Deflected Hearts: A Surprise Pregnancy Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 2)

Deflected Hearts: Chapter 10

Tonight’s the night of August’s game and I’m more nervous than I had anticipated. I was surprised when he asked me if I wanted to come, especially since he never had before, but things are different between us now. Even if we aren’t together, our connection is growing deeper as our child continues to grow in my stomach. Something shifted, that took what was between us from just a fling to a bond that will last a lifetime.

And maybe it’s because we both know we will be in each other’s lives now for the rest of our days. Having a baby together really changes things and it’s almost as if he wants me around more now, like he wants to actually have some type of a bond or relationship, even if it’s supposed to remain platonic.

August told me where I would be sitting and gave me the tickets that their team had reserved for the family of the players. He assured me that his sister, Isla, would wait for me near the main entrance too, so she could show me where to sit. I had only seen her once before and am now regretting never introducing myself. When she showed up at the bar with August and his friend, we had just broken things off.

The last thing I wanted in that moment was to meet his damn family.

A sigh slips from my lips as I tug my beanie down over my ears and duck my head against the harsh wind and walk toward the front doors of the arena. I show my ticket to a man standing by the door and he scans it before waving me through. As I make my way inside, I hear someone call my name and find Isla walking toward me from where she was standing against the wall.

Isla strides over to me with a bright smile on her lips and her hazel eyes shining. My eyes nervously bounce back and forth between hers and it’s like I’m staring at a replica of August. It’s eerie, how much they look alike. There’s no denying the fact that they are siblings.

“Poppy.” She smiles as she abruptly pulls me in for a hug. It takes me by surprise, but I return her embrace. “It’s so nice to finally meet you,” she tells me as she releases me and takes a step back. “I mean, I remember seeing you at the bar and I’ve heard a lot about you, but I’m glad we’re finally able to actually meet.”

I smile back at her, a light laughter falling from my lips as Isla rambles for a moment. She cringes and sighs in defeat with herself. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

“I guess I could have just said that, huh?” She rolls her eyes, her lips curling upward as she chuckles and begins to walk toward one of the food stands. “Sorry. Sometimes when I get nervous, I do that.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her, smiling as I follow after her and we get in line. “I get it, trust me. I think we all do it sometimes. But, I promise you don’t have to be nervous around me. I’m pretty laid-back and easygoing.”

“You’d have to be to deal with my brother,” Isla chuckles as we get into line. “I hope you’re hungry. They have some pretty good food here.”

“Girl, I’m always hungry lately,” I tell her, the words just falling from my lips without any warning or ability to hold them back. I would imagine that she already knows I’m pregnant and even though I have my huge winter coat on, my stomach still protrudes a little from underneath it. It’s still an awkward subject to approach with August’s sister, especially since this is the first time I’m meeting her.

Isla glances over at me, emotion welling in her eyes, and she smiles at me. “I can only imagine.”

We both fall into a comfortable silence as we order our food and grab it after paying and head to our seats. Even though it’s a college arena, they still have decent seating and we sit in one of the box seats. Isla takes a seat and I sit down next to her, holding my food on my lap.

“When does the game start?” I ask her as we watch the guys skating around on the ice and it looks like they’re just warming up. It’s the first hockey game I’ve ever been to and honestly, sports weren’t something we ever really watched in my house growing up. Evie was always into swimming and I did track in high school, but that’s about as athletic as our family got.

My stepfather, Benjamin, wasn’t really keen on sports, preferring to watch more educational things on TV instead. My biological father always enjoyed baseball, but he never really included Evie and I in it. It was like it was his own thing to watch alone. Come to think of it, I don’t recall a hockey game ever even being on the television as a kid.

“They should be finishing up their warm-ups any minute,” she says after swallowing a mouthful of fries. “There’s August,” she tells me, pointing out at the ice to the number 19 jersey with Whitley in bold white letters across the back. She then points to another player, number 5 that says Knight on the back of his black jersey. “That’s my boyfriend, Logan.”

“I heard the two of you were together,” I offer, attempting to switch the conversation as I take a sip of my bottle of water. “How did that happen? He’s August’s best friend, right? I used to see him at the bar a lot with August and met him a few times.”

Isla chuckles softly as her eyes find him on the ice, following after him as he skates around, effortlessly tossing the puck to one of the other players. “We knew each other since we were kids. I swear, I was in love with him as soon as I had any interest in boys. It just kind of happened, but it didn’t actually happen until after I moved in with the two of them. We tried to stop it because he is my brother’s best friend, but it was impossible.”

“Oh jeez,” I tell her, letting out an exaggerated sigh as she glances over to me. “I can’t even imagine. I’m guessing August didn’t take it very well?”

“Not at first,” she winces, frowning slightly. “He wasn’t exactly in a good place after you disappeared and then when he saw Logan and I kiss one night, everything came out and he beat the shit out of Logan. It’s a long story, but he eventually came around to the idea and gave us his blessing. I think he knew that regardless of everything, we would always find our way back to each other. I think he was finally able to see that we are the best for each other.”

I smile at her, happy for them being able to find their way back to each other and having August be okay with it. I can’t help but feel the twinge in my chest, my heart clinging to her words. August wasn’t in a good place after I disappeared. “I never meant to hurt August,” I tell her, my voice barely audible as her eyes search mine. “Things were getting complicated between us and we decided our arrangement wasn’t going to work. And then I found out I was pregnant… I couldn’t face him after that.”

“I get it,” she says, her voice soft and warm as she reaches out to squeeze my hand. “All that matters is the future now. You two found your way back to each other, and even if it’s just for the baby, I’m glad you’re back in his life.”

Tears prick the corners of my eyes and I swallow roughly over the lump forming in my throat as I smile at her. Someone whistles loudly and we both glance around, attempting to find the source of the sound as our eyes end up out on the ice. August and Logan are standing side by side at the center of the rink, facing us. They both lift their hands to wave to us, Logan blowing Isla a kiss.

The ref blows the whistle and the announcer begins speaking as all of the players line up on the ice, taking their positions.

“You guys are so sweet,” I tell her, a smile on my face as I sit forward a little bit in my seat to see what’s happening on the ice below. “Seriously. I know I don’t know you, but from what I know of Logan, he’s a good guy. And if your brother approves, then I’m sure you two are perfect for each other.”

Isla smiles, glancing at me before looking back at the ice as the puck drops. I watch in amazement, completely confused as August slaps at the puck, but he doesn’t get it as the other team steals it away and whisks it toward the net. “Do you want me to explain anything that’s going on?”

I laugh lightly, shaking my head. “You can if you want, but with this damn pregnancy brain, I don’t know how much of it I’m going to retain.”

“Well, even if you and August aren’t together, you’re going to be around him for a long-ass time. The sport will grow on you over time and don’t be surprised when he starts saying stuff to you about the game, like constantly.” She pauses, her face lighting up as she laughs. “Seriously. I obviously don’t play hockey, and he used to have me critique his games for him.”

“Oh no,” I laugh along with her. “I hope he doesn’t expect that from me because I have no idea what to even tell him.”

Isla’s eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “Stick around and you’ll learn the game. He’ll teach you and you’ll know what to tell him.”

We both turn our attention back to the game, Isla screaming at the guys as they skate back and forth fighting for the puck before scoring a goal. She jumps to her feet as a loud horn sounds and she’s yelling out proudly at her brother scoring. I’m still a little lost, but I set my food down on the seat next to me and rise to my feet with her in celebration.

I don’t understand what’s going on, but the longer the game goes on, I start to pick up some of the lingo as she leans over to explain different penalties and shots to me. The way they set up on the ice when the ref drops the puck. It’s a lot to take in, but the game is exhilarating, and learning August’s world makes my heart swell.

The first period is over and they begin to clear off the ice as the players disappear back into the locker room. Isla turns in her seat, a smile creeping onto her face as her hazel eyes meet mine. “Okay, so when do we find out what you’re having?”

A smile falls on my lips and I shrug my shoulders. “I have my twenty-week anatomy scan next, and we can find out then, but the doctors called yesterday and asked if I wanted to do a 3D ultrasound when they do it. So, I’m just waiting to find out when I can schedule it.”

“Oh my god, I am so excited, you have no idea!” she practically squeals, clapping her hands as tears well in her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to be an aunt. We have so much to plan! Please tell me we can do a gender reveal? And do you need help with a baby shower? I can totally help plan that.”

Panic instantly floods my system. “My mom mentioned a baby shower, but I haven’t really thought much about it. I’ve just kind of been going through the motions of life, but things have been so different now that I know August wants to be involved.”

“Well, please let me be involved too,” she says softly, her eyes pleading. “And our family would love to be involved and meet you too. August just told our mother and she’s coming next weekend, if you wouldn’t mind meeting her. We can do dinner at our apartment?” She pauses for a moment, her gaze scanning my face. “If that’s not too much for you?”

Inhaling deeply, I attempt to calm my nerves at the thought of all of this happening so soon. It was one thing adjusting to the thought of being pregnant and having a baby, but I never really put much thought into August’s family being involved. Of course they would want to be involved.

“What if I ask my mom about doing dinner at her house?” I offer, smiling at her with a warmth passing over my expression. “We can just get it all over with, having both families completely meet. She would love to meet you and your parents and since she only met August in passing, I know she wants to get to know him a little better.”

“That would be amazing!” Isla exclaims, flashing her straight white teeth at me. “I’ll give you my number and you can let me know as soon as you talk to her and we can figure everything out.” She pauses for a moment, smiling at me coyly. “About the gender reveal, though… can we please do that?”

An exaggerated sigh falls from my lips and I can’t fight the smile that creeps back onto my lips. “Fine, you can do it. How do you find out without me knowing?”

“Okay, so my cousin did one, like, last summer,” she tells me, glancing at the ice as all the players enter the arena again. “When you go for your anatomy scan, tell the ultrasound tech that you don’t want to know and ask her to write it down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Just get that from her and then give it to me.”

“I think I can do that.”

“Perfect,” she nods, grinning as she looks back to the game and starts yelling again. I laugh along, listening to her commentary as we watch together. The rest of the game flies by and it’s honestly one of the better nights I’ve had in a long time.

I realize at this moment that it’s okay to open your heart and your circle. Isla is a good person, just like her brother. And I want to let her in too. After all, she is going to be our baby’s aunt.

The game finishes up and we rise from our seats, heading back into the hallway area. “You drove here separately?” Isla asks me as we go out to the parking lot.

“Yeah,” I tell her, pulling my hood up over my head to block the harsh wind. “August said he didn’t want me to be uncomfortable, sitting in the stands while waiting for them to get ready and warm up and everything, since they had to be here early.”

I watch as Isla’s face transforms, a wave of emotion passing through her eyes, and she stares back at me with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. “What?”

“He’s got it bad for you, Poppy,” she says quietly, shaking her head as her smile grows. “He won’t admit it, but give him some time and you’ll see.”

A lump forms in my throat and I struggle to swallow over it. We had a new arrangement, that we were just friends. So far, we’ve been able to stick to that, but the lines have blurred a little bit… a few times, to be exact.

“We’re just friends, Isla,” I remind her as she walks me over to my car. “We both want to be here for the baby and have agreed that’s all we can agree to right now.”

“Whatever you say,” she says with a wink, a smirk on her lips. “Give it some time. That friend shit never lasts… trust me, I know.”

Isla gives me a quick hug, reminding me to text her after talking to my mom, before she walks across the lot to her car. I get into mine, turning on the engine and the heat, because it’s cold as hell in here. I pull out my phone and send August a message, telling him to call me later. He had mentioned going out after the game, but right now, I just want to crawl into bed and rest.

I make it back to my house, checking my phone once more before slipping into the hot bathtub. August didn’t send me a message back, but he’s probably busy with whatever they do after the game. I slip into the hot water, soothing my muscles and warming my body from the cold outside. Losing track of time, I stay in the bathtub until the water grows cold.

Stepping out, I grab a towel and dry off, before slipping into my pajamas that I had brought in with me. Just as I let my hair down from the bun I had it in on the top of my head, my phone begins to ring, August’s name lighting up the screen.


“I’m in your driveway,” he says softly. “I won’t come in because I know it’s late, but I was hoping you would come out and see me.”

I swallow roughly, my breath catching in my throat. The butterflies come to life in my stomach, a warmth spreading through my bones. He drove the whole way here to see me since he didn’t get to see me after the game.

“I’ll be right out.”

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