Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 34

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

I couldn’t f*****g believe it. It was bad enough that I ran into Allie here, of all places, and there was nothing I could do about it. And to add insult to injury, the event coordinator had announced Gideon as single. Single? He’s my mate, and he told them he was single. Then that f*****g cunt Aria had to show up. Who the f**k let her out of her hole in the first place?

“I … Uhh … I have $150, do I hear—”

“$175!” I looked behind me and saw Allie with her plaque. She was bidding on Gideon, facing off against Aria. The fact that I didn’t want either of them to win was driving me insane. I couldn’t bid on him, and none of the older hags in this place were bidding because it was too much.

“$200!” Aria placed another bid. Allie appeared flustered, but it didn’t stop her from pressing on with a higher bid.

“$250!” I watched as Aria’s face darkened. She didn’t have that kind of money, and she soon realized she was out of her league. I knew why Aria was bidding on Gideon, but I had no clue why Allie was. What did she stand to gain by bidding on him?”

“I have $250! Going once, going twice, sold for $250,000!” I whipped my head back towards the front and then immediately back at Allie. “Mrs. Shaw, please come claim your date.” She stood and casually walked up to Gideon. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. I wanted nothing more than to rip this b***h’s head off. It was bad enough I lost Deacon because of her, but now she’s coming for Gideon!? I looked back at Aria who just had that stupid smirk on her face. She turned her heel and walked away.

“Mrs. Shaw, as much as I would love to enjoy your presence, I have to attend to some business that cannot wait. I do apologize,” Gideon informed her.

“Business? This late in the evening? All work and no play I see. We just met, why the rush?” Allie asked, all sweet. I wanted to hurl.

“Unfortunately, being the CEO of an investment company comes with its many flaws. Thank you for your bid. I’m sure the money will go to great use.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Sharp,” Allie said and bowed her head slightly.

“The pleasure was mine, Mrs. Shaw, and, please, call me Gideon.”

“Gideon. Have a great evening,” she replied and walked away. As soon as she was out of earshot, I turned to him.

“What the f**k! Single? Are you f*****g kidding me!?” I whisper-shouted at him.

“Not here, we need to go. f*****g Aria,” he responded and grabbed my arm. He dragged me to where they kept our coats, as soon as we got them we found a space away from prying eyes, and he shimmered us home.

As soon as we landed in the bedroom, Aria was waiting for us.

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed when I saw her.

“What the f**k?” she shouted and covered herself. This b***h was f*****g naked in our bed.

“ARIA, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” Gideon blew up at her.

“My King, I was waiting for you. I didn’t expect you to bring the queen back with you,” Aria replied.

“Who said that you could leave the confinement of the house?” he snarled at her.

“My King, I was not aware that I was confined to the house. Since when have I been confined?”

“Since you tried to turn me against Heather!”

“My Lord?”

“Aria, do you take me for a fool?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then why do you constantly talk down to her when I’m not around. Did you think you could get away with insubordination towards your queen, and I wouldn’t find out about it!?”

“She’s not even the Queen yet, Gideon! She’s human! You were promised an impure wolf as your queen!”

“And she was impure when I found her! There is nothing in the prophecy that states she has to stay a wolf to conceive!”

“There is also nothing in it that states she has to remain the queen after she gives birth! Gideon, you don’t even love her! You said so yourself!”

“You what?!” I snapped at him.

“Don’t act surprised, Heather. I already told you that he didn’t love you. Did you think that I was lying just to get under your skin?” Aria sneered at me.

“Heather, go to the guest room and stay there until I sort this out,” Gideon instructed me.

“What?! This is my room!” I exclaimed. “Whatever you have to say to this backstabbing son of a b***h, you can say in front of me!”

“Gideon, are you going to let her speak of me that way!?” Aria whined.

“ARIA, THAT IS ENOUGH!” Gideon boomed. “I told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times. What we had was over ages ago. Heather is to be my queen, and she will always be my queen.”


“Be that as it may, I have more feelings for Heather than I ever did for you. Now get out of my sight!” Aria’s face was one of pure shock and hurt. She turned her evil glare towards me and then shimmered out. As soon as she was out of the room, I turned Gideon around and slapped him across the face. “Did you just slap me?” he asked as he held his cheek in disbelief. Without answering, I slapped him again, only on the other side. “Heather!”

I completely lost it by that point. “Single!? You’re anything but single Gideon! I’m your mate, regardless of how that came to be, I AM YOUR f*****g MATE!” I railed on him. “I DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS, YOU TOOK ME, REMEMBER!? You came to get me, you called me all of those f*****g pet names, and now you’re telling your demons that you don’t love me. Telling humans that you’re f*****g single!?!”

“Heather, I don’t have time for whining and bitching. I already have enough to deal with now that Desert Moon knows we were there.”

“Allie doesn’t even know who you are!?”

“Be that as it may, she knows that you were there. She knows you, and it doesn’t matter that you’re human now or magically cloaked when we go out in public. The fact of the matter is, she knows who you were. That’s why she bid on me. She was trying to make you jealous, and you played right into her hands.” I had nothing to say to that. He was right. The entire night all Allie had been doing was getting under my skin, and I let her. “Get cleaned up and ready for bed. I’m tired, and I don’t want to fight with you.” He said and went to the bathroom. I needed to get rid of Allie. I don’t care what it took anymore, I would make it happen at all costs.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After Gideon and Heather left, I released the breath I was holding in. This guy’s soul was pure evil, and it was the same essence I felt at Lacie’s wedding. I had never felt something so dark before when reading one’s soul. It literally sent chills throughout my entire body. I didn’t need to verify with Maxine or Claudia. They would already confirm it was the same evil they sensed in the cellar. Especially since Max felt it at the wedding when I did.

I shook off the willies I got from that guy and went to go find Dorian. I walked around, following his scent, and finally managed to find him. What I found made both Mercury and I stir in a jealous rage. This b***h that bought Dorian was doing a little more than just enjoying his presence. She was locked onto him like a koala bear on a tree. I searched around for Alexander, but he was nowhere to be seen. She was being overly flirtatious with Dorian, but I kept my cool and calmly walked up to them.

“Looks like someone is having fun,” I said sarcastically to Dorian as I put my hand on his shoulder and came around from behind him.

“Hey, baby,” he said with relief. I guess he wasn’t all that comfortable with this girl rubbing herself on him like he was some kind of flagpole.

“Um, excuse me, but we’re busy,” she said offhandedly to me.

“Yes, I can see that. And I don’t appreciate you rubbing yourself all over my husband. He’s supposed to keep you company for the duration of the event, not take you home,” I replied.

“Excuse me!?”

“You’re excused,” I said and took Dorian from her. “I’m tired, and my feet are killing me.”

“Okay, let’s go home,” Dorian said and put his arm around me.

“Ddoong ddoong haneeka bal-ee ahpeugee,” (Your feet hurt because you’re fat) she said under her breath. I immediately stopped in my tracks and whipped my head around.

“Cheosjjae, nugunga-eul yog hasilkkeomyeon geu salam-i geueon-eoleul al-adeudneunji mos al-adeudneunji meonjeo hwag-inhasiji. Dubeonjjae, ddoong ddoong hanguh anheeaeyoh. Imshin hanguhaeyoh. Dangshin byeonmeyong mwohaeyoh?” (First of all, if you’re going to talk s**t about someone, make sure they don’t understand the language. Secondly, I’m not fat. I’m pregnant. What’s your excuse?) Her jaw dropped at my insult and she scoffed.

“Nari, what’s going on here?” asked the woman I saw before, coming up to us.

“Umma! She called me fat and stole my date!” she whined.

“Stole your date? He’s my husband, and I’m ready to go home. I have every right to take him back as I see fit. Perhaps you should do the same with your husband, wherever the hell he is,” I snapped.

“I do not appreciate you talking to my daughter that way,” the woman said. When I looked at her, all I saw was my mom. The resemblance was too much.

“Perhaps you should teach your daughter not to hit on someone else’s husband or to speak ill of others in a language they can understand,” I retorted.

“You speak Korean?”

“Yes, quite fluently as a matter of fact. I understand that this was a charity event organized by your son-in-law, but that does not give your daughter the right to take advantage of my husband, nor disrespect me.”

“Minjungah, moosoon eereeyah?” (MinJung, what’s going on?) I looked behind her and saw my grandmother who froze when she saw me. Normally in situations like this, I would at the very least bow my head in respect, but she didn’t deserve it. “Nun ddoh mwoyah!?” (What do you want!?) she shouted at me.

“Umma, eeyujah ahsaeyoh?” (Mom, do you know this girl?)

“Algin mworara. Amohgotddo ahneeyah.” (Know her? I don’t know her. It’s nothing.) I scoffed at her answer.

“Sonnyeottal beolingeo mosjal-aseo, ije ttanim ege geojismalkkajihaeyo?” (Isn’t it bad enough that you abandoned your granddaughter, but now you’re lying to your daughter as well?)

“Sonnyeottal-ilan-i? Umma, geuge museun mal-iya?” (Granddaughter? Mom, what is she talking about?) Was I being petty for outing myself as her granddaughter, sure, but at this point, I didn’t care. I’d rather let everyone know now because it would make that much easier to disown them to their faces after all the horrible things they said to me.

“Halmeoni, geuge museun mal-ieyo?” (Grandma, what does that mean?) Nari asked. My grandmother gave me the evilest look I had ever seen. At this point, our commotion had brought a lot of unwanted attention.

“Why are you saying that you’re her granddaughter?” Minjung asked me.

“Because I am.”

“Geu ib damulji mothae!?” (Shut your mouth!?) my grandmother yelled at me.

“Umma …” Minjung knew then that I was telling the truth just based on my grandmother’s outburst. As if right on cue, my grandfather showed up. “Please, tell me who you are?” she asked me.

“YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!!!” my grandfather screamed at me.

“Why? Are you afraid that if the truth comes out that it will tarnish your reputation? Or are you feeling stupid at the fact that I’m not who you thought I was when I went to find you last year?”

“Last year?” Minjung asked, and I nodded. “Oh my god, it’s you, isn’t it? You’re Suhjung Unnie’s daughter, Allison.”

“Yes, I am.” Without another word, she embraced me in a hug. I froze at the unwelcome affection and had no idea what to do. I looked up at Dorian who was just as shocked as I was.

“Umma?” Nari questioned as she saw her mother hugging me.

“Nari, this is your cousin,” she said as she pulled away.

“MinJungah, don’t be ridiculous!” my grandmother yelled.

“You lied to me,” my aunt confronted her. “You told me that unnie’s daughter died in the car accident with them! You lied! She’s been alive this whole time and you knew!”

“She does not belong to this family!” my grandfather shouted.

“Why!? Because hyungboo (older brother-in-law) was poor!? At least he treated unnie with respect, unlike that trash you were trying to marry her off to at the time!”

“MinJung, you’re making a scene.”

“Who cares!?” she shouted. “My sister died over 20 years ago, and the only thing left of her in this world is standing right there!” my aunt exclaimed, pointing at me. “You said she died, but she’s been alive this whole time, and you let her grow up without a family! What kind of monsters are you!?” At this point, the crowd had grown and now reporters were filming the debacle. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I guess it was too late.

“Emo?” (Auntie?) I said and she turned around to face me. “Geuman haseyo. Da jinagan-il-ieyo.” (Please stop. What’s done is done.)

“Allison …”

“Gomawoyo jeoleul injeong haejusyeoseo; hajiman, jeo geujog mos bad-adeulyeoyo.” (Thank you for accepting me; however, I can’t accept you.)


“I’m sorry, but you’re 23 years too late. I have my own family, and I won’t subject them to those who care more about money and status than they do their own b***d. I wasn’t aware that they lied to you, so I don’t blame you. But you could have looked into the situation on your own. If I had died in the accident, why wasn’t there a burial for me?” When I said that she had a look of shock and realization. “I’m sorry, but what’s done is done, and I’ve moved on.” I turned my heel to walk away when I heard Nari call out to me.

“Allison Unnie!” I turned to face her surprised that she would use that formality with me. “I’m sorry for hitting on your husband. And congratulations on the baby.” She was sincere.

“Thank you, Nari.” As Dorian and I attempted to leave, the paparazzi were taking photos left and right, and I could hear reporters questioning my maternal family members. I never expected it would turn into some family scandal, but karma’s a b***h and I would be damned if I let anyone dictate my life anymore. They made a deliberate choice to abandon me so I made a choice, to tell the truth to my aunt. She deserved to know and so did Nari, my cousin.

After we retrieved our belongings, Sam and Lucas were outside waiting for us. I figured they would have gone home, but I guessed wrong.

“We saw the whole thing. Are you okay, Luna?” Lucas asked me as he helped me with my coat.

“I’m fine, Lucas. I just want to go home.”

“Boss, you good?” Sam asked him.

“Yeah, we’re good,” Dorian replied.

“Mr. Shaw, your vehicle,” the valet guy alerted him. He passed Dorian the keys, and Lucas helped me get in. Dorian got into the driver’s side as Lucas closed my door, and the first thing Dorian did was take my hand into his and k**s the back of it.

“Are you sure you’re alright, baby?”

“I will be. I can’t say the same for the Lee family reputation though,” I replied while looking back at the convention center.

“Well, if you ask me, they had it coming. They could have just left you alone, but they decided to throw an attitude at you. Plus, I know for a fact that they’re kicking themselves right now.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“When your cousin won the bid on me, the first thing your grandparents tried to do was ask for my business. They knew who I was, but they didn’t think I recognized them. I turned down their offer and called their business an abomination.”

“Dorian! You did not!?”

“Oh, I did. And they instantly knew that I knew who they were.”

“Well, I’m sure they are kicking themselves knowing that they missed out on a grandson worth billions,” I pointed out, shaking my head.

“I don’t need them, or their business. All I need in life is you and our kids,” he said to me and took my hand in his again and put my palm to his cheek and kissed it.

“Which is exactly why I turned down my aunt. She accepted me right away, but it’s as I said to her, they’re 23 years too late. I have my family—our family—and our pack.”

“I love you, Allie.”

“I love you, Dorian.” He hit the gas and we headed towards home with Lucas and Sam tailing right behind us.

“So, are you going to tell me who that guy was that you bid on?”

Oh s**t.

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