Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 14

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M PREGNANT!?!” I screamed at the OBGYN.

“The b***d works shows a high increase in your hCG levels, Ms. Hamilton,”

“But, I’ve been so careful, I’ve been taking the pill!”

“Ms. Hamilton, the pill isn’t always one hundred percent effective, and it is still very possible to get pregnant,”

“f**k that! I don’t want a baby! Get rid of it!”

“I’m sorry?”

“I WANT A f*****g ABORTION!”

“Okay, if that’s what you really want, I can schedule you for the abortion next week,”

“No! I want it now! Right, this instant!”

“Ms. Hamilton…”

“Get me into the f*****g operating room right now, or I’m going to force a miscarriage! It’s up to you!” she sighed and looked over her calendar.

“I can squeeze you in at four o’clock,”

“Fine,” I say and get up. “I’ll be back at four,” I grab my bag and leave the office. I knew something was off when I started to crave jello and pudding. Two things I hated the most. The fact that I was pregnant made me want to vomit. Almost nine months and I was successfully avoiding being impregnated by Gideon, but somehow one of his little spawns of Satan managed to get through.

I decided to avoid going home for now and went to a local café to get some coffee. I figured getting some caffeine in my system would speed up killing this thing inside of me. The last thing I wanted in life was to be the mother of one of Gideon’s children. The thought of carrying his demon offspring in my beautiful body made me shiver in disgust. The only baby I wanted to carry in my womb was Deacon’s, but at the rate, my life was going, I’m going to scratch that hope, and just kill him along with his pink-haired w***e when I’m done using Gideon.

After downing three cups of highly caffeinated espressos, I went to the gym to get a workout in. I figured overworking my body wasn’t good for the fetus. I ran for a few miles as fast as I could, then lifted some weights, and joined a hit cardio class. Now that my wolf was dormant, or dead at this point, I found that I had to start working out if I wanted to keep in shape. Stupid b***h Delilah was never good for anything.

After working out for a couple of hours, I went into the sauna in the locker room because I knew it wasn’t good for me either, so I decided to stay in there until my appointment. I wanted to die from how hot it was, but anything to get rid of this abomination inside of me. I also figured that I should find a permanent solution to this and there was only one way.

When I got back to the clinic, it was empty except for two nurses and the doctor.

“Ms. Hamilton, right on schedule,” the doctor said and brought me back. She put me in the same room I was in earlier. “I have to ask, are you sure you want to go through with this?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,”

“Very well,” she said and handed me a clipboard. “Please fill out all of the paperwork, sign, and date it,”

“Oh, and doc, while we’re getting rid of this thing, do me a favor and give me a hysterectomy as well,”

“I’m sorry?”

“You heard me,”

“Ms. Hamilton, you’re only 23, why would you want to give up having a child in the future?”

“Because I don’t want kids, ever. I hate kids. The crying, the screaming, the pissing, shitting, stretch marks, and loss of sleep, no thank you,”


“Look, it’s my body and my life. Don’t sit there and try to guilt-trip me by saying that so many women out there want kids but can’t and all that psycho-babble bullshit. I don’t give a f**k about anyone else and their first world problems. I don’t want a f*****g baby, and that’s my final decision. I’m not paying you to Doctor Phil my a*s. Get this f*****g vermin out of my womb and take my reproductive organs with it!” She let out a deep sigh and just nodded her head. She handed me another stack of papers for the hysterectomy. I filled it out, all in record time and she got me into the operating room. Had I still had my werewolf capabilities, I would have just clawed this damn thing out of me and healed in a matter of days, but no, I had to do it the f*****g human way because of Delilah abandoning me.

Hopefully, in a few hours, I would wake up, and this thing would be gone, and I would never have to worry about getting pregnant again. Thankfully Gideon was out of town until the day after tomorrow for business and I sent the Seer away until I needed her. I figured that I would be able to hide the surgery. The doctor put the mask on my face for the anesthesia and told me to count backward from one hundred. I got to ninety before blacking out.

{Gideon’s P.O.V.}

Two days later



“Gideon, you have a guest,”

“Who is it?”

“It’s Harry,”

“Let him in,”

“Gideon, it’s good to see you,”

“I can’t say it’s good to see you, Harry. It’s late, and I want to get home, what do you need?”

“Gideon, I’m hurt. What makes you think I need something? Can’t a warlock visit the King of Demons?”

“If it was any other warlock then yes, but you only visit when you want something,”

“Fine, but before we get down to business, how about a drink?” I glare at him and walk over to my wet bar and pour a glass of scotch and hand it to him. He swirls it in the glass for a minute and then takes a sip.

“What do you want Harry?”

“Your help,” he says putting his glass down and giving me a smug look

“With what?”

“Taking down a werewolf pack,”

“Why do you want to waste your time taking down a werewolf pack?” I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. It wasn’t in a warlock’s nature to meddle in the shifter world.

“If you must know, my ex-fiancé Daniella is currently residing within this pack, and they refuse to give her to me,”

“Daniella? The vampire hybrid that left you because you couldn’t keep it in your pants?”

“The one and the same,”

“Why would she be hiding out in a werewolf pack?”

“f**k if I know. All I know is that I want her back, and those mutts are in my way,”

“And which pack is it?”

“The Desert Moon pack,”

“What did you say?”

“I said it’s the Desert Moon pack in Las Vegas,”

“Get out Harry,”



“You’re not going to help me!?”

“I can’t be associated with someone trying to start a war with a pack such as Desert Moon! You’re on your own!”

“What’s this? Gideon, the King of Demons is afraid of a measly werewolf pack?”

“I’d watch who you’re talking to Harry. Just because you’re a powerful warlock doesn’t mean you have enough power to challenge me! I AM THE KING OF THE UNDERWORLD!”

“Which is why I came to you for your assistance, but instead of helping me, you’re turning me away, why is that!?”

“It’s none of your concern. I’m not going to help you start a war with the most powerful pack in the state!”

“What are you talking about?” I looked at Harry. He was stupid as he was ugly.

“You have no idea who you’re messing with, Harry. If you start a war with the Desert Moon pack, you’re going to end up dead,”

“They’re nothing but werewolves!!”

“WRONG! They’re powerful werewolves who have been blessed by their goddess! All of their enemies have seen their demise! If you want to join them, be my guest. Now get out! I have a business to run,” Harry fixed his jacket and left my office. Stupid warlock. He’s going to end up dead before he even steps foot onto their territory. The only reason why I made it out alive was that I could shimmer, and Heather’s cell was unsupervised. Even I’m not stupid enough to start a war with Dorian Shaw. Not even after what they did to Heather. Not only are they blessed by Selene, but they are tied to some of the most powerful witches. I could never risk showing myself before everything was in place.

The only way to stop that pack is to wait until Heather is my queen, and I can only fully make her queen when she has conceived my heir. Only then will our dark magic be powerful enough to stop a pack personally blessed by Selene.

“Do you honestly think that you are a match for my children?” I turned to see Selene standing in my office.

“Selene, what are you doing here!?”

“I am here because the other higher powers and I have heard of your plans to overtake the supernatural world. We had an agreement Gideon, you get create your queen, you go back to the underworld and stay there,”

“I also agreed that would only happen once Heather conceives an heir,”

“Then I am afraid you are too late,”

“What are you talking about?”

“Perhaps you should have a word with your Seer when you get home,” I looked at her in confusion. “Gideon you would be wise to keep your end of the bargain. If you or Heather attack my children, the other higher powers and I will not hesitate to turn her over Dorian, and he will not hesitate to kill her this time, and take you along with her,”

“You’re bluffing, Heather is a werewolf, she’s also your child,”

“Wrong again, she is no longer my child because her wolf is dead. The moment she marked you, she killed Delilah who was in hibernation,”

“Are saying that Heather is human!?”

“That is exactly what I am saying. Heather WAS an impure wolf when you found her, and she would have stayed that way had she not marked you. Her greed and her selfishness are what will lead you to your demise. I suggest you take her as your queen, even if it is by force, and GO BACK TO THE UNDERWORLD!” With her final word, she disappeared in a flash of light and white smoke. What did she mean that I’m too late?

Selene has never been one to bluff, and she doesn’t lie either. She may speak in riddles or is cryptic beyond belief, but she never lies or hides the truth. I needed to get home and get to bottom of this. I grab my jacket, and leave my office,

“Anaya, I will be out of the office for the rest of the week, hold all of my calls, and reschedule any meetings I may have,”

“Yes, Gideon,”

“Go home, it’s late,”

“I’ll leave when you’re gone, sir,”

I knew that the Seer wasn’t at the house, so I shimmered to her chambers in the underworld, where I was met with the most disgusting sight.


“My king!” the demon she was with panicked and stood up from the chair and dropped the Seer to the ground.

“GET OUT!” he grabbed his clothing and shimmered out.

“Really!? You interrupted my playtime with my latest toy because I need to watch the queen sleep?” she said getting up and putting her clothes back on.

“Selene paid me a visit today,”

“She what? Why would the moon goddess visit you?”

“One to keep me in check about the deal, two, she had something interesting to say about Heather,”

“And what might that be?”

“Why don’t you tell me, Seer. You’re the one who is supposed to be watching her every move, and you’re the one who is supposed to have the visions of the future of the demonic underworld,”

“What are you talking about? I haven’t seen anything,”

“Really? Then why does Selene tell me that it’s too late for Heather to conceive an heir!?”

“What?” She immediately taps into her powers and her eyes cloud over completely. I watch as her eyes dart in all directions. A few minutes later, her eyes are back to normal, but she looks terrified.

“” I grit my teeth.

“Gideon, I…I’m so sorry,”


“The Queen, she…she was with child,”

“What do you mean by WAS!?”

“She learned of pregnancy two days ago, and she…sh-she…Had an abortion,

“WHAT?!?!” I grabbed the Seer by her throat and lifted her in the air.

“Please, Gideon, I’m sorry, I…” I shimmered back to the house with the Seer in my hand, and when I landed in the bedroom, Heather was asleep in the bed. I threw the Seer on the bed right on top of Heather, waking her.

“What the f**k!?” Heather shouted whilst holding her abdomen as if she were in pain.

“WHAT DID YOU DO!?” I shouted at her grabbing her by the arm and pulling her out of the bed.


“Is it true!? Did you have an abortion!?” she looked at me in shock and fear. “You did, didn’t you!? YOU KILLED MY HEIR!!” I threw her against the wall and turned my sight back onto the Seer. “And you! You were too busy f*****g around you missed the vision!”

“My King, please, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I promise to be better, I…” I didn’t wait for any more of her incompetence. I summoned a fireball and threw it at her. “AHH!!!” her screams echoed as she burned to death and disintegrated into ash.

“Oh my god, what did you do!? You killed her!” Heather yelled from the floor.

“And you, you stupid b***h! You killed my child!” I said grabbing her by the shoulders and throwing her across the room.


“DID YOU FORGET WHO I AM!?!” I scream as I stalk over to her and grab her again. “I AM THE KING OF DEMONS!!!” I roar in her face making her tremble in fear. I throw her onto the bed where the ashes of the Seer lay. “WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?! YOU KILLED YOUR CHILD! OUR CHILD!!”

“AND I WOULD DO IT AGAIN IN HEARTBEAT!! I HATE KIDS!! I NEVER WANTED TO HAVE CHILDREN!!!” she screamed at me and held her abdomen again. I grabbed her shirt and ripped it off of her revealing stitches by her belly button.

“What is this? What did you do?”

“I wanted to make sure that I never got pregnant again,”

“You didn’t,”

“I did,” she said and put a pillow on top of herself. “I got a hysterectomy,” I was so consumed by anger at what she said that I turned in to my demon form and started to trash the room with fireballs. I lost control of my rage, and I ended up hitting her in the arm with one. “AH!” I looked to see the burn on her upper arm and shoulder. I stared into her eyes with my demon eyes and I could see the fear in her. She has not yet once seen me like this and her fear of my demonic form was genuine.

“This doesn’t change anything Heather,” I grit my teeth and apply pressure to her fresh burn making her scream in agony. “You will conceive again, and you will carry it to term,”

“I told you I had a hysterectomy! I can’t conceive again!”

“Did you forget that we live in a world where magic is real? Do you honestly think I won’t find a way to re-create your reproductive organs?” her face when I said that was one of horror and disgust. I pushed her away from me and summoned the healer and Aria while turning back into my human form.

“Yes, my king,” the healer bowed and looked around the room seeing the mess. Aria came in a second later, and also gasped at the mess.

“Your queen is injured. Fix her arm and tend to her surgical stitches. Careful with her, she’s apparently human now,” everyone looked at me in shock and then back at Heather who was also in shock. “I also need you to find a way to fix her internal organs back to the way they were when she first came to this house,”


“AND YOU BELONG TO ME HEATHER! YOUR BODY BELONGS TO ME!” For the first time since I found her, Heather had tears in her eyes.

“My king, which organs are you referring to?”

“Her reproductive ones. Your queen was stupid enough to have them surgically removed, after killing your prince or princess of darkness,” they both glared at Heather with hate. Though my demons feared me, they respected me and were also looking forward to having my child in this house. “Heather, you may be the future Queen of demons, but this is still my house, and my demons respect me and worship me. They do as I say, because they know that if they don’t, they’ll be vanquished, just like the Seer was just now,”

“Gideon why are you doing this to me?! You said you loved me!”

“Love? You have some never speaking about love. Where was the love for our baby when you decided to kill him or her? Where was the love when you decided you didn’t want to conceive my child anymore? Do you think I would actually love a heartless human like you, Heather? A spoiled rotten w***e who thinks she can get away with whatever the f**k she wants? I don’t love you, Heather. I never have, and I never will. You are merely my destined Queen who was created to give birth to my heir and rule by my side. I never once said I would love you,” she blinked once, and her unshed tears fell from her eyes. “Aria,”

“My king,”

“Clean up this mess,”

“Yes, sir,”

“Oh and Heather, you are hereby forbidden from ever leaving this house until you conceive again unless accompanied by me,”

“And if I don’t want to have s*x with you?”

“What makes you think you have a choice?”

“Are you saying you’re going to rape me!?”

“Come now Heather, I may be a demon, but I’m not a monster. You will give in to me willingly, that is unless you want to conceive my heir the magical way? Which will be a thousand times worse than my forcing myself on you,” I turned my heel and left. I summoned two guards from the underworld.

“My king, you summoned us?”

“Keep an eye on your queen. She is not to leave this house. If she even tries to, chain her up,”

“Yes, sir,”

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