Dear sweetheart novel (Rayna and Julian)

Chapter 654

Chapter 654

Chapter 654

Rayna caught Curtis' roaming hand and gradually turned around. “There's something I wanted to ask you. How did you and James discover that I was on Conch Island?'’

“James and Jeremy hacked the entire global satellite system. In fact. Jeremy wrote a command and uploaded it into the system so that it could rapidly produce the information he required.*’ Curtis looked down at Rayna. Wlien he heard her bring the matter up on her own accord, he wondered if she had somehow thought of a lead. “Did something come to mind?”

Rayna shook her head. “No, it was just a random question.”

She had no recollection of how she was taken from Norwal City to Yartran. Even after deliberating upon her experience after she awoke, she could barely make any sense of it.

“Weren't you plaiming on getting some sleep? I'll stay by your side.” Rayna wrapped her aims around Curtis.

With that. Curtis swept her off her feet and carried her from the balcony to the bedroom.

At three in the afternoon, Curtis accompanied Rayna to visit Jefferson's grave.

She earned a bouquet of camellia flowers in her arms, which Curtis helped her place it in front of the grave.

“I'm sony that it has taken me so long to visit you,” Rayna remarked. “I was busy, as a lot has happened recently.”

“I have put Ringo in charge of Terblanc Group. Everything is going well, so there's nothing for you to worry about. Also, the children and I are doing fine.” While speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by

Curtis' phone ringing.

“I'm sony. I forgot to put it on silent mode.*’ Curtis apologized when he saw’ the look Rayna gave him. “It's a call from the office. I'll take it by the side. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Rayna hummed in acknowledgment as she pulled her aims away from Curtis' elbow.

With liis phone in hand. Curtis gave her forehead a peck before reminding her, “Don't w’ander off. Just wrait here for me.” With that, he walked tow’ard some nearby shrubs and took his call.

After waiting in front of the grave for ten minutes, Rayna—white cane in hand—decided to look for Curtis when there was still no sign of him. All of a sudden, she ran into a woman who gasped at the impact, causing Rayna to backpedal by reflex.

“I'm sony. Did I... hurt you?” Rayna inquired, as she was unable to see if she had knocked the person down.

The lady was stunned to see Rayna but quickly broke into a smile. “No.”

“Thank God,*’ Rayna replied as she prepared to extend her white cane. At the same time, the lady in front of Rayna scrutinized the latter with a cocked brow’.

After scanning her surroundings to make sure that there was no one around, the woman waved her hand in front of Rayna. When she didn't receive a reaction, she wras momentarily stunned but quickly regained her composure.

“Are you going somewhere?” the woman asked as she held Rayna's aim to express her goodwill. Wlien Rayna didn't resist, the woman added. “I realize you can't see well. So, you have to be careful as there's a step on your right.*’

“Thank you.” Rayna gently swiped the woman's hand away, for she never liked to be in physical contact with strangers. If her blindness hadn't slowed her reaction time, she would have already declined the woman's help. After thanking the woman, Rayna began retracing the steps in her memory.

She had remembered that there was a steep step before arriving at Jefferson's grave but couldn't recall if it was on the right or the left. Moreover, the lady's words just nowr had only muddled her sense of direction even further.

In spite of that, Rayna was still put her guard up against strangers.

After pondering a moment, she began to feel her wray to the left.

Meanwhile, Curtis had returned from making the call when he saw Rayna trying to make her wray forward. However, there was a meter-tall step in front of her with a gravel path below;

“Rayna. stop right there!” Curtis yelled. Rayna. wrho was about to take another step foivvard. quickly retracted it. However, her panic caused her to accidentally place her foot on the ledge, resulting in her losing her balance.

“Rayna!” Curtis' heart sank as he watched her fall down the steps, for he couldn't get to her in time.

Upon realizing that the fall was inevitable. Rayna simply waited for the impact instead of bracing herself.

However, she was surprised when she felt herself being caught in a w’ann embrace instead of the pain she was expecting.

“Oof.” The grunt of a male voice quickly snapped Rayna back to reality. “Are you all right?”

Thinking that it was Curtis wdio caught her. Rayna sat up with the support of one hand on the gravel path and the other on the man's body. “Are you hurt?”

“Rayna!*’ Curtis jumped down from the ledge and pulled her back to her feet. Thereafter, he checked her anxiously for wounds. “Are you all right?”

“Curtis?” Rayna turned around to hold his elbow; “Wasn't that you just now?”

Her wrords caused Curtis to turn his attention to the man wdio wras just getting back to his feet. At that moment, an indiscernible glint flashed across his eyes. “Thank you for saving my wrife.”

“You're welcome. I was just passing by.” Just as the man spoke, he looked down and saw’ that liis shirt wras tom on the right arm, revealing the lacerations on his skin. Thereafter, he returned his gaze towrard Curtis and Rayna. “It seems that your wife is unable to see. As her husband, howr can you allow’ her to stay here alone?”

From the look in the man's eyes, it wras clear that he wras upset with Curtis.

Cognizant of the man's displeasure. Curtis turned to check on Rayna before returning his attention to the man. It was then that he saw’ a woman coming around via a slope on the other side.

With an anxious look on her face, the woman hurried up to the man's side. The moment she saw’ the w’ound on his right elbow; she scowled in Rayna's direction. Nonetheless, her reaction didn't escape Curtis' eyes.

“I already told you that there was a step on the right. Why did you insist on walking there?” the w’oman reprimanded Rayna. “If it wasn't because of my brother's quick reaction, you would have been disfigured for life.”

The woman wasn't being dramatic at all, as the place Rayna fell upon was a track made of sharp gravel. If the man hadn't caught Rayna. she would have been badly scarred if she had hit the ground face-first. If it wras her head that landed first, she would likely have lost her life.

“I'm sony. I wras just—” Rayna didn't expect the woman's w’aniing to be true. Hence, she felt guilty for troubling a stranger unnecessarily due to her own stubbornness.

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