Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 46

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

When the plane parked at the gate, I made sure that Evelyn grabbed Cianna’s purse. I got up, so Evelyn could get out, I helped Cianna to her feet. Her heat was radiating on full blast, and the unmated wolves were reacting. I put Cianna on my back and made sure Evelyn stayed close behind to prevent any wolves we potentially passed from making any sudden movements.

Once we were off the plane, we needed speed walk to where Lucian would be waiting for Cianna at the guest waiting area right by the gates,

“Deacon, slow down,” Evelyn called from behind.

“I can’t baby girl, I need to get Cianna out of the public area, there are way too many wolves in this airport,” I felt bad that Evelyn had to basically jog behind me to stay close. Once we got through the gate area, I could see Lucian, Apollo, and Eileen waiting for us,

“f*****g hell, of all the damn time this had to start,” Lucian said. As soon as he touched Cianna she felt some relief.

“Baby girl, go with Apollo and Eileen to get our luggage. I need to escort Lucian and Cianna to the car to prevent any wolves from attacking them. Only an Alpha can prevent it,”

“Okay,” I gave her a k**s, and Lucian and I took off for the car. Luckily, because it was lightly snowing outside, the chill air helped cool Cianna down but not enough. Thankfully, we didn’t have any run-ins with any wolves on the way to the car, so that was nice. When we got to the car, I helped Lucian pull down the third backseat to lay it flat,

“This is so embarrassing,” Lucian whined.

“Hey, Desert Moon ranked members have orgies every few months, and they’re not even related,” I tell him.

“They what?!”

“I’ll explain later,”

“You guys better not stare at Cianna!”

“We have our own mates, no need to look at yours,”

“Wait, so Evelyn?” I nodded and smiled. “Congrats brother, I’m happy for you,”

“Thanks, now shut up and cool down your mate,” I said and closed the door. I waited outside of the car to give them a few minutes of privacy, the problem was that the car wasn’t soundproofed, and people were walking by and could hear it all and see the car bouncing up and down. I was embarrassed for them.

About fifteen minutes later, everyone else came, and I had to knock on the window to get Lucian to stop for thirty seconds to we could load the luggage in the backseat and get in the car ourselves. When we opened that car, the smell of s*x flooded our nostrils, and we all wanted to gag. It was one thing hearing our brother have s*x, it was another smelling it.

Apollo made sure to turn up the music really loud, so we didn’t have to hear it, and he cracked up the windows enough to let cool air in and air out the car on the drive home. Luckily, the drive was only about 45 minutes, and once we got home, we got out first, and I opened the backdoor for Lucian to get out. He put his boxers on really fast and made Cianna wear his shirt. As soon as they were out of the car, Lucian used his wolf speed and took Cianna into the house.

“How long before we see them?” Evelyn asked me.

“Three days, but Cianna is a Gamma’s daughter, so it may be three and a half,” I tell her.

“Would Eileen and I ever go into heat?”

“That’s a good question baby girl, I honestly don’t know. You have wolf DNA, but I have heard that non-wolves can go into heat as well,”

“Oh, I guess we will just have to wait and see then huh?” I nodded at her. Apollo and I grabbed the luggage and went inside. Evelyn was in awe of the house and loved that there was snow everywhere. I let her look around with Eileen, while I put her suitcase away in my room. I would let her organize her belongings however she wanted. While she and Eileen were taking a tour of the house, I gathered Harvey and the others in my office.

“Deacon, welcome home,” Harvey said.

“Thank you,”

“How are the Desert Moon Luna and Cianna’s friend?” Tommy asked.

“Nothing has changed from what I know. They’re stable for now, but they’re still in a medically induced coma,” I tell them. Their faces were dark and sad.

“Where is Lucian?” Harvey asked.

“Cianna went into heat on the plane,” Apollo answered.

“Oh no,”

“That s**t was ridiculous, there were so many unmated wolves on that damn plane and in the airport, I was afraid I would have to shift in front all the humans to get them to back off, but luckily, that didn’t happen,” I replied.

“The car ride home sucked though. I never want to see Lucian and Cianna having s*x again,” Apollo said shuttering at the thought.

“Wait, what?” Tommy said. Apollo and I just nodded and left it at that.

“Anyways, that’s not why I summoned you,” I tell them. “I summoned you because I have good news,”

“What is it?” Harvey asked.

“Do you three notice anything different about me?” I asked them. I wanted to see if they would notice that Heather’s mark is gone. All three stare at me for a moment, and I see Apollo’s eyes dart to my neck, and his face lit up.

“Brother! Did Evelyn accept you!?”

“She did,”

“Who is Evelyn?” Harvey asked. I sat them down and go over all the details about Heather being impure, and how her mark had no value. I explain the whole process of finding my second chance mate, and that her acceptance is what made the mark heal and that she was Eileen’s fraternal twin sister.

“My friend, are you telling me that we have a Luna?” Tommy asked.

“We will when I make the official announcement after I mate and mark her,”

“This is wonderful news, Deacon! I’m so happy for you!” Harvey exclaimed and gave me a bro hug.

“Are we going to do a Luna ceremony, brother?” Apollo asked.

“Nothing over the top, something small and casual. I will call Elder Jefferies down at Mojave Mountain to have him come do the coronation when Evelyn is fully ready. I don’t want to push the role onto her too quickly. I want her to be comfortable here first,”

“We understand Deacon when we meet her, we will welcome her with open arms, just as did with Cianna and Eileen,” Tommy replied. I nodded and smiled.

“Now, if you all will excuse, I need to bond with my mate,” I tell them and dismiss them. I leave my office and find Evelyn and Eileen are in the living room by the fireplace. They were talking and laughing and just enjoying themselves. I walked over, and kissed Evelyn on top her head,

“Hi,” she said with a smile.

“Hi, baby girl. Are you making yourself at home?”

“I am, this place is beautiful,”

“I’m glad you like it. Eileen, will you excuse us, I need to have a private conversation with your sister,”

“Of course,” she answers. I take Evelyn’s hand and take her to my room. Once we get inside, I lock the door and sit her down on the bed.

“Deacon, is everything okay?”

“Everything is perfect, baby girl, I just really need to talk to you,”

“What is it? Is it about Heather?” I nod.

“Evelyn, I’m going to be upfront with you about everything okay, and I am going to say somethings that you won’t like, and may even confuse you. But I want you to know, that I’m going to be 100% honest because I want this to start off right. No secrets and no lies,”

“Okay, I understand,” she gave me an innocent smile. I kissed her once and took a deep breath.

“So, I will start at the beginning…”


“Wait, you were in love with Allie, even after meeting Heather?”

“I was, but that wasn’t the reason why I rejected her,”

“No, I get that. That crazy b***h marked you without your consent when you already didn’t even have feelings for her. I’m trying to figure out how you were able to be in love with someone that wasn’t your mate,”

“I honestly don’t know, but now that I have you, I only see Allie as a best friend. I literally have no feelings for her at all,” I prayed to the moon goddess that Evelyn could find it her heart to believe me. My love for Allie was gone. I only loved her as a friend.

“Did you ever…”

“No, I never did anything with Allie. Ever. Dorian would have killed me,”

“So, you gave her pet names like Shorty and baby girl?”

“I did, but with Dorian’s permission, but now the pet name ‘baby girl’ belongs to you and only you. I will never use it with Allie ever again. Allie will solely be Shorty,”

“That’s such a mean nickname,” Evelyn said trying not to laugh.

“It’s a term of endearment. Allie has nicknames for us too,”

“Which are?”

“She calls me D, Apollo is Lolo, and Lucian is Luci,”

“Hahaha! Oh my gosh, those names are cute!” seeing Evelyn laugh was making me feel better about all of this.

“Baby girl, you believe me when I tell that I love you and only you now, right?” she stopped laughing and looked me in the eyes. Her pink eyes were peering into my soul.

“Yes, I do. I won’t lie, this is a lot of information to take in, but I’m glad that you took the time to come clean with me, Deacon, and I love you for that,”

“Do you have any other questions for me?”

“Umm…yeah, how old are you?”

“Hahaha!” I had to laugh at that. I realized that I never told her my age, and I don’t know hers. “My brothers and I are 27. We will turn 28 in March. What about you?”

“Eileen and I just turned 24 back on December 1,”

“Okay, so not a bad age gap,” I replied, and she shook her head and smiled.

“Deacon, there’s something you need to know,”

“What’s that, baby girl,”

“It’s how fairies mark their mates or true loves I should say. It’s not the same as wolves. Even though I’m half-wolf, I don’t have the ability to mark you, the way you will mark me,”

“Then how you would mark me?”

“I will give you a tattoo that resembles my fairy wings on your left h*p, and it’s going to be pink,”

“PINK FAIRY WINGS!?” I was going to be marked with a pink fairy wing tattoo? My outburst made Evelyn roll over laughing.

“Babe, your facial expression was priceless!” she kept laughing to the point where she was crying.

“It’s not funny Evelyn! You just told me you’re going to mark me with a pink tattoo of fairy wings on my h*p!”

“I’m sure Apollo has purple fairy wings on his h*p right now,” she said while trying to contain her laughter. I had to see this for myself. I ran to the door,

“APOLLO!!!” I roared. He came to my door in a matter of seconds.

“What!? Is everything okay!?” he asked.

“Brother did Eileen mark you!?”

“Uhh…y-y-yeah, she d-did,” he stuttered. I grabbed the band of his shorts and pulled it down, and sure enough, he had a tattoo of purple fairy wings.

“This cannot be happening,” I muttered. Evelyn came up and hugged me from behind while still laughing.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have told you and had just done it. It would have been so much funnier that way,” she said.

“No, it wouldn’t have, because that’s what Eileen did. Do you know how strange it’s going to be for Deacon and me to have purple and pink fairy wing tattoos for everyone to see for the rest of our lives?”

“Pfft! Hahaha!!” Evelyn laughed some more.

“What is going on?” Eileen came up to the door. “Evie, what is so funny?”

“I told Deacon how I’m going to mark him, and he’s freaking out,”

“Oh, hahaha!” Eileen started to laugh too. “Evie, you should have seen Apollo’s face when he saw it, it was epic,”

“Girls, we’re six foot tall black Alpha males and have zero tattoos. Now the first and only tattoo we’re both going to have are of fairy wings that are in the girliest colors!” I shouted at them, and they just started to roll in laughter. This was hilarious to them, and Apollo and I didn’t know how to get them to stop.

“You know what Eileen, I think I need to punish you for laughing like this,” Apollo said and threw her over his shoulder.

“Oh, yes please!” she exclaimed, and I heard his door slam. Evelyn was on the bed laughing even harder than before and she was crying because of it. I closed the door and locked it.

“Evelyn! Stop!” she just kept laughing, then all of a sudden, she started to snort.

“Oh no!” she said while trying to contain herself. I couldn’t help but start laughing with her. Hearing her snort from laughter was the cutest thing ever. Her laugh was so contagious at that point. It took us a good five minutes to stop laughing, and by that time, my stomach was hurting and so was Evelyn’s. After we laughed, we laid in bed together and just cuddled.

“Evelyn, I haven’t laughed like that in years,”


“I mean, I’ve laughed, but I haven’t laughed like that since who knows when,”

“So, are you okay with me marking you?” she asked and looked up at me with her pink eyes.

“I have no choice but to be okay with it. I’m not going to walk around unmarked when my mate is bearing mine. If that’s the only you can mark me, then I have to live with it,”

“Good, because I just did it,”

“You what!?” I jumped out of the bed, ran to the bathroom, and pulled down my pants, and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, there was a tattoo of pink fairy wings on my h*p. “Baby girl, I didn’t even feel it,” I said coming back out of the bathroom.

“You’re not supposed to. That’s how I know you are my true love. If a fairy were to mark the wrong person, the tattoo actually hurts. The fact you felt nothing when I did it proves to me that you are meant to be mine,” she said while coming over to me hugging my waist. Damn, she was small.

“Baby girl, did you at least do it after I said it was okay?”

“Of course, that’s why I asked. Once you said yes, I did it. It only takes a second,”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be a handful?”

“Because I am a handful,” she said, and she stepped back. The next thing I knew, she was gone.

“Evelyn?” I walked to where she just standing. “What the f**k?” then out of nowhere, she appeared on the bed but was fully naked. My jaw dropped, and my d**k immediately stood at attention. Her body was sheer perfection. Her breasts were nice and round, her stomach was toned and tight, her a*s was plump, and her flower was clean shaved.

“Deacon, I think it’s time you got naked and joined me in bed,” she said with a seductive tone. I wasted no time in taking off my clothes and jumping bed with her. I jumped on her like a hungry tiger and attacked her lips. I held her tight against my body as I kissed her. I moved my k****s to her jaw and to her neck. I nibbled the spot where I was going to mark her, making her m**n in approval.

I pushed myself into a push position and looked at her under me. She was gorgeous, and she was mine. I’d cover myself in pink tattoos so long as it meant this beautiful creature would be mine.

“Is everything okay?” she asked me.

“Perfect, everything is perfect. You’re perfect,” I saw her blush when I said that, and I just kissed her more. I reached down between us and started to play with her p***y. She was dripping wet, and her arousal was flooding my senses.

“Please, put it in,” she said. She didn’t want foreplay, and I didn’t either. I wanted her and she wanted me. I grabbed my c**k, and used the tip to spread her juices around, and lubricate myself.

“Evelyn, have you ever been with a wolf?”


“This is going to hurt then,”

“What is…Ahh!” I didn’t let her finish when I just pushed my entire length into her. She was whimpering from the pain, and I just waited for her to get used to it.

“Breathe, baby girl,” I coo her. I knew she wasn’t a virgin, but wolves have large d***s. Especially strong healthy wolves.

“Wow, you are big,” she said while exhaling.

“And I’m all yours,” I replied. I laid on top of her, careful not the crush her and started to move my h**s.

“Ah…mmmm…Oh…Yes…” she m****d at every thrust I was giving her.

“Evelyn, how do you want it?”

“What do you mea…ohh…yes,”

“Do you want it hard and fast, where we go for multiple rounds? Or do you want it slow and sensual where we got one long round?”

“Uhh…Ah, f**k…Mmmm…”

“Mmm…” I m****d myself. Her walls were tight, and they were clenching me hard.

“Slow, I want our first time to be long and sensual, please,”

“Okay, baby girl,” with that, I prepared myself to go for one long round making love to my mate, my love, my second chance. I was going to worship her like the princess she was.

An hour and a half later, we were still going. Evelyn had about eight or nine o*****s, and I could tell she was finally getting close to tapping out. We were both hot sweaty messes, and my room wreaked of s*x. I would have to open the windows for a bit to let it air out when we were done. The scent of her juices mixed with her watermelon jolly rancher scent was going to drive me crazy. I honestly didn’t know if I would be able to keep my hands off of her.

“Deacon, no more, I don’t think I can go on,” I had her right leg up on my shoulder and her left leg spread wide while I pushed into her in a smooth and rhythmic fashion. I put her leg down after her plea and scooped her up onto my lap.

I bounced her up and down, making her take it deeper and deeper. I held her as close as I could while still maintaining control. Both of our bodies were dripping sweat, and I was losing my grip on her. This needed to end before I dropped her,

“Evelyn, look at me,” I tell her while she is moaning and breathing trying to stay with me. “That’s it, keep your eyes on me,”

“Please, baby, I’m can’t anymore,”

“I know, I need to do one more thing,” I kept bouncing her, and I felt her walls tightening again. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she replied. As soon as she did, I moved her hair and bit down on her neck hard. I pulled her into me, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. She had one final o****m, while I thrust a few more times, and finally had my own. While I was climaxing, I bit down even harder fully marking her as mine. Her body started to convulse from her high, and the sounds that came out of her mouth were music to my ears. The sound of pure bliss taking over from the high of a full-on o****m.

When we both finished, I released my bite and licked it a few times making sure it sealed. I pulled out of her slowly and gently laid her down on the bed. I looked at her and realized that she was blacked out. The feeling of pride and accomplishment took over. I made Evelyn blackout from pleasure.

I kissed her forehead and tucked her into the bed. I got up and cracked open one of the windows before getting under the covers with her. I pulled her close to me and held her like there was no tomorrow. Evelyn was now my entire world. I finally understood what Dorian felt when it came to Allie. I now knew what true love was, and it was thanks to Allie. I prayed to the moon goddess and all the higher powers there were that Allie and Lacie survived. When I finished my prayer, I fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms.

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

“AHHH!!!” I jumped up to excruciating pain in my chest. Maya and I had been on the run for almost a week now, and we were currently at a hotel in New York. We have been living off the grid and using only cash, no cell phones, and trying to avoid cameras as much as possible. When our attempt to kill all of the men at the club that night failed, we bolted. We had no idea if they knew it was us or not, but we didn’t want to stick around to find out.

“Why are you screaming!?” Maya shouted.

“My heart, it hurts! It physically hurts! It’s like someone is stomping on it with no mercy!” I was holding my chest, and tears started to flow. What was this horrible feeling?

“Didn’t you say you one of those guys was your mate?” I nodded while holding my chest. “And he rejected you, right? But you didn’t accept it?”

“What are you getting at Maya?”

“That feeling is called ‘heartbreak’ Heather, and that means that your mate has fully mated with another woman and marked her,”


“I don’t know what to tell you, but that’s what it is. The bond that you were still holding onto is officially broken, that guy that you’re so in love with belongs to another and gave his heart to her,” This couldn’t be happening. Deacon mated and marked another woman while still bearing my mark. How was this even possible? The pain that hit was causing me pain that was worse than when he rejected me. How could this have happened? I was told that once marked, a wolf could never find love again. Was this a lie? Did Deacon find another mate? Or did he mark another just because? I needed answers, but I couldn’t risk showing myself, not yet. We needed to be sure that the coast was clear.

Whoever this new woman was not going to get away this. Deacon belonged to me, and only me. If couldn’t have him, no one would.

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