Defiance of the Fall

Chapter 1165: Exchange

Chapter 1165: Exchange

Zac felt like distant explosions were going off his mind. Leandra had severely misunderstood him when dropping such a bomb on him. He'd just remembered the archaic aura emitted from the Technocrat who saved his life and wanted to ask whether the Sindris Clan descendants also possessed the Void Emperor bloodline.

"You cannot be surprised your lineage isn't from Earth?" Leandra frowned upon seeing Zac's shocked face.

"Of course not," Zac said after taking a calming breath. "StillI I actually have a biological father?"

"Synthetic life is cursed with imperfection," Leandra said. "At least with the current limitations of the Heavens. For our undertaking to work, we couldn't rely on a crafted homunculus with the correct genetic makeup. Instead, we found a Sindris descendant matching our requirements and bolstered his genes with innumerable infusions."

Zac inwardly shuddered at Leandra's unfeeling description of what had to be mass abduction and experimentation on the Sindris Clan's descendants to replicate Karz's DNA. It wasn't just Leandra who had become a cold-blooded zealot after losing her family. It seemed to run in the family.

"And among the Kayar-Elu, I was chosen to carry you," Leandra continued.

Zac wasn't sure what to think about the revelation. Ever since the day Leandra brought Kenzie away, he'd essentially considered himself a test-tube baby born in some clandestine Technocrat laboratory. It had weighed on his mind for a long time, but it had also been liberating. It freed him from any Karmic fetters that would hold him back in his mission to rescue his sister.

To find that Leandra not only was his birth mother but that he even had a biological father left his heart unsettled.

"Then my father"

"Your father left the Sindris Clan long before he joined our cause, and I can guarantee he's not involved in your current situation. Don't see him as a new backer to rely on. Any outside influence will only chain you down and narrow your path." contemporary romance

"I've seen the way the Kayar-Elu operate." Zac scoffed. "I'd be surprised if he survived, having lost his usefulness."

Leandra said nothing for a few seconds, calmly returning Zac's stare. "If you wish to know the truth, you'll have to find it in our hidden bases."

Zac should have expected Leandra to use the opportunity to hook another sinker into him. This time, it wouldn't work. Even if his father were still out there, what did it matter? Their connection was no different than that of a child and a sperm donor. Robert Atwood was his true father, so Zac felt nothing beyond an idle curiosity about this Sindris defector. Zac was far more concerned about the rest of the Sindris clan.

"Does that mean there's more of them out there? People with my bloodline?" Zac asked.

"No. The Void Emperor never passed on his bloodline, either by design or because of unknown restrictions. The Sindris clan spent an unfathomable amount of time and effort trying to reintroduce the Void Emperor's ability among their descendants by any and all methods. They only managed to create cheap mimicries in the end. However, these efforts became a critical part of our endeavor. Your Sindris heritage became the bridge preventing rejection when we fused it with the real Void Emperor bloodline," Leandra said.

"Where did you get the Void Emperor's bloodline if he never left it behind?" Zac asked.

"From the Sindris Clan, of course. No other Selvari family would have access to it."

"What?" Zac said. "Didn't you say he didn't pass it on? What's going on?"

"As I said, the Void Emperor joined the Sindris Clan on the council's orders. The union between the Void Emperor and Naeva Sindris was a political marriage meant to give him a sense of belonging by creating a lineage. Ultimately, it's more accurate to say the Void Emperor assimilated the Sindris Clan than the other way around. His immense power was enough to raise a personal faction within the family, one loyal to him rather than the Technocracy.

"After the Selvari Empire's tragic loss, the Sindris Clan couldn't be trusted. However, they were too powerful to eradicate. The Selvari lost too much in that defeat, and the Dark Age had arrived. Ultimately, the Sindris Clan was exiled, and their banishment remains to this day. They're The Fallen, hiding in the Utmost Expanse at the edge of reality. Most have already forgotten their existence, even among the Selvari.

"Of course, the Kayar-Elu and the other founding families remembered. How could we ever forget? Eons later, the greatest Technomancer since the Founding Matriarch was born in the Kayar-Elu Clan. He created the foundations for what would become the Root Compact Project. A method to heal this broken sky.

"That great sage knew the Void Emperor's bloodline was the key to achieving our goals. Our ancestors worked long and hard to find and infiltrate the Sindris Clan, at which point we discovered their similar experiments. At first, we thought we'd hit a wall after seeing how little their extensive efforts had yielded. However, just as we were about to give up, one of our spies happened on an incredible secret.

"The Sindris Founder didn't return empty-handed from the Limitless Empire. He'd somehow stolen a drop of the Void Emperor's Eternal Essence Blood. It was this drop that was the origin of their synthetic bloodline experiments.

"Suffice to say, we eventually succeeded in taking the Essence Blood away, but getting the drop of blood wasn't enough. The Sindris Clan's repeated failures proved just how daunting our goal was. Reintroducing the Void Emperor's bloodline to the world had proven insurmountable; fusing it with our heritage was impossible. Despite millions of years of ceaseless effort, we eventually hit a wall. However, Firmament's Edge approached us about another inconceivable project at that time."

"The Digital Nexus."

"Just so," Leandra nodded. "Firmament's Edge had hit a wall, just like us. They couldn't continue their research, as such a taboo subject would attract the ire of the Heavens. The Kayar-Elu are unmatched at dealing with such problems, so they reluctantly approached us."


"The Technocracy is unified against outsiders, but there's internal strife like with all other factions," Leandra said. "A different coalition than ours founded Firmament's Edge, so they would obviously be reluctant to expose their most precious technology to us. Similarly, we weren't enthused by the idea of exposing our core heritage to improve another faction's invention.

"However, the more we learned about the Digital Nexus, the more we understood the Root Compact and the Digital Nexus were meant to be together. Each project was imperfect on its own, even if we overcame our bottlenecks. The Digital Nexus could only guide and mold. Even if implanted into an Eonic Seed of unmatched talents, it would only result in a being at the Forefather's level. Perhaps slightly abovestill far from awakening a Machine God that could contend with the System.

"Our plan had similar limitations. Our heritage could hide the Void Emperor's bloodline as he grew under the Cursed Heavens. However, the System has continuously expanded its power since its inception. It's stronger and smarter than when we launched our undertaking, and it kept growing while we hit roadblocks. We feared the System would have changed so much by the time we finished the Root Compact that it wouldn't recognize the Void Emperor bloodline.

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"But together, they could break the status quo."

"Only the Void Emperor, with his unlimited potential, could fully take advantage of the Nexus's abilities. Only the Digital Nexus could let the Selvari's champion surpass all predecessors, including the original Void Emperor, by truly perfecting the Dao. Each would be one half of the whole, the Zero Affinity Container facing the Heavens while the Digital Nexus grew in the dark. Furthermore, only the Digital Nexus could integrate the Void Emperor's Essence Blood without killing you.

"It's fair to say we became too greedy, blatantly ignoring laws and heavenly trajectories to achieve our goals. We believed we'd only get one chance at shattering the Heavens, so we chose to take the risk."

Leandra looked at Zac, and a mix of emotions flickered in her usually impassive eyeshope, anger, disappointment, resentment.

"You wouldn't just shatter the false dome obscuring the Heavens. You would break through the Terminus and usher in an era of prosperity. Now, it's all for nothing. All for nothing..."

"So why aren't you leaving Kenzie alone? Like you said, she can't accomplish what you're hoping for with her limitations. And in case you haven't noticed, the System has already corrupted my bloodlineI can't gain affinities. Your plan will never work," Zac frowned.

"You think we should just stop, give up, after all we've sacrificed?" Leandra said. "Our ancestors toiled generation after generation. Impossible is not an option. Even if I'm doomed to fail, your sister will carry on the torch of hope. One day, our work will pay off."

Zac sighed, knowing it was pointless to press this matter. Truthfully, he could appreciate Leandra's steadfast determination to achieve the dream of her ancestors and give their sacrifice meaning.

"What about the Sindris Clan of today?"

"I assume they came to Zecia in search of the Essence Blood, though I doubt they expected to find it inside a living container. I am surprised they appeared at all. As far as I know, they gave up their investigation over 200 million years ago. I assume they've discovered some clues through my pursuers."

Zac's mind was a mess, but he could tell the projection was weakening. Leandra had decided to finally put the cards on the table, so he needed to get more answers before she disappeared.

"The Void Emperor's exile was fake all along?" Zac asked.

"Who knows?" Leandra said. "It's impossible to say what went through his head. Perhaps he was the real Emperor's agent. Perhaps he used the Selvari to achieve his goals, only to fall to Laondio's schemes. The history surrounding the System's awakening is imperfect and incomplete. Worrying about it will not solve your current predicament."

"So you robbed the heritage of the Sindris Clan and abducted their people to perform your crazy experiment. And now, I have to deal with the fallout?" Zac muttered.

"Don't play the martyr," Leandra countered. "All you've accomplished is only made possible by our 'crazy experiment.' Would Earth be safe if not for our gift? Would you be able to compete for opportunities like the fifth Pillar's Ascent? You were given everything, and the Kayar-Elu paid the price. Dealing with some loose ends is the least you can do."

Zac took a calming breath before answering. "What do the Sindris family want? Kill me? Capture me? Help me?"

"As I said, it's impossible to tell. The Kayar-Elu's infiltration of the Sindris Clan took place over thousands of generations before me. What little I know of their current circumstances comes from your father," Leandra said. "Simply put, they are divided. One faction wishes to return to the fold, and they might see you as the key to achieving that."

"Is Firmament's Edge looking for me?"

"They shouldn't be. You should be presumed dead. No, you were dead. I don't know how you survived that day. How you returned," Leandra said, a hint of apprehension appearing in her eyes as she looked at Zac.

"But since the Sindris Clan recognized me, they might find out sooner or later," Zac surmised.

"Most likely," Leandra nodded. "Your aura is unrecognizable from your original state, but they would still not let you go if they found out."

"I always expected as much," Zac sighed. "What about the other Sindris faction?"

"They remain loyal to their 'Supreme Ancestor' to this day, despite the damage the Void Emperor caused. They're even hostile to the Technocracy, believing we unfairly pushed the blame on them after the mission failed."

"Kind of sounds like you did," Zac muttered. "So, the one who gave me the token might be a loyalist? Would they be friendly, then?"

"Friendly?" Leandra said with a raised brow. "There is only power and benefits in this world. You're still a tool in their eyes. The only thing that differs is their goal. As for what that is, I cannot say. Ultimately, it doesn't matter which faction those you encountered belong to. You shouldn't get mixed up with them. They can't help you with your mission."

"I'll be careful," Zac said, quickly continuing when he saw Leandra's form fading. "Wait! There's one more thing. I think I encountered a wisp of will of the Limitless Emperor, the usurper, inside the fortress. What should I do?"

"Getting mixed up with that entity will not end well," Leandra said as her body disappeared. "Some believe the Limitless Emperor cannot truly die since he's become a fulcrum of the Era, but his influence in the present should be extremely limited. The Dark Age was a calamity, but it's also protecting our age by trapping some dangerous existences in the past."

"So what should I do now?"

"I have provided the necessary context. The path forward is still yours to decide."

The token dimmed and shattered, leaving Zac's eyes wide with alarm. Had their conversation overdrafted the token, or had Leandra intentionally severed their connection? Either case, it looked like this would be the last time he saw his mother until he tracked her down. Or at least until he visited her hidden base inside Sanctuary.

Her explanation at the end left more questions than answers. She hadn't seemed overly worried, but his encounter with Laondio's lingering will felt far more ominous now. Was the Emperor's help just raising another pig to the slaughter? While Karz provided the Daos, would Laondio have Zac provide the Voids?

Was that what the repeated warnings to 'Beware the Terminus' meant? Was it a lingering wisp of Karz's will, trying to protect a descendant from meeting the same end?

The notion made Zac shudder, but the fact that she felt confident staying on the sidelines was good news. Leandra was adamant about completing her clan's undertaking, which he was once a critical part of. He didn't believe she wanted him dead since that would squander a resource that could prove useful in the future.

Zac wanted to stay angry at his mother for what she'd done, for betraying his childhood memories. It was getting increasingly difficult. No matter her intentions, it was undeniable she'd helped him time and time again.

He still didn't know why that Sindris descendant gave him the beacon or token, but knowing her background and their connection was enough for now. He would have to figure out the rest if their paths crossed again.

As for what exactly happened between Karz and Laondio, it still was impossible to say. Leandra's guesses were as good as his, even if his visions gave him unique insight. His Dao Vision showed how Laondio might have usurped Karz's throne, but it was entirely possible Karz was a traitor as well.

Karz's harsh origins had left him cynical, looking at the world in terms of benefits and threats. Laondio's plan to build the System could have interfered with Karz's goal of surpassing the Heavens through his bloodline. It would have made sense to join the Selvari at that point since they were the only ones strong enough to oppose the Limitless Empire.

It was even possible that Karz approached the Selvari Forefathers with the sole intention of consuming them. He'd mentioned that the demands on resources grew along with his strength. The Selvari Founders were among the most powerful beings in existence, so Karz might have considered them and their inventions the perfect fuel to take the next step of his cultivation.

Zac had a harder time understanding the origin of the title 'Void Emperor.' Did his bloodline's name really come from a sarcastic nickname? Zac refused to believe it, even if there weren't any hints of Void Energy in his Bloodline Visions. There was more at play, beyond the fact he was literally a Void Cultivator.

Karz might not cultivate Void Energy, but he was a lot like the true Void Mountain. In every Era, the Dao eventually collapsed to be rebuilt atop the ancient foundations of the Void. Karz was the same. His existence was just like the birth of an Era. He started with nothing but a solid foundation, on which his personal Heaven steadily grew more complete.

That theory could also explain what the 'corruption' meant. Like Karz, Zac started at zero affinities, which was theoretically impossible. However, while Karz grew toward the Heavens, Zac's bloodline dug into the soil toward the Void. Perhaps his Void Affinities were steadily growing as he progressed; he just didn't have any good method to measure it.

An urgent vibration from his spatial ring snapped Zac out of his thoughts. His followers knew he was busy, so they wouldn't call him if it weren't important.

"What's wrong?"

"Y-Young lord! The exchange, it's" Ilvere's frantic voice came from the other end.

"The exchange?" Zac said, shooting to his feet in anger. "Has someone broken through a battlefront?!"

"No, it's the Merit! It's unbelievable!"

"Oh, the Acheron Company is participating in an important battle. I'm sure it's awarded more than" Zac said with some annoyance, but Ilvere cut him off.

"What kind of operation awards millions of Faction Merit? Are our people safe?"

"It's still too early todid you say millions?"

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