Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 11

{Andre’s P.O.V.}

“Andre, where are they? You said they’d be here by sundown,” Dani said to me. We were currently waiting at the gate for my family to arrive.

“I do not know, perhaps it is taking longer since Mère and Vivienne are with him,”

“Well, they better hurry, the b***d in this cooler is only going to stay viable for so long,” I was about to answer when I felt their presence. In a puff of blue and pink smoke, my family finally appeared.

“Père! Mère!” I shouted and gave them a huge hug. “Tu es en retard,” (You are late.)

“Je suis désolé Alexandre, ta sœur a scintillé vers la mauvaise ville, alors nous avons dû rentrer et la retrouver,” (I’m sorry Alexandre, your sister shimmered to the wrong city, so we had to go back and find her) my father said. I couldn’t help but laugh at my sister.

“C’est la première fois que je scintille sur un autre continent!” (It is my first time shimmering to another continent!) my sister defended.

“Vivienne, look at you! You have grown so much!” I said to her.

“Bonsoir brother!” she squealed and kissed my cheeks and hugged me. “Dani! It is so good to see you!”

“Bonsoir Viv! I’ve missed you,”

“Please, tell me there is b***d in that chest,” my sister asked.

“You know it,” Dani opened the chest and handed the two bags of b***d to my father and sister. “We made sure to stock the fridge in your father’s townhouse. Since we knew you were coming, we doubled the supply. If you don’t have enough, our pack doctor has a shipment coming in a couple of days,”

“Merci beaucoup, Daniella,” my father said to her and kissed her cheeks.

“Père, this trip was a little hastily planned unlike your normal visits, is everything alright?” I asked him.

“I do not know, Alexandre. There is a rumor spreading amongst the covens, and it appears that the demon King has found his queen,”

“What? Why have I not heard this yet?”

“It is still a rumor, there is no concrete evidence,” I just nodded my head.

“Dani, où est Monique?” (Dani, where is Monique?) my mother asked.

“She is with her nanny. We wanted to greet you first and get you settled in,”

“Andre, what is the time here?” Vivienne asked

“It is currently five in the evening,”

“Why is it so dark?”

“America has something called daylight savings. Between November and March, time is changed to be one hour behind, so it gets darker earlier in the day, but that should change in a couple of weeks,”

“I see,” she said and adjusted her phone and her watch.

“How long do you plan on staying?”

“We have no timetable,” my father replied. That actually made me happy because that meant Monique would have plenty of time to spend with my parents.

“Come on, let’s get you all settled in, and then we can all go have dinner in the packhouse. The others are anxious for your arrival,” Dani said. My father and I grabbed the bags, and we all shimmered to their official townhome in the territory.

“Oh, the house is vampire proof, this is Magnifique!” Vivienne exclaimed.

“Oui, since Père has come before, Dorian has made this house specifically for our family. No one is allowed to live here, and it’s always covered by the shadows of the trees,”

“That’s great for Père, but you know I can survive in sunlight just like you,”

“I know, but Père needs to be able to survive, so Dorian has all of the windows tinted to the darkest he could get, blackout curtains, black and red walls, a fridge full of b***d, and of course, human food for you and Mère,”

“Dorian did not have to do so much,” my father said checking newly tinted windows. “The way it was before worked perfectly fine,”

“Père, Dorian just wants you to be comfortable. He even installed electric blinds in the packhouse if you want to shimmer in during the day,”

“Oh, well that is very kind of him,”

“Where is my room?” my sister asked.

“Come on, I’ll show you,” Dani said and led her upstairs. When they disappeared, my parents got my attention.

“So, have you proposed to her yet?” my mother asked.

“Non, not yet, but I will soon, I have finally received her father’s blessing,”

“You met them?” my father asked.

“Oui, but it was not under good circumstances, Dani and Monique may be in grave danger thanks to Dani’s mother,”

“Danger? Pourquoi? De qui?” (Danger? Why? From whom?) my father asked.

“Her ex-fiancé named Harry. He is a warlock and he found her last week after Dani had an altercation with her mother. Apparently, Dani’s mother was manipulated by him to give up Dani’s location, and now, he is claiming Dani as his wife, and Dianne, Dani’s mother told him that Monique was his child, and not mine, even though Dani had explained that was not the case,”

“Her mother is a vampire, non?”


“I want to meet her,”

“Excusez moi?”

“We want to meet her,” my mother interjected. Her eyes were black with anger and I knew that her wolf was out.

“Speak with Dani, and set up the meeting,” my father said and put his arm around my mother to calm her down. Her eyes turned back to the beautiful shade of blue that I got my eyes from.

“Alright! We’re all set, let’s go to the packhouse!” Dani shouted as she and my sister came back downstairs. We all just nodded and shimmered to the packhouse.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

Everyone was gathering at the dining table getting ready for dinner. We knew that Andre’s family was in town, so we made sure to prepare a good feast for them. Since Andre’s dad didn’t eat real food, we made sure to prepare him a glass of b***d instead of wine. We decided to have the nannies watch the pups, so they didn’t have to witness Andre’s dad drinking b***d out of a wine glass.

“So, do you guys cater to vampires all the time?” Jed asked.

“Only ones we actually like,” I reply. “Andre’s dad is very sweet, and his coven doesn’t attack humans,”

“How do they feed?”

“My understanding is that their coven purchases b***d from b***d banks and hospitals that can’t be used or is about to expire,” Dorian answers.

“B***d has an expiration date?”

“It does for human use, but vampires aren’t too picky apparently,” I answer

“So, where do we get the b***d for our pack hospital from?”

“We donate, or Dr. Quinn places an order from b***d banks as well. She is running a hospital after all,” I tell him, and he looks at me in shock. “What? We’re helping keep our friends and their baby fed, it’s just like us providing the meal plan for you and the other pack members,”

“So, you guys just go down and donate b***d? How often?”

“Every pack member donates of their own free will, not just us. We don’t make anyone donate, but I would have to say about more than half of the pack members do as long they’re old enough. Andre and Dani are the Deltas of our pack, and everyone has accepted them as such, so they’re more than happy to donate b***d every once in a while. Plus, Monique is the future Beta female, and she has to feed occasionally too, so pack members are happy to donate for the future of the pack,” I answered.

“Wait, a pup drinks b***d?”

“She’s fifty percent vampire, so yeah, she needs b***d once a month,”

“Baby,” Dorian gets my attention. “They’re here,” Dorian and I get up and go meet them out front. Even though Andre’s family is always welcome, his dad always insists on formally greeting us whenever he visits. As we made it out front, they appeared in front of us in three different colored smoke. I was surprised to see the pink smoke.

“Adrien, it’s good to see you again,” Dorian says and shakes Andre’s dad’s hand.

“Bonsoir Adrien, comment ça va?” (Good evening Adrien, how are you?) I asked and greeted each other with the traditional la bise.

“Tres bien, Allison. Please allow me to introduce my wife, Giselle, and my daughter, Vivienne,” I greeted them the same and the moment I hugged Vivienne, something hit the pit of my stomach, and I wanted to die.

“Oh, s**t,”

“Allie, what is it?” Dorian asked me. I looked at Andre and pressed my lips together.






“You’ll see,” I say to him and he hangs his head. “Dorian, you might want to go inside and uh, get a handle on things,” Dorian already knew who I was thinking, and he excused himself.

“Allison, what is going on?” Adrien asked.

“Adrien, you know about my abilities, right?” he nods his head. “And Andre has already explained to you and Giselle how he and Dani met, how I was the one who helped them meet?”

“Of course, we are very grateful for that,”

“Well…I don’t think you’re going to so grateful in the next five minutes,”

“Excusez moi?”

“Père, Allie is saying Vivienne’s mate is inside the packhouse!” Andre exclaims in a not so happy tone. You know, the protective big brother tone.

“Allie, is this true?” Vivienne asked a little too excitedly. I hesitated a second before nodding my head. I looked back at Adrien whose vampire side was fully out along with Andre’s wolf, but Giselle had a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Mère, why are you happy!?” Andre asked in shock.

“Why should I not be? Vivienne finally has her mate, this is wonderful news,” Giselle practically sang. Adrien and Andre looked at her in utter betrayal. If there was one thing I knew about Andre, is that he was protective of his family. He was always the big brother type ever since I met him, and now I know why. He actually is a big brother, with a massive age gap between his sister and him. “Shall we go inside and meet the young man?” she asked enthusiastically.

“I mean, that’s if Vivienne wants to,” I replied looking at her.

“OUI! OUI! Please, let us go meet my mate!” she said jumping for joy. Adrien looked like he was going to die of heartbreak seeing her so excited. “Wait, tell me, is he handsome?”

“Handsome, no. Hot, yes,” her eyes beamed, and she gave me the biggest smile. I received a mind link from Dorian saying that he was settled in the conference room.

I led everyone inside and took them to the conference room. I was surprised, to say the least. I didn’t expect this to happen, but then again, I don’t think anyone did, but I had the feeling that they were good for each other. He was older and experienced, and she was young, fresh, and a hybrid. She was technically ranked too. There was no denying that they were going to accept each other, I felt it. I just hoped that Andre didn’t try to kill him.

When we arrived at the conference room, the door was closed, so I figured I would have Vivienne hang back, while Andre and his parents went inside. Andre knew why I was doing this, so he didn’t say anything, but I could see it written all over his face, that he was probably going to have some words with his sister’s mate.

{Jedediah’s P.O.V.}

“Dorian, why the hell am I in here?” I asked annoyed. A few minutes after Dorian and Allie went to go greets Andre’s family, he came back in and dragged me from the dining room and into the conference room. He didn’t even say a thing, he literally dragged me.

“I have my reasons, and you’re going to find out in a minute. Calm the f**k down and trust me, Jed,”

“Dude, I’m starving,”

“And I’m pretty sure the food will still be there when we get back, but I’m telling you right now man, you don’t want to miss what’s about to happen,” I was going to say something when the door opened, and Andre came in with two other people.

I assumed they were his parents, but his father was looking at me like he wanted to extenuate me, Andre looked as if he was about to beat me to a pulp, and his mother had a smile that reached from ear to ear. I was going to say something, but then the most amazing smell hit my senses. Gunner started to stir and run in circles. I had never smelled anything so sweet. It reminded me of freshly baked banana nut bread coming out of the oven. That mouth-watering scent made even those who hated bananas want a taste.

“Oh my goddess, what is that smell?” I couldn’t help but ask out loud. Andre immediately growled, and his father hissed at me. I didn’t know what I had done wrong, but they both wanted to murder me, and Andre’s mom was holding both of them back, with a smile on her face the entire time.

“Andre, sit,” Dorian commanded, and he no choice but to comply.

“Adrien, asseyez-vous!!” Andre’s mom shouted at his father and forced him to sit. I assumed that she was telling him to sit down. Just then, the door opened wider, and Allie came in.

“Jed, don’t hurt her,”

“What?” I looked at her funny but then a goddess walked in behind her and time froze. She had platinum blond hair that was loosely curled like Allie’s, striking icy blue eyes, the most perfect nose that came to a slight point, and luscious red lips. She was a little on the paler side, but it suited her. I thought Michaela was pretty, hell, I thought Allie and the other females in this pack were pretty, but this girl, this stunning creature before me blew all of them out of the water.

Her body was perfect. She was petite like Allie, thin, but with amazing curves. Even though we were in the tail end of February, it was still chilly outside, but she was a wearing spaghetti strap top with a ruffled v-neckline. Being the man that I am, I couldn’t help but look at the slight amount of cleavage showing. Her breasts were a work of art. She wasn’t even wearing a bra, but they looked firm and perfectly rounded. I wanted nothing more than the bury my face in between them. They looked big enough to put my d**k in the crevice of her luscious mounds.

I had to have her. I had to have her right now. As time started up again, I used my wolf speed and pinned this work of art against the door before Allie could even close it.

“So much for not hurting her,” I heard Allie say, but I didn’t care. I could hear growling, hissing, and arguing behind me, but I didn’t care. I wanted her, whoever she is, I wanted her, and Gunner did too. He forced himself to the surface and inhaled her banana bread scent.

“YOU. ARE. MINE!” he roared. He buried our face into the crook of her neck, and we licked her marking spot making her shiver under our touch.


{Vivienne’s P.O.V.}

My mind and my heart were filled with so many emotions. Love, fear, doubt, desire, passion, and even arousal. I had not even met my mate, but I wanted to love him. I was envious of Alexandre and Daniella. I wanted what they had. I was afraid I would have to wait for almost a century the way my brother did to find my mate or partner. Being only 25 in both human and vampire age was really difficult for me. My parents were over a century old, my brother nearing a century, Dani was in her forties, and I was a millennial. I grew up in this century, and it was hard to fit in with my father’s coven.

Father tried to betrothed me to the prince of our coven, but I refused, and I told my mother why. So, she fought for me so I could one day find true love the way my brother had. And now, I might actually be able to. I knew following my father to America was a good idea. Unlike my brother, I have a wolf, and she was the one who told me we needed to find our mate. I wanted to remain pure for him, even if it took me an eternity to find him. I had the best of both breeds. A wolf, and the ability to shimmer. And unlike Andre, feeding on b***d was a preference and not a necessity.

Allie had me wait outside of the door with her. I was confused,

“Why must I wait?” I asked her

“Well, you know how wolves are right?”

“Of course, possessive, protective, and loyal,”

“Right, and if there is one thing I know about dominant males that find their mates, they tend to get a little aggressive, so brace yourself when you go in,”

“What do you mean?

“You’ll see,” I c****d my head to the side when a sudden smell caught my attention. My wolf, Tempest was prancing in my mind.

Camarade! Notre pote! Il est là-dedans! (Mate! Our mate! He is in there!)

He smelled wonderful. He smelled like sweet wine. The kind that leaves your tongue feeling warm and alive. The kind of wine that you want to have every day with fruit and brie. Oh, how I wanted to taste him. His smell was making my body tingle, and instantly, I felt myself becoming aroused. I didn’t even care what he looked like anymore. His scent alone made me melt, and no man or creature has ever made me feel this way.

“Vivienne, are you ready?” I heard her ask, and I nodded my head. She led me into the room, and I felt as if I was floating behind her. As soon as she opened the door, his scent drowned me in the most amazing way, and then I saw him.

Oh my heavens, when Allie said he was hot, she did him no justice. He was a god. He had what appeared to be shoulder-length black blueish hair that had natural curls to them. His face was clean shaved, he had a brow piercing, mesmerizing amber eyes, strong chin, rounded, and yet sharp cheekbones, and lips that looked so kissable that I couldn’t help but swallow.

His body was that of a Greek god. He was big, muscular, and tall. At least a foot taller than me. Andre was 6’4, and this wonderful specimen was just as tall. Even though he was wearing a long sleeve shirt, I could see his arms were muscular and well defined. I also saw some tattoos on his hands that looked to go up into his sleeves. I loved a man with tattoos. This man was perfect. I wanted to move to him, but I could not get my legs to listen. Thankfully, though, he came to me in an instant.

I was pinned against the door, and he looked me in the eyes, and I watched as he took in a deep breath, so I did the same. This scent drove me insane. I could sense the tension coming from my brother and father, but they could go screw themselves. The only man in my life that I wanted was this man whose arms were holding me against the door. His hands wrapped around me tightly, and I could feel something pressing against my stomach.

“YOU. ARE. MINE!!!” he roared at me, but I knew in that instant it was his wolf. Tempest purred in satisfaction, and that made my lady parts weep. I wanted him. I wanted him to take my purity. He pressed his face against my neck and licked the spot where he would mark me, and that made me weak in the knees.

“Bonsoir,” I said softly. I felt him tense, and then he pulled away completely. I was so hurt when he did that, and I expressed that hurt. He saw my face and immediately held me again. I let out a sigh of relief, and leaned into this chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. “My name is Vivienne,”

“I’m Jedediah, but you can call me. J.D. or Jed,”

“I like J.D.”

“Ahem,” I heard someone clear their throat. J.D. turned around but never letting go of me, and I could see that neither my father, nor my brother was happy to see what just happened, but my mother was smiling.

“Maman, papa, je suis désolé,” (Mom, Dad, I’m sorry) I apologized for my behavior.

“f**k,” J.D. says. I looked at up him, and his eyes have gone dark with l**t.

“Jed!” I heard a deep voice and immediately my mate took his hands off of me, but I kept my arms in place. I pouted my lips and J.D. just smiled.

“Vivienne!” my father called out to me, but I ignored him. I nudged J.D. to have him put his arms around me again. J.D. looked back at my parents, and Andre and I could see the fear in his eyes, but I wasn’t afraid, nor did I care. I grabbed his arms and put them back around me and nuzzled in this chest and just relaxed in his embrace.

“Oh, c’est merveilleux!!” (Oh, this is wonderful!!) my mother exclaimed, and I just smiled at her and held onto J.D. “J.D., my name is Giselle, and I am Alexandre and Vivienne’s mother, it is a pleasure to meet you,”

“Please, the pleasure is all mine,” he said and shook my mother’s hand. “Sir,” he addressed my father who was staring daggers at him.

“Adrien! Ne soyez pas irrespectueux!” (Adrien! Do not be disrespectful!) my mother shouted at my father. Even though my father was a highly respected general of our coven, there was one person who did not fear him and could tell him what to do, and that was my mother.

“Jedediah,” he shook J.D.’s hand. “I am Adrien,” as soon as he let go of his hand, my father grabbed J.D., by the shirt with both hands,

“PAPA!!!” I shouted


“If you hurt her, I will bleed you dry,”

“That will never happen,” J.D. said with confidence. My father hissed once, and let him go, stepping away. J.D. fixed his shirt, and I made sure he was alright.

“Do not worry, Père, I will be here to keep an eye on them,” Andre said, and I just stuck my tongue at him.

“I guess I am staying here,” I said never taking my eyes off my mate. He was too beautiful not to look at.

“Alright, well, if we’re all okay with everything now, how about we go eat dinner. I’m pretty sure everyone has started without us,” Allie says taking her husband’s hand and pulling him out of the room, without looking back and almost desperately. J.D. offers me his hand, and I take it. I felt as if my heart was going to explode at that moment. I had my mate and he wanted me.

Us, Viv.

Yes, Tempie, us. Our mate wants us.

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