Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Storm Chapter 26

{Cianna’s P.O.V.}

After Lacie and I went our separate ways, Lucian and I decided to take a walk around the backyard of the packhouse. I don’t know if I was being biased, but I would have to say out of all of the triplets, Lucian was definitely the best looking,


“What’s up beautiful?” I blushed and cleared my throat

“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, I am from Heather’s pack,”

“I’m perfectly fine with it. Yeah it’s random as f**k, and completely caught me off guard, but I’ve been wanting a mate for a while now, and I don’t care where you come from. You’re not Heather, and Amber says that you’re a good person with a good head on your shoulders,

“She did?”

“Yeah, Amber spoke very highly of you,” he says with a big smile.

“Are you sure your brother is okay with this?”

“Yes, Cianna. Don’t worry about that. If Deacon wasn’t, he never would have accepted you into the pack,” he pulls me into a hug. I felt like I was going to melt in his arms. “So, I have to ask you,” I look up at him. “Are you a virgin?”


“Okay, I’m not either,”

“Is that okay?”

“Perfectly fine, a smoking hot she-wolf like you, I’d be surprised if you were,”

“Lacie is though,”

“What?” he looks down at me shocked.

“Yeah, Lacie is the complete opposite of Heather. She’s friendly, kind, mature, responsible, and pure. I’m surprised she is mated to a low-level omega, but Lacie really doesn’t care about status or rank. She cares about if that person has a kind heart or not. And love, she really wants to be in love,”

“She doesn’t have to worry. We’ve dealt with Aries a couple of times because of training, and he’s a good guy. He’s also a trained bounty hunter, so Lacie is in good hands when it comes to money, and she is safe,”

“Oh wow, that’s so good hear,” I say and frown.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks concerned.

“I’m just sad. Lacie and I have been best friends since elementary school. We’ve never been apart, and now, she’s a member of Desert Moon, and I’m going to Yellow Moon,”

“Aww, babe, don’t be sad. We have a great relationship with Dorian and Shorty, and we come here quite often. Whenever we do, you can come with us. Plus, Aries comes up to train our men once every few months also, so I’m sure he will bring Lacie to see you too,”



“Wait, who’s Shorty?”

“Hahaha! That’s what me and my brother’s call Allie because she’s so f*****g small. Not sure if you noticed, but Allie is literally the smallest wolf in her pack, and she’s the f*****g Luna,”

“Oh my gosh, that’s mean!” I say and hit his chest.

“No, it’s not. It’s a term of endearment. As I said, we have a good relationship with them. Plus, their own Beta and Gamma call her Gizmo,”

“Gizmo? As in the furry thing from the movie Gremlins?!”

“The one and the same,” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. The Luna was small, but I would never say that to her face. I guess everyone else did though.

“Lucian?” he looked down at me and smiled. “I want a nickname,” he lifted his chin and started to think.

“Well, your name is Cianna, so how about I call you Cici,”

“Hmmm…” I think about it.

“It goes with the nickname Shorty gave me,”

“What’s that?”

“She calls me Luci,”

“Luci and Cici, yeah, I like that!” I say with a big smile.

“Luci and Cici it is then,” he said and looked down at me. His silver eyes were just peering into my soul. I got on my tippy toes and kissed him softly. He pressed his lips harder against mine, and we kissed for a few seconds. “Cici, how did you want to do this?”

“Do what Luci?”

“This, us, mating, and marking,”

“Oh damn, I didn’t even think about that,”

“We can do it here if you want to. They have plenty of guest rooms that are all soundproofed, or we can wait until we get home,” he said. I thought about it for a minute. As much as I wanted to mate with him and bear his mark, this wasn’t our packhouse.

“I think we should wait. Mating and marking each other is special and should be done in our own home, in our room, and not someone else’s,”

“You sure?”

“Positive,” he nodded and smiled. We held each other and smiled at one another. I was so in love already. So, this was the mate bond everyone raves about. “Waiting for s*x, doesn’t mean we have to stop kissing,” I tell him. He leans down and takes my lips again. We just hold each other and k**s as our lives depended on it.

After about two hours of just talking and kissing outside, the Luna called us in for dinner. We walked hand in hand and saw that they had extended the dining table to accommodate everyone.

“Where is Lacie,” I asked.

“Dorian just mind linked Aries, and they’re on their way now. They should be here in about ten minutes,” the Luna replied.

“Thank you, Luna, for accepting Lacie,”

“Stop with the formalities! You’re the mate to one of my closest friends. Please, call me Allie, or Shorty if you want. That’s what that a*****e calls me,”

“Oh my gosh, I would never,” I say with a laugh. “I’ll stick with Allie,”

“Good,” she says with a smile. “Please sit and relax, the kitchen Omegas will bring your plates,” she says.

“Allie, I thought you had twins,”

“Oh, I do, they are with their grandparents right now. I see very little of my own children because their grandparents constantly have them,”

“My parents have all of the grandkids right now. They’re at their townhouse watching a movie, making smores, and all that jazz,” Amber said as she walked in.

“Hi, Beta Amber and Beta Ronnie,” I say to them.

“What’s with the Beta s**t, cut that out. You’re mated to an Alpha, it’s just Amber and Ronnie now,” she said. I just smiled and nodded.

“Hey, we’re not late are we?” I heard Lacie come in. She and Aries were holding hands, and the first thing I noticed was their necks.

“WHAT THE f**k!? YOU GUYS MARKED EACH OTHER ALREADY!?” I exclaimed and everyone looked at them.

“Yeah, why not? He’s my mate and I love him. I’m surprised you’re not marked Cianna,” she replied.

“Luci and I are waiting to get back our packhouse,” I tell her.

“Luci? Our packhouse? Wow, okay,” Lacie said with a big smile.

“Lacie, I’m surprised at you. So bold, for someone who is a virgin,”

“Not a virgin anymore,” she says to me. My jaws dropped to the floor.

“Oh my god!” I was so happy for her. “Eeekk!!” I jumped up and gave her a hug. “I want all of the juicy details,”

“No,” Aries said killing my hopes and dreams.

“Aww…” I tried to mind link her to get some gossip but realized I couldn’t. “Hey, why can’t I mind link you?” I asked her.

“Because you two are no longer part of the same pack,” Ronnie said. We both looked at him and then back at each other. We both realized that we would have to settle for texts and phone calls now.

“Enough talk about mating and marking, let’s eat!” Allie shouted. We all sat down, and then I saw her sit on the Alpha’s lap. I looked at Lacie and she looked at me.

“Uh, Allie?”

“Yes, Cianna?”

“Why are you on the Alpha’s lap?”

“This has been my seat since the second day I moved into this packhouse. The only time I’m not on his lap is when the twins are at the table because I have to make sure they eat their food,” she said and gave me a cheesy smile.

“Wow, okay,” I didn’t know what else to say to that.

“This is just how we are Cianna. The more you come over, the more you will see it, and you will get used to it. And Lacie, if you ever decide to train with the other omega females in the morning, you and Aries can participate in the couple’s sit-ups,” the Alpha said.

“Couple’s sit-ups?” Lacie asked.

“Yeah. It’s where you hold your mate’s ankles for them while they are doing sit-ups, and when they come up, you give them a k**s, you do it 200 times, each, so a total of 400-morning k****s,” the Beta explained and smiled really big.

“You don’t have to do the morning workout if you don’t want to though. You can just come out and be moral support for your man,” someone I don’t know said.

“I’m sorry, but what’s your name?” I asked politely.

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Sam, and this is my husband Lucas. We’re the head trainers for the pack,”

“We are also both team leads for the Alpha’s security company,” Lucas added.

“Oh wow, that’s awesome. So, nice to meet you. I’m lost though, you’re not ranked right?”

“No, we’re not ranked per se. But we are the highest level Omega’s in the packhouse, plus, our son is future mates with the Alpha’s daughter,” Sam explained.


“So, do all of the ranked members have pups?” Lacie asked. She took the words right out of my mouth.

“We do. The Alpha and Luna have twins, one boy, and one girl, the Betas have two, their son Sawyer, and their newborn Danica, who is actually the future Luna of the pack…” Sam replied.

“Wow!” Lacie and I both exclaimed.

“The Gammas have their son, Allen, who is actually the future mate to one of the kitchen Omega’s daughter, the Deltas have one girl named Monique who is the future Beta female, and then you have our son, Keegan, as we mentioned, he is the future mate to the Alpha’s daughter,” she concluded.

“Wow, so all of your pups already have their future mates. That’s so incredible!” Lacie exclaimed.

“Yeah, that’s totally awesome!” I chimed in.

“Also, that kitchen Omega Sam just mentioned, she has twins too. She is actually a triplet herself, and her son Matthew, is actually the future mate to the daughter of the Alpha of my old pack, Mojave Mountain,” the Beta female said.

“We are one big happy family here at Desert Moon,” the Delta said with his amazing French accent. All of the girls started to swoon, except for Allie.

“Andre, can you stop with the accent,” Lucian said. The entire table started laughing.

“I cannot help it, Lucian, this is just how I speak, I am sorry if it turns on our new mate, but women just love the accent,”

“He’s right, that accent is hot,” Lacie says and Aries growls in jealousy. “Aww…it’s okay, it’s only the accent I find attractive,” she says calming him down.

“Delta, please, I just found my mate, I don’t need her swooning over you,” Aries says to him.

“Would you all prefer if I spoke in French?”

“NO!!” All the men shouted at the table. All of the girls started laughing and so did Lacie and I.

“Wait, Allie, why aren’t you attracted to the accent?” I asked her.

“Oh, it’s one of my abilities,” she replies


“Oh, I didn’t tell you. The Luna has powers and abilities, she, the Beta and the Gamma female do,” Lacie said.

“Whoa! What?!” I looked at the ranked females and they all smiled.

“We’re called the Desert Trio,” the Gamma female said. “The three of us are blessed wolves of an ancient desert prophecy of the Desert Moon pack. You see, Allie and I were once human, and Leah used to be a wolf-human hybrid,”

“Allie, you were human?” Lacie and I both asked.

“Yes, I was. Leah, Sin, and I have only been full wolves for a little over two years now. As blessed wolves, we each have abilities and powers. Lacie, do you remember what they are?”

“Yes, I believe the Beta can see the future, the Gamma can read the minds of other wolves that aren’t part of our pack, and Luna, you have the power to sense souls, and project l**t,” Lacie answered.

“Project l**t!?” I asked in shock.

“My ability to project l**t only works on Dorian because he is my mate; however, it allows me to turn off my l**t for other men. So, I don’t swoon over Andre. Also, if I were to use my l**t projection onto another man that isn’t Dorian, I can render them unconscious,” Allie says.

“THAT IS TOTALLY BADASS!!” I shout and everyone laughs. “Wait, so does the Delta female have powers too?”

“No, I’m not a wolf hun,” she replies.

“You’re not!?” both Lacie and I exclaim.

“Do I smell like one to you?” she asks. Lacie and I both sniff but can’t tell the difference. “Huh, that’s odd,” she says.

“It means you’ve been hanging out with wolves for too long,” Amber tells hers.

“If you’re not a wolf, then what are you?” Lacie asks.

“I’m actually a vampire-warlock hybrid. Three-quarters vampire, one-quarter warlock. Andre is actually a vampire-wolf hybrid, fifty-fifty split,” she replies.

“So, then how are you guys ranked in this pack?” I ask them.

“You see, Andre’s father is a high ranking vampire of his coven in France, so, given that Andre comes from ranked b***d, Dorian made him our new Delta about a year ago,” Allie replied.

“That’s so cool! This pack has everything!” I said while looking at Lacie. “Bounty hunters, blessed wolves, vampires. What other cool things are there to know about this pack?” I asked all excited.

“Well, we’re friends with a pack of werebears,” the Beta says

“And, the Alpha at Mojave Mountain, his mate is a witch-demon hybrid who doesn’t have powers,” the Beta female added.

“We have also two best friends that are good witches, who helped Allie hide her pregnancy a year and a half ago,” the Gamma female added.

“Wait, why would you need to hide your pregnancy, Allie?” Allie looked at the Alpha for a minute and pressed her lips together.

“You see…”


“Oh my god,” Lacie and I were both ugly crying after Allie told us what happened to her first pup. Both of our mates had to console us because we were just so devasted to hear something so horrible happened to the Luna.

“Amber, is that why you were here for so long that one time?” Lacie asked between her crying. Amber nodded.

“It wasn’t my place to tell anyone what had happened. Even though the story was covered on werewolf news, if people didn’t know, they didn’t know,” Amber said to us.

“Allie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…I’m sorry for making you bring up such a horrible memory,” I apologized to her. I felt really bad.

“It’s okay Cianna. I won’t deny that it hurts to this day, but as you can see, I’m okay. I have two wonderful pups now, and they’re the lights of my life,” I smile at her and she smiles back. Allie was freaking awesome. I don’t know why Heather hated her so much. She was so likable. Just then, I saw her stare at Lacie and c**k her head.

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

After the Luna told the story of her first pup, I was just so saddened by it. Aries consoled me and kissed my forehead to make me feel better. Having an older mate was pretty awesome. I felt safe and even more loved because of it,

“Hey, Lacie,”

“Yes, Luna?” I said and looked at her. She started to stare me in the eyes. She c****d her head and then lifted her brow.

“Oh, Allie’s is doing her brow lift!” the Beta female shouted.

“Leah it’s not the good brow lift,” the Luna says.

“Oh s**t!” everyone from Desert Moon shouts, even the guys.

“What?” I asked.


“Yes, Luna,”

“Take her home right now,” she says.

“Wait, what’s going on?” I ask.

“Lacie, you’re about to go into heat,” she tells me.

“Wait, how can you know that?” I ask as Aries is pulling me out of my seat.

“Her ability to sense souls allows to her pickup on the slightest changes in your body. She’s actually been able to sense a female’s heat within an hour of it starting,” the Gamma female says. “This new sensing ability started about eight months ago,”

“She can pick up everyone else’s except her own,” Sam says, mocking the Luna

“Shut up cunt! Aries, take her now,”

“You heard the Luna sweetheart, time for us to go home,” Aries said and pulls me away.

“But I haven’t finished eating,” I say looking back at the table. Just then, I received a mind link,

Don’t worry Lacie. I will have an Omega pack some up for you and send it to your townhouse.

Thank you, Luna.

“I guess it’s a good thing I already took your virginity, huh?” Aries said to me as we walked back home.

“Yeah, but I don’t understand why I would start my heat on the same day,”

“Baby, you know a mated females heat can start anytime, we’re just unlucky, that’s all,”

“Unlucky? I think I’m about to get pretty lucky,” I tell him seductively.

“Oh, my sweet and innocent Lacie, do not talk to me that way. Now that I have deflowered you, I will take you long, hard, and sensually until your heat passes,”

“I can’t wait,” I tell him and smile. He picks me up bridal style and takes me back to our townhome using his wolf speed. I giggled the whole way. As soon as he got me into the room, he ripped off our clothes and started to make love to me. Sure enough, about an hour later, my heat started, and Aries did was he said. He took me long, hard, and sensually. These next three days were going to be epic.

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

I had been trying to contact my sister and Cianna for hours now, and both of their phones are going to voicemail. Selina, Emily, Layla, and Nikki, have been trying to mind link them, but they couldn’t get through.

“f**k, I can’t reach them!” Nikki said.

“Is there a block up?” I asked her.

“It’s not even a block, it’s just straight-up not connecting, it’s like, we can’t mind link them because we’re no longer connected,” she replied.

“How is that even possible!?” I ask shouted.

“Are their phone’s still off?” Selina asked.

“You better pray nothing happened to them, Heather!!” Layla shouted at me.

“For real! If something happens to them, it will be on you!” Nikki agreed.

“Why me!? They’re the ones that left!” I spat


“Well, that’s what they get for being little brats! Besides, I didn’t think they’d actually leave!” I said crossing my arms and sitting on the bed.

“Let’s just pray that they’re blowing off some steam, and don’t want to deal with us right now,” Selina said.

“We have one day, and they know what time our flight back home is. We will just meet them Sunday morning at the airport,” Layla added.

All four of them started getting ready for bed and I stayed up a little longer to try and contact my sister. When I mind linked her, I was met with a block, but when I tried Cianna, it wouldn’t connect. It was so weird. I eventually shook it off and went to bed myself. If something did happen to them, it would be their own fault for leaving. Even if I did tell them to leave, they’re the ones that decided to walk out of here. I didn’t make them.

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