Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 72

{Third Person P.O.V}

Upon discovering that Dorian had made a deal with Lucifer, Allie couldn’t help but be thrown into a state of absolute panic. She immediately demanded that Uriel disclose the terms of their agreement, specifically regarding what Dorian offered Lucifer in return for taking him to where Gideon and Heather were hiding. Unfortunately for Allie, Uriel was not privy to this information.

“I can’t tell you, Allie.”


“Because when you make a deal with my brother, it’s the same as making a confession to a priest—it’s done in private. When Dorian demanded Lucifer take him to Gideon, my brother told him only if he promised to give him something in return. Dorian agreed without hesitation,” Uriel explained. Allie snapped her head towards Brandon, who nodded in confirmation.

“But why would he do that? And without telling with me?” Allie questioned as tears formed in her eyes.

“Giz, it’s because he’s your husband, the father to your children, and the Alpha of this pack. The demon that took Demarco basically gave Dorian the information he needed to finally put an end to all of this. No more bounties, no more cash payouts. Dorian is going to stop this himself. Heather committed the ultimate crime by having Demarco taken. Your son. Dorian’s son. The future Alpha of this pack. Heather has also made it impossible for you to ever conceive again. You know better than anyone in this pack that Dorian wanted a million kids.”

“Not only did Heather hurt you more times than one can count, but she also attacked pack members. Those that Dorian is responsible for. Simba, his parents, and let’s not forget the poison s**t she pulled last year with Maya.”

“So, it’s true?” someone asked. Everyone turned to face Allie’s hospital room door, and there stood Lacie and Aries.

“Hey, half-pint,” Brandon greeted.

“It’s true? Dorian went after my sister?” she asked while taking a seat.

“Sister!?” Uriel exclaimed.

“Yeah, this is Lacie, Heather’s younger sister,” Mikey responded. Uriel stared at Lacie, flabbergasted. He couldn’t comprehend how the human Queen of Demons could possibly be related to someone as kind and gentle as Lacie.

“What am I going to tell my mom and dad?” Lacie asked softly while tears of sorrow fell from her eyes.

“I thought your mom disowned her after the whole siding with dark magic tidbit?” Sin argued.

“Verbally, yeah. My mom was hurt and angry. But that doesn’t change the fact that Heather is still my sister and that she’s still my parents’ child.”

“Look, I know you all have something to worry about, but I don’t think Dorian had a choice,” Uriel stated. “Lucifer has a way of getting what he wants by giving people what they want, and in this case, Dorian wants Gideon, but in order to get to where he is, he needs my brother’s help. That comes with a price.”

“But I’m his wife! This isn’t just up to him! What if … what if he doesn’t come back?” Allie whimpered. “I can’t lose him. Getting rid of Gideon and Heather won’t mean s**t if my husband dies or has to stay in Hell.”

“Girl, don’t think like that!” Sin berated Allie. “We don’t know what Dorian traded with the devil. We have to trust that his decision was in everyone’s best interests. Especially yours and your kids.”

“Oh my, this is a lot of people,” Dr. Quinn announced from the door, causing everyone to shift their attention to her. “Luna, are you crying again?”

“Dorian did something stupid!” Allie wailed.

“He did not. He did what a noble Alpha would do!” Brandon quickly defended Dorian’s actions. Dr. Quinn had a passive expression on her face as she stared at Allie. “Beta, Gamma, will you two come with me, please?”

“What about us?” Sin asked.

“I just need the boys. Stay with the Luna, please.” Brandon and Mikey accompanied Dr. Quinn as she led them towards her office. Along the way, they happened to pass by Andre and Dani.

“How is she now that Demarco is back?” Andre asked.

“Well, Demarco is back, but Dorian is gone. Gizmo is having trouble dealing with the fact that Dorian may have done something dangerous without telling her. Even though we keep telling her to stay positive,” Brandon answered.

“What did he do?”

“He made a deal with Lucifer.” Andre’s and Dani’s eyes met, and the shock was written all over their faces.

“Is she still mad at me?” Dani asked cautiously.

“She was never mad at you, Dani. She was mad at everyone and everything. Her son had been kidnapped, and she and Leah were drugged. Her in-laws were attacked and are still in a critical state. Her daughters were involved in a traumatic event. Even though Kat isn’t old enough to remember, Daisy is,” Mikey responded.

“Beta, Gamma, that’s actually why I need to speak with you two. May we continue?” Dr. Quinn gestured for them to follow her to her office.

“Is everything okay!?” Dani shouted with utmost concern.

“I’m sorry, Dani, but this is a pack matter,” Dr. Quinn answered, her tone matter-of-fact. Dani and Andre were both taken aback. “I mean no disrespect. But you must understand that you two are no longer our pack members. You’re the Betas to Jed’s pack.”

“Allie is still one of my best friends!” Dani defended.

“I understand that, but pack laws forbid me to discuss a ranked member’s medical issues with any outsiders. Regardless of friendships or even if you were once ranked members here. If the Beta and Gamma wish to discuss this with you after leaving my office, I cannot stop them. But I am not permitted to tell you with my own mouth. Now, if you will excuse us,” Dr. Quinn cut off their conversation and turned her heel. As much as she cared for Andre and Dani, she was a doctor first and had to uphold her duty as a medical professional to the pack. Even if it meant hurting some feelings along the way. Brandon and Mikey didn’t say another word but nodded their heads to Dani and Andre, signaling to them it was going to be okay. Dani and Andre decided they would try their luck and go visit Allie. But when the pair arrived at her hospital room door, Allie was in tears, and even Sin and Leah were utterly helpless in stopping them.

“This isn’t like you. You never cry this much. You scream and yell and want to break things!” Sin pointed out to her while she and Leah locked eyes, unsure how to console their best friend during her most vulnerable state.

“Maybe we should have Sam and Lucas bring the kids in here,” Aries suggested. Sin and Leah nodded at that idea. Aries quickly mind-linked them to bring the children over, and they arrived a few minutes later. But when they saw the state of Allie, they too became concerned, which only added to the ever-increasing tension in the room. Sam placed Katrina in Allie’s arms, but the moment she did, Katrina began to cry. That set off Allie even more, triggering a wave of insecurity and causing her to fall apart.

“Why won’t she stop?!” Allie cried. “She never cries like this with Dorian. I don’t understand! What am I doing wrong!?”

“She’s hungry, babe. Feed her,” Sin directed her as she helped Allie pull down the front of her hospital gown. The guys felt it was best to leave, and only the women stayed behind. As soon as Katrina successfully latched on, she stopped crying.

“I should have known that. Why do I suck with my own daughter?” Allie sobbed as Katrina dozed off while feeding.

“Allie, you don’t suck. You’re overwhelmed with everything that’s happened. And it’s been a few years since you’ve had to breastfeed,” Leah reassured her, trying to put her friend at ease.

“Why do I feel like I’m being punished over and over? Why is bad s**t always happening to me? To my family? What did I do so wrong in life that karma is being a b***h to me?”

“You’re not being punished, and karma isn’t being a b***h to you,” Sam insisted, attempting to dispel the cycle of negative self-talk Allie was engaging in.

“Yeah, it’s not karma. It’s a b***h named Heather, who is nothing but jealous. Everything you have is something she will never get. A mate who loves her, children of her own, a pack who adores her, and friends who will never leave her side,” Leah spoke genuinely while placing a hand on Allie’s leg.

“Leah’s right. I talked to Katie earlier while you were still out of it, and she told me that Simba saw the surprise on Heather’s face when he took all those fireballs for you. She was enraged, and the envy in her eyes was obvious. Heather never expected Simba to do that. To risk his own life to save yours. Guard or not, Simba did that because he’s your friend and not just your guard,” Sin added in. Allie started to feel slightly better, but before she could enjoy that feeling, Katrina woke up and began to cry again. Allie lifted her into her arms, but she continued to cry loudly.

“Katrina, what is wrong with you!? Why won’t you stop crying!?” Allie screamed.

“OH MY GOD, ALLIE!!!” Sam shouted as she snatched Katrina away and stepped away from Allie.

“What the hell, Sam!?” Allie growled but froze the moment she saw the horrified looks on all of the girls’ faces. “What?”

“Allie, do you realize what you just did?” Dani asked her, mortified at what she just witnessed.


“Allie, you shook her,” Sin told her. Allie’s eyes widened, and she looked up at Sam, who was holding Katrina in an extremely protective manner. Allie was speechless. She knew better than to ever shake an infant. To be told that she did that to her own baby had her in tears of terror.

“Everyone out.” They all turned to see Brandon, Mikey, Dr. Quinn, and an unknown person with them.

“Babe, what’s going on?” Leah asked him.

“I’m sorry, sweet cheeks, but I can’t discuss it. Everyone out. Sam, take the kids to Ben and Eleanor. They’re awake now.” Sam nodded her head. She and everyone else exited the room while Brandon, Mikey, Avery Quinn, and this unknown woman came into the room. Brandon closed the door and promptly locked it. Allie had no idea what was going on, but she knew that it couldn’t be good.

While the Desert Moon pack was dealing with issues back home, Lucifer and Dorian made it to the border of Hell and demon hell. Dorian surveyed the location but didn’t seem to be all that disturbed by what he saw.

“Just beyond this doorway is the gateway to demon hell where Gideon and Heather are hiding out. Once you enter, there is no turning back. You have to kill Gideon in order to be able to return. This is his domain,” Lucifer warned Dorian one final time.

“I understand.”

“And don’t forget what we agreed on.”

“I won’t. Allie won’t be happy with me at first, but this is for the best. For everyone.” Lucifer nodded his head and backed away. Dorian took a step forward into the black abyss that was the gateway to demon hell, and as soon as he stepped through, he was met with a blinding light. He shielded his eyes so that they could adjust, and when they did, he was shocked at what was before him. Demon hell did not look like Hell at all. It was dark, yes, but he expected to see fires blazing and serpent monsters lurking the way it was portrayed on T.V. Instead, it was just empty and deserted. Dorian heard a scream, and he glanced up while scanning the sky. Someone vanished mid-air, but a group of dark spots was in place of where he was supposed to land. It floated without moving but then was whooshed to the left. Dorian followed the path with his eyes and saw another portal made of fire. “The final resting place for a demon’s dark magic,” Dorian said as he recalled everything Aria had explained before.

Dorian shook it off and realized that this place was never-ending. Every direction he looked, there were more and more portals of fire. He realized that each demon that had ever been killed or vanquished had its own portal. He also noticed dark spots simply floating around, not going anywhere. He assumed these were the magical remains of demons who could be resurrected, the same way Tank was.

Dorian walked around for a bit longer and realized wandering aimlessly wasn’t going to get him anywhere near where Gideon was hiding. But he knew what would get his attention and force Gideon to come to him instead. Dorian took a deep breath and allowed Bandit to come forward.

“GIDEON!!!” he roared with his Supreme Alpha voice.

“What the f**k?” Gideon sat up straight up from where he was sitting when he heard the echo of Dorian’s voice.

“Who is that?” Heather asked as she, too, stood up and looked at Gideon.

“GIDEON!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!” Gideon was outraged that someone would dare challenge him, the Demon King, let alone on his turf. Gideon shimmered to where the voice was coming from and was beyond shocked to see Dorian Shaw.

“Alpha Dorian Shaw. How did you get here?” Gideon asked as he eyed Dorian up and down.

“How is none of your concern, but the reason why is,” Dorian answered.

“Oh, and what might that be?”

“I’m here for your head, Gideon.” Gideon laughed at Dorian’s words.

“You think you can kill me!? I’m the Demon King! No one can kill me!”

“Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Dorian replied.

“This is my world! You’ll never beat me here!” Gideon stated with absolute certainty.

“You sure that it isn’t because you control dark magic?! What would you be without your powers, Gideon? Shimmering, fireballs, energy balls, and whatever else you possess. Could you even handle a fight one-on-one without the use of magic?”

“Don’t mock me, you impotent wolf! I don’t need magic to prove that I’m superior to the likes of you!”

“Prove it! Fight me, man-to-man! If I win, you give up Heather to me! If I lose, you get to have me as your personal guard for the rest of my life!”

“How about this, if you win, you get to have Heather. If I win, I get to have your wife!” Dorian flinched at Gideon’s words. “She’s very fertile. I know that she would be able to provide me with an heir.” Dorian realized that Gideon didn’t know the repercussions of Heather’s attack on Allie. But even then, he would never agree to surrender Allie to Gideon.

“Leave Allie out of this!”

“You’re bringing my mate into this. It’s only fair that I bring yours into it as well.” Dorian snarled in protest but knew that Gideon had a point. “Besides, when I kill you, Allie won’t really have a choice in the matter.”

“We’ll just see who kills whom,” Dorian replied and took off, running head-on towards Gideon. Gideon, being the demon that he is, was going to play dirty as expected. Just as Dorian was about to make contact, Gideon shimmered away. Dorian stopped in his tracks and snarled at Gideon’s trickery. “COWARD!” Dorian shouted as he observed his surroundings, maintaining his heightened sense of awareness. He knew that he would be able to catch Gideon’s scent just before he appeared again. And thankfully, he was correct. Right on cue, as Gideon reappeared, Dorian caught his scent but not fast enough as Gideon surprised him with a right hook across the face. Dorian stumbled but quickly recovered and stood up. “Is that all you got!?” Dorian taunted Gideon some more.

This time, Gideon remained out of sight for much longer and waited for Dorian to turn his back before appearing again in mid-air and landing an elbow onto Dorian’s spine. Dorian’s face planted the ground, and Gideon shimmered away again. Convinced he had the upper hand, Gideon kept up his disappearing act, unknowingly giving Dorian the advantage. Dorian, being the elite, well-trained fighter he is and the mastermind behind a multibillion-dollar security company, shouldn’t have been taken so lightly. Still, he wasn’t so gracious to inform Gideon of this. In Gideon’s eyes, all werewolves were the same. Dirty and mangy mutts that were glorified dogs. He never took them seriously. He never took Heather seriously. To him, she was nothing but a vision that came to life, but he never knew just what a pain the a*s she really was. He was even ready to cut his losses and give Dorian the win, but he would never do that. He was too prideful for that. And that pride is what made him bring Allie into the dilemma and provoked Dorian even more. Gideon would soon learn what it meant to incur the wrath of Dorian.

Gideon took a step back, observing from his semi-invisible state between shimmers, and watched as Dorian continued to make a fool of himself. In his carelessness, he failed to realize that Dorian putting on an act and had already figured out Gideon’s moves within the first three strikes. Gideon, allowing his pride to cloud his judgment once more, appeared behind Dorian. But just as he became visible, Dorian turned and grabbed Gideon by the throat.

—– Flashback —–

“Dorian, if you’re going to go head-on against Gideon, then let him think he has the upper hand,” Aria told Dorian as he was preparing to leave with Lucifer. “Gideon is a prideful demon, and he won’t hesitate to stab you in the back, no matter how much he says he will fight fairly.”

“Why are you helping me, Aria? Lucifer told you that Gideon wasn’t behind your assault.”

“It doesn’t matter. Gideon will never choose me over Heather. Even if he doesn’t love her. He’s told me once already that he will never love me the way I want him to. Even if Gideon has a soul himself, he doesn’t know how to use it.”

“What do you mean Gideon has a soul?”

“Gideon is half-human, Dorian. His mother was human, and his father was the previous Demon King. His father chose a mortal as his wife. Gideon was born with demonic powers because of his father, but he also has a soul like his mother. But, he’s as soulless as they come.”

“Is Lucifer telling the truth? Do you have feelings for Uriel?”

“What? No … I mean, I don’t think … I don’t know. Uriel is only the man that has ever been kind to me. I mean, actually kind. And he’s not using the fact that I’m a demon against me. At least, not the way other angels do.”

“Then perhaps you should pursue a friendship first and see where that leads.” Aria nodded her head. Before Dorian turned to leave, she gave him one more piece of advice.

“Dorian, when you gain the upper hand, make sure you disrupt his mind. This goes for all demons. The will to control our powers comes from our minds. If our minds are disrupted, then we can’t shimmer.”

“Like cutting off his airways. Preventing oxygen from getting to his brain?”


——- End Flashback ——-

Having used Aria’s advice to his advantage, Dorian was constricting Gideon’s airways by applying so much force to his throat that he could feel the cracking of his larynx. Gideon, struggling to breathe, was gripping Dorian’s arms as hard he could to pry them off, but he was no match for Dorian’s brute strength.

“You should have listened to Selene and kept Heather away from my family,” Dorian growled at the suffocating Gideon.

“LET HIM GO!!!” Dorian snapped his head and saw Heather standing there, enraged at the scene in front of her. Dorian couldn’t stop the smirk that formed on his face. He didn’t need to go find her. She came to him on her own. He took one last look at Gideon.

“You lose.” Dorian dropped Gideon but let him live. Gideon stared up at him in shock.

“Why didn’t you kill me?” Gideon asked.

“Because I’m not here for you. I’m here for her,” Dorian replied and pointed at Heather. “We had a deal, Gideon. You lose; you give me Heather.”

“WHAT?!” Heather screamed.

“I don’t remember ever making that deal,” Gideon snarked. Dorian shook his head and pulled something out of his pocket—a tape recorder. Dorian pressed play.

“How about this, if you win, you get to have Heather. If I win, I get to have your wife! She’s very fertile. I know that she would be able to provide me with an heir.” Gideon was horrified to see that Dorian had recorded their conversation.

“YOU BASTARD! YOU TRADED ME FOR THAT f*****g CUNT ALLIE!?!” Hearing Gideon’s admission, in his own voice, to wanting Allie over her threw Heather over the edge. She went berserk and sprinted at him, punching him as hard as she could. “How could you!? How could you!? You backstabbing son of a b***h!” she screamed as she continued to strike him. But without her werewolf strength, it felt like nothing to Gideon. He brushed her off as if she was a fly.

“You’re worthless anyway. No matter what I did, you couldn’t conceive. You killed my only son. Why would I want you? Now I know why your previous mate rejected you. You’re selfish and manipulative. You can have her, Alpha Shaw. I concede. You win.” With those final words, Gideon shimmered back to his home in the underworld. When Gideon returned home, what was waiting for him caught him off guard.

Meanwhile, back in demon hell, Dorian had his hands full with Heather, who was trying to get away from him, but because she was human, her attempts proved to be futile. He hogtied her and threw her over his shoulder. He returned to the place where the gateway between Hell and demon hell connected.

“Gideon, a little help!” Dorian shouted, hoping that Gideon could hear him. Surprisingly, Gideon heard Dorian’s pleas and magically opened the gateway for him.

“Finally! That only took a hundred years!”

“What are you talking about? I was gone all of an hour, if that,” Dorian insisted as he put Heather down.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!! WHERE AM I!?!” she screamed.

“Time moves pretty fast in Hell. Is this her?”


“She’s okay looking. I mean, Aria was definitely more beautiful.”

“ARIA!? That b***h is dead!” Heather shouted, trying to free herself.

“No, she’s not. She survived the attack that you orchestrated, and she’s now at my packhouse, kindling a new relationship with an archangel,” Dorian threw in her face.

“Why am I here!?”

“You see, Heather, Dorian here made a deal with me. I’ve seen all of the nasty things you’ve done since becoming a mortal, and I must say, some were pretty horrifying. Just right up my alley. Unfortunately, being the devil means that I have to punish you for all eternity.”

“Devil!? What do you mean you’re the devil!?”

“I’m the devil of Hell for humans. You know, the fallen archangel Lucifer, Samael, Satan, you know, the devil.” Heather looked horrified. “And you, dear Heather, are now my eternal slave.”


“You’re human now, Heather. I can’t dictate what the devil wants to do to you as your punishment. Plus, it’s the deal I made with him. He gets me to Gideon, and he gets to have you for all eternity in Hell. A soul for a soul.” With those final words, Lucifer sent Dorian back to Earth. He lifted Heather in the air, still hogtied and screaming, and had two of his demons escort her to her new Chamber of Eternal Despair, where she would spend the rest of eternity being tortured by the Demon of Greed.

When Dorian arrived back at the packhouse, he was met with panic, none of which was his own. He knew that it was Allie. He ran straight to the pack hospital and was surprised to find a group of people outside of her hospital room.

“What’s going on?” Dorian asked as he ran up to them. Everyone looked at him with pity and sorrow. “What is going on!? Why are you huddled around Allie’s hospital room like this?”

“Dorian, it’s bad,” Brandon told him.

“What do you mean it’s bad?”

“Dorian, Allie’s mental state is not in a good place. She almost killed Katrina a few hours ago,” Sin told him. Dorian couldn’t mask the look of absolute shock on his face. “It was an accident, but Allie freaked out, and she shook her, and hard. Sam took her away from Allie. But that’s when things took a turn for the worse.”


“Alpha,” Dr. Quinn addressed him as she walked up to him. “The Luna is suffering from a severe case of postpartum depression, and it’s made her lose touch with her wolf. In doing so, she’s disrupted the bond between the trio of desert wolves.”

“I can’t read minds anymore,” Sin confessed and looked up at him.

“I don’t know if I can have visions or not, but probably not since Venus can’t reach Jupiter or Mercury,” Leah admitted as well.

“What … What caused this?” Dorian asked, feeling utterly defeated.

“My guess is losing Demarco not long after giving birth to Katrina and learning that she is now infertile,” Dr. Quinn answered. “That’s in addition to everything that has happened to her throughout her lifetime. Allie is broken. She needs professional help in more ways than one, and until we can get that for her, I’m going to send her to an inpatient facility.”

“What?! For how long!?” Dorian exclaimed.

“That depends on her and how well she responds to therapy and treatment. You must understand that there is literally a lifetime of the trauma she will have to fight through. Depending on if she wants to or not, will determine how long she has to be away.”

“Will I be able to go see her? The kids?”

“I’m sorry, but no. I won’t even be able to tell you where I’m sending the Luna. It’s for her own benefit. I suggest going in and saying your goodbyes.” Dorian stared at the closed door before him, and he could still feel Allie’s panicked state. He took a deep breath and went inside. Allie looked as if she was drowning in her own tears and was staring down at her hands. When she heard the door close, she lifted her head to see Dorian. She felt so ashamed that she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

“Baby?” Allie just shook her head and cried. Dorian pulled her to him and held her close as she wept. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to get through this. You’re going to get through this. You’re a fighter, and you’re going to beat this. I’ll be here waiting for you—the kids too. I love you, Allie.” Allie broke down and sobbed into Dorian’s neck.

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