Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 45

{Evelyn’s P.O.V.}

After watching Allie and Lacie for the night, we were relieved by Sin and Leah. There was no change in them, which was kind of a good thing. They weren’t getting any worse, but they were still in a medically induced coma. Dr. Quinn said that as long they can breathe on their own, then there was hope.

“Ugh, I miss Lucian,” Cianna whined as we went to the dining room to get breakfast.

“It’s been less than a day, Cianna,” I tell her, and giggle.

“I know, but we have been together every day since we met. This is the first time we have actually been apart,”

“To be honest, I kind of miss Deacon,” I scrunched my face. “But I don’t know if I can accept him, he’s marked,”

“Look, Evelyn, I need you to listen to me, and listen carefully. The moment you accept Deacon, that mark will disappear,”

“Everyone keeps saying that, but I don’t understand,”

“Yeah, it’s a long story, and one Deacon will share because it’s his story to tell. I know all the details, and what I can tell you is that he has accepted you. That k**s he gave you last night, that’s the most affection I have ever seen out of him,”


“Yeah, and even when he was mated to Heather, he despised her right off the bat. There was no affection, intimacy, or mate bond. Even Allie believes that you two belong together, and she didn’t with Heather. She didn’t even want to tell Deacon about Heather, but Heather has bad habits, that basically forced Allie’s hand,”

“Bad habits?”

“Yeah, eves dropping, bad temper, immaturity, and all that other bad s**t that pisses people off. My point is, Deacon is in love with you,”

“How can you know that?”

“Because the way he looks at you, is the same way Lucian looks at me, and the way Apollo has been looking at your sister, who by the way, is fully mated and marked,” when Cianna said that I had to laugh. I knew Eileen wouldn’t be able to wait that much longer. “Look, I don’t think the moon goddess would have paired you and you sister, fairy princesses if she didn’t think you two could handle Alpha mates,”

“So, if I accept Deacon, I will be Luna, correct?”


“That’s an intimidating job,”

“It is, but when Allie wakes up, I’m sure she will be willing to help you,”

“You keep saying when, shouldn’t you be saying if?”

“No, because I have hope. Lacie is the daughter of an Alpha, and Allie is a blessed wolf. I believe that they will make it, they have to. If they don’t, Desert Moon will be doomed because Dorian will never recover from the loss,”

“Dorian must really love Allie,”

“Dorian loving Allie is an understatement,” I heard another voice. We turn around and see the other ranked members along with Sam and Lucas.

“Good morning,” Cianna and I say at the same time.

“How are Allie and Lacie doing?” Lucas asked.

“Nothing has changed,” I tell them, and they just nod. “What did you mean by Dorian loving Allie is an understatement,”

“We can talk over breakfast,” Sam said. We all go sit down at the dining room table, leaving the seat at the head of the table open. Once we get our food and eat a little bit, everyone started to talk.

“So, when we said that Dorian doesn’t just love Allie, we meant just that,” Brandon said.

“Dorian doesn’t just love Allie, he worships the ground she walks on,” Mikey added.

“We are all in love with our mates, and we love them with all of our hearts, but the way we love our mates, can never compare to the way Dorian loves Allie. It does not even come close,” Andre said. That French accent made me weak in the knees. No one else seemed to be fazed by it though. They must be used to it by now.

“I don’t understand,” I say to them.

“Dorian and Allie are what the higher powers call a ‘fated pair’,” Lucas said. I looked at him and waited for him to continue. “Just like any wolf, we are given mates by the moon goddess,”

“Right,” I replied.

“Well, Dorian and Allie are different. You see, Dorian is a werewolf by b***d, but Allie was once human, just like Sin, and Leah was a human-wolf hybrid,”

“Oh, I had no idea,”

“So, according to what the moon goddess told Dorian and Allie one night, they were always meant to be together, even if the moon goddess didn’t intervene. Dorian and Allie were fated to love each other, regardless of how their lives turned out. If the moon goddess had paired Dorian with anyone other than Allie, he would have rejected her, or even cheated on her the moment he met Allie,”

“I’ve never heard this before,”

“Yeah, I haven’t either,” Cianna added.

“It’s rare and almost unheard of apparently. Had Allie had a different past, one where she didn’t move to Las Vegas, she would have met Dorian later on in life, but they would have still fallen in love, and she would still have become the Luna to this pack,” Brandon said.

“But didn’t Allie have an ex who was also a wolf?” Cianna asked. This was something new.

“She did, and that has a shitty ending, but one that brought Allie to Vegas. Had that ending turned out differently, and she stayed with her ex, she more than likely would have left him to be with Dorian,” Sam said.

“They also never play the blame game with each other. If anything, ever goes wrong they blame themselves and never each other. They rarely ever argue, like rarely. The biggest fight they ever had was Dorian’s own fault, so he didn’t even get mad at her. There was no screaming or arguing. Allie gave him the silent treatment for what, like six hours or something like that?” Brandon looked around for confirmation and everyone nodded. “She even ended up slapping Dorian across the face and all Dorian did was apologize for being an a*s,” he continued.

“Dorian’s love for Allie is unmatched. You will never find a man who loves his wife, or his pups the way Dorian does. Dorian’s family is his most prized possession, and at the very top of everything he holds near and dear to his heart, is Allie,” Dani concluded.

“Wow, I…I didn’t even think a love like that was possible,” I said.

“It’s not that we are saying we don’t love our mates, or Aries doesn’t love Lacie, or Lucian doesn’t love Cianna, we’re not saying anything like that at all. We love our mates, and your mates love you the way they are meant to. We are just saying that we can’t beat Dorian no matter how hard we try,” Mikey said.

“Yeah, I love Leah, with everything that I have, but honestly, no matter how hard I love Leah, I will never be able to compare to the way Dorian loves Allie. And everyone at this table has come to terms with that,” Brandon said, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“Cianna is right if Allie doesn’t survive, our pack is doomed. Dorian will dismantle Desert Moon and burn the packhouse to the ground if Allie isn’t the Luna,” Lucas said.

“What about their pups?” I asked.

“He will probably take them and go live off the grid somewhere,” Brandon replied.

“But wait, didn’t you say that their pups are mated to your pups?” Cianna asked.

“They are, but Dorian won’t care about that until they become of age. Dorian believes in the mate bond, more than anyone here at the table, so he would never keep Daisy and Demarco away from Keegan and Danica,” Lucas replied. Cianna and I just nodded. This was a lot of information to take in, but it was crazy how much Dorian loved Allie. A love that can’t be matched. I was little jealous but also worried. What if Allie really didn’t make it? What would actually happen to this pack? My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice,

“Hey, is there any food left for me?” I turned around and saw Deacon.

“You’re back!” I jumped up and hugged him.

“Hey, baby girl, didn’t think you would be this excited to see me,” he replied.

“I missed you, is that wrong?” I said while still hugging him. He hugged me back.

“Not at all,”

“Hey, so how did it go?” Brandon asked him.

“Good, we got the green light from Archie. He signed Heather’s death warrant and the bounty,”

“When does Dorian want me to put them out?” Mikey asked.

“He said to the put out the bartender’s first, but he and Aries are going to wait to put out Heather’s and Maya’s,” Deacon answered while never letting go of my waist. I felt like I just fit perfectly in his arms.

“Why?!” everyone shouted.

“He said that he wants to wait to see what happens with Allie and Lacie. Something about if Allie wakes up, then she’s going to want revenge on Heather for trying to poison him, and the rest of us,”

“Oh, yeah,” everyone replied without protest. I was so lost and confused.

“Um, I’m lost,” I say out loud.

“Yeah, same here,” Cianna replied.

“Remember what we said about Dorian’s love for Allie?” Sam asked. We nodded our heads. “Well, it goes the other way around too,” I just made an O shape with my mouth and leaned into Deacon’s chest.

“You good?” Deacon asked me.

“Yes, I just…I love being near you,” I tell him with sincerity.

“Deacon, where’s Dorian and Aries?” Lucas asked.

“With Allie and Lacie,” we all turn our heads and see Sin and Leah.

“Sweetcheeks, anything?” Brandon asked Leah, and she shook her head no.

“Evelyn, Cianna, let’s eat and head out,” Deacon said.

“I have to go too?” Cianna asked.

“Yes, you need to come home and help Eileen and Evelyn get used to the packhouse,” he told her. Cianna pouted. “Look, I know how you feel okay, but Lacie is in good hands, and I know for a fact that if anything changes, we will be contacted. But you have an obligation to our pack, sis,”

“I understand. Oh, we need to stop by Evelyn’s place before we leave. Eileen has no clothes, so she had to borrow mine,”

“Good point,” I reply. Deacon nods his head. “Deacon, can I speak with you in private please?”

“Sure, baby girl,” he takes my hand and we go to the guest room upstairs to speak in private. “What’s going on?” I take one look at his gorgeous face and lose all sense of control. I grab his face and k**s him. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close. After I k**s him until my lungs burn, I pull away slowly, and lick his bottom l*p when I do,



“I accept you as my mate,” he pulled away from me and looked at me with wide eyes.

“What did you say?”

“I accept you as my mate, that is if you accept me,”

“I accepted you the moment I saw you, Evelyn,” when he said that I looked at his neck, and sure enough, his mark was starting to fade and quickly. Deacon put his hand his neck, and then looked back at me. “Evelyn, I thought you wanted to take things slow?”

“I did, but when you kissed me last night, all those thoughts went out the window. I never felt so much passion and desire from one k**s. And then hearing Cianna talk about how you’re already in love with me, and how if I accepted you your prior mark would fade, I just couldn’t fight it anymore,”

“Look, Evelyn, it’s gone,” he said, pointing to his neck. I looked and it was fully gone. There was no bite mark. It was just smooth chocolate skin. I placed an open mouth k**s on it, and he m****d.

“Deacon, when we get home, I want you to make love to me and mark me,”

“Evelyn, are you sure?”

“I am, now that I know you were telling me the truth about that fading, I have no reason to doubt our bond, or that you’re in love with me,”

“Evelyn, please me this isn’t a dream,”

“It’s not, I want to be yours’ Deacon, and I want you to be mine,”

“I’m already yours’ Evelyn,”

“Baby girl,”


“I want you to call me baby girl, I like it when you call me that,”

“Baby girl it is,” he replied and kissed me. “You do understand what you are committing too right?”

“Yes, I will be the Luna, and I fully accept that,” he g****s and pulls me into another k**s. I would never get tired of these lips of his.

Once Deacon and I had fully established our bond, I told Cianna and she jumped up and down like a small child. We were going to wait to tell everyone else at Yellow Moon until we got there. I sent my parents a text telling them about Eileen and my having found our mates, and that we would be moving to California. They were happy for us and had no issues with it at all. Luckily, the condo we lived in was owned by my parents, so we didn’t have to worry about selling or anything like that.

After we said our goodbyes to the Desert Moon folk, we were taken to my condo by one of the Desert Moon drivers and packed up all of my stuff and Eileen’s stuff. We took only what was necessary since Deacon said that we go on a shopping spree when we got to Reno. Cianna raved about the packhouse and how beautiful it was. She went over all of the house rules, and that there was no kitchen staff. I was fine with that because Eileen and I loved to cook.

The Desert Moon driver took us to the airport where we caught a last-minute flight to Reno which was where the others would come to get us. The flight only took a few hours and we were able to sit with each other. Cianna sat at the window, I sat in the middle, and Deacon was in the aisle seat. Cianna and I both fell to sleep on the flight, I leaned on Deacon’s shoulder. I felt him k**s my forehead, and it sent sparks throughout my body. Everything he did made me feel warm and tingly. I couldn’t wait to make love to him when we got to my new home.

{Deacon’s P.O.V.}

I couldn’t believe it when Evelyn said that she accepted me, and how fast Heather’s mark on my faded she did. I wanted nothing more than to mate with her and mark her at Desert Moon, but she wanted to wait until we got home, which I was more than happy with. On the flight to Reno, she leaned on my shoulder and fell asleep. She had told me that she and Cianna watched Allie and Lacie overnight so the others could be with their families and pups.

The thought of pups ran through my mind the entire flight. I had no idea how I was going to thank the moon goddess for giving me a second chance. Evelyn was perfect, she was beautiful, petite, fit, and sexy. All the same, qualities that Allie has. It started to make sense of why I fell in love with Allie now. She had all of the qualities my true mate has. I made a mental note to tell Evelyn everything when we got home before I made love to her. I was not going to start my new chapter with her by keeping secrets.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are making our final approach into Reno, please return your seats to the upright position, put your table trays up, and store away any items underneath the seat in front of you,” the flight attendant spoke through the intercom.

“Baby girl, Cianna, wake up, we’re going to land in Reno soon,” I nudged Evelyn, and reached over and poked Cianna in the h*p. Both of them woke up, and Evelyn gave me a small peck on the lips. “What was that for?” I asked her.

“Because I wanted to,” she replied. I smiled and gave her one back. “Mmm…What was that for?” she asked.

“Because I wanted to,” I replied, and she just giggled.

“Bleh!” Cianna grunted, and we couldn’t help but laugh. “f**k, why am I dizzy?” We both looked at her and realized she was sweating. It was the middle of winter in Reno, and it was actually snowing outside, why was Cianna sweating?

“Cianna, are you okay?” Evelyn asked her.

“No, I’m hot, and I feel nauseous,” Cianna said sitting up. Just then something hit my senses, and I could hear several growls on the plane. There were other werewolves, and they were reacting to something. I looked back at Cianna who was visibly uncomfortable and then I realized what I was sensing.

“s**t!” I grunted.

“What is it?” Evelyn asked.

“I think Cianna is going into heat,” Evelyn’s eyes widened, and Cianna just looked at me in shock. It was a good thing I brought her home when I did. I figured that we were close enough to Reno that I could mind link, Lucian.


What’s up, brother?

Where are you guys?

We are at the airport now, why?

Cianna is going into heat on the plane, and we are still twenty minutes out.


That’s not the problem, Lucian. I can sense other wolves on this flight, and they are reacting to her. They just don’t know where she is.

f*****g HELL!!!

I’m going to take care of her, but you need to be ready to take her in the car. She won’t make back it home.

Are you telling me to have s*x with Cianna in the car!? In front of you guys!?

It’s either that or make her suffer for an hour!


“What did Lucian say?” Evelyn asked.

“He said that they’re already at the airport, but the problem is that Cianna won’t make it home. Lucian will have to cool her down in the car, in front of us,”

“Wait, you want him to have s*x with her in the car!?”

“It’s either that or make her suffer,” I repeated the same thing to her. Evelyn sighed and nodded her head. “I know it’s not the best welcome home, and we won’t be able to go on that shopping spree, but I will make it up to you baby girl,”

“It’s okay, she’s family now, so we have to help her out the best way we can,” her answer made me smile.

“The first thing we need is to get Cianna off this plane as fast we can and get her to Lucian before we go get our bags. There are unmated male wolves on this flight, and they are reacting to Cianna,”

“How are we going to do that? We’re in the middle of the plane,”

“The flight attendant in the back is a wolf, go to her and tell her what’s happening, she may be able to help us,” Evelyn got up and quickly made her way to the back. I could hear the human flight attendant telling her to go to her seat, but she was able to get through. A few minutes later, she came back with the attendant that was a wolf.

“Hello, I understand we have a situation here,” she said.

“Yes, my sister-in-law is in heat, and I can sense multiple unmated males on this flight. We need to be the first ones to get off so I can get her to my brother,”

“I can sense that you’re no ordinary wolf,”

“My name is Deacon Brown, I’m an Alpha,” she bowed her head in respect.

“Alpha, give me a moment while I get my colleague to make a medical emergency announcement which will allow you to get off first,”

“Thank you,” she nodded her head and went to the front. I saw her speak with the other flight attendants. After a minute of back and forth between them, the front attendant nodded.

“Ladies and gentlemen, there appears to be a small medical emergency on the flight. When we park at the gate, we kindly ask that you remain in your seats while we allow the passenger requiring medical attention and their family to deplane first. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding,”

This was not going to be easy. Getting Cianna off of the plane was one thing but getting her through the airport and to Lucian would be another obstacle. If there were unmated males on the flight, there were sure to be unmated males in the airport itself.

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