Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 16

{Lacie’s P.O.V.}

I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the dance floor, and Aries was on his knees getting under my dress. I hated the garter belt thing and didn’t want to do it, but it was the one thing Aries asked of me for the reception, so I agreed. He was slowly going further up my dress, to get to the garter belt on my thigh. He, of course, used the opportunity to suck on my inner thigh and a bit. I smacked the top of his from the top of my dress, making him chuckle. I felt him grab the belt with his teeth and drag it down my leg.

Aries seemed to be excited to do this, so I couldn’t help but laugh at him. All of the single guys were gathered around waiting to catch it. Even some of the non-single guys were waiting as well.

“Alright, who is going to be next!?” Aries shouted and slingshot the belt into the crowd of guys. A few seconds went by, and the guys started to disburse and sure enough, it landed on top of Jedediah’s head making everyone laugh. He picked it off the top of his head, and he just stared blankly not knowing what to do. After a minute, he put the garter belt on his bicep and flexed his muscles and a lot of the single girls, both human and werewolf alike were eyeing him like he was prey. Vivienne was having a hard time controlling her anger and possessiveness. Even though they were mates, they were both unmarked and still haven’t mated yet. Which was very surprising.

“Alright, alright, alright, all you single ladies out there, get ready for the bouquet toss,” the MC said. I stood up from the chair, and Dorian cleared it from the dance floor. Cianna handed me a duplicate of my bouquet. I had two made because I actually wanted to keep mine. There were definitely a lot more single girls than there were single guys. I took a quick peek behind me and I was surprised to see Dani, Cianna, and Eileen. They weren’t even single, but I guess this was their way of saying they want to get married.

“Ready girls!?” I asked.

“YES!” they all shouted.

“One…Two…Three!” I counted and tossed the bouquet into the air and as far back and high as I could. I heard screaming, squealing, and a few of them shouting “mine” and “I got it!” Then I heard a bunch of moaning and groaning. I turned around and was surprised to see that it actually landed in Vivienne’s lap behind the group. She immediately blushed and I watched as she and Jed made eye contact with each other. I looked at Allie and the others and all of their mouths were wide open. Could this have been any more perfect?

“Alright, now that we got that out of the way, it’s time to cut the wedding cake!” the MC announced. Whoever this guy was, he was doing a bang-up job. Aries and I walked over to the thirteen tier wedding cake I ordered.

“Precious, this cake is ginormous,”

“I know, isn’t it great!” I squealed. “Oh, and don’t forget, we need to keep the top tier of the cake frozen until our first anniversary,”

“What? Precious, you don’t really believe in that superstition do you?”

“After all the s**t that you and I have been through in the last year and a half, I actually do,” I tell him.

“Okay, I’ll make sure Allie or one of the others gets it boxed up and have someone take it home for us,” I smiled and kissed his cheek. We grabbed one plate, the cake cutter, and cut a small slice of the cake. The photographer made sure to get all the pictures. We each fed each other a bite, and when we were done, I smashed the remainder of the cake into his face


“HAHAHAHA!!!” I was rolling over laughing. I had always promised myself that I would do that when I got married. What I didn’t expect was for Aries to grab my face and k**s me smearing the cake all over my face at the same time. I’m sure most brides would have been pissed, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got a taste of Aries with my wedding cake, and those two flavors mixed definitely made a small pool form between my legs.

“Precious, I can smell your juices flowing,”

“Aries wait until the honeymoon,” I tell him and push him away. Cianna comes with facial tissues for us, and she helps me remove the cake from my face. Luckily, my makeup isn’t completely ruined, and she’s able to touch me up really quick for photos. By the time photos were done, my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.

The rest of the night was spent dancing, partying, and drinking. Although this was definitely a day to remember, I couldn’t help but wonder about the strange couple that Allie had asked me about. Who were they?

{Vivienne’s P.O.V.}

After catching the bouquet, well, more like it landing on my lap, I couldn’t help but look at J.D. Neither one of us even tried to catch the belt or the bouquet. J.D. only stood with the single men because he was forced by the other guys. I didn’t even bother since I was not technically single, but the fact that it landed right on my lap really confused me. I know what it means but could that really be a possibility for J.D. and me. I mean, we just met. I obviously knew I loved him, but this was too much too soon.

After all of the normal wedding stuff was over with, J.D. and I decided to take a walk around the venue. The location of the wedding was very beautiful, the lights that decorated the area was very beautiful and romantic.

“Mon Coeur, is everything alright?” J.D. asked me.


“This has to do with you catching the bouquet doesn’t it?” I just nodded my head. “Hey, look at me,” he stops me and gently grabs my shoulders. “I don’t want you to think too much about it. There’s no superstition when it comes to catching that thing, or the garter belt in my case. I already promised you that we’re going to be together, but there’s no rush into doing anything,”

“J.D, could you see yourself marrying me?”

“Honestly, yes, I can,”

“Quoi? You can?” I looked at him in shock. “But, we just met,”

“So, things work differently in our world, you know that,”

“Do you love me J.D.?”

“Of course I do,”

“I mean, do you really? It doesn’t just have to do with the mate bond?”

“Vivienne, you know as well as I do that the bond is I only there to guide us to the one the goddess wants us to be with. What happens after that is solely up to us. I wouldn’t be living with you and be asking you to leave your family if I didn’t love you,”

“Then why won’t you make love to me?”

“Mon Coeur, we talked about this,” he said and hugged me tightly. “I want it to be special. I want it to be a night to remember and not done on a whim just because we found each other. That wouldn’t be fair to you. And believe me, when I tell you, I’m trying really hard to control my urges. Because baby, that dress you’re wearing is making my d**k hard,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a light k**s.

“J.D., I noticed that our home is quite empty right now, how long has it been since you moved in?”

“Only a couple of weeks actually,”

“Where did you live before?”

“Colorado,” I turned my head to the side in confusion. “I think it’s time we talked,” I nodded my head and he took my hand in his. As circled the venue J.D. went into great detail about where he originally came from. He talked to me about his parents and how they both died in a rogue attack when he was fifteen, and how the Alpha of his original pack raised him as is his own. He also told me that he had a mate before me and how she broke his heart. I could not help but hug him when I saw how sad his face became talking about her.

I did not even know who this b***h was, but I wanted to kill her for hurting J.D. How can someone shame the bond that way just because he was a lower level Omega? I was furious at this woman, but it is how Americans say, one man’s trash, is another man’s treasure, or in this case, a woman. She threw away J.D. like trash, and now he is my treasure, and I will treasure him the way that he deserves.

“I know my talking about my previous mate may anger you, or make you jealous mon Coeur, but I need you to know that she is my past, and you, my beautiful barbie hybrid are my present and my future,” he said to me and brushed my hair with his fingertips.

“I am angry, but not at you mon loup, I am angry at her. For how she treated you when all you did was love her. But I am also happy that she rejected you. Her rejection brought us together, and I am grateful for that,” I replied and hugged his waist. After a few minutes together, we finally decided to go back inside to enjoy the rest of the reception. Now that the sun has fully set, my father was able to walk around freely and I could see him and my mother dancing together from outside.

As we were turning the corner to where the door was, both J.D. and I stopped when we heard sounds coming from the other side,

“Mmm…Baby, we’re going to get caught,”


“Ah, yes, f**k me,” J.D. and I looked at each other and stood there frozen. J.D. put his finger to his lips telling me to stay quiet. We slowly turned the corner and then,

“BOO!” J.D. shouted.


“What the f**k Jed!?”

“Dorian! Are you and Allie seriously having dirty wedding s*x outside!?”

“She’s my wife, of course, we’re having dirty wedding s*x outside,”

“Allie, how are you not ashamed of this?” I asked her.

“Why would I be ashamed? He’s my husband, and we like to have s*x in public, we do it all the time,”

“You are my hero!” I exclaim and smile at her.

“Aw, thanks, but if you two don’t mind, I would like to have another o****m before going back inside,” she said and grabbed Dorian’s face. They continued while we were still standing there.

“Come on, let’s go back inside,” J.D. said to me and dragged me back in. I made eye contact with Allie and she winked at me. I immediately blushed at the fact she was so open to having s*x in front of us that way.

When we made it back through the door, the image I saw in front of me made me want to gauge my eyes out.

“Oh mon Dieu! Alexandre!!” (Oh my God! Alexandre!!) I just saw my brother’s bare a*s while he and Dani were in a small area hidden by a bookshelf. “J’aurai des cauchemars pour le reste de ma vie!” (I will have nightmares for the rest of my life!)

“Damn, what is up with everyone having dirty wedding s*x in public like this?” J.D said and pulled me away.

“How I am ever going to unsee that!?” I exclaimed while trying to get that image out of my head. J.D. just laughed at me and pulled me into a hug while kissing my forehead.

“You’re too damn innocent, what am I going to do with you?”

“I am not innocent. I just do not want to see my brother’s bare a*s, let alone see him having intercourse,” I shake my head trying to rid myself of the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.

“Vivienne, qu’est-ce qui ne va pas?” (Vivienne, what is wrong?) my mother asked while she and my father came up to us holding Monique.

“Je viens de voir Alexandre avoir des relations sexuelles!!” (I just saw Alexandre having s*x!!) They both started to laugh, and I just rolled my eyes. Of course, my parents would think that it was funny. I do not know how many times I have walked in on them having s*x. “I have been scarred for life!” I shout making J.D. laugh along with them. My parents ended up leaving with the other parents and the other pups. Now it was just the adults and some wedding guests.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

After Dorian and I finished having dirty wedding s*x, we went back inside to hang out with everyone. All of the guys were drinking and being rowdy, and all of the girls were hanging out. All of our parents left to go back to the packhouse and took our kids with them. There were still a few guests left, and all of the wolves from our pack, Lacie’s old pack, and of course Yellow Moon. We were saddened by the fact that Amber and Ronnie couldn’t make it, but they promised to make it up to Lacie once they were finished rebuilding Snell Island.

“I’m going to hang out with the girls,” I tell Dorian and give him a quick k**s. Dorian slaps my a*s before walking away to join the guys.

“Someone is doing the walk of shame,” Sin said to me while taking a sip of wine.

“Seriously, Allie, first my wedding, now Lacie’s?” Leah says.

“What? Dirty wedding s*x is fun, you guys should try it,” I tell them and sit down. “I know Dani is,”

“Oh, I was wondering where she and Andre went off too,” Leah said.

“Can we please not talk about my brother having s*x?” Vivienne asked while covering her ears. We all started to laugh.

“Damn, I just realized she can’t join our club!” I just shouted.

“Awwww, you’re right!” Sam said.

“What club?” Vivienne asked. We all looked at her and then at each other and we just smiled.

“You see…”


“OH MON DIEU!!!!” she screamed and covered her ears again making all of us laugh our heads off. “Non, I do not want to be part of your club! I cannot believe that you all do that! I cannot believe that my brother does that!!”

“We don’t do it all the time, only when us girls are feeling a little more, frisky than normal,” Sin says to her.

“Don’t worry, not all of us are into stuff like that,” Maxine says to her. “I’m Maxine by the way,”


“Damn, that accent is sexy. Too bad I’m married with two kids, I’d so do you,” she says to Vivienne.

“Excusez-Moi?” Vivienne looked at Maxine in shock and she blushed really hard.

“Vivienne, are you a virgin?” I asked her and she nodded her head. “Oh, no wonder you’re so innocent,”

“Hold the f*****g phone, you and Jed haven’t mated yet?” Sin asked her and she shook her head. “Why the f**k not?”

“J.D. wants my first time to be special and romantic. He does not want to treat me like any other girl he has had s****l relations with,” all of us couldn’t help but swoon over what she just said.

“Be happy about that,” Sam tells her.

“Sam’s right, I was a virgin when I met Brandon, and Lacie was a virgin when she met Aries,” Leah said to her. “Brandon and I had to wait because of extenuating circumstances, but honestly, I think we would have waited for the right moment to have s*x either way because Brandon was also a virgin. Our first time was so amazing and magical. It was even better because it was the night that he and I marked each other, and it resulted in our son, Sawyer,”

“Leah’s right, I honestly wish I would have waited a little bit, but I was so excited to have finally found Aries, that I just wanted him. I fell in love almost instantly, and we marked each other that same day too. But what I can tell you is that waiting to do all of your firsts with your mate is the most magical thing there is. I had my first o****m with Aries when he went down on me, and it was the best thing ever,”

“Dorian and I waited too, but my situation was very different compared to everyone else’s,”

“What do you mean?” Vivienne asked.

“You see, I was raped when was 18, and for four years, I was afraid of men, and intimacy. When I found Dorian, my life and Sin’s life went in a downwards spiral, and it took me a few months to recover. But, I also experienced my first real o****m with Dorian, and he was the first and only man I was ever intimate with after my ordeal. Even though I wasn’t a virgin technically, I still consider Dorian my first, with everything,” Vivienne didn’t say anything, but smiled at all of us.

“Max, honey, are you ready to go?” Stuart asked coming up to us.

“Aww, do we have to? I’m having so much fun,”

“Sorry sweetheart, but we need to relieve the babysitter before it gets too late,”

“Okay. I’m sorry girls, but I got to go,” we said voiced our disappointment, and said our goodbyes. I decided to walk them out to their car.

“Hey, you guys drive safe,” I say to them and hug them both.

“Allie, are you going to tell Dorian?” Maxine asked.

“Tell him what?” she put her hands on my stomach. “How did you…”

“I’m a witch, I can sense these things,” she said to me and smiled. “Do you need me to conceal this one too?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll let you know,”

“Alright, I’m here for you if you need anything. And you know Claudia can do it too,”

“I know,” I reply and hug her once more. “Love you, Max,”

“Love you too Allie girl,” They get in their car and drive away. I wave at them as they leave. Once I see them get on the road I headed back inside. When I got back to the group, the guys were shooting back shots, while the girls were still just gossiping. I was surprised to see Dani had finally joined.

“So, apparently you and Andre scarred Vivienne for life,” I say to her as I sit back down.

“It’s not my fault Andre wanted to have s*x out in the open that way!” Dani exclaimed. “I’m so sorry you had to see that Vivienne,”

“S’il vous plaît, n’en parlez pas,” (Please don’t talk about it) she replied making me and Dani laugh.

“What did she say?” Leah asked.

“She said she doesn’t want to talk about it,” I translate making the other laugh too. We ended up just sitting around after that watching the guys try to get Aries plastered.

“Oh god, what are they are trying to do to him? The man doesn’t drink!” Lacie asked concerned.

“The same thing they did to Dorian and Brandon,” I replied.

“Hey, Allie,”

“What’s up, Lacie?”

“Who was that couple you were asking me about?” I gulped when she asked me that. I was hoping she wouldn’t bring it up until she and Aries had left for their honeymoon. Wishful thinking on my part. “Allie?”

“I don’t want to tell you, it’s going to ruin your happy day,” I answer.

“My happy day ended three minutes ago,” she said. I looked at the clock, and sure enough, it was 12:03 A.M. I look back at her, and everyone is staring at me for an answer.

“I’m not 100% positive, but I think…” I pause a moment and take a deep breath. “I think that the woman was Heather,”

“WHAT!?!?!” all of the girls scream, making Vivienne jump and all the guys stop what they’re doing.

“Allie, what did you just say!?” Lacie shouted standing up.

“When I was talking to them, the man gave me in the willies, and the girl, well, something about her was familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. When I asked you if you knew them and you said no, I followed them out to the parking lot, but by the time I turned the corner after them, they were gone. They completely vanished into thin air. Maxine came to get me for the garter belt and bouquet toss, but the moment she came up next to me, she felt a dark force around us, and said that it was the same dark energy that she and Claudia felt down in the cellar when…”

“When my sister escaped,” Lacie finished and I just nodded. “But that girl didn’t look anything like Heather,”

“She could have been disguised by magic,” I reply. Lacie plops down back to her seat.

“Why did she even come? How did she even know?” Lacie asked no one in particular.

“Whoever the guy was is probably the one who is helping her stay hidden. Maybe they’re spying on us,” I tell her.

“Hey, didn’t you say someone was trying to f**k up your wedding?” Sam asked and Lacie nodded.

“Someone tried to ruin your wedding!?” Cianna shouted. “Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“Because we got it fixed, so there no reason to worry you. You would have raised all hell on every vendor there was if I told you,”


“Cianna, calm down,” I tell her, and she crosses her arms and glares at Lacie. Those two so reminded me of Sin and me.

“Sam, do you think my sister was trying to sabotage my wedding?”

“It makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, here you are, happy as can be with a baby girl, and a wedding to plan, and she’s on the run and hiding out because she knows if we catch her again, Allie is going to kill her,”

“I am sorry, but who is this Heather that everyone is speaking about?” Vivienne asked.

“Talk to your brother, he’ll tell you,” I answer her and she just nods.

“If she wanted to ruin my wedding, why show up?”

“Knowing her, she probably did it because she’s pissed off she couldn’t ruin it,” Evelyn said. “I mean, she’s spiteful and jealous. Some of you guys saw how she reacted when Deacon and I announced our girls. If it’s something that she should be having for herself because she’s in hiding, of course, she’s going to be spiteful,”

“Something about her was off too,” I say.

“What do you mean?” Sin asks.

“Her soul, it’s not the same,” they all just looked at me funny, but before I could continue, all of the guys came up to us.

“Baby, what’s going on, you guys look serious over here,” Dorian said coming up behind me.

“Precious, are you okay?” Aries asked a little slurry, but still cognizant.

“My sister was at the ceremony,” Lacie answered immediately making the guys freeze. Deacon immediately looked at me and I just nodded my head confirming what Lacie said.

“You guys, she’s human now,” I tell them, and everyone looks at me.

“Allie, what do you mean she’s human?” Lacie asked.

“I mean, she’s no longer a werewolf. I think that’s why her essence was different. She doesn’t have a wolf anymore. I couldn’t sense Delilah,”

“How is that possible?” Leah asked. “I thought as werewolves we needed our wolf counterpart to survive,” I looked at Dorian who seemed to be deep in thought.

“Dorian?” he didn’t say anything.

“Boss, do you know something?” Lucas asked.

“I’m not sure, I need to talk to an Elder about this,” he replied and looked around at all of us. “But not right now. This is still Lacie’s and Aries’ wedding night. We’re not going to worry about Heather or any of our other enemies right now. The fact that she showed herself but didn’t do anything means that she knows they’re no match for us, at least not right now. Let’s table this until I can find more answers, but we’re going to celebrate our friends tonight, and we’re going to send them off for their honeymoon. Deacon?”

“Dorian’s right, we’re here to celebrate so that’s what we’re going to do,” After a brief moment of uncomfortable silence, Lucian broke it,

“SHOTS!!!” he shouted and went back to the table where the guys were drinking. Cianna just shook her head. “COME ON GIRLS!!! SHOTS!!!” Lucian shouts at us and I look back at Cianna who just rolls her eyes.

“I think Lucian is going to be one plastered drunk tonight, and not Aries,” she said and signed in annoyance at him.

“I don’t know, it’s as Lacie said, Aries doesn’t drink normally, so who knows what his tolerance level is like,” Sam says. We all get up and head over to the guys. I do my best to avoid drinking any alcohol, but I do sip some human wine so no one asks any questions. We ended up spending a few more hours at the venue, and the guys all finished the alcohol we had ordered.

Thankfully, Aries had spared no expense on the venue and the vendors. They had a contract where all the vendors would come back in the morning to clean up and gather everything. We also made sure that any leftover food and the wedding cake was sent back to the packhouse for the pack members to enjoy. Cianna had already made sure that the top tier of the cake was boxed and sent with Eleanor to be placed safely in the large basement freezer for safekeeping.

After we made sure to leave the notice for the venue and the vendors, we all left to go to the Vdara hotel where we all got rooms to spend the night. We all planned a big outing on the strip for Sunday, and Aries and Lacie were leaving for the honeymoon Monday morning.

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