day, and then you were gone for five days, and I suffered from withdrawal,”

“You suffered withdrawal? Precious, you were in a coma for six weeks. Imagine how much withdrawal I went through,”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” he just chuckled at me. Just then, he paused. “What’s wrong?”

“Mikey is nearby, I think he’s working,” I just nodded. “Let’s put on a little show,”

“Okay,” Aries picked me up and kissed me hard. Then he spun me around and I couldn’t help but laugh. After he put me down, we ran into the water and splashed at each other. I figured that any candid shots Mikey was taking, these would look good.

Aries picked me up from behind and spun me around again. Even though we started this to give some working images for Mikey, we were legitimately having fun, and enjoying our free time before dinner.

“Lacie?” Aries said my name putting me down and turning me to face him.

“Yes?” I replied while putting my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You know how much I love you right?”

“I do,”

“And you don’t regret anything?”

“Why would I?”

“This whole Maya thing, your sister, the bounty, nothing has been going right since we met, and I can help but feel responsible,”

“Babe, stop it. I already told you, the only people to blame are the people who made the choices to try and destroy us. My sister is just a lost cause at this point. She’s just too far gone to be saved, and I won’t deny that it hurts. It hurts a lot because she is my sister. She is my flesh and b***d, but her entire life all she has done is hurt me or try to hurt me, and although I’ve forgiven her for all those times, trying to kill you is something I don’t think I could ever forgive,” at this point, I was crying because as f****d up as Heather is, she’s still my sister, and I was going to lose her when this was all over. There was no redemption for her, and it was breaking my heart.

“Hey, come here,” Aries said and pulled me into his embrace. I just sobbed and buried my face into his neck. We just stood there at the foot of the water and Aries held me until I finished crying.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

I felt so revitalized after a good nap. I opened my eyes, and found Dorian staring at me with his mesmerizing green eyes,

“Hi,” I say to him.

“Hey gorgeous, did you sleep well?” I nodded and smiled. I pulled him by his face and gave him a big k**s. “Mmm…” he m****d and laid on top of me.

“Mmm…” I m**n right back when I felt his d**k getting harder and harder. “Dorian, no,”

“One more round, please,” he begged, and cupped my breast with one hand and kissed me neck, licking my mark, which made me purr.

“HEY! WE’RE STILL IN THE ROOM!” Brandon shouted. I busted out laughing.

“f**k, Brandon, why did you have to open your big mouth!?” Dorian shouted in utter disapproval.

“As much as I enjoy our group orgies, I don’t want or need to you see you two having s*x on a regular basis,” Brandon said.

“Get out then,” Dorian told him. “Because I want another with my wife before dinner,” as soon as he said that I got a notification on my phone that the maid was on her way to make dinner.

“Oh, sorry babe, too late,” I say to him and push him off. He g****s in frustration. I peck his cheek and jump out of bed. I quickly get dressed and Leah and I go to the kitchen. I heard a knock on the door, and I went to open it for the maid.

“Hello, Mrs. Shaw,”

“Good evening, please come in,”

“How are you all doing this evening?”

“Great! And yourself?”

“Not too bad,” she says and puts the basket of groceries down on the countertop. “Tonight’s menu will be steak and lobster just as you ordered,”

“Perfect, I also believe I requested extra,”

“Yes, I have the extra as you ordered. It’s been a while since I had to cook for such a large group,”

“Well, if you need any help, please let us know,”

“Oh, that is quite alright, I think I can manage,” she said and got to work. While she was doing that, Leah and I sat outside on the deck where the small table was. Eventually, Sin, Sam, and Dani came to join us, and the guys hung out at the dining table.

“Hey, has anyone seen Lacie and Aries?” I asked.

“I think they went on a walk while we took a nap,” Sam said.

“Where’s Mikey?” Leah asked.

“He went to ‘work’,” Sin replied while making quotation marks with her fingers.

“Oh, so he’s following Aries and Lacie around,” I replied, and Sin nodded.

“So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Leah asked.

“Breakfast will be the In-villa dining,”

“What’s that?” Dani asked.

“It’s where they send chefs to cook for you in your villa rental. Restaurant-style in the comfort of our little home away from home,” I tell them.

“Nice,” Sam said giving me a high five.

“Lunch will be free time, so you guys do whatever you want, and dinner will be at Al Barakat at 7:30,”

“Allie, I don’t know why you put the free time in the schedule, you already know we’re going to do s**t together,” Sin said.

“True, but it’s good to have the option. Look at Lacie and Aries, they took the free time to have private time. Maybe you and Mikey should that before we have to go back home and he has to go back to ‘work,” I tell her using the finger quotes.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right,” she replied.

“All of you can do it tomorrow night actually,” I say and look back towards the guys. I make the girls scoot in closer, “I have a private dinner planned for Dorian and myself on this secluded beachfront, so you guys will be on your own,” I whisper to them.

“Ohhh…how cute,” Leah said.

“Hey guys,” we look up and see Lacie and Aries are back, and Mikey behind them.

“So, how was your little date?” Dani asked teasing them.

“It was amazing, you should try it sometime,” Lacie replied with an attitude making Dani scoff. We all laughed, Lacie was definitely getting spunkier as time went on. She sat down with us, while Mikey and Aries went to go sit with the guys. “So, what was the big secret?”

“Allie has a private dinner planned for Dorian tomorrow night, we’re on our own,” Sam repeated softly.

“Awwww…” Lacie cooed. I just rolled my eyes.

After another thirty minutes, dinner was ready. We all sat the dining room table, and I promptly took my seat on Dorian’s lap. The dinner the maid created was delicious. She basically made it into a surf and turf style. With roasted rosemary potatoes, arugula salad, and rice pilaf. She also made several dipping sauces for the lobster, and the spicy lemon garlic one made me m**n in ecstasy. I made sure to give her a generous tip for the work she put in.

Dinner was spent with everyone laughing, joking, throwing shade, and of course, it ended with a round of tap n’ tickle, which Sam ended up winning overall. I blamed my loss on being tired from our orgy, which of course was total bull. After that, we all call it a night. Leah and I got washed up first, and then the guys went after us. I was already half asleep when I felt the bed dip a little bit. Dorian spooned me from behind and kissed my shoulder.

“Goodnight everyone,” Leah said.

“Goodnight,” we all replied in unison.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I woke up the next morning and found that Allie and I were in the same position we fell asleep in. I smiled as Allie’s tiny body just rested against me. I pulled her impossibly close and gave her a small squeeze. Allie turned over and kneed me in the balls,

“Ah f**k! Allie!” I shouted.

“Oh my god!” she shot up, and I rolled over and held my nuts. “Baby, I’m so sorry!”

“Whoa, what’s with the yelling?” Brandon asked all groggy.

“I accidentally kneed Dorian,” Allie said. The pain that took over my body was worse than wolfsbane being shot into my veins. In the near three years, we had been together, this was the first time Allie never kneed me in the groin. “Baby, I am so sorry,” she said rubbing my thigh as g*****d in pain.

“Damn, Gizmo, that’s f****d up,”

“It was an accident, Brandon!” I could the worry in her voice. “What do I do? How do I make it better?”

“Just give him a minute, the pain will subside. That’s assuming you didn’t completely bust it,” Brandon said

“That’s not helping, dickhead!” she shouted.

“I’m okay, baby, you didn’t knee me that hard,” I grunted trying to reassure her I’d survive.

“I’m sorry, baby,” she said and started to k**s my cheek. “I’m sorry, tell me how to make it better,” she kissed my cheek over and over. I figured I could use this to my advantage. I turned over slowly, and she moved her k****s to my lips. “I’m sorry,” she kissed me again. I grabbed her hand and moved towards my d**k. “Dorian, what are you doing?” she asked.

“You wanted to know how to make it better,” I replied. She lifted her brow at me. “We need to make sure it’s not broken,”

“Ugh!” Brandon grunted and laid back down with a giggling Leah. Allie started to rub my c**k, and I pulled her into a k**s. I felt her throw some l**t my way, and my d**k started to harden.

“Hmmm…Seems to be working fine to me,” she said as she pulled away. She tugged and pulled a little harder making me m**n in pleasure.

“We need to test it out to make sure,” I replied and flipped her on her back. I rubbed the head against her slit and pushed it in.

“Ah…mmm…I think it works,” she m****d. I thrust my h**s hard and deep into her. “f**k,” she m****d again, and I felt her walls tighten around my d**k. She was squeezing it hard, and she soon put a pillow over her face to muffle her m***s from the o****m I just gave her. I moved the pillow and kissed her while I trusted a few more times and came inside of her. I g*****d and grunted into our k**s as I bucked my h**s a few times making sure I emptied out inside of her. When I was done, I broke our k**s, and slid out of her,

“Yup, I think it works,” I tell her and smile smugly.

“You know that wasn’t necessary, especially with Brandon and Leah in the room,”

“Don’t worry, Gizmo,” Brandon said. We looked over and saw Leah sucking his d**k.

“Hahaha!” Allie laughed and I buried my face into her neck. Allie wrapped her arms around me and kissed me again. “Come on, let’s shower and get ready for the breakfast reservation,” she said, and we both got up.

“Don’t mind us,” Brandon shouted out and we didn’t. We let them do their thing and went to go shower.

When we were all up and ready to eat, the chefs came at 8:30 on the dot. They provided the menu and we ordered what we wanted, and they got to work. Breakfast like this was definitely a nice change, and it allowed us to stay in the estate. When all the meals were fully prepared, the chefs left and said that they would be by later to pick up the dishes. While we were eating our breakfast and enjoying each other’s company, Mikey received a call and had to leave to take it. We all figured that it was a person that was after Lacie.

“This is f*****g stupid,” Sin said slamming her fork down on the table. “I don’t get why we can’t just get Mikey to trace the calls or the emails that he’s getting and go find the fucker who is trying to ruin Lacie’s life,”

“It’s not that easy, Sin,” Aries replied. “Most of this is done on the dark web, which is almost impossible to hack or trace. And most of these calls will be coming from unknown numbers or burner cells that are disconnected after one use,” he continued.

“Sin, remember, burner cells can’t be traced because they don’t hold sim cards or GPS trackers,” Allie told her. Allie would know, she had to use burners for years before we found each other.

“I just hate it! I miss Mikey! I miss having my husband at home with me, and with our son!” she whined.

“Mikey is here with us right now,” Sam stated.

“Yeah, but not 100%. He still has to take photos of Lacie, send emails, and take calls. This is utter bullshit,”

“I’m sorry, Sin,” Lacie replied. “I feel like this is all my fault,”

“What? Lacie, that’s not what I’m saying,” Sin assured her. “I’m not angry at you, I’m angry at the situation,”

“But the situation revolves around me, so I can’t but feel it’s my fault,”

“Stop it, both of you!” Allie shouted. “Sin, we all talked about this, and you agreed you would deal with it!”

“Yeah, but…”

“No buts! I know it sucks, and you’re not the only one that misses having him in the house. We all do. And Lacie, do not blame yourself, period. We don’t even know who is behind this or why,” neither one could say anything. The atmosphere got cold really quickly, and Mikey came back.

“Whoa, what did I miss?” he asked.

“Enjoy the time you have with Mikey now, Sin, because we all know that as soon as this vacation is over, Mikey will have to get to being the other version of himself, at least until Max is ready with her potion,” Sin was about to say something when Allie got a phone call. “Well, speak of the devil,” she said and showed me the phone. It was a video call from Maxine,


“Hey there, my favorite wolf,”

“What’s up, Max?”

“Just thought I would let you know, I finished the potion,”


“Yeah, the ingredients got here faster than I thought,”

“Okay, how does it work?”

“Well, whenever Mikey is ready to you know to do his thing, Lacie will need to drink the potion, and all of it, and at least thirty minutes before he has to make the confirmation,”

“What will it do to her?”

“It’s going to stop her heart,”

“WHAT?!?!” everyone at the table shouted.

“Okay, there are definitely a lot of people listening to this,”

“Maxine, I asked you to help us fake her death, not kill actually her!”

“Relax, it will only stop it temporarily,”

“How long is temporary?”

“Five minutes,”

“FIVE MINUTES!?” Mikey shouted. “Max, that is a short a*s window!”

“That’s the best that I can do, short of actually killing her,”

“Okay, we will have to figure out a way to just deal with what we have. Max, when we get back from our trip, I’m going to need you to bring the potion to the packhouse,”

“I can do that,”

“Thanks, love. Talk to you again soon,”

“Bye,” Allie hung up and slumped on my lap.

“Damn, Dorian, that’s a small window,” Mikey said.

“I know it is, but Allie is right, we’re going to have work with what we have,” I tell him.

“Why do I have to take it thirty minutes before?” Lacie asked.

“My guess is that’s how long it takes for the potion to work,” Allie replied.

“Mikey, when we get ready to make the call, you need to make sure this guy can keep his timeline,” I tell him.

“Sure, no problem” he replies making a smart a*s face at me.

“Okay, well now that we have a contingency plan, how about we get back to our vacation,” Allie said to the table. Everyone nodded and we finished our breakfast.

After breakfast was free time according to Allie, but the group wanted to do something together, so we all settled on going paddle boarding. Luckily, Sin and Leah were okay with doing that as long as they were allowed to were life vests, which was no problem.

“Damn, my arms are killing me!” Allie whined after only twenty minutes.

“Baby, seriously? You to 200 pushups every morning,”

“Push-ups are part of the core, this is all arms,” she replies and sits on the board and just floats. I just shook my head at her. I used my paddle and splashed water on her. “HEY!” she splashed me back. We started to splash each other back and forth like little kids. Allie floated away a little bit, and she used her paddle to come back to me. As soon as she did, she grabbed my board and pulled it so hard, I lost my balance and fell in. Luckily, the water was still shallow and only came up to my waist.

“Not cool, baby,”

“You started it,” she says and paddled away. I got back on my board and paddled after. She paddled straight for the shore. As soon as she made it, she pulled her board on land and waited for me to catch up. Everyone else was still out on the water paddling, while Allie and I just sat on the beach.

“So, you never told me what we’re doing tomorrow,” I tell her.

“Well, oh dear husband of mine, tomorrow morning we have a reservation at Café Landaa for breakfast, then scuba diving reservations for you and me,”

“What about the others?”

“They didn’t want to go, so Lucas is going to take guys fishing, and the girls are going to go to the spa,”

“What about lunch and dinner?”

“Lunch will be In-villa dining again, and dinner is a surprise,” she said and gave me a devilish smile.

“What kind of surprise?” I asked her.

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?” she stuck out her tongue. “Just know, you need dress semi-nice, no t-shirt or swim trunks,”

“Okay,” I was really curious to know what Allie had planned for me. Normally my birthday was spent at home having s*x all day, but this year was different, and I didn’t know whether to be excited or annoyed that she had a surprise planned.

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