Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 32

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

I hated lying to Allie, and I had to do my best to keep my thoughts a secret from Sin these days. Her powers tended to be more sensitive whenever she was pregnant, or for lack of a better term, hormonal. But in all honesty, I was f*****g terrified that all the drama and stress that our pack has been enduring or will eventually endure could cause harm to our unborn pup. Even though the moon goddess swore that we would never lose another, I just couldn’t help but worry.

It also didn’t help that Wyatt had a situation on his hands and I knew that Mikey and I would have to go to his pack to help with the situation. It wasn’t a matter of if, but rather a matter of when. These traffickers that were in his area were no joke, and these two new wolves that he’s providing safe haven for being the sole reason behind their presence was a recipe for disaster. Also, the last thing I wanted to do was leave Allie when she’s currently pregnant and vulnerable.

“Dorian?” I looked up from my desk when I heard the voice that made my heart stop every time. “Babe, what’s wrong?” Allie asked as she sat on the edge of my desk in front of me. I just smiled and rested the side of my face on her stomach and listened for our pup moving around. Being almost two months along meant that we would be able to feel the pup moving a little bit. “Dorian, talk to me.”

“Shhh … Just let me listen for him or her really quick.” She didn’t say anything else and we sat in silence for a few minutes. After feeling small ripples of movement of our baby, I sat straight up again and looked into the eyes of my beautiful, yet, tiny wife.

“Dorian, I think I know what’s wrong with you,” she said. I furrowed my brows at her. “You’re scared, aren’t you?” she asked. I blinked once in shock and widened my eyes at her. “I can feel it you know. Dr. Quinn said that it would happen now that our souls are intertwined.”

“She did?” I asked.

“Yup. She said that we would be able to feel each other’s feelings whenever we’re happy, sad, afraid, or even angry. And lately, all I’m getting from you is fear. Not even anger.” I looked at her and didn’t know what to say. “Baby, it’s okay to be afraid. You don’t have to put up a front with me. I’m scared too, but it’s like you said that day Jed first came to you- we can’t let the fear of the unknown dictate our lives. I’m sure the whole Demon King business, Michaela, and now your cousin reaching out really just did it in for you, but you’re not alone. Yes, you’re the Alpha, but you have me, the others, and all of the pack behind you. As of right now, there are no bad apples in this pack, and everyone who is anyone will do whatever it takes to keep our home safe. I need you to be strong, not just for us,” she says as she places one hand on her stomach, and the other on the picture of the twins I had as my desktop background on the computer, “but also for yourself. If you keep hiding the fact that you’re scared, it’s not going to do any good for anyone.”

I let out a deep sigh and nodded my head. Allie was right, and I needed to hear her say those words to me.

“Baby, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I’ve been so caught up in hiding the fact that everything happening has me scared shitless, I forgot to stop and think what my fear would cause everyone else. The truth is, I am scared. With Heather out there being helped by dark magic, and the fact that she showed herself at Lacie’s wedding, Andre’s dad telling us about the potential end of our kind, and personal drama occurring within the pack every other day has really started to take a toll on me,” I finally admitted to her.

“Dorian why didn’t just say something sooner?” she asked while hopping down off the desk and onto my lap instead. I held her close and kissed her shoulder blade.

“Because I didn’t want my fear rubbing off on you while you’re still in the early stages of the pregnancy. It’s not like last time with the twins. We announced this pregnancy and now the whole pack knows. Which means, it’s only a matter of time before our enemies find out. I can’t lose another pup, Allie. I’ll go mad and I’ll stop at nothing to kill anyone that harms you or our children.”

“I know, and that worries me. You avenged Lavender, just like you promised you would. Even though it wasn’t by your hands, Tucker died because of what he did, and Hank is burning in hell for helping him. Selene has promised to keep our family safe, and she will. Don’t lose the good part of yourself to anger and fear, Dorian.”

“I’m trying, Allie. I really am, but sometimes I feel like we can’t catch a break. All I’ve wanted in my life is you, and our kids. Being Alpha comes second to being your husband and a father and I just feel like I’m not meant for either.”

“What the f**k? Dorian, that’s nonsense. You’ve been the perfect husband and you’re an amazing father from what I can see. I didn’t have one, but the way you are with the twins makes my heart melt with pride and love. I hope that had my parents been given the chance to raise me, that they would have loved me the way your love our babies; unconditionally. Our lives are perfect, regardless of the drama, we endure along the way. Rome wasn’t built in a day, Dorian, but I think that once we get over the next few hurdles, we’re going to be okay. I don’t think Selene would have blessed us or Sin for that matter with these beautiful babies if we couldn’t handle ourselves or what’s to come,” she said while running her fingers through my hair as she spoke. “I love you, so much, Dorian. I always have and I always will. Our kids love you just the same, as well as, everyone else. You’re not just the perfect husband or father, babe, but you’re the perfect Alpha for this pack. You always put everyone else’s needs above your own, and that’s what makes you a leader and not just an Alpha.”

“Damn, you just know what to say, don’t you?” I asked while hugging her tightly.

“I learned from the best,” she replied. I looked at her thinking she was going to say she got it from me, but I was wrong. “Your mom.” She laughed the moment she saw my face falter. “We’re going to be fine, Dorian. I know we are. As long as we stick together, we will get through it all,” she said and pulled me into a passionate k**s. I half expected it to end there, but it didn’t. Allie repositioned herself to straddle me, and I felt her project her l**t onto me. I instantly pressed the lock button on my desk and proceeded to make love to her.

{Jedediah’s P.O.V.}

“Holy f**k! What is this guy!?” I shouted at Amos. We finally caught a lead on the serial killer that human authorities were after, and we were hot on his trail. But this guy was fast, and we kept losing him, only to catch his scent in the opposite direction.

“I think he’s a nine-tailed fox,” Amy said as she was running up next to us.

“A what?” I asked as we turned down an alley and lost him again.

“f**k, now where did he go?” Amos asked as we skidded to a stop. “Team two, do you see him?” Amos said into his radio. It was late at night, and there was practically no one, so using our wolf-speed came in handy, but somehow, this guy kept outrunning us.

“No, we don’t,” came a response from Albert.

“What the f**k is a nine-tailed fox?” I asked.

“It’s a rare breed of werefox. When they shift, their tail can turn into a weapon of nine different blades. I think that’s how he’s been killing his victims,” Amy answered.


“I know it’s f*****g crazy, and hard to believe, but it’s the truth. Now that I think about it, the police reports make a lot of sense now. Some of them mention finding fox fur at the crime scenes, and everyone was killed with some kind of knife. All of the blades used to kill the victims were different,” she continued.

“How do we catch him?” I asked with eagerness. “This guy is dangerous. Not just because he’s a killer, but he can expose the supernatural.”

“You’re right, Jed. We need to stop him, but I don’t think it’s going to be the human way anymore. We’re going to have to get a bounty hunter from the pack to help us take him out,” Amos said. “Tracking and catching to turn him in is one thing, but if he is a nine-tailed fox, we have to take him out the supernatural way,” he concluded.

“Amos, who do I call?” Amy asked.

“Call the boss and ask him to send the elite four,” Amos answered.

“The who?” I asked.

“Carter, Poseidon, Fury, and Warlord.”

“Never met them,” I replied.

“You will soon enough. They’re technically retired, but they still work for the pack and the boss’ company like we all do. But those fuckers can track down and kill a target within a matter of days,” Amos said.

“I just called the boss, and he’s going to get them on a plane tonight, but he needs definitive location,” Amy said holding the satellite phone.

“We’re in Berlin now, so let’s start out and work our way in. If he thinks he’s lost us, then he won’t go very far,” Amos answered. I heard Amy relay the message to Dorian and then hang up.

“So, Jed, enjoying your first assignment?” Amos asked.

“Sure am, but f**k, I miss Vivienne,” I replied.

“Jobs don’t normally take this long. We’ve never dealt with a werefox before, so this is new for us too. My wife is pissed off right now because I’ve never been gone for more than a week. It’s been ten f*****g days already.”

“Hopefully, Carter and the others can get this guy. I want to go home already,” Amy grunted. “Tracking shouldn’t be this hard. f*****g werefox.”

I was glad to know we were on the same page when it came to wanting to go home. I eventually got an email out to Vivienne telling her that since I’m in Europe, that I would fly to her when the job was done. Almost as if she had been waiting to hear from me, she replied instantly and said she is patiently waiting at her parent’s coven for me.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

This week went by slow as a snail, and the issue with the werefox that Amos’s team was tracking was taking longer than expected. Just like a real fox, werefoxes were cunning and knew how to maneuver around trackers and hunters. With Carter and the others going after him, I hoped that they would get him. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

It was the weekend of the charity event, and Allie was in the bathroom getting ready with Sin and Leah. Though they weren’t going, Allie was too tired to do her make-up and hair due to the pregnancy.

“OW!” I heard Allie shout. “b***h, don’t burn me with the curling iron!”

“Hold still, Allie!” Leah shouted. “Unless you want me to poke you in the eye with the mascara!” I shook my head and smirked at them. Nothing ever changes with those three no matter what.


“Girl, I wouldn’t burn you if you didn’t squirm so much,” Sin said to her.

“Oh for the love of the moon goddess, give me that!” Allie shouted. I walked into the bathroom just as she snatched the curling iron from Sin.

“Everything okay in here ladies?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh, everything is just peachy,” Sin retorted while putting her hands on her h**s.

“Dorian, your wife can be so snappy when she’s hormonal,” Leah said putting whatever was in her hands down.

“You bitches love me either way,” Allie replied as she finished the front of her hair.

“Allie, stop using your hormones as an excuse to be snappy at people,” I tell her sternly. She just glares at me and goes back to doing the finishing touches to her hair and make-up with the girls’ help. “Baby, we’re going to be late,” I say to her.

“I’m done. Just got to get dressed and put on the shoes,” she replied and got up. She went into the closet with Sin and Leah behind her and I watched as she put on the dress she bought.

“Damn, that dress looks amazing on you,” Leah said as she pulled out the shoes from the box. “And these shoes! Can I borrow these?”

“Sure, but not right now,” Allie replied as she adjusted the dress to lay correctly on her body.

“Uhh … Allie, is it just me, or does your baby bump look bigger than when you first tried this on last week?” Sin asked her.

“Yeah, it fits a little tighter,” Allie said.

“You look beautiful, baby,” I tell her from the door.

“Alright, you’re all set,” Leah said to her.

“Thanks for your help, you guys. I swear, I think this baby is taking more out of me than the twins or Lavender did.”

“What do you think you’re having?” Leah asked her while handing Allie her clutch.

“Honestly, just based on what I felt while pregnant with Lavender, I think I’m having a boy. Lavender didn’t drain me this much.”

“You think it’s a boy?” I asked her and she nodded I smirked at the thought of another boy. More protection for Daisy. “Alright, we have to go now, ladies. We’re going to be late if we don’t leave right this minute,” I tell them.

“Dorian, it starts at 7:30, and it’s barely six. We’ll be fine,” Allie replied coming up to me and straightening my shirt collar. “You look dashing,” she said to me. I leaned down for a chaste k**s.

“Have fun you guys,” Sin and Leah said. We waved our goodbyes and went down to the garage. When we got to the car, I opened the door for Allie and made sure her dress didn’t get caught before closing the door. I went around to the driver’s side and got in myself.

“Hey, I haven’t’ seen Sam or Lucas today,” she said to me as she put on her seatbelt.

“They’re moonlighting for some extra cash.”

“Eh? But they make seven figures a year, why would they need extra cash?”

“No clue, but I authorized it.” Allie just shrugged and placed a hand on my leg. I pulled out of the garage and drove us to the Convention Center where the event was being held. When we go there, I made sure to use the valet. The valet guy opened the door for Allie before I got around to her side. I tossed him the keys and took Allie’s hand to help her out.

“Mr. Shaw!” I turned around and saw the paparazzi.

“What the?” Allie said when she saw all of the cameras. “Dorian, what kind of charity event has paparazzi?”

“The kind where famous and rich people show up to,” I replied. “Smile for the cameras, baby.”

“Ugh,” she grunted, and she immediately put on a smile while locking arms with me.

“Mrs. Shaw, it looks your expecting, how far along are you?!” a reporter asked. Allie paused a minute because she had to think on her feet.

“I’m about halfway there,” she said keeping the actual month count to herself. It would be kind of hard to explain a werewolf pregnancy.

“Any idea what you’re having!?”

“We’re going to wait,” I answered and pulled Allie away from the sea of reporters and paparazzi. When we got to the door, Allie and I both stopped in our tracks.

“LUCAS!? SAM!?” Allie exclaimed.


“Boss?!” Sam and Lucas exclaimed in unison.

“This is where you two are moonlighting?” I asked them.

“Yeah, we found out last night,” Lucas replied.

“Love the dress,” Sam said to Allie. Allie just smiled.

“Damn, why am I not surprised that you guys are here,” Lucas said.

“I know. 25k a plate. Of course, whoever is in charge would invite Dorian Shaw,” Sam retorted.

“Have fun moonlighting you guys,” Allie replied and waved at them as we went inside.

“Name please?” the hostess asked us.

“Dorian and Allison Shaw,” I replied. I watched as they flipped to the last page of the list they had.

“Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, please enjoy your evening,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“You can leave your coats and suit jacket with the receptionist to the left.” I nodded and we headed over to drop off things.

“Wow, this is quite a turnout,” Allie said as she looked around at the crowd. As her eyes wandered, she suddenly froze.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked her when I saw her eyes squint.

“Oh … my … God …” when I saw her eyesight fixated in a specific direction, I followed her gaze and saw what caught her attention.

“Allie, aren’t those…”

“My maternal grandparents.”

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