Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 83

{C.J.’s P.O.V.}

When Allie told us, we were already pregnant after only one day of being together, I was stunned, but I felt happy at the same time. I loved Brittany the moment I laid eyes on her. I had already heard that Allie had the ability to sense pregnancies, but I didn’t think she could as soon as it happened. I looked at Brittany and wanted to smile, but I saw her face and she was terrified.

She started to defend herself, begging me not to leave her, not to throw her away, or make her get rid of the baby. She was panicking and crying hysterically. I pulled her close and asked why she would think of such things. Did she think so little of me? She said she loved me as much as I loved her. I couldn’t understand what came over her.

“C.J., pick her up and bring her to Dorian’s office, I think I know what’s going on,” Allie said. “Everyone else, go do what you need to do,”

“Come here baby,” I say to Brittany and pick her up bridal style.

“Please C.J., I’m begging you,” she was still crying.

“Brittany, stop thinking like that. I love you,” I tried to console her, but it was as if she couldn’t hear me. When we got to Dorian’s office, Allie locked the door, and I sat on the couch with Brittany in my lap. Dorian and Allie sat in the armchair.

“Britt, I need you to look at me,” Allie said. Brittany looked up and she fat tears streaming down her face. “Brittany, you’ve been forced into an abortion before, haven’t you?” Allie asks. I look down at Brittany who just breaks down even more.

“Allie, what would make you think that?” I ask.

“The way she’s reacting. It’s called a ‘trauma response.’ Think of it as a form of PTSS. The response is the same as if a woman were being touched by a man too soon after being assaulted. All you see is the trauma from the incident. It’s why I took so long to have s*x with Dorian. I wanted s*x but was afraid it because my first time ended with me being assaulted and half-dead,” I looked at Allie and back at Brittany. “When you suffer a trauma like that, you tend to say defensive things to prevent the trauma from occurring again. In my case, say Dorian got mad at me for taking too long to put out. I would try and defend myself by saying things like, please don’t hit me, please don’t hurt me, please I’m not ready, stuff like that,”

“I don’t get it, Allie, what does that have to do with how Britt is reacting?” I say to her.

“She’s doing the same thing, only in her case, it has to do with being pregnant. Please don’t leave me, please don’t hate me, please don’t make me get rid of the baby, I didn’t do it to trap you, the baby is innocent, etc,”

“You’re saying that someone got her pregnant, forced her into an abortion, and then left her?” I asked.

“I think it’s more on the lines of she was with someone, found out she was pregnant, told them, they accused her of entrapment, forced her into an abortion, and then abandoned her,” Allie said.

“Brittany, look at me,” I tell her. She looks up with tears still streaming down her face. “Is what Allie is saying true? Did someone do that to you?”


“Sit up and look at me! Stop crying!” I tell her sternly, but she still looks down. “Brittany Maxwell look at me right now!” I shout. She looks up at me terrified. “I don’t know where you got the idea in your head that I would ever do that, but I am not like that. I am an Alpha; I am your Alpha. You are my mate, my love, and the mother of my unborn child. That pup inside of you is the greatest gift of my life aside from you. I will NEVER leave you. Do you hear me?! Get that s**t out of your f*****g head right this instant. We will raise that baby together because our love is what created it. The moon goddess blessed us with a pup because she believes in our love. I got you pregnant, and I’m happy that I did,”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Dammit, haven’t you heard a f*****g word I said? I love you, Brittany. I love you and our pup. Whatever douche bag f****d you over in the past is in the past. I’m sorry that happened to you baby, I really am. But it is in the past and we’re going to leave it there. Your future is with me, and it will be filled with love, laughter, joy, happiness, lots of s*x, and lots of pups. Now stop crying and k**s me goddammit,” I pulled her into a deep k**s. I kissed her until she stopped crying. When we pulled apart I looked her in eyes and could see she finally believed me. “I.Love.You.” I annunciated each word to her.

“I love you,” she replied. I kissed her once more and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

“Britt, you good babe?” Allie asked.

“I’m good. Thank you, Allie, I don’t know how you knew, but thank you,”

“I suffered a trauma too. I recognized it. I’m just glad I did and was able to let C.J. know. I know you probably didn’t want him to know, but I think it’s good that he does. I told you werewolves love their mates as soon as they feel the bond. There will be some exceptions, but C.J. is not one of them. You need to believe that. It’s also not uncommon for wolves to get their mates pregnant immediately, right babe?” she says to Dorian.

{C.J.’s P.O.V.}

When Allie told us, we were already pregnant after only one day of being together, I was stunned, but I felt happy at the same time. I loved Brittany the moment I laid eyes on her. I had already heard that Allie had the ability to sense pregnancies, but I didn’t think she could as soon as it happened. I looked at Brittany and wanted to smile, but I saw her face and she was terrified.

“Allie is right Brittany. My parents conceived my older sister the same night they met too, and my mom was 18,” Dorian replied.

“I’m sorry you went through something so traumatic. But look at who you are with. You are going to have an amazing support system at Mojave Mountain. Brandon’s in-laws are there, and Charles Sr. and Lilian, your future in-laws are some of the most kindhearted werewolves I’ve ever met, and C.J. has one the kindest souls I have ever sensed. Plus, you have us here at Desert Moon. We’re a two-and-a-half-hour drive away, you can always come to us. Okay?” Allie said from the bottom of her heart. Allie was an amazing Luna. I was sure that Brittany could learn a lot from her and my mother.

“Thank you, Allie. Thank you Dorian, and thank you, baby,” Brittany said to me. “I’ve kept this bottled up for so long, I didn’t realize it haunted me that way. I love you C.J. and I believe in you, in us,” she said and kissed me.

“There is one thing I’m concerned about though,” Allie said. We broke our k**s and looked at her. “Brittany you’re not a wolf and you’re carrying an Alpha pup,”

“I don’t get it, why is that bad?”

“Werewolf pregnancies only last five months, and the pups are large. Leah’s pup was almost eighteen pounds when he was born. And Brandon is a Beta. You are carrying an Alpha. My fear is that your body is not equipped to carry a pup that large and that you may not survive the birth,”

What Allie was saying was very true. Brittany may be supernatural, but her body may not be strong enough to carry a werewolf pup. Let alone, a pup with my Alpha genes.

“What if I got a c-section?” Brittany asked.

“That could be a solution if you survive the pregnancy,” Allie replies. “We can ask our pack doctor to see if she can give us some insight,”

“Please,” I say immediately. Allie nods and her eyes immediately cloud over. “Dorian, what do you think about all of this?” I ask.

“I don’t know to be an honest man; this is new for me too. I never heard of a non-shifter carry a shifter offspring until Dani got pregnant from Andre. Luckily for her though, Andre is only half werewolf and Dani is three-quarters vampire. Their baby is more vampire than anything so she’s not in danger. You’re a full-blooded werewolf and an Alpha at that,”

“I can’t lose her,” I tell him while looking at Brittany.

“You won’t man, I’m sure Dr. Quinn will have a solution,”

“Dr. Quinn is on her way up,” Allie said.

A few minutes later, and middle-aged woman entered the office.

“Dr. Quinn, this is Charles Jefferies Jr. Alpha of the Mojave Mountain Pack in California, and his new mate Brittany Maxwell. She used to be my office assistant at the firm,” Dorian introduced.

“Doctor, it’s a pleasure,” I say as Brittany and I shake her hand.

“Alpha Jefferies, the Luna has explained to me that your new mate is already pregnant and that she is a witch-demon hybrid, correct?” The doctor asks, and I nod. She has a worried look on her face.

“What is it?” I ask.

“The Luna is correct; your mate would not survive the birth of an Alpha pup,”

“But why would the moon goddess give me a mate that couldn’t carry my heir? That doesn’t make sense!” I exclaim.

“Alpha, I said she couldn’t survive the birth, not that she couldn’t survive the pregnancy. It will be excruciatingly painful Brittany and it is highly likely you will be bedridden your last two months of the pregnancy. Your body will shift, and your pup may break some bones while he or she grows inside of you, but you will survive. I also recommend having a cesarean done two weeks early,”

“Will her body be able to handle future pregnancies?” I ask.

“Yes. Once this pregnancy is over and done with, her body will be better equipped to carry a pup to term with less damage to her insides. But any pregnancy for you will be painful Brittany and you will never be able to give birth naturally,”

“So, I’ll always have to have a c-section?” Brittany asks. The doctor nods.

“Our other pack doctor here, Dr. Boyd actually specializes shifter c-sections and has more knowledge of these kinds of high-risk pregnancies. I will loop him in, and when you hit three months, I will send him you to help you throughout your last two months,”

“Thank you, Dr. Quinn!” I shake her hand.

“Yes, thank you so much!” Brittany gives her a hug. She bows her head and leaves.

“Allie is right Brittany. My parents conceived my older sister the same night they met too, and my mom was 18,” Dorian replied.

“Allie, Dorian, thank you,” I shake his hand and hug her

“Allie, thank you!” Brittany gives her a hug.

“Please, we consider you guys family, it’s the least we can do,” Allie says with a big smile.

“Good luck to the both of you,” Dorian says.

“Alright, let’s go take care of your apartment, pack your things, and go home,” I tell Brittany and she gives me the biggest smile.

“Simba and Katie will escort you, back home,” Dorian says. We say our goodbyes to Dorian and Allie and leave the packhouse.

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

“Well, I’m glad that all worked out,” I say leaning back against Dorian.

“Dr. Quinn and Dr. Boyd are two of the best, I’m sure they’ll be just fine baby,” he says to me and rubs my belly.

“I still need to call Maxine,” I tell him.

“Did you still want to do the cloaking barrier?”

“Yeah, but I don’t even know if she knows how to do it,”

“Let’s call her and ask,” I nod and pull out my phone. Luckily, I still know her number by heart and send a FaceTime request.


“Hiiiii!!” I shout to the camera


“Hi, babe!”

“Is your number?”

“It is! Dorian bought me a phone,”

“Oooh, nice. Hi, Dorian!”

“Hi, Maxine,”

“Hey hun, I need to ask you something, but I need to you keep it on the DL okay?”

“Anything for you my love,”

“Max, do you know how to do a cloaking barrier?”

“Depends on what it’s for,”

“Do you remember when I lost my baby last year?”

“Yeah, I do. Someone sent a bomb to your house or something like that right?”

“Yeah. Max, I can’t go through again. I can’t suffer another miscarriage, I would die,”

“Allie, what are you saying?”

“Max, I’m pregnant again, and it’s twins,”

“Oh my god! Congrats you guys!”

“Thanks, babe, but I need you to keep this on the DL, please,”

“Mums the word. So, I’m guessing then you want to use good magic to conceal your pregnancy?”


“I know how to do it, but you’re asking for a spell that is long-term,”


“Allie, in order for it to work, I have would to physically be there to cast it. It will also wear off every 30 days, so I would have to come over to recast it every month,”

“Maxine, that can be arranged. As a friend of Allie’s, you are more than welcome in our home. Especially if it means protecting our pups,”

“Thanks, Dorian, that means a lot. Plus, going over means I can see Dani and Sin more often too,”

“So, you’ll do it?”

“Of course, I will! These are your babies Allie, which means they are my future nieces or nephews. I will help with whatever I can. And Claudia knows the spell too. If for whatever reasons I can’t go over to do it, she can,”

“Thank you so much, Max,”

“Don’t cry! I got you, girl!”

“Does the spell mask the scent too?”

“Dorian, did you say scent? As in smell?”

“Yes. Allie’s scent will change the further she gets along in the pregnancy and I can’t afford anyone outside of the select few people we trust to know she’s pregnant again,”

“If the scent change is a natural part of the pregnancy, then the spell will mask that too. We’re not just concealing your baby bump; we’re concealing the entire pregnancy. That includes morning sickness, baby bump, scent change, the waddling when you get too big,”


“Yeah. I’m not saying you won’t experience all that, I’m saying that no one will see it except you and Dorian, that’s if you want him to. You’re still going to get sick and waddle and s**t, but no one else will see it,”

“And you’ve used this spell before?”

“Yes, Allie, I have used it plenty of times and so has Claudia,”

“I don’t need it yet. I won’t be showing for at least another month, same with the morning sickness. I will give you a call when I’m ready for you,”

“Sure! Just let me know when, and Claudia and I will go over together,”

“Yeah, please, it will be nice to get all of us together again, minus Siobhan,”

“Siobhan is too busy being in love with her bear partner that she’s not even answering my calls anymore,”

“Haha! I’m not surprised. Thanks again Max, see you guys soon,”

“Bye love! Bye Dorian!”

“Bye Maxine,”

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief.

“Do you feel better baby?” he asked me

“Yes,” I said rubbing my belly.

“We’re going to get through pregnancy baby. Just concentrate on our pups. Let me handle everything else, got it?” Dorian turns my chin to face him and k****s me sweetly.

“Got it,”

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